The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • "HeywhatsupguysitsScarcehere, and today we're taking a look at some lady's tits that apparently became magnetic"

    Somebody call Scarce because this is some spicy tit drama.

  • Theres a weird sounding animal outside and its creeping me out

  • Is there a full moon outside?

    Theres a weird sounding animal outside and its creeping me out

  • Im too scared to look :scream:

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Is there a full moon outside?

  • Do you have any silver?

    Im too scared to look

  • Quarter moon it seems 53% full.

    Too bad. The Werewolves of London were going to run them up in Kent.

    I know a thing or too about animals, where are you located (bank account would be helpful) and what does it sound like?

    Im too scared to look

  • I know a guy at the Lucky Pawn, goes by the name of Crooked Man. He can hook you with some silver bullets... for the right price.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Do you have any silver?

  • It goes wupwupwup every few minutes

    Quarter moon it seems 53% full. Too bad. The Werewolves of London were going to run them up in Kent. I know a thing or too about animals, where are you located (bank account would be helpful) and what does it sound like?

  • Ah damn, I already chose to go to The Cut Above instead...

    I know a guy at the Lucky Pawn, goes by the name of Crooked Man. He can hook you with some silver bullets... for the right price.

  • Ah, the rare and extraordinary dangerous Chupacabra. I suggest a blood sacrifice is in order.

    It goes wupwupwup every few minutes

  • (Rewind, rewind! It's not too late...)

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Ah damn, I already chose to go to The Cut Above instead...

  • (It's fine, we go there afterwards anyway!)

    (Rewind, rewind! It's not too late...)

  • Keep us updated so we'll know if it's eaten you or not

    Theres a weird sounding animal outside and its creeping me out

  • To all seniors: this is it. Five more months until graduation. We have to end this year off with a bang!

    enter image description here

  • edited January 2017

    Some TWDG fans on Twitter discovered that Clem's model was reused in ANF, and now they're tweeting shit like "#TelltaleIsOverParty", calling Telltale pathetic, and telling them to "cancel ANF and work on the true Season 3"

    Some parts of this fandom never cease to irritate me.

    Edit: It's been about ten minutes since it was discovered. They're still losing their minds. I can't believe how large of an overrreaction this is.

    Double edit: Sorry if this is offensive to anyone. I'm just so goddamn tired of the negativity at this point.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Does it sound like this (noise starts at 14 seconds)

    If so it's a fox shriek.

    Theres a weird sounding animal outside and its creeping me out

  • Let me guess, they used Clem's model when creating Mariana?

    Some TWDG fans on Twitter discovered that Clem's model was reused in ANF, and now they're tweeting shit like "#TelltaleIsOverParty", calling

  • Bingo.

    I don't think it's that big of a deal, personally.

    I mean, it's lazy as fuck and I'd rather they didn't do it in the future, but it's nothing new for Telltale.

    Adamiks posted: »

    Let me guess, they used Clem's model when creating Mariana?

  • I know we all wanted her to be a disheveled old cat lady by season 3, but we all can't get what we want. Relax.

    Some TWDG fans on Twitter discovered that Clem's model was reused in ANF, and now they're tweeting shit like "#TelltaleIsOverParty", calling

  • I don't really care, i wouldn't even notice it if not that somebody put Clem's hair on Mariana and uploaded it in the screenshot thread

    Besides, she died pretty damn fast, so there is also that.

    Bingo. I don't think it's that big of a deal, personally. I mean, it's lazy as fuck and I'd rather they didn't do it in the future, but it's nothing new for Telltale.

  • edited January 2017

    I have to hold back for this comment
    Edit: atleast the characters don't survive everything thrown at them:)

    Adamiks posted: »

    My mom loves The Walking Dead TV show, so i showed her the game. She was complaining about how boring and dumb it is, yet she was getting so

  • It definitely wasnt that shreiking noise they make but I think it might have been a lost pup or a pining mate I kept hearing it all night it would walk up and down the road and around the back of the house I cant realy describe the sound but it was sad :( I went out a couple of times with a torch to check it wasnt a injured dog and found nothing.

    That shreiking cant be scary as fuck so can cats queening

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Does it sound like this (noise starts at 14 seconds) If so it's a fox shriek.

  • edited January 2017

    I just realized that when i was born, there was 1 billion less people on Earth than there is today, which is 7.4 billion.

    I was born in 2001, and population count that year was 6.2 billion.

    When i hit my 50's, population count should be around from 9 billion to 10 billion.

