The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Bruh. Calm down just a wee bit, eh? Not everything has some subtle meaning that you need to decipher. Sometimes a have a good day is just a have a good day, yuh know? Chill. In fact, it usually tends that they mean less with their words than the words mean themselves (pleasantries).

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Hey let me ask you something: When you're texting someone, just to hey, and at the end of the conversation they say: "Have a good day", a

  • Lonely dojo is lonely.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You can send stuff to me, my feed is usually empty.

  • I just don't want to feel like it's the same as Witcher 3 because I tried that game and wasn't my style. I heard it's made by the developers who made Dark Souls series and I never played a Dark Souls game.

    YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. Also if you need help with it I'm always open to be a summon for ya.

  • It's not at all the same as Witcher 3. Bloodborne is actually a good game. (kek)

    Joking, but yeah, Bloodborne is completely different from the Witcher, as is Dark Souls for that matter. Bloodborne is in a gothic, Lovecraft horror setting with intense, violent and aggresive gameplay in which one wrong move will kill you instantly. Dark Souls takes place usually in a long destroyed kingdom with beautiful huge environments and a story that you have to find by yourself. The gameplay is in depth and amazing, the combat is fantastic, the games are terrifying and there's real weight to your deaths. It's a completely different game from the Witcher. It's also open world but not super open world. It's open world in the same way Twilight Princess is. Everything is connected and you can go anywhere you want in this world.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I just don't want to feel like it's the same as Witcher 3 because I tried that game and wasn't my style. I heard it's made by the developers who made Dark Souls series and I never played a Dark Souls game.

  • I hate being opinionated.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I'm online every day even if i don't post much, if something like that happens again i would recommend sending a PM to all moderators so if that one misses the PM another one will see it.

    Thanks, I actually appreciate that. Honestly you've been the most active mod in the past few months from what I've seen, and that's really helpful.

  • I would be more active on social media, but I'm not funny nor interesting.

    Wouldn't the world be so much better if more people had that attitude?

  • I feel like I'm going to shit myself playing Resident Evil 7, and I've only played a little over an hour :(

  • even though ive been looking forward to re7 for ages I just knew I wasnt in the headspace for that bottom of your stomach dread feeling at the moment so I got yakuza 0 instead.

    Id been playing everybodies gone to the rapture with headphones on and it was realy nice and relaxing straight after finishing it I put on the re demo with the surround sound headphones and it actually made me feel ill it was such a shock to the system I haven't even been able to finish the demo or even boot it up since it was a horrible experience.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I feel like I'm going to shit myself playing Resident Evil 7, and I've only played a little over an hour

  • If the just the demo does that to you, you'll probably not want to play the actual game. From what I've seen on YouTube and what little I've played, it's a far more horrifying experience. Doesn't help that the graphics are actually pretty good and look real as hell, along with the animation.

    even though ive been looking forward to re7 for ages I just knew I wasnt in the headspace for that bottom of your stomach dread feeling at t

  • It was just because I was playing a beautiful first person game then I played that the difference messed me up I was fine playing the demo before it was a weird experience

    lupinb0y posted: »

    If the just the demo does that to you, you'll probably not want to play the actual game. From what I've seen on YouTube and what little I've

  • oh dear I got those too absolutely disgusting

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I'd take that 18+ fan art any day over the pictures of dead children and gif of a guy cutting his dick off I got sent last year.

  • I'll keep it low...there was one about Clementine...and other involving Clementine and Sarah.

    I can't realize why someone thinks sending nasty stuff is good trolling and why someone on this Earth thought it'd be a sane idea to draw shit like that. top tier shit. shit into another dimension.

    I am so sorry about that. What was it?

  • I can't even go to my feed like a sane person.

    What a concidence to send me that stuff just when I forgot about the old ones and I let my guard down. Seriously wtf.

    And as a bonus, that person can still see whatever we're typing right now.

