The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I do, but I figure that after three and a half years, I should be over it by now.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Am I the only one who misses the old community update?

  • Dead Rising 3 is actually super fun and a good time, not as good as 1 or 2, but pretty good. Steer clear of 4 though.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm playing Dead Rising 1 on my PS4. I did play 2 and Off The Record but never played the original. And I don't think I'll play 3 and 4.

  • Problem is it's not on PS4. I can't buy an Xbox just for one game.

    Dead Rising 3 is actually super fun and a good time, not as good as 1 or 2, but pretty good. Steer clear of 4 though.

  • They said they'll update it sooner and we waited 7 months.

    Johro posted: »

    I do, but I figure that after three and a half years, I should be over it by now.

  • I made a Wordpress post about the attack on a disabled white man an the reaction to it. Criticism is welcome.

  • I have a habit of changing my avatar way too much

  • If you like top n things you could check out Lemmino if you don't know him already. He's pretty good at research, but he only makes videos about science and games.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I unsubscribed Watchmojo, I don't care about their top tens anymore. Most of them are terrible.

  • That drawing looks amazing.

    I have a habit of changing my avatar way too much

  • I got used to this one but yeah, I do miss the look it had when I first joined.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Am I the only one who misses the old community update?

  • Nothing wrong with variety. :p

    I have a habit of changing my avatar way too much

  • edited January 2017

    Yeah! I know it's a beautiful Eto picture. I'd say Sui Ishida is defintely my favourite manga/comic artist. I love how each page can be so different but feel the same.

    These are 2 of my favourite of Touka & Ken from :re

    enter image description here enter image description here
    Larger pages - 1 2

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    That drawing looks amazing.

  • Yeah I just tend to see awesome things way to much that I wanna use.

    You've always had the same stock image, Blind. But with replaced images to fit the current releases. I love it

    Nothing wrong with variety.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2017

    Not true; I had another avatar that I used for a long while, up until Batman was announced, where it was Bigby holding the Crowd Control bat from Wolf Among Us Episode 2. When Batman was announced, I changed it to this avatar because I thought it was cool that Telltale had upcoming stuff from several huge franchises.

    Yeah I just tend to see awesome things way to much that I wanna use. You've always had the same stock image, Blind. But with replaced images to fit the current releases. I love it

  • I miss being able to zoom on mobile without using a JavaScript fix.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Am I the only one who misses the old community update?

  • Whether they're being misleading or not, the covers for this comic never fail to give me fucking anxiety.

    enter image description here

    Damn you, Sherry. Damn you and your hot ass.

  • I think that was actually changed some unknown amount of time back; on iOS Safari, I've been able to zoom in on mobile a couple of times recently.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I miss being able to zoom on mobile without using a JavaScript fix.

  • The Rick as Negan cover made me scream with excitement! I NEED THAT SHIT!

    Heath hasnt had it too good has he, in both Media

    Whether they're being misleading or not, the covers for this comic never fail to give me fucking anxiety. Damn you, Sherry. Damn you and your hot ass.

  • The Rick as Negan cover made me scream with excitement! I NEED THAT SHIT!

    Yes! It was cool as shit and it represents what Rick has become so well.

    Heath hasnt had it too good has he, in both Media

    He sure hasn't, poor fucking guy. I hope he makes it out of Issue 165. Genuinely fearing for his safety. He's such a good person.

    The Rick as Negan cover made me scream with excitement! I NEED THAT SHIT! Heath hasnt had it too good has he, in both Media

  • I can't buy an Xbox just for one game.

    It's also on PC though. And also, there are plenty of awesome games you could get with an Xbox One.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Problem is it's not on PS4. I can't buy an Xbox just for one game.

  • I don't understand why people always put edgy quotes under their every selfie. Why is this a trend?

  • enter image description here

    Welp, another W10/XB1 exclusive gets canned. That question mark makes a good point regarding Crackdown 3. When was the last time we saw anything of it?

  • Just wait for the Scorpio, it will have "the highest quality pixels that anybody has seen", that will compensate for a lack of games

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Welp, another W10/XB1 exclusive gets canned. That question mark makes a good point regarding Crackdown 3. When was the last time we saw anything of it?

  • I can't, unfortunately.

    I think that was actually changed some unknown amount of time back; on iOS Safari, I've been able to zoom in on mobile a couple of times recently.

