I'm hoping for a return of Wally West AKA Kid Flash. Hopefully it will be the new African American Kid Flash that was introduced in the DC Rebirth comics and in the TV show.
2013: The Last of Us
2014: I discovered TT TWD S1
2015: I watched Breaking Bad
2016: I played Tales From the Borderlands
2017: ???
My favourites. I hope I didn't jinx 2017 now
http://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/scientists-are-getting-closer-to-making-intergalactic-space-travel-a-reality/ar-AAmfeHX?ocid=spartandhp… more
Hey hey hey, who is ready?
Side note: Alpha is an actual name for a girl. This is very surprising and weird to me.
Already did. Cleared the situation up. Apparently I forgot where I lived and gave the wrong address. I already constantly forget the day of the week, my address is just another step on the ladder I suppose.
That...that is just awful. Sophia? A little girl? She has done like nothing in the comics for ages, and certainly she did nothing in March to War. I feel for you.
(Is playing Road to Survival)
"You have unlocked an elite token! Claim your elite character now!"
"Fuck yes! Finally! I can get someone cool!"
"You have unlocked: March to War Sophia"
(Skips frame to phone being tossed out of a window)
If they had given me 4 Year Sophia, that wouldn't have been as bad because she can somewhat hold her own in that timeline. Still shitty compared to someone like Negan or Jesus, although would have been more fair in this case.
But instead, I get "You're mean Carl I don't wanna be your friend anymore" Sophia.
"You have unlocked: March to War Sophia
March to War Sophia
That...that is just awful. Sophia? A little girl? S… morehe has done like nothing in the comics for ages, and certainly she did nothing in March to War. I feel for you.
For fuck's sake, a movie can't even portray an unhinged character anymore, even if it's a horror movie and not meant to be taken as a literal, accurate depiction of mental illness, without the SJWs getting all offended and upset.
Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive MOVIE SPOILER FREE REVIEW
Lucis the peacefull Kingdom of great magic against the evil Empire called Niflheim, a Empire that focus on modern machines and warfare.
The movie focusses on two characters mostly, King Regis the leader of Lucis and Nyx Ulric a immigrant soldier of the Kingsglaive that serve King Regis to fight against Niflheim. The movie is the start of the game and everybody who has been here since the games annoucement and when it stilll was named Versus XIII will notice a few scenes from Versus but redone.
The main characters are 50% new characters specialely made for the movie and the other 50% are the game characters.
See the movie and the game Final Fantasy XV share the same Universe with the Anime FF15 Brotherhood so don't worry if they just leave it with one game there is more:)
And this is also it's downfall
While Kingsglaive isn't really terrible like reviewers make it out to be it has some major problems that keep the movie back from reaching it potentional.
Every seen with Regis you want to know what is going to happen next, when he stands next to a character, when he talks to his enemies and more he is by far the most interesting character for me personally in this movie.
Nyx is... Okay I guess he is a character that wants to do fine and be the hero and a rebel. He is one of the original characters from the movie but pissed me of when we were getting closer to the end of the movie because one of the twists.
Niflheim wants to over a peace treaty with King Regis and by doing that Regis his son Noctis (which means night) must marry Princess Luna (Luna means moon)
Every seen with Niflheim is a action scene or a talk scene which aren't bad because you feel the tension between Lucis and Niflheim, the theme, and consequence of this scene and most importantly they all matter to the movies plot.
Here (the movie) we have a solid action plot that is easy to follow filled with good acting, good voice acting and the best realistic CGI in a movie I have ever seen... So what was wrong with it and why do the critics hate it like somebody put nails in there faces and scratched them until they saw blood?
The problems:
First thing: is if you have played the game and see the movie you notice it has not the SOUL of the game which is making connections with your friends (my enterpretation). The movie lacks character development and when they have character development they might end up death.
The movie is easier to follow if you have played the game and if you have not you wouldn't really understand the movie that well.
Even having played the game watching the movie is kinda handy to understand the game better I AM WATCHING A MOVIE I DON'T WANT TO PLAY THE GAME DAMNED TO UNDERSTAND THE MOVIE
Second thing: is that the movie takes place before the game and ends with the games opening there are contradictions in the movie which makes me mad and make this not a standalone movie.
Third:The editing is horrible in the beginning of the movie and end. The screen goes black a lot in the beginning and everybody who does editing knows this means time passed but it hardly did if feels like a bunch of game cutscenes put together with the gameplay missing between it.
At the end of the movie there are 4 things going on at the same time and the camera flies all over the place and the basic gravity made in the movie dies making it unlogical in a world with weird hair anime characters using swords to fight robots! You lose the connection wit the audience in the final battle!
Four: The plot twists are horrible and hardly spend time on
If you try to find a message in the movie which I did for fun more than for this review but it bothered me how bad it was when you think about it.
The messages is ''the past is the past just move on'' OOH FUCKING SURE yes let's forgive the man who did 9/11 ooh sure or the person who killed your fucking family yeah because that was yesterday ooh the past is not important? Well let me fucking tell you something you dumb fucks from the movie COUGH COUGH Nyx and ''Gods'' the past is the person who you are now and what you are the next day if you forget everything ever happened to you you are a shell.
It is how we respond to things and make our choices. This really freaking pissed me of and wanted me to punch a hole in my television.
This reminds me of my teacher I really freaking hate him btw like the talking pancake on my table in the living room!
And even though what I just all said... I will watch this movie again!
No serious I will watch this movie again!
Even though this retcons all I said and my outburt on the message of the movie the action is really well done I mean it the gameplay is well translated to the big screen and home television.
