Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • tfw some rando determinate gets a better destiny than Kenny and Jane

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Watch that certain fella be the first determinate character to not die but no one cares because its that fucking guy

  • edited January 2017

    I can already see it

    "You and 90% ditched your best friend that the player has no attachment towards to go help Fiona"


    MichaelBP posted: »

    Those flashbacks look like they were made a day or two before release. Like they forgot Kenny, Jane and Wellington existed until someone poi

  • Exactly.

    S3 writing team gonna go "shit they dont like that we kill off determinate... Uhhhhhh, lets make it so Conrad lives, but only like 5% have him and hate him!"

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    tfw some rando determinate gets a better destiny than Kenny and Jane

  • edited January 2017

    Telltale will be 2lazy to crete a new model for Fiona, so they retexture Jane's TNF model and call it a day.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    They're just gonna port Kenny's bread to Rhys and call it a day.

  • edited January 2017

    Dem hard choices man. People picking Fiona over that guy we are told is our best friend in the galaxy, but got 4 minutes of screentime and 2 lines of diallogue. Who would've thunk it?

    Oh well, not like it matters. In the very next episode,that guy steps on a lego, falls and stabs his throat on a very sharp pencil.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can already see it "You and 90% ditched your best friend that the player has no attachment towards to go help Fiona" HARD CHOICES

  • I missed this thread for a long time...

  • Well that's a shame :/ especially since I think the new season is pretty neat.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    if it was just complaints it would be alright but people are straight up getting rude to each other now I just shitpost about Clementine so it's eh but it's getting creepy in there.

  • I am enjoying the season so far. It is just a little bummer that some people dislike it. Like we are not allowed to discuss what we liked about it.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well that's a shame especially since I think the new season is pretty neat.

  • Well I can totally see why people are so mad about the new frontier. Some directions and choices they made really disappointed me too. But I still enjoy it for what it is and I can find some really good stuff from this game too. People can dislike as much as they want as long as positive feedback is still allowed :P

    I am enjoying the season so far. It is just a little bummer that some people dislike it. Like we are not allowed to discuss what we liked about it.

  • edited January 2017

    I think the most important thing for me is that I had a good time playing the first two episodes. If I had fun and had a good time, then I see no reason to hate it. :)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well I can totally see why people are so mad about the new frontier. Some directions and choices they made really disappointed me too. But

  • Well... I gotta say I agree with some of the criticisms myself lol

    I mean, five minute Clementine flashbacks, really? That's not what they implied when they first announced the season. :|

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well that's a shame especially since I think the new season is pretty neat.

  • Guess I will lurk around here for some fun and comfort. Anyone got pizza and ice cream?

  • I got some
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Guess I will lurk around here for some fun and comfort. Anyone got pizza and ice cream?

  • Well yeah I was annoyed about that too. It was kinda false marketing :P they should have made it clear that Clementine isn't the focus on this season and it would have been more acceptable.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well... I gotta say I agree with some of the criticisms myself lol I mean, five minute Clementine flashbacks, really? That's not what they implied when they first announced the season.

  • edited January 2017

    I have to agree. I think if they have marketed right from the beginning that Javier is the main player character, people would have been more accepting. And it would have made Clementine being playable for a small section a much more welcome surprise.

    EDIT: But I have a feeling that the game went through a sudden rewrite, which might explain some sudden changes and inconsistency with the marketing.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Well yeah I was annoyed about that too. It was kinda false marketing :P they should have made it clear that Clementine isn't the focus on this season and it would have been more acceptable.

  • edited January 2017

    That could be the reason. Maybe they wanted to make Clementine the main playable character at first but then they changed their mind. Or something else happened, maybe they got stuck with the original storyline who knows :D the point is, they could have handled it better. And I guess it's still possible that Clementine plays a bigger role in the next episodes. But right now, Javier is not a horrible character so I'm gonna play the whole game through before I deside if I really like this new direction or not :)

    I have to agree. I think if they have marketed right from the beginning that Javier is the main player character, people would have been mor

  • edited January 2017

    enter image description here

  • I actually love this gif LMAO

    Dozurany posted: »

    hard times

  • I shamelessly lifted it from this thread. Not sure who to make the royalty check out to

    I actually love this gif LMAO

  • Rhys: he ok homie?