  • Yep, just look at a comparison of confirmed exclusives:

    Full List of upcoming Xbox One exclusive games with both a developer and publisher listed:

    Natsuki Chronicle (2017)
    Candleman (Q1 2017)
    Mystereet F: The Detectives’ Curtain Call (TBA)
    Students of the Round 2 (TBA)

    Likewise, here is the PS4 list by the same definition:

    Gravity Rush 2 (20-Jan-17)
    Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue (24-Jan-17)
    Nioh (7-Feb-17)
    Horizon Zero Dawn (28-Feb-17)
    Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix (28-Mar-17)
    MLB The Show 17 (28-Mar-17)
    Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (Q2 2017)
    DJMax Respect (Jul-17)
    Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (2017)
    Dreams (2017)
    Gran Turismo Sport (2017)
    Hot Shots Golf (2017)
    Nex Machina: Death Machine (2017)
    Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom (2017)
    Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (2017)
    Vane (2017)
    Wattam (2017)
    Wipeout Omega Collection (2017)
    Ace Combat 7 (TBA)
    Dangun Feveron (TBA)
    Days Gone (TBA)
    Detroit: Become Human (TBA)
    Earth Defense Force 5 (TBA)
    God of War (TBA)
    Godling (TBA)
    Gundam Versus (TBA)
    Knack 2 (TBA)
    The Last of Us Part II (TBA)
    MatterFall (TBA)
    Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin (TBA)
    Ready to Run (TBA)
    Spider-Man (TBA)
    Trails of Cold Steel III (TBA)
    Vector (TBA)
    VizionEck (TBA)
    WiLD (TBA)
    The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 (TBA)
    Without Memory (TBA)

    Exclusive defined here as a game that is on the xbox one and no other platform, including PC

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Just wait for the Scorpio, it will have "the highest quality pixels that anybody has seen", that will compensate for a lack of games

  • Surprised there's any Xbox One exclusives at all, I though all where being released on Windows 10 platforms as well, but maybe that's just first party titles that are guarantied to come out on both?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep, just look at a comparison of confirmed exclusives: Full List of upcoming Xbox One exclusive games with both a developer and publishe

  • Seem like they're from smaller devs or 3rd parties, so yeah, that's probably the case. 2 or 3 of them are developed by japanese developers... for the console that sells the worst in Japan...

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Surprised there's any Xbox One exclusives at all, I though all where being released on Windows 10 platforms as well, but maybe that's just first party titles that are guarantied to come out on both?

  • edited January 2017

    I'm playing Dead Rising 1 and omg, it's so annoying. I hope it gets better when I reach the next levels. I don't remember how hard Dead Rising 2 and Off The Record were. Also, the controls suck ass.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2017

    Man, I wish I was this involved at your age. I'll take a crack at critiquing it.

    And it’s this that disgusts me. Following Trump’s victory in November, several of my Facebook friends shared posts about unsubstantiated hate crimes against Muslims. They took these posts as truth without question and without any research, and yet I have not seen this latest incident on my Facebook feed AT ALL

    Implying they were fake without proof is uncharitable and drags down your argument.

    but the incident has not received the same attention as the reported hate crimes committed in the wake of Donald Trump’s election.

    Your mileage may vary as an Australian: but for us, this has generated a lot more attention than any individual hate-crime carried out the wake of Trump's victory.

    The only reason they bitch and moan about hate crimes is because they think whining about insert-minority-here being oppressed makes them look like a better person.

    So, in other words: virtue signaling. Also, it's probably an oversimplification.

    The post highlights that the white man avoided jail time (although neglecting to mention that the rape charge was dropped due to a plea bagrain)

    plea bargain or not, it's fucking nuts.

    and that there was no national outrage following the incident (although the incident took place over a year ago, so it’s possible that the incident has simply been forgotten over time).

    It wasn't. The outrage never happened.

    I also haven’t seen anyone calling for them to be executed, but I’m sure some people have and I don’t believe the perpetrators in either case should be executed, as I believe the death penalty is ethically wrong and ineffective.

    You negated your own argument. I'd just cut this one off the list tbh.

    I haven’t seen anyone calling for mob justice and to do away with courts and police.

    I think this is a ham- handed allusion to lynching. I'd attack that, rather than the literal statement.

    The four black perpetrators were indeed charged with a hate crime (although due to the victim’s disability and not his skin colour, despite the fact that the kidnappers shouted “Fuck white people!” at him).

    That's because calling it an anti- white hate crime probably wouldn't stand up as well in court. A good lawyer could possibly have "fuck white people" hand-waved as an "excited utterance". The anti-ableist angle is much stronger.

    Finally, I think two big assumptions were made in this post. One: that the white player was let off easy because of his race (of which I have seen no proof). And two: that the four perpetrators have received so much criticism because they were black. Most of the outrage in this recent case (that I’ve seen) has been directed at people who downplay or even condone the actions of these four black ADULTS, and that the incident has not received wider attention.