    You got that too. I got one earlier today, this was the first time this happened to me though. I almost pushed my fingers into my eyes, it w

  • I think I know what it is now.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I'll keep it low...there was one about Clementine...and other involving Clementine and Sarah. I can't realize why someone thinks sending

  • Me too. Fucking trolls.

    Someone just sent me some fucked up fanart of Clementine and now I need to bleach my eyes.

  • It really does make you wonder, you know. You're a real dick if you post that, but there's actually someone out there twisted enough to have actually made it. Seriously, what is going on inside that head of theirs that would make them want to depict that, especially with two children.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I'll keep it low...there was one about Clementine...and other involving Clementine and Sarah. I can't realize why someone thinks sending

  • the pictures of dead children and gif of a guy cutting his dick off

    Jesus Christ.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I'd take that 18+ fan art any day over the pictures of dead children and gif of a guy cutting his dick off I got sent last year.

  • How do I get the Moogle carnival in FF15?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2017

    Hmm, that sounds weird. I usually make it a goal to check my profile feed everyday, but sometimes, PMs might slip through during busier times with lots of notifications - that, or I may have been offline at the time. If a moderator has posted a waiting thread for an episode, or some other thread likely to generate lots of posts, they are likely to have a crapton of notifications in one day (keep in mind that, as of last July, we also get notifications for individual post edits now too). As I said, I usually check a couple times everyday but lots of notifications can cause a few things to slip through.

    As OzzyUK said, it can't hurt to take the shotgun approach and PM several moderators instead of one if users try something stupid. Unfortunately, due to the current limitations of the profile feed system, we can't filter exclusively for PMs so there is a slim chance where a PM might accidentally get overlooked on our end, but I do make the effort to look several times everyday.

    Are you fucking mods gonna take action or keep posting memes?

    Well, considering we already ban the users whenever we get reports (unless we accidentally skim past a PM once in a blue moon as I described above), I am inclined to say that we are taking action. I mean, we can't always be immediate but we do try to check in often. It's not like us making an occasional joke or whatever has a correlation to this. It's more due to a combination of site limitations and us not being on 24/7, although we do try to check in very often for the most part.

    Other mods and I have brought this issue to the attention of staff a couple months back, and I've proposed a couple solutions that they are hopefully looking into.

    Oh I DMed Blind the username of the person who sent me it back in November when it first started happening. And then nothing. Absolutely nothing, they sent me like 3 more images too. You don't have to be psychic to be competent.

  • I miss when PM's lit up a light pretty purple in the feed. They were hard to miss then.

    Hmm, that sounds weird. I usually make it a goal to check my profile feed everyday, but sometimes, PMs might slip through during busier time


  • Do you at least have the free version of the holiday pack + patch 1.04 installed? If so, you access it from the "special" option in the main menu.

    joshua007 posted: »

    How do I get the Moogle carnival in FF15?

  • edited January 2017


  • Yeah well the same guy just made another account and sent me 7 more. I appreciate you responding but this is honestly not enough at this point. You need to find a way to contact the guy who makes all these accounts and punish them for this. It's happened to so many people now and it's blatantly obvious it's the same person with a different account.

    Hmm, that sounds weird. I usually make it a goal to check my profile feed everyday, but sometimes, PMs might slip through during busier time

  • [removed]

  • Done damn that was fun:)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Do you at least have the free version of the holiday pack + patch 1.04 installed? If so, you access it from the "special" option in the main menu.

  • You finished the main quest? I wonder what that special egg will be for. Aparently it has the same name as an egg from Chrono Trigger

    joshua007 posted: »

    Done damn that was fun:)

  • PM me the username.

  • Wait. There are people whom got it on the 23rd, 24th, 25th. We're being systematically grouped off! Segregation!

  • PM me the username.

  • PM'd

    PM me the username.

  • Actually, someone already banned the user if it weren't you.

    PM me the username.

  • It was Ozzy.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Actually, someone already banned the user if it weren't you.

  • edited January 2017


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