The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I feel the same way about it that I do about the Gravity Falls finale. It was way too cheesy and cliche, and for a series doing something unique for cartoons while remaining so good deserved so much better.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Just watched the Regular Show finale. Good show. Jolly good show.

  • "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"

    That is one of my favorite quotes of all time.

    enter image description here

  • The moral of the story:

    Work sober.

  • it was so sad

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Just watched the Regular Show finale. Good show. Jolly good show.

  • Sesame opened.

    Jesus Chrisa Mods, this joke's not funny anymore.

  • edited January 2017

    OMG Kingdom Hearts 3 is released! YES I AM FIRED I ASKED FOR THIS! I got my diploma from school they apologised for the bullshit and everybody got 1000 euros this is amazing YEEEEEEEEEEES! OMG Assassin's Creed has become freaking great again I mean amazing well Ubisoft apologized- I can't believe it the movie is better than all Star wars movies combined OMFG GAME MOVIES ARE GOOD?! YES! No yearly realease series anymore. No crime in the world, this is the best game expierence I could ask for-

    Josh wake up apprenticeship


  • FF15 Movie review this Sunday

  • That homie doesn't look ok

  • . @579801/blind-sniper

    enter image description here

    I found a pic of you I didn't know you were a middle aged man?

  • That is really him? holy shit

    . @579801/blind-sniper I found a pic of you I didn't know you were a middle aged man?

  • Yup, it certainly is me! Totally legit!

    joshua007 posted: »

    That is really him? holy shit

  • homie needs some sleep.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    That homie doesn't look ok

  • "Help"

    enter image description here

    . @579801/blind-sniper I found a pic of you I didn't know you were a middle aged man?

  • The Gods have given you a amazing beard I will never have

    Yup, it certainly is me! Totally legit!

  • Yup! That is totally me, and not at all a meme! It's a completely legitimate picture!

    (No, it is not really me. Curse internet sarcasm for being faulty sometimes!)

    joshua007 posted: »

    The Gods have given you a amazing beard I will never have

  • I wish Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age had a baby. The grinding(very loosely used here) is more enjoyable in Skyrim, but the characters have no souls. There's nothing in the game I care about. I'm just... doing stuff.

    I'm more than on board with the notion of "It's an RPG, you're supposed to use your imagination", but your options when talking to people are either completely agreeing with everyone or miss out on gameplay. That's a shitty choice.

  • I've opted for imagining my character saying everything in a sarcastic tone. "oh yeahhh. I DEFINITELY want to help you out with thaaat."

    Johro posted: »

    I wish Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age had a baby. The grinding(very loosely used here) is more enjoyable in Skyrim, but the characters have n

  • It is a bit mile wide (understatement) but an inch deep. I do enjoy that kind of free, mindless fun, but the adventuring would be way better with a wisecracking entourage at least. That I can shout off a mountain

    Johro posted: »

    I've opted for imagining my character saying everything in a sarcastic tone. "oh yeahhh. I DEFINITELY want to help you out with thaaat."

  • it bad that I can't get image out of my head?


  • Alright, alright I want an answer to this right now. Going out to all mods and long time users, just who is @BonBon anyway? He joined in 2006 and hasn't posted anything? I feel a disturbance in the force. I get the drift he was an active user or even mod that lost it and got swiped under the rug...

  • edited January 2017

    Nearly done 100% on skyrim again. Got to get the Vampire perk and Legendary Dragon kill. I still got the Dawnguard DLC achievements to get but they're all linear achievements for completing the quests, so easy and straight forward.

    I see people on my friends list at like level 100 or some bullshit but done fuck all, how though?! Like what are you doing? I got gold quests completed somehow and most locations.

    I was cleaning my room and found OBLIVION! YESSS. STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM

  • So I just scrolled through the Telltale Talk section a bit to see what all the fuss was about, and jesus fucking christ are you guys okay? That was some mighty big shitposting.

  • BonBon is our hidden god.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Alright, alright I want an answer to this right now. Going out to all mods and long time users, just who is @BonBon anyway? He joined in 200

  • It was getting a bit


    So I just scrolled through the Telltale Talk section a bit to see what all the fuss was about, and jesus fucking christ are you guys okay? That was some mighty big shitposting.

  • Zesty is downplaying it.

    It was getting a bit ZESTY

  • Geese are assholes

  • Anyone here have a PS4 with Dark Souls III and a character who's at or has beaten the Nameless King fight? I'll give you like 3 Estus Shards and 2 Undead Bone Dusts to help me out with this piece of shit fight.

  • enter image description here

    Johro posted: »

    Geese are assholes

  • Got this little guy in the mail last week

    enter image description here

    And my backer T-shirt! I'm still beaming.

  • Cancerous meme

    btw, I'm not contemplating suicide, it's a joke (obviously)


    Fucking Krillin and Gohan keep dying and there's absolutely nothing I can do to stop it.

    This mission has made me so fucking pissed off, my yells of unforgiving rage have easily matched Broly's in terms of volume

    enter image description here

  • edited January 2017

    Nothing to see here, move along.

  • you want a fucking medal or something

    Nothing to see here, move along.

  • just like to have fun m8, xD

    you want a fucking medal or something

  • So 2 weeks back I made a post saying that on the 18th I would post a video review on my real thoughts on TWD ANF. Which I'm not doing because I didn't get to it in time. So, I'll give an incredibly brief summary here.

    The Walking Dead: A New Frontier isn't bad. It's actually quite well made in a few places. In typical Telltale fashion the voice acting is fantastic, the updated graphical engine is nice, the story while basic does make sense and the episodes are both paced nicely, which is impressive considering how short the episodes are. I like how they handled a certain character's death. It felt neccessary but also shocking. It was okay.

    There are some bad things of course. Some of the facial animations are awkward as usual, The writing is quite shoddy in some places, There are way too many plot conveniences, Some of the dialogue really doesn't sound natural, Predictable plot twists everywhere and of course the flashbacks.

    I've already gone into detail on how excruciatingly bad the flashbacks are, so let me just rank them in order of how good they are to how shit they are.

    Alone Ending - This is the flashback that makes the most sense with the plot, pisses the least amount of people off and has a really satisfying continuation from Season 2.

    Kenny Ending - While this one was absolutely terrible, at least Kenny was in character. He would genuinely sacrifice himself for Clem even if it was a situation they could all make it out of, so Kenny's ending was half good half bad.

    Wellington Ending - Pretty lame how one group of people took down Wellington. Nice job writing in a character for the pure use of being killed off for shock value, Telltale. How the fuck did Clem survive the gunshot at her face? Whatever. The only good thing about this ending is cute Clem and AJ interactions.

    Jane Ending - UGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. Where do I begin? Jane was completely out of character in this ending. Jane would never commit suicide. They write the family off in one fell sentence. Jane somehow finds the supplies to give Clem a tattoo. Somehow AJ is still alive in that blanket. Jane looks like a glass doll. Etc, etc. The only good things about this ending are Jane's voice acting and the reincorporation of the Luke/Jane incident in Season 2.

    But anyway, despite all it's faults I at least got a tiny bit of enjoyment out of it. I'd rate Episode 1 of ANF a 5/10 and Episode 2 a 6/10. Maybe future episodes will change my mind.

  • edited January 2017


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