I don't know if this is true or not, but this is the allegation. It was a strange speech as inauguration speeches go.
EDIT: I should hav… moree checked Snopes in the first place. They say that quote does not appear in the Bee Movie.
Bisexual instead of lesbian, but he still doesn't care (he's got nothing against the LGBT community - he just said that a majority of them tend to be liberals, and he doesn't like most liberals he meets).
It's been a while since I played LiS, so I might be wrong about some of these points, but I'll try:
Well, some people theorised that Max and Rachel Amber had the same powers.
The main theory of this is that Rachel once had the same Time-travel powers as Max, and after Nathan drugged her and took pictures, she tried to go back in time, and got stuck. Nathan possibly saw her disappearance, and is why he constantly wrote "Rachel in the Dark Room" in his drawings. Rachel could have been trapped in the Dark room, stuck in time. [Though I think most of this was because Max kept repeating and (at the time, possibly) foreshadowing "I don't want to get stuck in time" throughout the series.]
Another thing was that somehow Max and Rachel are the same person.
Rachel's clothing were the perfect fit for Max. Chloe constantly compared Max to Rachel, and pointing out how they would be friends and were perfect for each other. There was also a similarity in how Max's picture with the butterfly looked the same as Rachel with her earring. What could have happened is that Max, in another timeline, went far back under the guise of Rachel Amber to save Chloe's Dad and Chloe from harm. She messed up, and was stuck in the past. Her and Chloe bonded, got together, but then "Rachel" got abducted and drugged by Nathan, was stuck in time after trying to rewind, and the memory of Rachel Amber lived on with Chloe.
Point is, there are plenty of theories of a "deeper meaning" to things in Life is Strange. (the homeless woman in EP3 is a really old Max, Samuel the Janitor can talk to animals or see the future. Plenty.) Just do a quick Google search and there'll be lots to look at. I also suggest looking at a youtube channel called Geek Remix. They did some pretty good theories when the game was being released.
(Max is Rachel picture similarity -->)
Mh... thanks. It looks complex as hell, doesn't it? I can't wait for S2, if what I read was real and not trolling. It's just a pity we probably won't see Max ever again.
I already checked Geek Remix, it's very interesting.
Who thought Breaking Bad's ending was bad!?
(being 100% honest, Im now kinda spooked he's writing season 3 if he thought Breaking Bad had a bad ending)
Due to the good (critical) reception of ANF episode 1 (I refuse to call TTB Part 2 episode 2), Telltale is more than happy to announce that Brad Kane will be the lead writer for every single telltale game and episode from now on
Due to the good (critical) reception of ANF episode 1 (I refuse to call TTB Part 2 episode 2), Telltale is more than happy to announce that Brad Kane will be the lead writer for every single telltale game and episode from now on
My reaction:
coughing blood What? You weren't impressed by my super special awesome spear skills?.... hehehehe.... coughs more blood Oh God, this is worse than stepping on a lego.
coughing blood What? You weren't impressed by my super special awesome spear skills?.... hehehehe.... coughs more blood Oh God, this is worse than stepping on a lego.
I, for one, am honered to have Trump as my precedent.
U wot m8?
That cat is so cute.
I see our President is getting a lil' emotional in that picture.
Bisexual instead of lesbian, but he still doesn't care (he's got nothing against the LGBT community - he just said that a majority of them tend to be liberals, and he doesn't like most liberals he meets).
I thought you lived in Peru.
Just finished to play Life is Strange. I feel dead inside.
I read something about Max actually being Rachel Amber, could someone explain me that?
There is a theory (Which I think will never be solved) that Max is Rachel from alternative dimension or something like that.
It's been a while since I played LiS, so I might be wrong about some of these points, but I'll try:
Well, some people theorised that Max and Rachel Amber had the same powers.
The main theory of this is that Rachel once had the same Time-travel powers as Max, and after Nathan drugged her and took pictures, she tried to go back in time, and got stuck. Nathan possibly saw her disappearance, and is why he constantly wrote "Rachel in the Dark Room" in his drawings. Rachel could have been trapped in the Dark room, stuck in time. [Though I think most of this was because Max kept repeating and (at the time, possibly) foreshadowing "I don't want to get stuck in time" throughout the series.]
Another thing was that somehow Max and Rachel are the same person.
Rachel's clothing were the perfect fit for Max. Chloe constantly compared Max to Rachel, and pointing out how they would be friends and were perfect for each other. There was also a similarity in how Max's picture with the butterfly looked the same as Rachel with her earring. What could have happened is that Max, in another timeline, went far back under the guise of Rachel Amber to save Chloe's Dad and Chloe from harm. She messed up, and was stuck in the past. Her and Chloe bonded, got together, but then "Rachel" got abducted and drugged by Nathan, was stuck in time after trying to rewind, and the memory of Rachel Amber lived on with Chloe.
Point is, there are plenty of theories of a "deeper meaning" to things in Life is Strange. (the homeless woman in EP3 is a really old Max, Samuel the Janitor can talk to animals or see the future. Plenty.) Just do a quick Google search and there'll be lots to look at. I also suggest looking at a youtube channel called Geek Remix. They did some pretty good theories when the game was being released.
(Max is Rachel picture similarity -->)
Mh... thanks. It looks complex as hell, doesn't it? I can't wait for S2, if what I read was real and not trolling. It's just a pity we probably won't see Max ever again.
I already checked Geek Remix, it's very interesting.
I want to say no, mainly because Chloe knew Rachel's parents.
Who thought Breaking Bad's ending was bad!?
(being 100% honest, Im now kinda spooked he's writing season 3 if he thought Breaking Bad had a bad ending)
Just wait until it turns out he's the lead writer of both TWAU S2 and TFTB S2.
Confirmed to be working on GOT S2.
My reaction:

Max isn't Rachel, I'm Rachel.
Lazy, just like Season 3.
Well, I don't own a gun and this is cheaper. Even if it'll be more painful...
Well, there's a 50/50 chance a robot could write a better S3. Unless they hire the cheap ones.
I think a cheap robot can still write a better S3.
True. This alone makes me feel something more than S3.
At least a robot can identify different choices and outcomes.
That's true lol
coughing blood What? You weren't impressed by my super special awesome spear skills?.... hehehehe.... coughs more blood Oh God, this is worse than stepping on a lego.
Brad Kane is a lego.