I use the movie for sport so I can watch a movie at the same time, when I am bored I watch it if I don't have anything else, I can put it on in the background and walk by it and do something else if you like FF15 you might like this movie and makes a few things more clear in FF15 the game itself (because the movie is ment to be watched first and you don't get it in the normall disc version)
Hell the first time I saw this movie I hardly knew anything of FF15 only things about Versus XIII because I wanted it to be a surprise.
The major reasons this movie has 2/10 is script and editing mostly.
If you don't mind I have a hooker to attend to in my basement have a fun day!
Next review FF15 Brotherhood
Ooh yeah my score is 5/10 normall viewer 6/10 if you have played the game just depends on what you expect to I guess and want
NOTE: This is my very first movie review so don't get triggered if I forget something
First off, a friend of mine, @Karnedg2013 would like me to say hello to everyone for him. He's been very busy so he won't be around till like early May. He also gave me a gift for my birthday/anniversary (I completely forgot it was my 3rd anniversary yesterday lmao) so I thought I'd should share it.
Thanks dude!
Now, there's something else I've been wanting to talk about. I think it was last week I moaned about how my 3 month long written rewrite of TWD All That Remains didn't really get much reception and I was being very hard on myself and did some thinking. Looking back I still had some success in the stuff I wrote most especially with that comic thing I did, technically it was a fanfic and people digged that story I never finished that served as a prequel to TWD Season 2. And even now, there's at least 3-4 people who were interested in this one I posted recently.
So what I'm trying to say is, I've been going about things a bit wrong, and last night I just resumed my rewrite of A House Divided because I wanted to do it. And it was fun, and I'm giving it 100% this time because I wanted to type it up. So I'm gonna finish it up whenever I feel like I want to just relax. I will let people who I know are interested when it's done but I'm also curious if anyone else in reading my revision of Season 2 themselves.
So to give you a rundown on how it's gonna be, the first two episodes are soft rewrites with additional scenes with some changes as well. The reason why episodes 1 and 2 are soft rewrites is because I loved the plot hints those episodes gave that just ended up unfulfilled down the road, so the purpose of this rewrite is to sort of fulfill what I think could've happened (Episode 2 has more changes and additions than Episode 1 though). As we go along the episodes I outlined things will drastically change, Clementine will also have more of her own story since her arc felt it lost focus down the line. Not only that it will also focus on building the cast, something I felt was missing since S1 also involving the supposed mystery of the cabin group. And as many sequels should be, it will take what was great and add onto it this time, like the possibility of having those help Lee find Clem based on your relationship things will also affect based on those attributes. I'm writing it so that the choices will seem to have more weight to them while still having a coherent plot.
After S2 I plan on writing a few original episodes to act as a bridge to S3 (will have to watch and see how that ends up).
But yeah, if you're also interested, let me know. I'll note it down so I can let ya know when the next episode is done. I'll post down in the spoiler comment below (to prevent a longer page being made) a scene I made long ago to know what kind of ride you're in for. If you could give me your thoughts on it as well, it'd be appreciated.
TL;DR: Thanks Karnedg2013 for the gift and he says hello. I felt I was too hard on myself with my fanfics and trying to change my mindset about that. I'm working on a revision of S2 for fun and if anyone's interested let me know, here's a taste of it below.
----------------By the Abandoned Trailer in the Woods------------------------------------------------
The first night after everyone left the cabin, it's been hours later since they've found Nick/Pete's body. They've discovered a nice spot to set up camp for the night. They are out in the woods, by some rocks, and tiny ruins. Around the fire, Carlos/Rebecca sits. Alvin takes watch by the ruins, Luke looks out the woods, Nick sits against a tree, Sarah is reading her book in the RV. Clementine sits against a rock by herself, backpack on the side, relaxing and thinking.
A) Christa, where are you? (Clem mutters to herself, wondering)
B ) I miss you, Mom and Dad. (Clem thinks about her parents, wishing she can be with them back home with her babysitter, Sandra. Being a kid again.)
C) Lee, if only you were with me still. (Clem thinks of Lee, wishing he'd be next to her. Along with Duck, and the others from the Motor Inn.)
D) ... (Clem sits only, thinking in her head)
She looks around the camp zone, thinking she might as well to get do something other than feeling like shit. Clementine stands up and you now can take control of Clem and interact with the setting.
---------HUB------------------------ CAMPSITE (RUINS BY ABANDONED RV, DEEP IN THE WOODS)
Bushes {Where you start}
-Look (Clem looks out, hearing owls, hoping no walker may creep up.)
Campfire {middle of the map, where Carlos/Rebecca are at}
-Warm Up (Clem attends to the fire and warms up)
Dead Corpses {Against the ruined brick wall next to Alvin}
-Look (Smells the awful stench, comments that Luke/Carlos/Alvin killed them when they came here)
Abandoned RV {On the right end of the hub}
-Look at Window (Clem peaks through the window that reveals the RV illuminated by a lantern with Sarah's head peaking out.)
-Enter Door (Clem knocks on the door, Sarah says come in, Clem enters the RV---- LEADS TO SECTION: RV)
Rebecca/Carlos {Next to Campfire}
-Look (She looks at the talking to each other)
-Talk: Rebecca/Carlos talks about Carver being after them, can't run forever. They notice her, Rebecca will say hello to Clem/Carlos will either not say anything(distrust) or asks if she needs something (trustful)
A) So... do you trust me? (Clem is curious, they both think of an answer. Rebecca isn't too sure but says Clem is rather a slippery one. Carlos will either say that Clem has been acceptable so far, or he'll say she'll need to prove to him still, Clem will either be glad/dismissive/disappointed).
