The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2017
  • RIP

    A Dog's Purpose, a movie based on a really fantastic book (I highly recommend it if you like to cry) has been caught abusing one of it's dogs. There's a video you can find where one of the crew members is trying to force a clearly scared German Shepard into the water to shoot a scene.

    Damn. And I was pretty excited for the movie too. This is really ironic as well considering the book touches upon the subject of animal abuse.

  • Aw, I love that book.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    RIP A Dog's Purpose, a movie based on a really fantastic book (I highly recommend it if you like to cry) has been caught abusing one of i

  • Just finished Season 5 of Games of Thrones and this show keeps getting better and better. The twists keep mind raping me bad.

    Can anyone recommend any other good TV shows?

  • Is anyone getting annoyed with "GEN ED RESEARCH" ads on youtube showing close ups of random people's faces?

  • I get annoyed by any type of ad, video pre-roll ads (even un-skipable ones, those piss me off very quickly) Survey Ads, location based ads (WHY THE F*CK DO YOU NEED TO TRACK PEOPLE!?) and many other ones you can think off

    bloop posted: »

    Is anyone getting annoyed with "GEN ED RESEARCH" ads on youtube showing close ups of random people's faces?

  • Yeah, I'd boycott it at least until it's free. That puppy was terrified. Personally, I'm never going to watch it(I was only previously on the "maybe" bandwagon though).

    lupinb0y posted: »

    RIP A Dog's Purpose, a movie based on a really fantastic book (I highly recommend it if you like to cry) has been caught abusing one of i

  • Heard about that Grand Mac thing at McDonald's in the 'States. I find it weird that they're introducing bigger burgers there when they've taken the Double Big Mac and Double Quarter Pounder off the menu in (Western)Canada. We can still order them. They're just not on the menu. So of course I have to. It makes me feel like I'm part of their secret stonecutter club.

  • No thanks

    alexgo posted: »


  • Currently waiting outside the office of my school's Dean of Student Affairs to try and get a ticket to Trump's Inauguration. He's only offering 50 free tickets on a first come, first serve basis, got here a few hours early to make sure I get one. The waiting begins.

  • Saw the video, it was awful what they did to that dog, the filmmakers should be ashamed of what they did.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    RIP A Dog's Purpose, a movie based on a really fantastic book (I highly recommend it if you like to cry) has been caught abusing one of i

  • Honestly, after attempting to write some ANF fanfic with different responses to each dialogue choice, I can understand why the game has so many writers. That shit's difficult on your own.

  • I'm not trying to be one of those people that praises everything about S1, but all the episodes of S1 had 1 writer per episode, and they had more varying dialogue options and longer episodes. Even S2 had 1-2 writers per episode. I'm sure it is hard, but still manageable, you don't need 7-8 people on one episode, it causes way too many problems.

    hemfbg posted: »

    Honestly, after attempting to write some ANF fanfic with different responses to each dialogue choice, I can understand why the game has so many writers. That shit's difficult on your own.

  • Starting off my birthday with some house cleaning while listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack. If I'm being honest it's a pretty great way to start the day off.

  • Happy Birthday!

    Starting off my birthday with some house cleaning while listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack. If I'm being honest it's a pretty great way to start the day off.

  • Happy birthday.

    Starting off my birthday with some house cleaning while listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack. If I'm being honest it's a pretty great way to start the day off.

  • Thanks!

    Happy birthday.

  • Thank you!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Happy Birthday!

  • enter image description here

    Starting off my birthday with some house cleaning while listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack. If I'm being honest it's a pretty great way to start the day off.

  • I am trying to channel season one's varying dialogue by not having each choice funnel back together again. Needless to say I have a lot of respect for the season one writers; but I can't remember dialogue choices mattering a whole lot in season two.

