The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited January 2017

    Well Dark Souls 2 was released for the PS4, so I'll most likely just play it on that, DS1 will be the only one I play on PC (unless they're planning on remastering it for the PS4 and I just haven't heard about it). Thanks for the advice, it's much appreciated.

    It's fantastic. It takes a lot to get into and it'll definitely be difficult, but once you get it down it's an unforgettable experience. Gam

  • edited January 2017

    COUGH COUGH rumor part 1 this year and it better has 50 hours more of content for each disc if they ask 60 euros/dollars more

  • The "thing" with Aerith would be a good way to end part 1. I still have a feeling it will pished back to 2018 though. :(

    joshua007 posted: »

    COUGH COUGH rumor part 1 this year and it better has 50 hours more of content for each disc if they ask 60 euros/dollars more

  • DSfix is a free program created by fans, you don't have to pay for it. But yeah, the frame rate problems are that bad.

    Were you the framerate problems really that bad in the game that you need to buy something like that?

  • Smoker... it was you who game them this idea? This horrible horrible idea? How could you.

    enter image description here

    Also thanks Clem_is_awesome, this is awesome. Hilarious.

  • I kind of miss that old forum layout, it was much better than just... white.

    Smoker... it was you who game them this idea? This horrible horrible idea? How could you. Also thanks Clem_is_awesome, this is awesome. Hilarious.

  • Everyone misses it.

    Remember the "We'll have the site updated soon so sit tight!" Said that 7 months ago.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I kind of miss that old forum layout, it was much better than just... white.

  • Trolls spamming dislikes on everything I think.

  • edited January 2017

    I miss the dislike button so much. I remember there were tolls and all my posts would have 15+ dislikes. Funny times. Some people took it seriously though.

    enter image description here

  • I'm fucking sobbing, Jesus Christ, that's amazing

    I miss the dislike button so much. I remember there were tolls and all my posts would have 15+ dislikes. Funny times. Some people took it seriously though.

  • I miss that background image more tbh

    I miss the dislike button so much. I remember there were tolls and all my posts would have 15+ dislikes. Funny times. Some people took it seriously though.

  • Don't worry they change it MONTH'S LATER

    TheMPerson posted: »

    I miss that background image more tbh

  • edited January 2017

    Wouldn't mind if the game opened like this but the original is still good but this does give the opening more context and story wise to

  • Oh boy there was TONS of drama surrounding that button, you have no idea.

  • People like me who didn't check the Telltale Forums all morning and are walking back in now only to be hit by this scalding hot tea being dropped by Mel Hutch:

    enter image description here

  • Still can't fathom why people could get so rattled by a button, lol.

    I miss the dislike button so much. I remember there were tolls and all my posts would have 15+ dislikes. Funny times. Some people took it seriously though.

  • Poor poor Kevin and Dan.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Oh boy there was TONS of drama surrounding that button, you have no idea.

  • Awesome, I'll remember that if I end up buying Dark Souls, thanks.

    DSfix is a free program created by fans, you don't have to pay for it. But yeah, the frame rate problems are that bad.

  • I got spooked today. So I was turning left on a T road at a light, and as I did, my steering wheel would not turn at all, all of the sudden. I drifted to the side of the road, thankfully, so I turned on my hazard lights to figure out what the fuck was going on.

    It was weird, all my lights were on and everything, and I put the car in park and started it again. It thendrive perfectly fine afterwards.

    It's fine now, but has this ever happened to anyone else?

  • So the steering lock activated for no apparent reason, might be some glitch in the electronics. Did any error codes show up? And is it a modern car?

    CooCooCole posted: »

    I got spooked today. So I was turning left on a T road at a light, and as I did, my steering wheel would not turn at all, all of the sudden.

  • Nope, none at all. It's a 2001.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    So the steering lock activated for no apparent reason, might be some glitch in the electronics. Did any error codes show up? And is it a modern car?

  • No problem. Good luck, and as the special edition title suggests:

    enter image description here

    Awesome, I'll remember that if I end up buying Dark Souls, thanks.

  • Might be some play in some of the connections in the electronics, since the steering lock is only supposed to activate when you remove the keys from the ignition. Did your headlights and the other electronics remain on all the time, they didn't even cut out for like a second?

    CooCooCole posted: »

    Nope, none at all. It's a 2001.

  • I'd punch the guy who had this idea of change.

    Everyone misses it. Remember the "We'll have the site updated soon so sit tight!" Said that 7 months ago.

  • No, not at all. On this certain turn, the road is very rough, so is it possible that my keys moved a little out of the ignition and that's what triggered the lock?

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Might be some play in some of the connections in the electronics, since the steering lock is only supposed to activate when you remove the k

  • edited January 2017

    I've now finished all 3 Dark Souls games [...] I'm kind of emotional

    And maybe kind of mentally scarred? :3

    Well, I beat Dark Souls III. I've now finished all 3 Dark Souls games. Jesus man this... this is a feeling. I'm kind of emotional.

  • If the keys had moved out all electronics should have shut down, but it's possible that the roughness of the road triggered just the lock specifically, although I've never heard of something like that happening, some electronics can be sensitive. If it ever happens again I recommend visiting a workshop. Also, google your car model and this problem to see if others have had any experience with it.

    CooCooCole posted: »

    No, not at all. On this certain turn, the road is very rough, so is it possible that my keys moved a little out of the ignition and that's what triggered the lock?

  • He/she got him/herself pregnant?

  • Nah, it was a pretty great experience.

    AChicken posted: »

    I've now finished all 3 Dark Souls games [...] I'm kind of emotional And maybe kind of mentally scarred?

  • Hey man/ma'am, thank you so much! I appreciate the help and time.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    If the keys had moved out all electronics should have shut down, but it's possible that the roughness of the road triggered just the lock sp

  • edited January 2017

    Season 3 officially turned the fans crazy.

  • Does that include yourself?

    Season 3 officially turned the fans crazy.

  • This is making me want to use my money on Resident Evil 5, 6 and Revelations 2 instead.

    Season 3 officially turned the fans crazy.

  • People are wimps and thought there was an insidious plot to downvote troll them.

  • CEO Kevin's messages also got lots and lots of downvotes.

    Actually, I'm glad it's gone.

  • Has anyone else ever wished they could erase their memory in order to play an amazing game again or re-watch a show/movie in order to get that awesome feeling that you got the first time you played/watched it? This is EXACTLY how I'm feeling right now about a game after watching the assassin's creed movie...

    enter image description here

  • Your power steering might have gone out for a moment. Have it checked.

    (If that is the problem, then you can still steer, but the wheel becomes much, much harder to turn.)

    CooCooCole posted: »

    I got spooked today. So I was turning left on a T road at a light, and as I did, my steering wheel would not turn at all, all of the sudden.

  • Community/Video Manager

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Yeah I remember playing Fallout 3 for the first time and being amazed (and sometimes scared as shit) when I left the Vault. Good times.

    Tolispro posted: »

    Has anyone else ever wished they could erase their memory in order to play an amazing game again or re-watch a show/movie in order to get th

  • No I was already crazy.

    CooCooCole posted: »

    Does that include yourself?

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