B ) Why do you guys not talk to me about Carver? (Clem crosses her arms, suspicious. Rebecca attempts to speak, but Carlos says it's a concern for themselves not her, Clem says it is since she's with them now. Carlos says what's between his group and Carver only is part of their group. Clem sighs "Fine... Whatever.")
C) Never mind. (Temporary until dialogue is cleared. Clem walks away.)
Clem walks away after conversation and the two return to their focus on the fire.
Nick (Against a tree, north of campfire)
-Look (Clem observes Nick who's holding his rifle, looking down. Clem looks at him with a sympathetic look)
-Talk: Clem says hello to him and Nick asks what's up.
A)How are you holding up? (Nick says "Like a walking piece of shit. I just can't believe he's gone." Clem says he'll be okay eventually. Nick looks to the side, wishing the walkers took him instead of Pete. Clem looks sad.)
B )I noticed the ducks in that cabin. (Nick asks what about them, Clem says she had a friend called Duck, he was a good friend. She lost him long ago, his dad broke down when he and his wife died. Nick surprised and feels bad about that, he sympathizes, saying sorry for her friend. Clem thanks him. Sorry about his Uncle too.) ~Nick will remember that.
C)Can I try your hat? (Nick asks what for, Clem is just curious and thinks it looks cool, he hands her his and she trades her hat to him. They try their hats and Clem giggles about Nick with her hat on, Nick gets a little annoyed as it hardly fits but laughs it off, they hand each other's hats back. Nick tells her to enjoy the head lice, Clem says 'ew', Nick laughs and says he got back at her.)
D) Never mind. (Back out/Temporary till all dialogue finished)
Clem turns around and says see ya. Nick says yep and goes back to looking at his rifle.
Alvin {by the ruined brick walls}
-Look (Alvin mutters that there's no sign of anything out there, that's good.)
-Talk (Clem says hi to him, he turns and says hello to her kindly.)
A)Sorry for any trouble I caused (Clem apologizes, Alvin says it's okay, she just did what she had to if you didn't rat him out if you confronted him, or Alvin will say apology accepted and tells her to behave and not pull that shit again if she ratted on him/blackmailed/got lippy with him. Clem is understanding.) ~Alvin will remember that.
B )How long do you think till the baby comes? (Alvin's uncertain about it, says it could be any time. Bec's been pregnant for a while so it's going to happen soon he bets.)
C)Back in the cabin, I noticed something. (Only available if you mentioned George by asking Carver's name! Clem is suspicious of his reaction to hearing George, Alvin stutters and tries to dismiss it. Alvin says that's kinda personal, can't tell her that. Clem curious. Alvin tells her to shoo she's in his space. She walks away. Instantly finishes dialogue tree)
D) Never mind. (Back out/ Temporary till all dialogue's been finished.)
Alvin tells her to play along with Sarah, she's in the broken down RV. He looks back to the woods.
Luke {Next to the RV, looking out to the woods}
-Talk (Clem says hi, Luke turns to say hi. Clem asks about the lookout, Luke says so far it's all good. Asks if she needed anything.)
A)I never said thanks from earlier. (Clem says with a appreciative smile, talking about when he first found her. Luke says it was no big deal, he just saw her in danger and just had to save the day.)
B )I wonder if I'll ever see Christa again. (Available Clem mentioned her on the road earlier. Clem tells him with a bleak face, Luke says she may still be close so Clem shouldn't be doubting already since it's only been a short while. Luke says they'll find her, reassuring her, Clem smiles gently from the comfort. Luke asks what Christa was like.)
B1) She's a strong person. (Clem describes her as such, she took care of her by herself for a long time after it just ended up us two. Luke responds she's done a fine job in being her guardian by the looks of it.) ~Luke will remember that.
B2) Cold, distant. (Clem sighs, she says that she did something that got Christa upset. She took care of Clem but... I can see she blamed me for how she is now. Luke says it surely couldn't be that bad. Clem has a bleak look, pausing before telling him it was.) ~Luke will remember that.
B3)I don't really want to talk about it. (Luke apologizes, he should know where he stands.)
C)Do you think Carver will be able to find us?. (Clem is concerned, nervous. Says stopping here may give him a chance to find us. Luke agrees but they need to rest still, so does Carver, they will move on as soon as they get up. Before sunrise.)
D)Nah, never mind. (Back out/Temporary till all dialogue finished)
Luke says he needs to get back to watch duty, Clem nods understandably and Luke turns to the woods.
After entering the trailer, you will enter a second part of the HUB. It's a small RV, with the driver's end at the front, a table on the side where Sarah is sitting and reading her book, a sink on the opposite end, some beds at the end and a bathroom door near it. As you enter, if you`re friends with Sarah, she will say hello and Clem will wave, if not Sarah will just read her book.
Driver's seat. {Front of the RV}
-Check (Clem will sit down on the seat, testing out the steering wheel, commenting she'd like drive something like this if she gets the chance. Mischievously smiles about it. Sarah says Clem might crash as soon as she drives, Clem makes an awkward look/stutters and agrees that'd be likely. Clem gets off the seat)
Sink {Opposite to the table}
-Check (Clem looks at the dishes and sees cockroaches, looks in disgust.)
Beds {beside the sink on the far end}
-Check (Clem looks at the beds, comments how they're the only things that look in good condition)
Bathroom Door {Opposite of the beds}
-Check (Clem peaks through the door, sees a hole through the wall by the toilet, Clem decides to close the door just to be safe)
Cupboards {Above the sink}
-Check (Clem opens the cupboards and finds a can of tuna, Clem picks it up and it's added to your inventory, you can choose to have it for yourself later on or to save it for another member later on)
Sarah {At the table}
-Talk (Clem sees some papers on the table next to Sarah, she ass how things are with Sarah. Sarah can be shy if you're not her friend, or relaxed if you're her friend. Sarah will explain she found some papers to draw with, asks if Clem likes to join. Clem thinks and decides to draw for old times sake.She sits by the table with Sarah, opposite to each other. Both draws pictures together, Clem still does her old doodles, but as she looks, she's surprised as she learns Sarah is an artist, making animal pictures with great detail.
