The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I get dehydrated extremely easily so I always have water in my room in case I wake up in the middle of the night dehydrated. As for why it was ice cold, my window has been stuck open all winter because it won't fuckin' close so everything in my room is cold.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    No one else is asking, so I guess it'll have to be me. Why is there ice cold water sitting on your headboard?

  • edited January 2017

    Was this girl flirting with me?

    So back on January 1st I was on Freemont Street in Vegas celebrating. Anyway, There was this girl there, I'm gonna guess in her mid 20s, maybe early 30s. We were listening to this band, and then we started dancing a little bit.

    While dancing, she moved right up and rubbed her body against me, especially her breasts. And it wasnt an accident, it was deliberate.

    I have never been great about reading non-verbal social cues, so I have to ask was she flirting? Or is that a flirting move in and of itself?

    Honestly I never thought I'd be asking this question on here, but what're you gonna do. Lol!

  • Dude, she rubbed her tits on you, I'm inclined to say yes.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Was this girl flirting with me? So back on January 1st I was on Freemont Street in Vegas celebrating. Anyway, There was this girl there,

  • I mean, probably? I can't pick up hints for shit, but if she was like, rubbing her tits on you, she was probably flirting.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Was this girl flirting with me? So back on January 1st I was on Freemont Street in Vegas celebrating. Anyway, There was this girl there,

  • edited January 2017

    No, that title goes to Michael Douglas' dad, the Legendary Kirk Douglas, who just turned 100 years old this past year.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Chuch Norris is older than the universe.

  • Yep, flirting. Though if you're just now figuring this out, it's probably too late.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Was this girl flirting with me? So back on January 1st I was on Freemont Street in Vegas celebrating. Anyway, There was this girl there,

  • edited January 2017

    Easy come easy go. At least now I know what to look for next time. ;-)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Yep, flirting. Though if you're just now figuring this out, it's probably too late.

  • one of my (kind of) internet friends sent me a present for christmas and i finally got it today. <33
    i feel bad that i wasn't able to get them anything though.

  • edited January 2017

    double post. fml

  • Was this girl flirting with me?

    While dancing, she moved right up and rubbed her body against me, especially her breasts. And it wasnt an accident, it was deliberate.

    Noooooooooo, of course not.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Was this girl flirting with me? So back on January 1st I was on Freemont Street in Vegas celebrating. Anyway, There was this girl there,

  • Thank you, senor smart-ass. Lol!

    Was this girl flirting with me? While dancing, she moved right up and rubbed her body against me, especially her breasts. And it wasnt an accident, it was deliberate. Noooooooooo, of course not.

  • No problem my debbie downer friend. ;)

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Thank you, senor smart-ass. Lol!

  • To be fair shaggy and godsmack are dated as fuck you must have been like 11 when those guys were popular

    Ezuthyus posted: »

    I must be getting old at 27. As I've mentioned before in a previous thread, I'm a manager at Pizza Hut. Music is almost definitely a necessi

  • To be fair, not every woman is going to rub up against you like that. This website is good for learning about the more subtle cues, if you're interested.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Easy come easy go. At least now I know what to look for next time. ;-)

  • A new Resident Evil movie comes out this year. But this feels much like an action movie than a survival horror movie. But I want to see it because it has Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield and Rebecca Chambers, some of the most iconic Resident Evil characters.

  • Awesome, you got your friend a double post!

    Just say thanks and send him/her something funny you found on the Internet in return.

    ash2ashes posted: »

    double post. fml

  • Go ahead, but treat it only like a hobby. You won't grow big really fast. Heck, some people will never grow big. It's just how it is on YT.

    I want to start a YouTube channel, but I'm kinda scared.

  • Both are still around making music, but aren't as popular. And yeah, they're a little dated. That's my point. That's part of what makes me feel old. These people I grew up listening to that some of the younger crowds have no clue about.

    To be fair shaggy and godsmack are dated as fuck you must have been like 11 when those guys were popular

  • double posts are the best gift ever!
    and i'll probably end up doing something like that, thanks dude.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Awesome, you got your friend a double post! Just say thanks and send him/her something funny you found on the Internet in return.

  • I'm not following news or reddit but is brexit happening still? Will England skedaddle out of Europe

  • But you are my universe baby.

    papai46 posted: »

    Chuck Norris is the universe.

