Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Cant wait for season 2 when we can start the glorious "Borderlands Age" again... hue hue hue

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I miss Rhyiona. I miss the shitposting. I even miss the spam.

  • Not gonna lie after playing through season 3 so far, I don't really know if I want a Tales season 2.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Cant wait for season 2 when we can start the glorious "Borderlands Age" again... hue hue hue

  • Well atleast it would need to follow the same style of Borderlands so they wont look like cardboard.

    Got me worried now if we ever do get a Wolf season 2, Cardboard Cutout Bigby with sharpie marker dot beard is going to be great!

    Green613 posted: »

    Not gonna lie after playing through season 3 so far, I don't really know if I want a Tales season 2.

  • edited January 2017

    that shade tho

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Not gonna lie after playing through season 3 so far, I don't really know if I want a Tales season 2.

  • edited January 2017

    Best case scenario, Randy Pitchford and any other lying bastard at Gearbox leave the company. Then the Tales writers join Gearbox. They proceed to announce a direct sequel to Tales with a bigger budget, developed internally by GBX and it uses the Unreal Engine 4. No more Telltale Tool jank. Now one of two things happens:

    A - It's an awesome direct sequel to Tales. It expands on the lore of the Borderlands universe and is a tremendous success, being hailed as the GOAT adventure game. It more than lives up to Tales S1, in fact, it surpasses it in every way possible. The success of Tales S2 is so big, that Telltale doesn't wanna be left behind and strives to do better than ever. (Good timeline)

    B - It's a dud. All the videos and previews were fake, they broke all their promises regarding S2. It's such a disaster that it sinks Gearbox to the ground, which most expected Randy to do. Gamers flock to Telltale for their adventure game fix, and gradually, TT starts putting less and less effort into their games. Get ready for 20 minute episodes boyz (Darkest timeline)

    Green613 posted: »

    Not gonna lie after playing through season 3 so far, I don't really know if I want a Tales season 2.

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I miss Rhyiona. I miss the shitposting. I even miss the spam.

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    that shade tho

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I know how to turn that frown upside down.....

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I never really played this game entirely so I never partook in this thread. I wonder what it was like...

  • It was so much fun at first, we even all took this ship super serious too. Towards the end of the game though, with no new content everyone started leaving and it pretty much died off. Though people still stop by every once in a while.

    I never really played this game entirely so I never partook in this thread. I wonder what it was like...

  • hawk you are a hero

    enter image description here

    I know how to turn that frown upside down.....

  • it was the best thread in this entire place

    yeah I said it

    I never really played this game entirely so I never partook in this thread. I wonder what it was like...

  • enter image description here

    I never really played this game entirely so I never partook in this thread. I wonder what it was like...

  • I've played this game but too late. It seems like missing all the cool stuff is my curse, because it always happens to me :/

    I never really played this game entirely so I never partook in this thread. I wonder what it was like...

  • it was the best thread in this entire place

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    it was the best thread in this entire place yeah I said it

  • Juvia is bae :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hawk you are a hero

  • To be fair you missed a lot of arguing and crap too...

    I've played this game but too late. It seems like missing all the cool stuff is my curse, because it always happens to me

  • juvia is perfect

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Juvia is bae

  • The views on this thread are something else

  • Fuking hell, I wont let this thread die.... but how?

  • Best time of my life staying and having fun on this thread and the ship.

    I keep waiting and imagining the day that Telltale suddenly announce Season 2 of Tales from the Borderlands with Rhys and Fiona returning as the protagonists

  • The TWD section is absolute garbage lately so I'm back in the safety of our home thread.

    How's everyone doing?

  • Pretty well. Just chilling and working. I recently paid for my course in preparation for university

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The TWD section is absolute garbage lately so I'm back in the safety of our home thread. How's everyone doing?

  • it's good to hear you're doing well! when do you start?