A)Wow, you're pretty good. (Clem compliments her, Sarah thanks her. Something she was always proud of.) ~~Sarah will remember that.
B )It looks like crap. (Clem is jealous, Sarah asks what she means, Sarah thinks she does okay.) ~~Sarah will remember that.
C)How'd you do that? (Clem is curious, Sarah says her mom taught her how to draw as a little girl)
D)... (Clem looks in surprise, resumes drawing)
Sarah says she used to always draw with her mother, as she grew up she got better as she followed her mom's footsteps. She missed doing this sort of thing, just a chance to relax, Clem knows the feeling. Sarah continues saying how whenever she got her art project returned after getting a mark, she'd put it on the hallway wall, called it "Sarah's Art Wall of Fame", they'd keep doing that until... Sarah stops with a sad look. Clem asks about what happened to her mother. Sarah tries to talk about it but feels too uncomfortable.
A) It's okay, take your time. (Clem says sincerely)
B )I'm sorry, you don't need to tell me. (Clem says sincerely)
C)What happened? (Clem asks, curious)
D)... (Clem raises an eyebrow, curious and concerned)
Sarah explains her mom died when she was 10, it was because a man who had mugged them and shot her and her dad tried everything he could but she died anyway. Clem feels awful about it, says she lost both of hers long ago. Sarah says she's sorry about her loss. Clem looks down, quiet.
A)Sorry about yours too. (Clem says sincerely, Sarah wipes her tears and says thanks.) ~~Sarah will remember that.
B )Things happen. (Clem says dismissively, Sarah says "Yeah. Even the bad things, sadly.")
C)Me too. (Clem says with a glum look)
D)... (Clem still looking down, kinda sad)
Both hears Carlos coming in, telling them it's time to sleep. Both girls gets up and walks to the beds until Carlos notices the gun in Sarah's backpack laying by the table. He takes it out and yells at Sarah about what she's doing with one, approaching her as she turns to him nervously. Sarah says she wanted to know how to protect herself. Carlos angrily lectures her, telling her she cannot use these things, causing her to cry. Clem looks, unsure what to do.
Defend Sarah: Clem will speak up, defending Sarah. She explains Sarah needs to how to protect herself, asks what if Carlos isn't around for her. The two argues about HOW survival measures should be taken. Clem tells him her friend, Lee taught her how to survive, it was because of him she's alive. Carlos says he clearly was a bad influence if he taught her to butt into family matters. Clem looks at him furious. Luke walks in, telling him to lay off. Carlos explains the commotion and about Clem interfering, Luke tells him to cool it off. Says it's been enough of a day, and yelling might draw unneeded attention as he and Carlos looks at the girls' direction. Sarah will make a shy smile to Clem, who kindly smiles back.
IMPACT: Sarah will remember what you did for her. She will recall about it later in the ski lodge in greatful manner.
Stay out of it: Carlos will continue to lecture her, making her feel bad with Clem keeping quiet and shy. Luke will walk in, telling him to lay off. Carlos explains the commotion, Luke tells him to cool it off. Says it's been enough of a day, and yelling might draw unneeded attention as he and Carlos looks at the girls' direction. Sarah will look at Clem with a sad look, Clem looks with a rather guilty look.
IMPACT: Sarah will remember that you stood and watch. She will be a bit disappointed but understandable. She will mention this in the ski lodge.
Luke tells everyone should just get some rest, it's been a long day so it's time to get some rest. Moments later, Sarah (lower bed) and Clem (top bed)lays on the beds to sleep, Rebecca sleeps on the third bed at the end, Alvin sleeps on the floor while snoring, Nick and Luke sleeps while sitting up, and Carlos sleeps on the table where Sarah sat. Clem is sweating, having a nightmare. In her dream she remembers waiting at the train with Ben and Chuck, hearing a gunshot from the forest, (determinately, another) and would soon see Kenny and Lee walking out from the forest to them, young Clem looks in sadness knowing her friends are dead, looking at Lee talking to Ben/Chuck with no voices heard, with Kenny walking to the main part of the train, all silence as she knows what happened. Clem just looks down, feeling awful." Current time -- Clem mumbles in her sleep. "Why... why did it have to... be that way?"
Several things on my mind today.
First off, a friend of mine, @Karnedg2013 would like me to say hello to everyone for him. He's been very… more busy so he won't be around till like early May. He also gave me a gift for my birthday/anniversary (I completely forgot it was my 3rd anniversary yesterday lmao) so I thought I'd should share it.
Thanks dude!
Now, there's something else I've been wanting to talk about. I think it was last week I moaned about how my 3 month long written rewrite of TWD All That Remains didn't really get much reception and I was being very hard on myself and did some thinking. Looking back I still had some success in the stuff I wrote most especially with that comic thing I did, technically it was a fanfic and people digged that story I never finished that served as a prequel to TWD Season 2. And even now, there's at least 3-4 people who were interested in this one I posted recently.
So what I'm trying to say i… [view original content]
I can't believe I'm coming to the defense of Shyamalan here, but I am. It's a movie people, no need to get triggered over ever single little detail. He's not dehumanizing people with mental health issues, nor is he saying all people that suffer from multiple personality disorders are monsters. If we let the possibility of someone getting offended stop us from being creative, then humanity will never be creative again.
