The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • As much as I like my Xboxes, now that Microsoft is releasing all of their published games on PC, they don't offer much of an incentive anymore to those with decently powered PC (in certain territories and sellers, you can build a PC that's uite a bit more powerful than the XB1 or Base PS4), so only Nintendo or Sony's consoles become nice complimentary consoles, imo, because they actually have exclusives.

    I'd like to see one more asshole tell me Xbox One is better than PS4 because more exclusives now. PS4 is catching up whilst Microsoft is cancelling sequels and their exclusives are dropping in quality. I love Xbox but ya can't deny the facts.

  • Did anyone just take part in SherlockLive? Was really funny and I got the right answer! :D

  • actually saw a promo ad for the presidential debate which was presented as if Trump and Clinton were about to get in the ring. I'd probably have learnt a lot about American politics in 2017, since I put Global Politics as one of my preferred subjects this year, but it sadly didn't get enough students for a class.

    That's too bad. It's really quite insane. There's a good video I found about this and how it relates to Trump. It's not just politics though, mass shootings and such are a spectator sport too. Pretty fucked up when you think about it.

    Out of curiousity, which party are you leaning toward? From what I've read about Aussie politics, they all seem like shit. Liberals are basi

  • Now I'm getting used to it. I got one of Adam the Clown's chainsaws and got magazines which makes it last longer thank god. Also, I got an ending I don't think I wanted to happen. Frank's chopper guy gets killed on a roof by a zombie. How come I wasn't on the roof? I was exactly right there and Frank's guy didn't see me.

    Dead Rising 1 starts off pretty slow but it gets fantastic. Also, it's definitely a LOT harder than DR2. Which is a good thing and a bad thi

  • [awakward silence]

    [edgy quote]

    You can only choose one it seems.

    Adamiks posted: »

    I don't understand why people always put edgy quotes under their every selfie. Why is this a trend?

  • If you do everything required the game continues from there.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Now I'm getting used to it. I got one of Adam the Clown's chainsaws and got magazines which makes it last longer thank god. Also, I got an e

  • edited January 2017

    Also, I forgot to mention that Otis is one of the worst NPCs I've ever came across.

    If you do everything required the game continues from there.

  • [Awkward Silence]

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    [awakward silence] [edgy quote] You can only choose one it seems.

  • I disagree. Her main reason for liking the movie is that most of the cast is not white. Anything said beyond that is just not worth reading to me.

    I know I love to talk shit about Anita Sarkeesian, but I quite liked her review of Rogue One.

  • This is true. Stacey is a much better eye in the sky than Otis.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Also, I forgot to mention that Otis is one of the worst NPCs I've ever came across.

  • Yeah she is. I wonder what happened to her. Crap, I forgot to ask you, this game gave me no objectives after giving Isabela her brother's locket and just happened to show some soldiers around the mall killing the dead around.

    This is true. Stacey is a much better eye in the sky than Otis.

  • edited January 2017

    Don't get caught by the soldiers. Also, Isabela is supposed to give you a guide to finding ingredients for a cure since you're infected. If she didn't it's either a bug or you did something wrong.

    EDIT: Also, in the canon ending of Dead Rising 2, Stacey escapes with Katey while Chuck is left behind, however, in Dead Rising 3 they mention Stacey and Chuck started a relationship, but due to Chuck's personality issues she left him. So her fate is up in the air.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah she is. I wonder what happened to her. Crap, I forgot to ask you, this game gave me no objectives after giving Isabela her brother's locket and just happened to show some soldiers around the mall killing the dead around.

  • Maybe I did something wrong. I stayed on the roof until the helicopter's arrival.

    Don't get caught by the soldiers. Also, Isabela is supposed to give you a guide to finding ingredients for a cure since you're infected. If

  • Which remains my biggest complaint about Anita, is that the only merit she seems to see in games or movies is diversity. Still, she is right that character development is fairly minimal and the movie barely touches on the idea that the Rebels are capable of doing something wrong.

