The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • MS Paint because I'm dirt poor.

    fancies posted: »

    That's really freaking epic, considering I can't even draw letters with my mouse. What program do you use?

  • You don't need an $800 photoshop program to make art. :)

    MS Paint because I'm dirt poor.

  • Peasant

    MS Paint because I'm dirt poor.

  • True.

    fancies posted: »

    You don't need an $800 photoshop program to make art.

  • Well at least I'm not weeb.


  • enter image description here

    Well at least I'm not weeb.

  • edited January 2017

    It's really nothing to worry about. I don't know exactly how to describe it but it's basically an online book with nineteen chapters about body language etc. It's got a bunch of subheadings too so you can choose the chapters you're actually interested in reading (chapter 15 is the most relevant to this situation). The best part? No ads.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm very careful about clicking links. What website is it from?

  • edited January 2017

    Michael Fassbender did his job well I don't know any other actor who could've made me like his movie character Callum.
    And you have to be a fan of AC to enjoy the movie mostly
    If you are new and love action the movie has alot

    There are 2 Resident Evil CG movies before this one, and they're both fantastic. Much better than any live action video game movie. I highly

  • edited January 2017

    Resident evil remastered, resident evil 0, resident evil 4 and I think 5 might be on psn and of course the beginning hour demo. All worth playing people especially like 4.

    Edit 5 and 6 are both available on ps4 and are good for couch coop if you have a friend or significant other to play with there is also re revelations 2 but I didn't like that one much and its terrible for coop play p2 literally does nothing but point at shinies

    AronDracula posted: »

    Are there any other good Resident Evil games? I'm using PS4 only. I heard that Capcom is remaking Resident Evil 2 but it's gonna take a really long time.

  • See I hated revelations 2, did you play it in coop at all

    The Resident Evil 2 remake is apparently coming out this year or next year so who knows. As for any good ones, Resident Evil 5 as I mentione

  • edited January 2017

    What a disgusting world world we live in enter link description here

    Young mentally handicapped man tortured over 24h because of race.

    E the link I used is actually not very good it doesn't mention that the kidnappers were shouting "fuck trump" "fuck white people" "this is what you get for voting trump". If your interested there are links to the video on reddit but im not interested in watching or linking. The video was streamed via facebook live.

  • Humanity is a piece of shit

    What a disgusting world world we live in enter link description here Young mentally handicapped man tortured over 24h because of race.

  • I did play and finish Resident Evil HD, 0 and 4. And I think I'm kinda crazy for planning to buy RE 5 and 6 because they get bad reviews. I might plan to buy RE Revelations 2 since I played episode 1 and I liked it.

    Resident evil remastered, resident evil 0, resident evil 4 and I think 5 might be on psn and of course the beginning hour demo. All worth p

  • It must have taken ages to draw in ms pleb

    MS Paint because I'm dirt poor.

  • Snow does look pretty flipping magical, when there is enough of it, of course.

    I wish it would snow in my country. It hasn't snowed for 6 fucking years; it just rains.

  • Try Paint Tool SAI. With curve (or what-in-the-world-ever it's actually called) you can easier shape, draw.

    First drawing of 2017. Not bad if I do say so myself.

  • ... I just discovered a mound of what I pray is just dirt under the heater in my dorm room.

    What is wrong with this place.

  • I've probably said this before on here, but I tried Paint Tool SAI and it just wasn't my thing. I couldn't pick it up well enough and I just wasn't interested in using the interface.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Try Paint Tool SAI. With curve (or what-in-the-world-ever it's actually called) you can easier shape, draw.

  • It usually does. Each one of these drawings can range anywhere from 4 hours to 7.

    It must have taken ages to draw in ms pleb

  • Agreed. I'll probably watch it again when it comes out on DVD. It was an enjoyable action flick.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Michael Fassbender did his job well I don't know any other actor who could've made me like his movie character Callum. And you have to be a fan of AC to enjoy the movie mostly If you are new and love action the movie has alot

  • Nah, none of my pals play it so I gotta gun it alone.