For fuck's sake, a movie can't even portray an unhinged character anymore, even if it's a horror movie and not meant to be taken as a literal, accurate depiction of mental illness, without the SJWs getting all offended and upset.
You know what's scary? The fact that there's a black hole that's 1800 lightyears wide and we're smaller than atoms compared to that size. Nothing we do matters or changes anything and eventually we're all going to die and no one will remember us. The only way we'll be remembered is if we commit some terrifying terrorist act that shakes up the world for the rest of existence, meaning the Osama Bin Laden will be remembered longer than us. And we can't change anything about earth or the universe because we're so completely irrelevant, and the only changes we can make are negative ones that put our planet at risk. There's nothing after death, there is no god, and we're all going to die alone in the universe. And 100 years from now everyone will forget we exist.
Everyone killed it this year
RIP Ren, Nora, Qrow, Blake's parents, Taiyang, Raven, Yang's other arm and Sun.
You know what's scary? The fact that there's a black hole that's 1800 lightyears wide and we're smaller than atoms compared to that size. No… morething we do matters or changes anything and eventually we're all going to die and no one will remember us. The only way we'll be remembered is if we commit some terrifying terrorist act that shakes up the world for the rest of existence, meaning the Osama Bin Laden will be remembered longer than us. And we can't change anything about earth or the universe because we're so completely irrelevant, and the only changes we can make are negative ones that put our planet at risk. There's nothing after death, there is no god, and we're all going to die alone in the universe. And 100 years from now everyone will forget we exist.
I'm hoping for a return of Wally West AKA Kid Flash. Hopefully it will be the new African American Kid Flash that was introduced in the DC Rebirth comics and in the TV show.
I heard is first plan is to eradicate America's biggest threat. Anime.
I ordered a pizza 2 hours ago and it never came. Papa Johns? More like... uh... Shitbirds. AHAHAHAHA
Their pizza sucks anyway. I usually just buy a freezer pizza from a grocery store.
Pretty sure that violates the "30 minutes or its free" rule.
2013: The Last of Us
2014: I discovered TT TWD S1
2015: I watched Breaking Bad
2016: I played Tales From the Borderlands
2017: ???
My favourites. I hope I didn't jinx 2017 now
Well considering it's been nearly 4 hours now, I'm gonna say yes.
2017: TLOU P2
...haha in my dreams.
I would call them back at that point if you have not already.
Very cool. Now we just need to figure out that pesky propulsion conundrum. Maybe this will (probably not) work?
@lupinb0y I sent you a friend request on Steam. Can you accept it?
Already did. Cleared the situation up. Apparently I forgot where I lived and gave the wrong address. I already constantly forget the day of the week, my address is just another step on the ladder I suppose.
Just realized I misclicked the 3. . . damn. Ruined.
Fuck. Now what will I do with my life
RIP Ren, Nora, Qrow, Blake's parents, Taiyang, Raven, Yang's other arm and Sun.
(Is playing Road to Survival)
"You have unlocked an elite token! Claim your elite character now!"
"Fuck yes! Finally! I can get someone cool!"
"You have unlocked: March to War Sophia"
(Skips frame to phone being tossed out of a window)
That...that is just awful. Sophia? A little girl? She has done like nothing in the comics for ages, and certainly she did nothing in March to War. I feel for you.
I know, right?!
If they had given me 4 Year Sophia, that wouldn't have been as bad because she can somewhat hold her own in that timeline. Still shitty compared to someone like Negan or Jesus, although would have been more fair in this case.
But instead, I get "You're mean Carl I don't wanna be your friend anymore" Sophia.
Janecide isn't the answer!
TLOU P2 won't be released this year. I know it.
For fuck's sake, a movie can't even portray an unhinged character anymore, even if it's a horror movie and not meant to be taken as a literal, accurate depiction of mental illness, without the SJWs getting all offended and upset.
Final Fantasy XV Kingsglaive Movie review down below spoiler free
Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive MOVIE SPOILER FREE REVIEW
Lucis the peacefull Kingdom of great magic against the evil Empire called Niflheim, a Empire that focus on modern machines and warfare.
The movie focusses on two characters mostly, King Regis the leader of Lucis and Nyx Ulric a immigrant soldier of the Kingsglaive that serve King Regis to fight against Niflheim. The movie is the start of the game and everybody who has been here since the games annoucement and when it stilll was named Versus XIII will notice a few scenes from Versus but redone.

The main characters are 50% new characters specialely made for the movie and the other 50% are the game characters.
See the movie and the game Final Fantasy XV share the same Universe with the Anime FF15 Brotherhood so don't worry if they just leave it with one game there is more:)
And this is also it's downfall
While Kingsglaive isn't really terrible like reviewers make it out to be it has some major problems that keep the movie back from reaching it potentional.
Every seen with Regis you want to know what is going to happen next, when he stands next to a character, when he talks to his enemies and more he is by far the most interesting character for me personally in this movie.
Nyx is... Okay I guess he is a character that wants to do fine and be the hero and a rebel. He is one of the original characters from the movie but pissed me of when we were getting closer to the end of the movie because one of the twists.
Niflheim wants to over a peace treaty with King Regis and by doing that Regis his son Noctis (which means night) must marry Princess Luna (Luna means moon)
Every seen with Niflheim is a action scene or a talk scene which aren't bad because you feel the tension between Lucis and Niflheim, the theme, and consequence of this scene and most importantly they all matter to the movies plot.
Here (the movie) we have a solid action plot that is easy to follow filled with good acting, good voice acting and the best realistic CGI in a movie I have ever seen... So what was wrong with it and why do the critics hate it like somebody put nails in there faces and scratched them until they saw blood?
The problems:
First thing: is if you have played the game and see the movie you notice it has not the SOUL of the game which is making connections with your friends (my enterpretation). The movie lacks character development and when they have character development they might end up death.
