The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • enter image description here

    This would be perfect for some edits. Such as making Brad Kane the Lego, the guy that steps on it is S3 and the doctor is the community lol.

    bloop posted: »

    Brad Kane is a lego.

  • enter image description here

    bloop posted: »

    Lazy, just like Season 3.



    Max isn't Rachel, I'm Rachel.

  • enter image description here

    So ghosts are real! O)___(O

    Max isn't Rachel, I'm Rachel.

  • Grammatically, his sentence was correct. It was his morphology which wasn't.

    Your assertion therefore is semantically incorrect.

    (This is a joke: I am overplaying the role of a pedantic linguist)

    precedent U wot m8?

  • edited January 2017

    Am I crazy that I want to buy Resident Evil 6? I know it broke the Survival Horror rule but I want to see the story of it.

    EDIT: Nevermind

  • edited January 2017

    Today, I found my father's wedding band.

    He and my Mother seperated 6 years ago. At this point, he gave me his wedding band for if I should marry (foolish man, I am the exact opposite of marriage material. But I digress). I lost it under circumstances I can no longer remember.

    I found out later the reasons why he and mum seperated.

    • He hoarded the house's income.
    • He would rarely do things with me or my brother, let alone his own wife
    • He beat my Mother so much that the circumstances caused her spine to suffer permemant damage, which has worsened up until this point, where she can barely walk. Furthermore, the experience was so traumatic that she repressed her memories. And when she did regain them, they were so traumatic that she now has PTSD.

    And even now...

    • He refuses to pay his child maintenance, only doing it when the law twists his arm.
    • He lies, and lies, and lies, and lies pathalogically about everything. Lies about his finances (not just in relation to the child support), lies about what he does (claims to be working all the time, when his facebook CLEARLY shows otherwise; he does not know I have facebook), and has everyone believing that mum did all sorts of horrible things when they were together, and that she ran away with another man when they seperated.

    I no longer have contact with him; I grew tired of his lies. I gave him chance after chance after chance.

    Put simply, in my eyes, he is not a father to me, but is tantemount to a sperm donor.

    I know not what to do with this ring, what would you guys do with it?

  • I'd either sell it, or keep it so I wouldn't maybe have to buy another one down the line. Maybe give it to a friend.

    Today, I found my father's wedding band. He and my Mother seperated 6 years ago. At this point, he gave me his wedding band for if I shou

  • I'm most likely going to stop browsing the forum at all, but I'll check notifications still for other threads I'm involved in/my private discussions. There's just too much disturbing stuff on TWD forum for me to actively participate in, it's a shame, there's a good community other than that though.

  • What disturb you around there man? Just asking.

    Spodes posted: »

    I'm most likely going to stop browsing the forum at all, but I'll check notifications still for other threads I'm involved in/my private dis

  • Believe it or not all of the Clementine pedophile tier post have has been getting to me, any bit of sexualization to Clem = disgusting thoughts.

    fallandir posted: »

    What disturb you around there man? Just asking.

  • I don't think there's any moral issue with you keeping the ring if you wanted to (although I can't predict how your mother would feel).

    Today, I found my father's wedding band. He and my Mother seperated 6 years ago. At this point, he gave me his wedding band for if I shou

  • Oh, I see. I just leave the discussion when that happens, even though I haven't seen many of those comments myself. That shit happened back in S2, but we went through it, let's just hope for the same.

    Spodes posted: »

    Believe it or not all of the Clementine pedophile tier post have has been getting to me, any bit of sexualization to Clem = disgusting thoughts.

  • Yeah, but I see it, and it's bad from there, it's not just "see it and leave it for me", sadly. This is why I'm just going to stop going there, although I really did enjoy posting, it's just not worth the disgusting blemish it has put on this game for me, so I'll just try to get over it by not returning.

    fallandir posted: »

    Oh, I see. I just leave the discussion when that happens, even though I haven't seen many of those comments myself. That shit happened back in S2, but we went through it, let's just hope for the same.

  • Maybe just be active in other sections, wait around and get back to TWD when it calms down. But its your choice.