    See I hated revelations 2, did you play it in coop at all

  • Absolutely disgusting.

    I wonder, would the world be a better place if we did not exist? Probably. I would say humanity was a "mistake", but that would imply some higher being oversaw our creation.

    Oh well, someday the human race will probably bring upon its own extinction anyway.

    What a disgusting world world we live in enter link description here Young mentally handicapped man tortured over 24h because of race.

  • edited January 2017

    My final fantasy 15 review will be online in two hours or less I am at the end so maybe under a hour but I have to hard work for that

    Review is online down below this comment FF15 review below

  • MichaelBP said:.
    Oh well, someday the human race will probably bring upon its own extinction anyway.

    Well, considering humankind are collectively sticking our heads in the sand and engaging in hardcore cognitive dissonance over Climate Change, I could see that happening sooner than later, so there's always that. :/

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Absolutely disgusting. I wonder, would the world be a better place if we did not exist? Probably. I would say humanity was a "mistake", b

  • edited January 2017

    Final Fantasy XV Review TOUGHEST REVIEW YET

    enter image description here

    As some of you know I am kinda a fan of the Final Fantasy franchise and started a thread for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake long ago and posted a lot of Final Fantasy 15 videos, images and sexuel posts.
    As some of you might know Sex Fantasy XV went through development hell! It started as Sex Fantasy Versus 13 because it used Final Fantasy 13 mythology. The game went through several rewrites, game engine changes and got cancelled once and started from scratch in 2013 and got released in 2016.
    Yeah the game version you played was made... In three years because the other 7 years was Versus 13 and that got cancelled and they begun with the game from scratch... I hope I am clear ask in the comments below for clarafication if you need it.
    The games original director was Tetsuya Nomura the creator and director of the Kingdom Hearts series and he was replaced by Hajime Tabata he is the director of Final Fantasy 7 Crisis Core.
    Hajime Tabata wanted to stay true to Nomura's vision of the game when it still was Versus 13 but that game was way to dark and they removed reaper worship because the game will get a M rating in some country's because of it.
    And was it worth the ten years well I don't believe any game is worth ten years so that is me but is the game good FUCK YEAH!

    The game has the most amazing visuels I have ever played/seen in a open world game, seeing the sun go down at the beach to see the blue fantasy dark sky filled with the most beatifulst stars I have ever seen in a game I could not ask better.

    Open World and Gameplay

    Sex Fantasy 15 focus is the open world which is a big shift in direction in the series which I hope it doesn't continue because I am a story lover. Most Final Fantasy games are mostly story focused and second comes open world here it is different.
    The world of Eos (that's their earth called) is big and alive, it feels like a world that could exist in a place but not here and I want to life in that world to be honest EXCEPT NIGHTTIME XD! I go into that later.
    Every town feels and is different than the last one and gives you quests. Mostly these quests are to be exact most likely: Monster hunting and making deliveries.
    I was worried that that might be the end of the side quests and that Square just gave the middle finger to the consumer and grabbed my 90 euros from me but fortunately that was not the case! Outside the town there are a bunch of events you can run into like: helping somebody with car problems, making pictures, fishing, helping a friend out to find stuff- and OMG this sounds so boring to write down let's get to the most interesting side missions.
    The most interesting side missions are the missions you do with your friends and side characters these are the best in the game beside monster hunting.
    Mostly at camps (there are campgrounds over the map) when you put up the tent you get a option to have a side mission with the other main characters in the game. Mostly these are fun, simple and character building missions and they are well done. I enjoyed these the most and sometimes they explain a bit of themselves in it EXCEPT their backstory (besides the blond kid named Prompto) because Square Fucking Enix wanted me to watch the Anime based on FF15 (which I will review in another post)
    The hole world feels alive because of these characters and I think that is the core of this game and it's world. Without these characters it feels kinda empty even though there are NPC's walking around you can't talk to them and I don't know why you can listen to their conversations ask Square Enix because that is going backwards because in the old games you can talk to anyone... Probably because of budget ooh well nothing big I have my companions.
    There are all kind of different commentary in fights in the world and responds to changes in the world but don't say anything when it's night.
    See when it's night in the world of Eos the most dangerous monsters come out and will try anything to beat you up hahahaha I am kidding they want your guts hahaha (I am lonely)!
    During the night almost nothing is happening and the game wants me to go to bed in the game. Yes there are hotels and restaurants in the game with a car company.