The movie is easier to follow if you have played the game and if you have not you wouldn't really understand the movie that well.
Even having played the game watching the movie is kinda handy to understand the game better I AM WATCHING A MOVIE I DON'T WANT TO PLAY THE GAME DAMNED TO UNDERSTAND THE MOVIE
Second thing: is that the movie takes place before the game and ends with the games opening there are contradictions in the movie which makes me mad and make this not a standalone movie.
Third:The editing is horrible in the beginning of the movie and end. The screen goes black a lot in the beginning and everybody who does editing knows this means time passed but it hardly did if feels like a bunch of game cutscenes put together with the gameplay missing between it.
At the end of the movie there are 4 things going on at the same time and the camera flies all over the place and the basic gravity made in the movie dies making it unlogical in a world with weird hair anime characters using swords to fight robots! You lose the connection wit the audience in the final battle!
Four: The plot twists are horrible and hardly spend time on
If you try to find a message in the movie which I did for fun more than for this review but it bothered me how bad it was when you think about it.
The messages is ''the past is the past just move on'' OOH FUCKING SURE yes let's forgive the man who did 9/11 ooh sure or the person who killed your fucking family yeah because that was yesterday ooh the past is not important? Well let me fucking tell you something you dumb fucks from the movie COUGH COUGH Nyx and ''Gods'' the past is the person who you are now and what you are the next day if you forget everything ever happened to you you are a shell.
It is how we respond to things and make our choices. This really freaking pissed me of and wanted me to punch a hole in my television.
This reminds me of my teacher I really freaking hate him btw like the talking pancake on my table in the living room!
And even though what I just all said... I will watch this movie again!
No serious I will watch this movie again!
Even though this retcons all I said and my outburt on the message of the movie the action is really well done I mean it the gameplay is well translated to the big screen and home television.
I use the movie for sport so I can watch a movie at the same time, when I am bored I watch it if I don't have anything else, I can put it on in the background and walk by it and do something else if you like FF15 you might like this movie and makes a few things more clear in FF15 the game itself (because the movie is ment to be watched first and you don't get it in the normall disc version)
Hell the first time I saw this movie I hardly knew anything of FF15 only things about Versus XIII because I wanted it to be a surprise.
The major reasons this movie has 2/10 is script and editing mostly.
If you don't mind I have a hooker to attend to in my basement have a fun day!
Next review FF15 Brotherhood
Ooh yeah my score is 5/10 normall viewer 6/10 if you have played the game just depends on what you expect to I guess and want
NOTE: This is my very first movie review so don't get triggered if I forget something
Several things on my mind today.
First off, a friend of mine, @Karnedg2013 would like me to say hello to everyone for him. He's been very busy so he won't be around till like early May. He also gave me a gift for my birthday/anniversary (I completely forgot it was my 3rd anniversary yesterday lmao) so I thought I'd should share it.
Thanks dude!
Now, there's something else I've been wanting to talk about. I think it was last week I moaned about how my 3 month long written rewrite of TWD All That Remains didn't really get much reception and I was being very hard on myself and did some thinking. Looking back I still had some success in the stuff I wrote most especially with that comic thing I did, technically it was a fanfic and people digged that story I never finished that served as a prequel to TWD Season 2. And even now, there's at least 3-4 people who were interested in this one I posted recently.
So what I'm trying to say is, I've been going about things a bit wrong, and last night I just resumed my rewrite of A House Divided because I wanted to do it. And it was fun, and I'm giving it 100% this time because I wanted to type it up. So I'm gonna finish it up whenever I feel like I want to just relax. I will let people who I know are interested when it's done but I'm also curious if anyone else in reading my revision of Season 2 themselves.
So to give you a rundown on how it's gonna be, the first two episodes are soft rewrites with additional scenes with some changes as well. The reason why episodes 1 and 2 are soft rewrites is because I loved the plot hints those episodes gave that just ended up unfulfilled down the road, so the purpose of this rewrite is to sort of fulfill what I think could've happened (Episode 2 has more changes and additions than Episode 1 though). As we go along the episodes I outlined things will drastically change, Clementine will also have more of her own story since her arc felt it lost focus down the line. Not only that it will also focus on building the cast, something I felt was missing since S1 also involving the supposed mystery of the cabin group. And as many sequels should be, it will take what was great and add onto it this time, like the possibility of having those help Lee find Clem based on your relationship things will also affect based on those attributes. I'm writing it so that the choices will seem to have more weight to them while still having a coherent plot.
After S2 I plan on writing a few original episodes to act as a bridge to S3 (will have to watch and see how that ends up).
But yeah, if you're also interested, let me know. I'll note it down so I can let ya know when the next episode is done. I'll post down in the spoiler comment below (to prevent a longer page being made) a scene I made long ago to know what kind of ride you're in for. If you could give me your thoughts on it as well, it'd be appreciated.
TL;DR: Thanks Karnedg2013 for the gift and he says hello. I felt I was too hard on myself with my fanfics and trying to change my mindset about that. I'm working on a revision of S2 for fun and if anyone's interested let me know, here's a taste of it below.
----------------By the Abandoned Trailer in the Woods------------------------------------------------
The first night after everyone left the cabin, it's been hours later since they've found Nick/Pete's body. They've discovered a nice spot to set up camp for the night. They are out in the woods, by some rocks, and tiny ruins. Around the fire, Carlos/Rebecca sits. Alvin takes watch by the ruins, Luke looks out the woods, Nick sits against a tree, Sarah is reading her book in the RV. Clementine sits against a rock by herself, backpack on the side, relaxing and thinking.