    It's hard to keep track of details + think of everything that a player may encounter though, which could make more people useful. Maybe not 7-8 people, but a small team of 2-3 sounds ideal. 7-8 people does seem like it could cause problems with characters being inconsistent between writers, but I haven't seen that as a huge problem in ANF. The more obvious issue is the episode lengths, considering they could be filling it out a little with hub scenes and optional conversations if they've got so many people available. It gets me thinking that they may have credited every writer that has been involved in ANF during its stages of development, large influence or not.

    I'm not trying to be one of those people that praises everything about S1, but all the episodes of S1 had 1 writer per episode, and they had

  • It gets me thinking that they may have credited every writer that has been involved in ANF during its stages of development, large influence or not.

    Unfortunately, that's not the case, as there were some people credited with Episode 1 that were not credited on Episode 2, and vice versa.

    hemfbg posted: »

    I am trying to channel season one's varying dialogue by not having each choice funnel back together again. Needless to say I have a lot of r

  • They have a smaller version with only one patty as well. And there's also the secret Double Filet-O-Fish.

    Johro posted: »

    Heard about that Grand Mac thing at McDonald's in the 'States. I find it weird that they're introducing bigger burgers there when they've t

  • Happy birthday! I know it's been a rough year, so congrats on making it, my dude.

    Starting off my birthday with some house cleaning while listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack. If I'm being honest it's a pretty great way to start the day off.

  • Thanks! Here's to hoping I make it through this next one!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Happy birthday! I know it's been a rough year, so congrats on making it, my dude.

  • I'm downloading Resident Evil Revelations 2 Episode 3 right away.

  • Love to but are you a girl?

    alexgo posted: »


  • edited January 2017

    Iron Maiden just announced a US tour with Ghost, and they're in Jersey in June.

    enter image description here

  • Happy birthday, Noah! Lots of cake, happiness, health, smiles and all sweet and nice aaaand I don't know how to finish this now.

    Starting off my birthday with some house cleaning while listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack. If I'm being honest it's a pretty great way to start the day off.

  • Finally got them, tomorrow is going to be historic.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Currently waiting outside the office of my school's Dean of Student Affairs to try and get a ticket to Trump's Inauguration. He's only offer

  • Hopefully you manage to stay safe; some people might act pretty rowdy tomorrow at the Inauguration. If you are allowed to, hopefully you can take some pics to share.

    Currently waiting outside the office of my school's Dean of Student Affairs to try and get a ticket to Trump's Inauguration. He's only offer

  • Happy Birthday! :)

    Starting off my birthday with some house cleaning while listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack. If I'm being honest it's a pretty great way to start the day off.

  • Rowdy is probably an understatement, but I will do my best to stay safe, thanks Blind, and I will certainly try take pictures.

    Hopefully you manage to stay safe; some people might act pretty rowdy tomorrow at the Inauguration. If you are allowed to, hopefully you can take some pics to share.

  • Even though it would be only be a Metro ride away for me, I had no interest because I feel much more comfortable and safer in my own home.

    Good luck getting to see anything. It's going to be packed out there, traffic is going to be so much worse than normal, which is already awful.

    Currently waiting outside the office of my school's Dean of Student Affairs to try and get a ticket to Trump's Inauguration. He's only offer

  • Thank you, Blind!

    Happy Birthday!

  • I'll do the happiness, health, smiles thing, however cake not so much. Milk allergy, lol.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Happy birthday, Noah! Lots of cake, happiness, health, smiles and all sweet and nice aaaand I don't know how to finish this now.

  • Happy Birthday. Only 5 days after me. You know all the cool kids were born in January ;)

    Starting off my birthday with some house cleaning while listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack. If I'm being honest it's a pretty great way to start the day off.

  • Started off the day really strong, middle of the day was fun and the end of the day consisted of my best friend shit talking me and everything I talked about, My PC suddenly fucking up really badly and an 11 hour update before I can play the game I got today. Cool. Goodnight everyone.

  • Damn, sorry to hear things turned out like that. :/

    Started off the day really strong, middle of the day was fun and the end of the day consisted of my best friend shit talking me and everythi

  • Took my math sol I really hope I passed

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