The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I would say that spilling coffee onto my pants would be the final middle finger of 2016, but its still 2016 for another hour where I am...

  • enter image description here

    3 years on the forum finally ^-^

  • Woo!

    Green613 posted: »

    3 years on the forum finally ^-^

  • I didn't think it would hurt so much to not be invited to a party. I thought it would be a small thing but apparently the "gang" was there and everyone had a wonderful time, damn, it stings pretty deep.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited December 2016

    Schmappy New Year!

  • 2016 is such a douche. Good riddance.

  • Do you otherwise stay in frequent contact with your friends? Do you make yourself available to hang out often? That might help if you do not already do so.

    I didn't think it would hurt so much to not be invited to a party. I thought it would be a small thing but apparently the "gang" was there and everyone had a wonderful time, damn, it stings pretty deep.

  • R.I.P 2016 - here is a fitting eulogy

  • edited January 2017

    © 2016 Telltale, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

    yall old

  • If you read the description it said ''I might consider putting more into the video'' I am lazy. Ratchet and Clank was fun to and the games you mentioned don't have my interest unfortunately but I see why people like them.

    Really? You only found 2 games worthy of being your favorites? What about Stardew Valley, or DOOM, or Dark Souls III, or Overwatch, or Resid

  • Does anyone want to know the meaning of life?

    enter image description here

  • edited January 2017

    enter image description here

  • Oh, I didn't read the description since it doesn't appear on the Telltale site. Sorry about that.

    joshua007 posted: »

    If you read the description it said ''I might consider putting more into the video'' I am lazy. Ratchet and Clank was fun to and the games you mentioned don't have my interest unfortunately but I see why people like them.

  • edited January 2017

    It's so cute how the gang is standing around looking all happy and stuff. Almost tricks people into thinking 15 is one happy adventure.

    But I have 2 nitpicks with the image. 1. Where is best girl Aranea? 2. Where the fuck is Jared?

    joshua007 posted: »


  • It's beautiful.

    R.I.P 2016 - here is a fitting eulogy

  • edited January 2017

    And I gotta say, I'm not a fan of how in the rebooted Tomb Raider games, they decided to make it so that Lara also breaks everything she touches.

    But it makes me wonder... what would happen if reboot Lara and Drake were in the same room? My God... think of all the destruction....

    This is quality content.

  • Nice!

    Green613 posted: »

    3 years on the forum finally ^-^

  • I forgot he was even still alive until I saw it on a news aggregate. Pleasantly surprised, though. He's a treasure. :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Hey, I had no idea Dave Barry was still writing those year-in-review articles! Thanks for the pointer!

  • Happy New Year everyone! Here's hoping that 2017 is an awesome year!

  • So the next Nintendo Switch Direct that will reveal the price, release date, launch games, etc, is only 2 weeks away. I have my fingers crossed for Laura Dale to be right, when her sources told her Monolith Soft will reveal their upcoming game at this direct (Soraya Saga, Takahashi's wife and co-writer for many of his past projects, retweeted it too). Also hoping it is a direct sequel to X, considering how it ended, and how a huge chunk of the plot was cut from the game.

  • Dealing with salty, overly competitive people on games like Overwatch and Dead by Daylight is starting to get under my usually thick skin. I think it's time to just quest quietly on World of Warcraft or replay TWD season 3 for the third time. B)

  • I'm literally watching people's giant Zits get popped. The fuck am I doing with my life?

  • 42, duh.

    Does anyone want to know the meaning of life?

  • Metallica

    Does anyone want to know the meaning of life?

  • That's the best Monty Python movie.

    Does anyone want to know the meaning of life?

  • edited January 2017

    For NieR Automata, I wonder how Yoko Taro will outdo himself when it comes to being a troll. Dude added the feature where in NieR's last ending, the game erases your save file for good, in secrecy from the rest of the team (when they found out, it was too late to remove it). Maybe Automata will corrupt your PS4/PC's hard drive.

  • It is.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    That's the best Monty Python movie.

  • 2017 is off to a great fucking start.

    This is gonna be a good year. I know it.

  • I have been working on my FF15 review and it's 1/4 done for those who are interested in it

  • Well can't wait to read someone else's thoughts on the game, especially from someone who waited for the game for as long as I did.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I have been working on my FF15 review and it's 1/4 done for those who are interested in it

  • High five!
    enter image description here

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well can't wait to read someone else's thoughts on the game, especially from someone who waited for the game for as long as I did.

  • enter image description here

    joshua007 posted: »

    High five!

  • Ben was a frickin legend. RIP.

  • I'll be interested, I love the game but I can see why ff fans could hate it so yeah I'll read your review ^-^

    joshua007 posted: »

    I have been working on my FF15 review and it's 1/4 done for those who are interested in it

  • edited January 2017

    Making mine Final Fantasy XV review I realized I have to split up my review because it contains the hole universe except Justice Monsters thing and Kings Quest. There is to much for one review so I will have to review the Anime and Movie in another post and they will be mentioned in mine game review.
    And I want to treat it with care because I waited something like ten years.

  • I finished watching Captain America: Civil War. I liked it and I LOVED Tom Holland's performance.

  • That was one of my favorite MCU movies yet! What did you think of the airport scene?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I finished watching Captain America: Civil War. I liked it and I LOVED Tom Holland's performance.

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