    Spodes posted: »

    Yeah, but I see it, and it's bad from there, it's not just "see it and leave it for me", sadly. This is why I'm just going to stop going the

  • Do those people go away during that period? Just saw a thread last night that was also kinda disgusting, so I'm not sure when it will.

    fallandir posted: »

    Maybe just be active in other sections, wait around and get back to TWD when it calms down. But its your choice.

  • I thought you said you lost the ring, so it doesn't matter.

    If you do find it, you can decide to keep it as a memory or sell it to be melted down (or cast into the fires of Mount Doom in Mordor). I wouldn't suggest using it as a wedding ring, though, even if you do suddenly discover you're marriage material. Your wedding ring is a special choice that you and your wife make, and that isn't a good one.

    Today, I found my father's wedding band. He and my Mother seperated 6 years ago. At this point, he gave me his wedding band for if I shou

  • You're not alone.

    I, for one, am honered to have Trump as my precedent.

  • That would've been Lying Hilary. Thank God she didn't get in.

    precedent U wot m8?

  • enter image description here

    I hate humanity

  • How did Resident Evil 7 end up? Successful or disappointing?

  • Successful. Review sites are giving it really high scores with the lowest review score so far is a 7.7 by IGN.

    Fans themselves seem to be very happy with the game too.

    AronDracula posted: »

    How did Resident Evil 7 end up? Successful or disappointing?

  • IGN is and will always be the worst reviewer ever. I want that company to die.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Successful. Review sites are giving it really high scores with the lowest review score so far is a 7.7 by IGN. Fans themselves seem to be very happy with the game too.

  • You misunderstood. I typed that I had today found it. The next paragraph details how I was given it and lost it beforehand.

    I think I shall just sell it. It is a reminder of worse times.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I thought you said you lost the ring, so it doesn't matter. If you do find it, you can decide to keep it as a memory or sell it to be mel

  • I have no desire to keep it. It serves as a reminder of what has happened.

    I should have clarified. I meant that I could not decide how to get rid of it. I was torn between just throwing it away (as a poetic gesture) or just selling it.

    Does not matter anyway; I am selling it.

    I don't think there's any moral issue with you keeping the ring if you wanted to (although I can't predict how your mother would feel).

  • I'll sell it. To just throw it away would be largely pointless, and I know no one to whom to give this.

    I'd either sell it, or keep it so I wouldn't maybe have to buy another one down the line. Maybe give it to a friend.

  • That is a perculiar baptism. Do you know where this was?

    joshua007 posted: »

    I hate humanity

  • Except he obviously intended for it to be 'president' and spelled it as 'precedent'. Therefore, his grammar was incorrect as it differed from his intended sentence.

    Get rekt m8

    Grammatically, his sentence was correct. It was his morphology which wasn't. Your assertion therefore is semantically incorrect. (This is a joke: I am overplaying the role of a pedantic linguist)

  • Are you guys gettin' through finals as shitty as I am? I failed miserably at writing my own name earlier today. No sleep, no coffee, just cold realization of disappointment. Kinda hoped for zombie infestation halfway through.

  • edited January 2017


  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited January 2017

    I can use the edit glitch to bump it down.

  • Hail victory! Hail grammar!

    precedent U wot m8?

  • Spelling her name with one L? Off to the salt mines, with you!

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    That would've been Lying Hilary. Thank God she didn't get in.

  • Dip dip potato chip.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I hate humanity

  • What a piece of shit. I'm sorry your family had to go through that. I'd sell it personally, but that's just me.

    Today, I found my father's wedding band. He and my Mother seperated 6 years ago. At this point, he gave me his wedding band for if I shou

  • You could say it was pretty un-Orthodox.

    I'm sorry.

    That is a perculiar baptism. Do you know where this was?

  • NEVER take your first date with someone to go see a porn movie.

  • WHAT IN THE WORLD @LIFE @UNIVERSE @BlindSniper (I have already messaged you a few days ago but you are busy ikr)

    This is the 5th time I've received absolutely awful disgusting 18+(more like lifetime) TWDG fanart in my feed via PMs. What can I do, besides bleaching my eyes and soul, of course? I am afraid I won't be able to visit my feed anymore.

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