    The open world does become linear near the end of the story and they give you warnings ahead of time that you can't go back for a while. You don't have to worry that you have to rush missions near the end because the world will be there and the creators made a element mechanic in the game so you can still finish all the quests.

    Now let's go to the gameplay

    So here is something that divides the Final Fantasy fans on the game and that is the action based combat system, gone is the turn based system from the old days in with the action gameplay from the present day!
    I am myself more a fan of action combat like Kingdom Hearts and this games plays like a real Final Fantasy Kingdom Hearts game. But Combat is not what Final Fantasy makes Final Fantasy for me actually what Final Fantasy is to me is a game series that takes place in a fantasy world and going on a magical adventure with your friends with character development.
    Turn based and combat are just a way to me to represent that story in a way.
    But now let's fully go into gameplay.
    The action combat is really simple and easy and attack goes smootly I had it under control in a second, actions with party members are amazing fun and you can change it in the game menu of the game. You can have weapons like daggers, swords, guns, spears and more as your gear. You get these weapons buy buying them, finding them as items or get them from somebody.
    Wearing outfits does effect your HP and MP in fights. You can create magic and throw it at enemies like it is a freaking grenade
    enter image description here
    Your party members run most of the time in the spell which is annoying and they die easily.
    You can upgrade your abilities with your party members but the game becomes way to easy to if you do say and level up so if you have a problem with these games don't worry this is easy.
    I let the rest up to you to discover:)

    enter image description here
    So this was the hardest part to make in this review, the story of Final Fantasy 15 has gone through problems and rewrites like my review. See my original review was extended in the story section and gameplay with the movie and anime and I went into detail about that because those two are necessary to the plot of the game itself.