    RockMySocks posted: »

    Fiona: you okay, homie?

  • Bandit: i'm not okay homie

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Rhys: he ok homie?

  • gortys: idk why I'm here but i'm ok homie

    Pipas posted: »

    Bandit: i'm not okay homie

  • Loader bot: Hi.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    gortys: idk why I'm here but i'm ok homie

  • You win at life

    Dozurany posted: »

    hard times

  • I try!

    You win at life

  • S2 when?

    in b4 rhys and fiona die in 5 minute flashbacks and we play as a new rando.

  • edited January 2017

    Episode 1 starts with showing where Rhys and Fiona got taken to by the Vault of the Traveller. They are in awe at this amazing new pkanet. Just as they are about to go and explore, a ship on them, instantly crushing. And so, our beloved duo dies just 1 minute into the first episode. To add insult to injury, the new protagonist just makes a comment about how their ship squashed some losers.

    This was confirmed by my source, my father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate, who is also Brad Kane's (confirmed writer of S2 for now) sister's best friend.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    S2 when? in b4 rhys and fiona die in 5 minute flashbacks and we play as a new rando.

  • tfw you find some new and funny Rhyiona art

    enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here

  • GWAH! what the heck is wrong with fionas face? it's like Silvester Stallone and John Travolta made love to a nightmare!

  • Never :P

    And don't say such ugly things :'[ they couldn't possibly do something that silly...

    ..not twice at least

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    S2 when? in b4 rhys and fiona die in 5 minute flashbacks and we play as a new rando.

  • you underestimate their power :^)

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Never :P And don't say such ugly things :'[ they couldn't possibly do something that silly... ..not twice at least

  • They will. As long as they are all doped up they will keep doing it.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Never :P And don't say such ugly things :'[ they couldn't possibly do something that silly... ..not twice at least

  • oi lads, just wanted to say whilst this ship isn't exactly my OTP anymore (symmetra and pharah (overwatch) are my new OTP) i still love it and i've missed this thread <3

  • edited January 2017

    Signing Off

    Ok guys, I think it's time I say this before I just vanish into thin air without a final goodbye. Many people of this thread have simply gone. One day, without them noticing or even thinking about it, they made their final post on this thread and then disappeared. Probably forever. (ok, maybe I'm being too dramatic since this is a huge f*cking forum and not just this one thread, but since this was pretty much the only thread in this forum I ever visited, I will make use of my right to be overly dramatic, dammit!).

    Anyhow, this will be my last post, and I do not plan to return to this thread. this ship has been exploited to the ground, and I just don't think there is anything left to discover or discuss. And since I am really bad at emotional speeches, let me just say this much:

    Partly thanks to you guys, 2015/16 were two of the greatest years of my life so far (well...I'm only 18 years old, so that doesn't mean that much, but still!). You were some of the most kind and entertaining internet-people I've ever met, and I'm both proud and happy that I was able to surround myself with you guys for so long, even after the game was over. You have given me countless laughs and made an awesome gaming-experience even better, and for that, I think you deserve at least a goodbye. It was great being a part of that ship, and I probably can't thank you enough for letting me on board.

    enter image description here

    And with these poorly chosen words (I'm really not good at this! I used to be good at writing, dammit!), I, Dracu98, sign off for the last time!


    enter link description here

    DRACU98, SIGNING OFF! sniff

    enter image description here

  • Goodbye, bro.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    Signing Off Ok guys, I think it's time I say this before I just vanish into thin air without a final goodbye. Many people of this thread

  • Rhyiona squad

    form up

  • how do i thumbs down

    Green613 posted: »

    Rhyiona squad form up

  • Social Experiment


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