    Pretty well. Just chilling and working. I recently paid for my course in preparation for university

  • Around summer. I have to move to another city, but my brother is living there and my parents have decided to move too since they sold their house. So I won't be far away from family.

    I have actually moved to the city and study Computer Science in August last year, but I decided to quick after two months when I realized it wasn't for me. I decided to study English instead since I am more interested in that study and I feel that's is where my strength lies.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    it's good to hear you're doing well! when do you start?

  • edited January 2017

    tfw you play ANF and now know even though you said you have 0 interest in Sasha, the game will make it so you still do because writing is hard

    enter image description here

    Best time of my life staying and having fun on this thread and the ship. I keep waiting and imagining the day that Telltale suddenly announce Season 2 of Tales from the Borderlands with Rhys and Fiona returning as the protagonists

  • are they still just complaining about the game? :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The TWD section is absolute garbage lately so I'm back in the safety of our home thread. How's everyone doing?

  • enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw you play ANF and now know even though you said you have 0 interest in Sasha, the game will make it so you still do because writing is hard

  • that's really good, I'm glad things are working out. :)

    gotta do what you feel most comfortable with, wish you the best of luck with it!

    Around summer. I have to move to another city, but my brother is living there and my parents have decided to move too since they sold their

  • if it was just complaints it would be alright but people are straight up getting rude to each other now

    I just shitpost about Clementine so it's eh but it's getting creepy in there.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    are they still just complaining about the game? :P

  • I mean, If Im being honest Im not sure if I even want a Tales S2 or a Wolf S2 anymore. Like what would we get, choices not mattering plus cardboard Bigby, Rhys, and Fiona?

  • edited January 2017

    actually, jokes aside, I don't disagree. I've even said to various people like @bloop and @MichaelBP in private that I'm not liking the idea of a possible S2 if they follow the path that TNF is taking.

    we've always known choices don't really matter but there wasn't even an attempt to fool us with those flashbacks. and everyone in the entire forum already knows my opinion on the Clementine situation.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I mean, If Im being honest Im not sure if I even want a Tales S2 or a Wolf S2 anymore. Like what would we get, choices not mattering plus cardboard Bigby, Rhys, and Fiona?

  • Yup, like illusion of choice isnt even that bad. Its just when it seriously isnt an illusion anymore. I cant wait for that certain determinate fella to die from falling down the stairs after he says one word.

    Javi: Yo C, you should hold the railing man, these stairs are steep!


    falls to his death

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    actually, jokes aside, I don't disagree. I've even said to various people like @bloop and @MichaelBP in private that I'm not liking the idea

  • boy am I glad I shot that certain fella and won't have to deal with that one

    enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yup, like illusion of choice isnt even that bad. Its just when it seriously isnt an illusion anymore. I cant wait for that certain determina

  • Is it sad that I could totally see a death like that in ANF after the flashbacks? Well... I guess it's always better than getting Nick'd, ie: dies off-screen with 0 lines and is stuck on a fence.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yup, like illusion of choice isnt even that bad. Its just when it seriously isnt an illusion anymore. I cant wait for that certain determina

  • edited January 2017

    Those flashbacks look like they were made a day or two before release. Like they forgot Kenny, Jane and Wellington existed until someone pointed it out.
    I can see it now, Tales S2, starring Rhys, Fiona and 2 new characters. We only play R&F for 2 minutes each, none of the choices affect their behaviour and episodes are 30 minutes long. Kevin thought a comedy series should only have 30 minute episodes at most.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    actually, jokes aside, I don't disagree. I've even said to various people like @bloop and @MichaelBP in private that I'm not liking the idea

  • Watch that certain fella be the first determinate character to not die but no one cares because its that fucking guy

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    boy am I glad I shot that certain fella and won't have to deal with that one

  • They're just gonna port Kenny's bread to Rhys and call it a day.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I mean, If Im being honest Im not sure if I even want a Tales S2 or a Wolf S2 anymore. Like what would we get, choices not mattering plus cardboard Bigby, Rhys, and Fiona?

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