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    Also for the people that complain that Stella is better than Luna when this was still Versus XIII well see Stella was probably gonna die in the beginning of the game anyway probably killed by Noctis and here brother wanted revenge blablabla probably blablabla
    but see
    enter image description here
    It's not that bad ''Sorry couldn't stop myself by throwing that picture in there with Luna XD
    Oke serious right now Luna has hardly any role or personality which is weird because Square was marketing here everywhere as this strong female character but nah she has only 10 minutes of cutscenes which pissed me of.
    I have a really hard time reviewing the story arc of the game because it's not a complete story. You don't have to be afraid that the game ended on a cliffhanger because it doesn't FF15 sequels are in the game, what I meant by saying that is that Verusus XIII was probably gonna be a trilogy but they all put that in FF15 you don't have to worry it doesn't end with a sequel bait or everything you did was a waste the ending is open to you and I liked the ending YEAH I CRIED AT THE END WHAT YOU GONNA DO!?
    FF15 story is the most charming messy plot hole I may have ever played.
    I loved every character in this game and it hurts me to say that most side characters don't get enough screentime because I want to see more of them I don't care how I just want more of Cindy, Cor and everybody else in the game I just damn love this game.
    The game starts strong by leaving your home and parents and your father hopes you are ready for the outside world and your friends help you. It's a story of leaving your home behind and life on your own and face the darkness of the world with your friends meeting the new challenges waiting on the road.
    Every death in the this world matters (the world of Eos) in the beginning of the game somebody dies I won't tell which person if you have missed the advertisement for the game somehow because there was a lot of that before the game came out.
    But certain plot elements don't fit in the games core which is a road trip with your friends (no they are not gay but sexy) really dark things in the beginning don't pace well with the ''OMG this is the best road trip ever'' The darkness later in the game becomes way better and makes the ''happy'' story more sad but still have the soul from the beginning and makes you like the main cast more.
    The games story starts of at a empty road in a desert outside your city, you play as Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum one of the few people in the World that can use magic and you are going with your friends: Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus outside the city. The car is broken and you have to push the car with your friends for atleast a few seconds while the song Stand By Me plays on the background while some people think it's a bad start I think it's great, in the first few seconds I knew what kind of game I was playing with a ton of character building and damn I loved it. Introduction to the side missions are good to and well done in the story.
    Ignis is more the leader of the group with Noctis and he takes care about everyone and everybody in the group
    enter image description here
    Noctis: the first impression everybody get's on this guy is Sasuke from Naruto but he is not him. Noctis is a friendly, shy, gaming, lazy person that I could really relate to and I want to get into that later. Noctis laughs with his friends and loves to be lazy (which original he wanted to sleep a lot but now doesn't because rewrite -_- )
    Noctis is just a cool dude and I put him in my top 10 favorite characters to play as.
    Prompto: Is the ADHD kid from the group and is a gamer himself and loves to have fun with everyone and cheers you up. First I just was like ''he is oke'' but than you cry at the end aaah:)
    Gladiolus: He is more the strong person in the group but has a hard and is loyal to the prince, reads books, is a survival expert and this get's better through the game and well I just the dude I won't tell everything about every character.
    I love the main villian even though you need a 20 minute explanation video if you don't get what he is saying (you see this is one of the problems)
    The linear part is my favorite part of the story in someway because it really works well and plays with my emotions (I am not saying you will cry at the end because the story is very personal to me which I WILL go in later) But this linear part has one bad chapter I prepared myself with 25 potions and 10 ethers potions and that was just enough OF COURSE THIS HAS TO BE CHAPTER 13 IT SUCKS THEY WILL PATCH IT NO SERIOUSLY!
    *(link below)*
    In the story some characters like Aranea Highwind are one of the best characters. The best side characters in the game are the characters that help you during gameplay and are the enemies except this so called Emperor which has one scene in the game and kinda get's dropped but still you get to fight him.
    Aranea is a fighter but doesn't have enough screentime and only get's mentioned by name later in the game like other characters which is a damn freaking shame. But you get so much time with your main cast Prompto, Ignis and Gladiolus that I can kinda forgive it but still:(
    But important parts of their story are skipped over. Why are these characters with Noctis on his journey to meet his beloved bride? What is their background well this get's telled in the Anime which I was going to put here what their background was but that is gonna be a review for later. Some important plot elements like this are plot holes and make the game fail to be a stand alone. You I know the Anime is free and on Youtube but a lot of people don't have the luxury and can't follow things easily in the game WHY do I need to watch a movie named Kingsglaive to understand some important plot holes? I watched the movie before watching the game and the movie has a different focus than the game and doesn't connect with the games world (will be told in my movie review.
    Not everyone is a lore nerd like me so this fails Square Enix!
    For instance before I patched my game beccause the camera sucks YEAH CAMERA SUCKS I got extra cutscenes in the game and for some reason certain scenes that got added in the beginning of the game by the update weren't in the game and I got a shitty taste so INSTALL THAT UPDATE!
    There are dropped plot points and more but... I can't stop loving this story and there are many good things in it and I blame Square Enix for this.
    Square Enix is aware the storry is not finished so they will update the story of the game and soon we can play as 4 main characters instead of Noctis yeaaah but this means I am not playing the same game again over a few months and I just played a beta version of the story.
    I have a lot of love and hate for this story and the worst part is because this game didn't had enough time it didn't become my favorite game of all time which this game had potential for and to defeat Final Fantasy 7.
    This bothers me and this hole development hell should never have happened.
    …. Soon I can play my party yeaaah!