    There's merit this accusation, actually. Blacks are often given harsher sentences than whites for the same crimes. (though I think his hand-slap sentence has more to do with a good lawyer and shit prosecutor). Also, the second part isn't a terribly strong argument.

    Good, but it needs a bit of work. I'd say the weakest part is your critique of that particular post.

    I made a Wordpress post about the attack on a disabled white man an the reaction to it. Criticism is welcome.

  • I appreciate the feedback. I'll admit that I did make quite a few assumptions in regards to what my friends thought. I don't typically discuss anything political with my friends because it typically just divides us and I don't do well debating someone in person (actually communicating properly under pressure is difficult for me), so I typically avoid the topic (also because I think a lot of my friends don't want to discuss the topic either).

    You negated your own argument. I'd just cut this one off the list tbh.

    Fair point. I added this in to stress that a lot of this comes from what I've personally witnessed myself, because I think people who read my blog shouldn't get the idea that I'm anything more than someone sharing his opinion online.

    The post highlights that the white man avoided jail time (although neglecting to mention that the rape charge was dropped due to a plea bagrain)

    Agree absolutely. Honestly, if you go to trial on multiple charges and plead guilty to only some of them, then you should still go on trial for the other charges (given that the prosecution is meant to represent the government and therefore the law itself if I'm not mistaken). My point was that the man was not let off specifically because of his race but because of the plea bargain, but I suppose him being white still could have factored into the light sentence he got.

    Your mileage may vary as an Australian: but for us, this has generated a lot more attention than any individual hate-crime carried out the wake of Trump's victory.

    I'll admit I don't watch a lot of American news (which I have no excuse for, as American programs are available on TV here), and I should start watching it to get a better idea of what's actually going on in the U.S. I do record the Australian news however, and I've got Nine News episodes undoubtedly going back to November which I am starting to comb through (I'm taking Legal Studies as a VCE subject for 2017 and part of our homework is to keep up with the news). I'll let you know what I find.

    So, in other words: virtue signaling. Also, it's probably an oversimplification.

    In the case of some of my friends, I'll admit you're probably right. I have a friend who posts a lot of stuff that would make people classify her as a SJW, but she means well and she actually is pretty reasonable, so I think a lot of them do care, but like me I think their research isn't that in-depth.

    Man, I wish I was this involved at your age.

    I figured I'm going to have to start following political/social issues sooner or later since voting is mandatory here and I may as well be informed, and if I probably will be just as misinformed if I start following right before the election, so I think it's good to take part in the discussion early and get as much feedback as possible (something that I, admittedly have not done as much as I should). I imagine that getting involved in social issues was a lot harder until recently, though. Given that I was almost born into the new millennium, I can't pretend to be knowledgeable on life without the internet, but I imagine most information came from the mainstream media, where it could be twisted or hidden by whoever was in charge. So I reckon that it's a lot easier to look for other viewpoints now than it was even 30 years ago before the internet became a part of everyday life.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Man, I wish I was this involved at your age. I'll take a crack at critiquing it. And it’s this that disgusts me. Following Trump’s vi

  • I know I love to talk shit about Anita Sarkeesian, but I quite liked her review of Rogue One.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2017

    figured I'm going to have to start following political/social issues sooner or later since voting is mandatory here and I may as well be informed, and if I probably will be just as misinformed if I start following right before the election, so I think it's good to take part in the discussion early and get as much feedback as possible (something that I, admittedly have not done as much as I should).

    Out of curiousity, which party are you leaning toward? From what I've read about Aussie politics, they all seem like shit. Liberals are basically like our Republicans, Nationals are worse and Labor has dropped any pretense of being a workers' party. Socialism seems almost as taboo there as it is here.

    I imagine that getting involved in social issues was a lot harder until recently, though. Given that I was almost born into the new millennium, I can't pretend to be knowledgeable on life without the internet, but I imagine most information came from the mainstream media, where it could be twisted or hidden by whoever was in charge. So I reckon that it's a lot easier to look for other viewpoints now than it was even 30 years ago before the internet became a part of everyday life.

    I'd say it's definitely easier now, though it's also easier to sit on the sidelines, while feeling like you're contributing. As for media, I was only born in 1992, but I honestly don't remember the propaganda getting that bad until about 2005 (when high speed internet became standard). The news was dry back in the day. You had political bias and there was a lot of censorship about things like the Iraq War, but you could still get a decent idea of what's going on. Nowadays, it seems like internet click bait has bled into real life and everything is about the spectacle. Just compare the Bush / Kerry debates in 2004 to the ones today, it's astounding. Today, politics is presented like Monday Night Football.

    """Independent""" media is often just as bad, but that's a different matter entirely.