    I disagree. Her main reason for liking the movie is that most of the cast is not white. Anything said beyond that is just not worth reading to me.

  • edited January 2017

    Trump is a freaking genius of a politician. He's created a system with his supporters where whenever ANYTHING negative is said about him, he claims its fake, and all of his supporters believe him, even when he's disagreeing with institutions like the FBI. This also leads him to get a free pass on allegations which his fans would use to destroy others, such as Clinton (can you imagine if it had been reported that she'd engaged in lewd sexual acts in Russia with urine?)

    This is also what's scary though. Trump easily has the means to ignore the FBI and his supporters will think he's genius regardless of what he does. Not only does he not have to stick to election promises as he'll just explain it away, but he will also be able to do absolutely zero wrong in the eyes of many Americans.

    This is what makes me very glad to not be an American. Which is ironic as his supporters think he's making America 'great again'.

    If you want the world to think America's great, ignoring anything the FBI says that doesn't agree with your opinion and antagonising it is not going to do anything good.

  • OMG it's so freaking hot where I am now

  • Listening to some lesser known Iron Maiden and wondering what the record is for the number of times a chorus is gone through in one non-novelty song. In The Angel And The Gambler, Blaze sings through the chorus 22 times. It's like a suicidal drinking game.

  • Leonard Cohen originally wrote 80 verses for his song, "Hallelujah". If you sing them all, that means 80 repetitions of the chorus. Of course, you'd probably have to be drunk to do that.

    Johro posted: »

    Listening to some lesser known Iron Maiden and wondering what the record is for the number of times a chorus is gone through in one non-nove

  • Not a Xbox fan and sorry guys and girls

  • edited January 2017

    I might make a topic on this stuff but what do female gamers think about this?

  • edited January 2017

    When someone wants to let you play AC Unity again

  • edited January 2017

    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    How the mastermind behind the series feels.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I might make a topic on this stuff but what do female gamers think about this?

  • A blocking feature on this site would be really helpful

  • edited January 2017

    Any reason in particular?

    A blocking feature on this site would be really helpful

  • Trolls and Assholes probably.

    Any reason in particular?

  • I bought some poison today and I wasn't asked a single question

  • What the fuck are you doing with poison?

    I bought some poison today and I wasn't asked a single question

  • Doing what no man has ever done before, poisoning Jackie Chan.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What the fuck are you doing with poison?

  • Since when there were reasons to assassinate Chan?

    Doing what no man has ever done before, poisoning Jackie Chan.

  • There aren't, it's just that no man has ever been able to poison him before. For he is our king.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Since when there were reasons to assassinate Chan?

  • Started replaying Dark Souls I today, and I finally remembered how fucking horrid Blighttown is.

  • Dark Souls Replay Update: Sen's Fortress is absolute horseshit.

  • I didnt even know what the Scalebound thingy was till it was cancelled

  • Can I block you?

    Trolls and Assholes probably.

  • Maybe if you weren't such a fucking weeb you could.

    Can I block you?

  • weeb doesn't trigger me anymore, your insults mean nothing! Nothing!

    Maybe if you weren't such a fucking weeb you could.


    weeb doesn't trigger me anymore, your insults mean nothing! Nothing!

  • Okay, does anyone else think that, with make up on, Natalie Portman and Diane Neal look alike? I know that Natalie Portman and Keira Knightly look somewhat alike, but what about Diane Neal?

    Every single time I watch Law and Order, where she's Casey Novak, I keep thinking she looks like Natalie Portman.

    I'm mildly face blind, though, and I once questioned if a set of identical twins I know were even related. So... am I crazy, or is this my face blinded-ness talking?

  • I've been asked to write a monologue for a character who is a sick beggar.

    I wanna ask some ideas of what the monologue should contain as its a blank character with no backstory whatsoever.

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