    If you watch the first trailers Yeah miss a lot of content and I think that this game just needed 6 months more but ugh

    Why I can relate to this world
    I myself have a lot of problems with going outside because of my autism, Noctis just reminds me about myself in every action he makes and his friends help you go through stuff and I think Noctis has some kind of depression maybe somewhere in him and he takes jobs and can't say no like me hahaha he loves eating like me.
    I feel more at home in fantasy worlds than realistic worlds (ooh fuck this is making me depressed where are my medicine ooh here)

    Things like this are hard to explain because you don't have the expierence like I have.
    I love the animals, monsters and people of this world and just wish I could be there and leave this all behind.

    Extra's the review continues

    Game has some great voice acting I played the hole game through English and I advice you to play FF15 demo named Platinum Demo because on certain character will know you in the game (game is 100x times better than the demo) and the soundtrack is great, weird epic, joy, sad music and more I freaking love it.
    There will be a multiplayer in the future and you will play as Noctis and your three friends, Cor (a guest character) Iris (a guest character) and maybe Luna your bride in the future.

    I defeated the story under 35 hours with side quests without it it would be 20 hours long, there is no ''OOH SHIT I HAVE TO FINISH THIS BEFORE THE END OF THE GAME'' Developers thought about that just keep calm don't worry.
    I say buy this game now or in the future to get a 3x times better expierence than I ever had the first time playing the game.

    These are the only trailers I advice you to watch

    I will make a Final Fantasy 15 movie review and the Anime like I said but there is one certain movie I want to review because this FF15 review has been in the works for weeks

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    There are many things I haven't said people
    Link to article

    A happy new year and the best wishes I believe in this new direction for Final Fantasy but next time more focus on the story

    See ya in the next review

    (This review might change in the future for better grammar and to get the full picture of the universe)

    enter image description here
    Bet you boys just scrolled down to see how much was on paper and for the people just wanted to know my score there isn't read it
    This is what pappa ment by teaching those boys a lesson


  • Am I the only person here who thinks that Star Wars is a video game plot?
    I love star wars I grew up with it but I kinda consider it a game plot

  • Assassin's Creed Movie review next and that will be way shorter


    I posted this new thread to help users find out how to Edit their threads since the Edit button is still not showing up on the user's end whenever they have posted a thread. It also shows how to embed YouTube videos and how to use large text.

  • You shouldn't require a freaking thread to understand to edit just bring back the old edit button I po

  • 0:03 Mom against me and my sister

  • [shrugs] I don't know why the edit button is gone for regular users, but I don't suspect that it was a deliberate removal. They have strongly hinted that they are working to revamp the forums, so I guess that it will be fixed whenever they launch that forum design update that they hinted at several months ago.

    joshua007 posted: »

    You shouldn't require a freaking thread to understand to edit just bring back the old edit button

  • edited January 2017

    My mom loves The Walking Dead TV show, so i showed her the game. She was complaining about how boring and dumb it is, yet she was getting so much satisfaction out of killing zombies.

    And she said Clementine is a dumb kid :S

    And she said the minister that Lee killed was a zombie

    I'm disappointed.

    So, so disappointed.

  • This. Please, please this.

    joshua007 posted: »

    You shouldn't require a freaking thread to understand to edit just bring back the old edit button

  • How far into the game did you get?

    Adamiks posted: »

    My mom loves The Walking Dead TV show, so i showed her the game. She was complaining about how boring and dumb it is, yet she was getting so

  • She got to that motel, when Glenn needed help

    dojo32161 posted: »

    How far into the game did you get?

  • Saw this earlier today. Jesus Christ it made me sick.

    What a wonderful world we live in.

    What a disgusting world world we live in enter link description here Young mentally handicapped man tortured over 24h because of race.

  • edited January 2017

    I watched the assassin's creed movie and it was great <3
    enter image description here

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