    Assuming no apocalypse or world war occurs, and that i'm not going to die young, i should witness around 3-4 billion population growth.

    enter image description here

  • Well, I beat Dark Souls III. I've now finished all 3 Dark Souls games. Jesus man this... this is a feeling. I'm kind of emotional.

  • enter image description here

    Well, I beat Dark Souls III. I've now finished all 3 Dark Souls games. Jesus man this... this is a feeling. I'm kind of emotional.

  • After completing Dark Souls

    enter image description here

    Well, I beat Dark Souls III. I've now finished all 3 Dark Souls games. Jesus man this... this is a feeling. I'm kind of emotional.

  • This is true.

    After completing Dark Souls

  • How was it if I may ask? That's been a series I've been looking into getting, but I don't know all that much about it. Is the story any good, how is the gameplay?

    Well, I beat Dark Souls III. I've now finished all 3 Dark Souls games. Jesus man this... this is a feeling. I'm kind of emotional.

  • Well, i never actually played it (because there is way too many issues with Dark Souls 1 on PC without a gamepad, and i don't really feel like starting from a second game), but from what i know about it, it's pretty damn hard.

    Oh, and there is that "Praise the sun!" guy who became a meme.

    How was it if I may ask? That's been a series I've been looking into getting, but I don't know all that much about it. Is the story any good, how is the gameplay?

  • Assuming no apocalypse or world war occurs,

    I wouldn't necessarily make that assumption in the current climate :P

    Adamiks posted: »

    I just realized that when i was born, there was 1 billion less people on Earth than there is today, which is 7.4 billion. I was born in 2

  • The gameplay of Dark Souls 1 is appalling if using keyboard and mouse. Strongly do not recommend it if that is your preferred gaming style.

    How was it if I may ask? That's been a series I've been looking into getting, but I don't know all that much about it. Is the story any good, how is the gameplay?

  • True. Humanity is more and more fucked every single day. I doubt people who calculated population growth took climate changes into account.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Assuming no apocalypse or world war occurs, I wouldn't necessarily make that assumption in the current climate :P

  • I always use a controller, even for PC games, so that's not really an issue for me, but thanks for the heads up.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The gameplay of Dark Souls 1 is appalling if using keyboard and mouse. Strongly do not recommend it if that is your preferred gaming style.

  • Now I use an Xbox 360 controller when I play a PC game, does that mean that it would not be compatible for Dark Souls 1?

    Adamiks posted: »

    Well, i never actually played it (because there is way too many issues with Dark Souls 1 on PC without a gamepad, and i don't really feel li

  • It's fantastic. It takes a lot to get into and it'll definitely be difficult, but once you get it down it's an unforgettable experience. Gameplay is tight and it was built to fit around any play style, be it Pyromancy, Sorcery, Tanking or Full on Assault. The story is great, but you have to find a lot of it by reading item descriptions, talking to NPCs and watching cutscenes.

    Each game has amazing visuals and textures so high quality that the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions can't run it on anything higher than Medium settings, the gameplay is stressful and fast paced but it gives you safe havens every now and again, the music is absolutely wonderful and the boss fights are fucking memorable and impressive as shit, yes they're difficult but beating them is so god damn rewarding.

    Only issues I can think of are that the PC ports of the games are pretty bad and Dark Souls II is the worst of the bunch with some odd gameplay choices, plenty of gank areas and boring boss fights. But other than that the game is absolutely fantastic. It's just not one you can jump into though. You have to have patience and you have to be ready. If I had any tips for playing it, read every Developer note on the ground in the beginning areas of the game. Information like that could save your damn life.

    How was it if I may ask? That's been a series I've been looking into getting, but I don't know all that much about it. Is the story any good, how is the gameplay?

  • The 360 Controller is compatible with the PC version, so you're good. You might have to tweak your controls though. I'd recommend getting DSfix. It'll fix a ton of the framerate problems and glitches, and improve the graphics.

    Now I use an Xbox 360 controller when I play a PC game, does that mean that it would not be compatible for Dark Souls 1?

  • That moment you are on a forum and you are so much fanboting that the fans stop asking you to be so energinic over the subjects and stop making threads and do it less:(

  • Were you the framerate problems really that bad in the game that you need to buy something like that?

    The 360 Controller is compatible with the PC version, so you're good. You might have to tweak your controls though. I'd recommend getting DSfix. It'll fix a ton of the framerate problems and glitches, and improve the graphics.

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