    I appreciate the feedback. I'll admit that I did make quite a few assumptions in regards to what my friends thought. I don't typically discu

  • edited January 2017

    I just came back from my apprenticeship
    I worked two hours more today why?
    I missed one hour yesterday so I had to start earlier and I stayed longer for a friend there so he doesn't have to do my part of the job (he really works there and get's paid btw) and work all out of myself I remind you and the worst part is that they would've let me stay because I wasn't finished. They know I have no motivation to work and would let me stay for another hour!
    After working sometime I told my friend I would leave and he was oke with it because I was so nice, finished a lot and I started working from 7 AM untill 6PM without getting paid and two hours more.
    I left without saying anything to my boss who just watched me go because I would've gotten in a fight over ''11 hours work, without getting paid, out of myself while I could've just ignored those two extra hours and left yeah that would've been a fight'' And you know what... This is still better than school muhahahaha you are all still on school muhahhahaha- Wait I am still at school damned.

    Oke does somebody have a similair situation?

  • i forced myself to play dead rising 1 until i couldn't stand it anymore. i think i was about 10 years too late playing it. without giving away spoilers, i forced the game to an end and received ending f. lol dead rising 2 was more fun for me.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm playing Dead Rising 1 and omg, it's so annoying. I hope it gets better when I reach the next levels. I don't remember how hard Dead Rising 2 and Off The Record were. Also, the controls suck ass.

  • Out of curiousity, which party are you leaning toward? From what I've read about Aussie politics, they all seem like shit. Liberals are basically like our Republicans, Nationals are worse and Labor has dropped any pretense of being a workers' party. Socialism seems almost as taboo there as it is here.

    Currently none, as I'm fairly new to politics. I generally don't like our political system because we don't actually vote for our Prime Minister. The PM is chosen by whichever political party is in power, so the government can essentially replace the Prime Minister (Rudd being replaced with Gillard in 2010 or so and Abbott being replaced with Turnbull last year. Of course, there have been good Prime Ministers from both major parties, such as John Howard who brought in massive gun reform which even I (as an opponent of heavy gun control) will admit is probably the reason that we haven't had a gun massacre in twenty years. There's also Paul Keating who drew a lot of criticism, but basically focused on economic reform, indigenous land rights and the push for Australia to become a republic. There's a lot of stuff on Aussie politics from the 80's and 90's if you want to know more.

    I'd say it's definitely easier now, though it's also easier to sit on the sidelines, while feeling like you're contributing. As for media, I was only born in 1992, but I honestly don't remember the propaganda getting that bad until about 2005 (when high speed internet became standard). The news was dry back in the day. You had political bias and there was a lot of censorship about things like the Iraq War, but you could still get a decent idea of what's going on. Nowadays, it seems like internet click bait has bled into real life and everything is about the spectacle. Just compare the Bush / Kerry debates in 2004 to the ones today, it's astounding. Today, politics is presented like Monday Night Football.

    I actually saw a promo ad for the presidential debate which was presented as if Trump and Clinton were about to get in the ring. I'd probably have learnt a lot about American politics in 2017, since I put Global Politics as one of my preferred subjects this year, but it sadly didn't get enough students for a class.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    figured I'm going to have to start following political/social issues sooner or later since voting is mandatory here and I may as well be inf

  • Yeah, the sequel was better and easier.

    nightshy posted: »

    i forced myself to play dead rising 1 until i couldn't stand it anymore. i think i was about 10 years too late playing it. without giving away spoilers, i forced the game to an end and received ending f. lol dead rising 2 was more fun for me.

  • edited January 2017

    Wait Anita and a good review? Must read

    Edit: That was actually good 0_0

    I know I love to talk shit about Anita Sarkeesian, but I quite liked her review of Rogue One.

  • Dead Rising 1 starts off pretty slow but it gets fantastic. Also, it's definitely a LOT harder than DR2. Which is a good thing and a bad thing. On the bright side it causes you to be more cautious and adds a horror element, but on the other hand boss fights are painful. Don't dismiss it so easily, it's a really good game.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm playing Dead Rising 1 and omg, it's so annoying. I hope it gets better when I reach the next levels. I don't remember how hard Dead Rising 2 and Off The Record were. Also, the controls suck ass.

  • I'd like to see one more asshole tell me Xbox One is better than PS4 because more exclusives now. PS4 is catching up whilst Microsoft is cancelling sequels and their exclusives are dropping in quality. I love Xbox but ya can't deny the facts.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Welp, another W10/XB1 exclusive gets canned. That question mark makes a good point regarding Crackdown 3. When was the last time we saw anything of it?

  • Installing Gravity Rush 2 demo can't wait to try it

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