  • Yeah, the government is just taking ages to do it because they don't really know what to do. We'll be out without 26 months - the right-wing party in charge has said we will trigger the 2 year leaving period by march of this year.

    tylergem2 posted: »

    I'm not following news or reddit but is brexit happening still? Will England skedaddle out of Europe

  • Smack me papa

    papai46 posted: »

    Chuck Norris is the universe.

  • edited January 2017

    Considering how awesome the first 2 CG ResE movies were, I'm pretty excited for this one.

    EDIT: Okay, so I clicked reply when making this comment but apparently the fucking site didn't think so. My comment was in response to AronDracula's comment.

  • edited January 2017

    The only game movie I really liked was Assassin's Creed which I tell soon why but FF15 comes first but I am interested in the Resident Evil CG movie

    AronDracula posted: »

    A new Resident Evil movie comes out this year. But this feels much like an action movie than a survival horror movie. But I want to see it b

  • where are yall people going though

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yeah, the government is just taking ages to do it because they don't really know what to do. We'll be out without 26 months - the right-wing party in charge has said we will trigger the 2 year leaving period by march of this year.

  • Coulda been an accident. Someones my tits get a magnetic attraction and pull whatever is in front of me. Happens all the time. Probably an accident.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Was this girl flirting with me? So back on January 1st I was on Freemont Street in Vegas celebrating. Anyway, There was this girl there,

  • Well now I had to google "magnetic tits", and here's the result

    I'm not proud

    Coulda been an accident. Someones my tits get a magnetic attraction and pull whatever is in front of me. Happens all the time. Probably an accident.

  • Who the hell posted my magnetic tit video on the internet?

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Well now I had to google "magnetic tits", and here's the result I'm not proud

  • Are there any other good Resident Evil games? I'm using PS4 only. I heard that Capcom is remaking Resident Evil 2 but it's gonna take a really long time.

  • edited January 2017

    I wish it would snow in my country. It hasn't snowed for 6 fucking years; it just rains.

  • The Resident Evil 2 remake is apparently coming out this year or next year so who knows. As for any good ones, Resident Evil 5 as I mentioned before is dumb but a good time. Resident Evil Revelations is awesome, but not as good as Revelations 2, and sadly possibly not on PS4. Revelations 2 is fantastic. It's episodic but the first episode is completely free and it comes with a ton of bonus stuff like Raid Mode, bonus stuff to do replaying the episode, etc.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Are there any other good Resident Evil games? I'm using PS4 only. I heard that Capcom is remaking Resident Evil 2 but it's gonna take a really long time.

  • I'd rather have it rain here honestly. I love rain.

    I wish it would snow in my country. It hasn't snowed for 6 fucking years; it just rains.

  • enter image description here

    First drawing of 2017. Not bad if I do say so myself.

  • There are 2 Resident Evil CG movies before this one, and they're both fantastic. Much better than any live action video game movie. I highly recommend checking it out.

    Also, I would say the first Silent Hill movie is infinitely better than Assassin's Creed, but the thing is you have to be a Silent Hill fan for it to be good, so it's quality is really in the eye of the beholder. Since I love Silent Hill and think the Assassin's Creed series is... not great, then I found a lot of enjoyment in how faithful Christophe Gans' rendition of the foggy ghost town was to the original games. But I will give the AC movie credit. Despite my burning disliking for Assassin's Creed and Ubisoft as a whole, the movie was actually interesting. And maybe it's just my blind fanboyism for Michael Fassbender, but his performance was pretty awesome.

    joshua007 posted: »

    The only game movie I really liked was Assassin's Creed which I tell soon why but FF15 comes first but I am interested in the Resident Evil CG movie

  • I'm very careful about clicking links. What website is it from?

    hemfbg posted: »

    To be fair, not every woman is going to rub up against you like that. This website is good for learning about the more subtle cues, if you're interested.

  • Somebody call Scarce because this is some spicy tit drama.

    Who the hell posted my magnetic tit video on the internet?

  • You have no idea what you're talking about.

    In Chicago, on average around 180 days a year (so half the year), the weather gets below zero. That leaves many opportunities for snow, and it SUCKS. Luckily we haven't gotten more than 5 inches this winter. A few winters ago, it was 4 ft of snow.

    It's so freaking cold, the snow blinds your eyes if it's sunny out, the streets are full of slush that turns gray and brown from dirty tires, you can't go ANYWHERE.

    I'd take rain over snow any day.

    I wish it would snow in my country. It hasn't snowed for 6 fucking years; it just rains.

  • That's really freaking epic, considering I can't even draw letters with my mouse. What program do you use?

    First drawing of 2017. Not bad if I do say so myself.

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