A) Christa, where are you? (Clem mutters to herself, wondering)
B ) I miss you, Mom and Dad. (Clem thinks about her parents, wishing she can be with them back home with her babysitter, Sandra. Being a kid again.)
C) Lee, if only you were with me still. (Clem thinks of Lee, wishing he'd be next to her. Along with Duck, and the others from the Motor Inn.)
D) ... (Clem sits only, thinking in her head)
She looks around the camp zone, thinking she might as well to get do something other than feeling like shit. Clementine stands up and you now can take control of Clem and interact with the setting.
---------HUB------------------------ CAMPSITE (RUINS BY ABANDONED RV, DEEP IN THE WOODS)
Bushes {Where you start}
-Look (Clem looks out, hearing owls, hoping no walker may creep up.)
Campfire {middle of the map, where Carlos/Rebecca are at}
-Warm Up (Clem attends to the fire and warms up)
Dead Corpses {Against the ruined brick wall next to Alvin}
-Look (Smells the awful stench, comments that Luke/Carlos/Alvin killed them when they came here)
Abandoned RV {On the right end of the hub}
-Look at Window (Clem peaks through the window that reveals the RV illuminated by a lantern with Sarah's head peaking out.)
-Enter Door (Clem knocks on the door, Sarah says come in, Clem enters the RV---- LEADS TO SECTION: RV)
Rebecca/Carlos {Next to Campfire}
-Look (She looks at the talking to each other)
-Talk: Rebecca/Carlos talks about Carver being after them, can't run forever. They notice her, Rebecca will say hello to Clem/Carlos will either not say anything(distrust) or asks if she needs something (trustful)
A) So... do you trust me? (Clem is curious, they both think of an answer. Rebecca isn't too sure but says Clem is rather a slippery one. Carlos will either say that Clem has been acceptable so far, or he'll say she'll need to prove to him still, Clem will either be glad/dismissive/disappointed).
B ) Why do you guys not talk to me about Carver? (Clem crosses her arms, suspicious. Rebecca attempts to speak, but Carlos says it's a concern for themselves not her, Clem says it is since she's with them now. Carlos says what's between his group and Carver only is part of their group. Clem sighs "Fine... Whatever.")
Clem walks away after conversation and the two return to their focus on the fire.
Nick (Against a tree, north of campfire)
-Look (Clem observes Nick who's holding his rifle, looking down. Clem looks at him with a sympathetic look)
-Talk: Clem says hello to him and Nick asks what's up.
Clem turns around and says see ya. Nick says yep and goes back to looking at his rifle.
Alvin {by the ruined brick walls}
-Look (Alvin mutters that there's no sign of anything out there, that's good.)
-Talk (Clem says hi to him, he turns and says hello to her kindly.)
Alvin tells her to play along with Sarah, she's in the broken down RV. He looks back to the woods.
Luke {Next to the RV, looking out to the woods}
-Talk (Clem says hi, Luke turns to say hi. Clem asks about the lookout, Luke says so far it's all good. Asks if she needed anything.)
A)I never said thanks from earlier. (Clem says with a appreciative smile, talking about when he first found her. Luke says it was no big deal, he just saw her in danger and just had to save the day.)
B )I wonder if I'll ever see Christa again. (Available Clem mentioned her on the road earlier. Clem tells him with a bleak face, Luke says she may still be close so Clem shouldn't be doubting already since it's only been a short while. Luke says they'll find her, reassuring her, Clem smiles gently from the comfort. Luke asks what Christa was like.)
B1) She's a strong person. (Clem describes her as such, she took care of her by herself for a long time after it just ended up us two. Luke responds she's done a fine job in being her guardian by the looks of it.) ~Luke will remember that.
Luke says he needs to get back to watch duty, Clem nods understandably and Luke turns to the woods.
After entering the trailer, you will enter a second part of the HUB. It's a small RV, with the driver's end at the front, a table on the side where Sarah is sitting and reading her book, a sink on the opposite end, some beds at the end and a bathroom door near it. As you enter, if you`re friends with Sarah, she will say hello and Clem will wave, if not Sarah will just read her book.
Driver's seat. {Front of the RV}
-Check (Clem will sit down on the seat, testing out the steering wheel, commenting she'd like drive something like this if she gets the chance. Mischievously smiles about it. Sarah says Clem might crash as soon as she drives, Clem makes an awkward look/stutters and agrees that'd be likely. Clem gets off the seat)
Sink {Opposite to the table}
-Check (Clem looks at the dishes and sees cockroaches, looks in disgust.)
Beds {beside the sink on the far end}
-Check (Clem looks at the beds, comments how they're the only things that look in good condition)
Bathroom Door {Opposite of the beds}
-Check (Clem peaks through the door, sees a hole through the wall by the toilet, Clem decides to close the door just to be safe)
Cupboards {Above the sink}
-Check (Clem opens the cupboards and finds a can of tuna, Clem picks it up and it's added to your inventory, you can choose to have it for yourself later on or to save it for another member later on)
Sarah {At the table}
-Talk (Clem sees some papers on the table next to Sarah, she ass how things are with Sarah. Sarah can be shy if you're not her friend, or relaxed if you're her friend. Sarah will explain she found some papers to draw with, asks if Clem likes to join. Clem thinks and decides to draw for old times sake.She sits by the table with Sarah, opposite to each other. Both draws pictures together, Clem still does her old doodles, but as she looks, she's surprised as she learns Sarah is an artist, making animal pictures with great detail.
A)Wow, you're pretty good. (Clem compliments her, Sarah thanks her. Something she was always proud of.) ~~Sarah will remember that.
B )It looks like crap. (Clem is jealous, Sarah asks what she means, Sarah thinks she does okay.) ~~Sarah will remember that.
