I was searching for some memes on my disk, and i found few pictures of me that i forgot about. Poor quality and angle, but who cares, i'm no… moret a pretty girl so it doesn't matter
By the way, you can't see it from the front, but for first time in my life i have a long hair (a little outdated picture, about few months, so it's longer now)
Lol, that's what I was going for even though it didn't turn out so well.
Had to buy a fake beard due to my 17 year old face not being able to grow anything thick enough as Kenny's God like facial hair.
I know how to post a picture, I just really don't want my picture connected to the forums for reasons. And before anyone asks, the cut on my lip is because they're very chapped. I did not get hit. My hair is up in a ponytail.
Everyone either thinks I'm 12 or 24; there is no in between. I'll be 16 in 3 weeks.
If you're on a computer, you can right-click the photo in the imgur frame and say to copy the image location, or view just the image. You'll get a URL that has an "i." in front of "imgur" and a ".jpg" on the end. Use the image button in the forums, and paste in that link.
You kinda look like Arianny Celeste, UFC ring girl, only difference , I think she has hazel eyes
Nice pic! I like your glasses.
lowers shades
... Whoa.
Lookin sharp brotha!
Thanks man!
aw, you're really pretty! c:
Haha, cool idea
only back then when I was little, no digital photos, lol
Nice smile!
Still looks very cool
Thank you!
Haha, thank you very much.
new here, so i might as well get this out the way
last year

more recent

weird how much my complexion changed over the winter
You're watching too much Power Rangers.
I've never watched Power Rangers. Ever.
Not even for laughs?
No, sir/ma'am. Never watched it, probably never will.
Are you Benjamin Button cuz you look like you're aging in reverse.
No homo tho.
Oldest one I could find, I think I was 14 or 15 when I took this.
Sooo cute
Your haircut is/was popular in China.
rockin that facial hair dude
Thank ye kindly good buddy
Lol i'm a selfie master like Max from Life Is Strange and to be honest i'm not worthy, But just got a new cut so
Guess who's operating on 4 hours of sleep, still looks 12 despite being far older and wants to die. This guy.
Nah, you look older than 12. Hang a darker sheet (or darker blinds) to cut some of that light, which might make sleeping easier.
Yeah, been considering grabbing a darker sheet to use as the curtain. There are a fuckton of street lights outside.
You don't look 12. You look like you're in your early to mid 20s, at least.
Most recent picture of me that I quickly just took.
I know how to post a picture, I just really don't want my picture connected to the forums for reasons. And before anyone asks, the cut on my lip is because they're very chapped. I did not get hit. My hair is up in a ponytail.
Everyone either thinks I'm 12 or 24; there is no in between. I'll be 16 in 3 weeks.
Looking good, bud.
Been on here for a few years, might as well show my face. I got the same problem as HelloWorld123 with the whole age thing
I'm 21.
Thought this was a selfie worth sharing
Greetings from Barcelona!
Old friends and long time users already seen me before. But since I'm new again, here I am: http://imgur.com/X9hBvmg
Your city is very cool!
Haha, not really my city, but it is indeed very cool!
This is a selfie of me as catwoman on Halloween
Don't post here too often, but I'm willing to join the selfie game. Greetings from Ohio!
http://i.imgur.com/NmYxhFJ.jpgI have no idea how to post pics but here's me in my favorite sunglasses!
If you're on a computer, you can right-click the photo in the imgur frame and say to copy the image location, or view just the image. You'll get a URL that has an "i." in front of "imgur" and a ".jpg" on the end. Use the image button in the forums, and paste in that link.
Those round sunglasses remind me of John Lennon.