C)How'd you do that? (Clem is curious, Sarah says her mom taught her how to draw as a little girl)
D)... (Clem looks in surprise, resumes drawing)
Sarah says she used to always draw with her mother, as she grew up she got better as she followed her mom's footsteps. She missed doing this sort of thing, just a chance to relax, Clem knows the feeling. Sarah continues saying how whenever she got her art project returned after getting a mark, she'd put it on the hallway wall, called it "Sarah's Art Wall of Fame", they'd keep doing that until... Sarah stops with a sad look. Clem asks about what happened to her mother. Sarah tries to talk about it but feels too uncomfortable.
A) It's okay, take your time. (Clem says sincerely)
B )I'm sorry, you don't need to tell me. (Clem says sincerely)
C)What happened? (Clem asks, curious)
D)... (Clem raises an eyebrow, curious and concerned)
Sarah explains her mom died when she was 10, it was because a man who had mugged them and shot her and her dad tried everything he could but she died anyway. Clem feels awful about it, says she lost both of hers long ago. Sarah says she's sorry about her loss. Clem looks down, quiet.
A)Sorry about yours too. (Clem says sincerely, Sarah wipes her tears and says thanks.) ~~Sarah will remember that.
B )Things happen. (Clem says dismissively, Sarah says "Yeah. Even the bad things, sadly.")
C)Me too. (Clem says with a glum look)
D)... (Clem still looking down, kinda sad)
Both hears Carlos coming in, telling them it's time to sleep. Both girls gets up and walks to the beds until Carlos notices the gun in Sarah's backpack laying by the table. He takes it out and yells at Sarah about what she's doing with one, approaching her as she turns to him nervously. Sarah says she wanted to know how to protect herself. Carlos angrily lectures her, telling her she cannot use these things, causing her to cry. Clem looks, unsure what to do.
-----------------------------------------[MAJOR CHOICE]----------------------------------------------
Did you defend Sarah from Carlos' lecture?
Defend Sarah: Clem will speak up, defending Sarah. She explains Sarah needs to how to protect herself, asks what if Carlos isn't around for her. The two argues about HOW survival measures should be taken. Clem tells him her friend, Lee taught her how to survive, it was because of him she's alive. Carlos says he clearly was a bad influence if he taught her to butt into family matters. Clem looks at him furious. Luke walks in, telling him to lay off. Carlos explains the commotion and about Clem interfering, Luke tells him to cool it off. Says it's been enough of a day, and yelling might draw unneeded attention as he and Carlos looks at the girls' direction. Sarah will make a shy smile to Clem, who kindly smiles back.
IMPACT: Sarah will remember what you did for her. She will recall about it later in the ski lodge in greatful manner.
Stay out of it: Carlos will continue to lecture her, making her feel bad with Clem keeping quiet and shy. Luke will walk in, telling him to lay off. Carlos explains the commotion, Luke tells him to cool it off. Says it's been enough of a day, and yelling might draw unneeded attention as he and Carlos looks at the girls' direction. Sarah will look at Clem with a sad look, Clem looks with a rather guilty look.
IMPACT: Sarah will remember that you stood and watch. She will be a bit disappointed but understandable. She will mention this in the ski lodge.
---------------------------------------[MAJOR CHOICE END]------------------------------------------------
Luke tells everyone should just get some rest, it's been a long day so it's time to get some rest. Moments later, Sarah (lower bed) and Clem (top bed)lays on the beds to sleep, Rebecca sleeps on the third bed at the end, Alvin sleeps on the floor while snoring, Nick and Luke sleeps while sitting up, and Carlos sleeps on the table where Sarah sat. Clem is sweating, having a nightmare. In her dream she remembers waiting at the train with Ben and Chuck, hearing a gunshot from the forest, (determinately, another) and would soon see Kenny and Lee walking out from the forest to them, young Clem looks in sadness knowing her friends are dead, looking at Lee talking to Ben/Chuck with no voices heard, with Kenny walking to the main part of the train, all silence as she knows what happened. Clem just looks down, feeling awful." Current time -- Clem mumbles in her sleep. "Why... why did it have to... be that way?"
Jesus for the amounth of text I just give you a like and your third anniversary OMG mine is in March
I can't believe I'm coming to the defense of Shyamalan here, but I am. It's a movie people, no need to get triggered over ever single little detail. He's not dehumanizing people with mental health issues, nor is he saying all people that suffer from multiple personality disorders are monsters. If we let the possibility of someone getting offended stop us from being creative, then humanity will never be creative again.
Yeah, it'll be in 2018 or 19.
I'm watching Alien VS Predator right now.
That movie's GREAT. The sequel, ehhhh not so much.
Telltales Guardians could be great
Happy Chinese New Year Eve! Ready for the Year of the Fire Cock?
I'm sorry, Rooster. Fire Rooster
What's your sign?
You know what's scary? The fact that there's a black hole that's 1800 lightyears wide and we're smaller than atoms compared to that size. Nothing we do matters or changes anything and eventually we're all going to die and no one will remember us. The only way we'll be remembered is if we commit some terrifying terrorist act that shakes up the world for the rest of existence, meaning the Osama Bin Laden will be remembered longer than us. And we can't change anything about earth or the universe because we're so completely irrelevant, and the only changes we can make are negative ones that put our planet at risk. There's nothing after death, there is no god, and we're all going to die alone in the universe. And 100 years from now everyone will forget we exist.
And one of Ruby's eyes.
And the rest of Tyrian.
Nihilism is a hell of a drug. Used to be a huge user myself. You're not wrong, but you're not completely right.
i feel like that's what i am, an existential nihilist.
I'll be watching the original Alien soon.