Either I'm not part of 'everyone' or you don't realize how shit my art is m8. Lol. But yeah, I'm sure you're great at art! And even if you're not, you can get there with a little hard work and practice!
I used to be really into drawing but I abandoned it a while ago. Not because I thought I sucked or anything like that, but because I really lacked the patience for it.
Everyone on here is really good at art
is really good at art
good at art
Either I'm not part of 'everyone' or you don'… moret realize how shit my art is m8. Lol. But yeah, I'm sure you're great at art! And even if you're not, you can get there with a little hard work and practice!
This is something I did a long time ago. It is too long to post it on here directly so I used Google Docs (second time actually doing it, first time was a failed upload months ago lol). I also dunno how to use coloured text here which was crucial for me so yeah.
It's a long one so uh... try not to be overwhelmed and take your time. xD This one is a soft rewrite of the original (I liked the official version, so yeah. Credit goes to Nick Breckon for creating the official one, obviously), where I changed some of the interactions Clem has (she does more body language when silent but not a lot) and there was some things I added I felt was missing and the episode needed. It focuses more on choice like S1 did, and the ending is slightly different. Lastly Clem has a little bit wider range of emotions.
Took me 3 months to type this years ago with like a week of prior research with multiple playthroughs of Episode 1. So yeah, hope you enjoy.
An important note I should tell y'all is that Major Choices tells the impacts it'll have in future moments so it'll be kinda spoilery too. I left it there to show that it becomes wildly different than how the official one became as I write further.
I've been doing edits recently. If anyone has any suggestions or wants me to try something let me know. If you do tell me colours that fit the character, like how I used green for Eto (her hair) and dark colours for Sasuke and Kaneki due to their natures at the period where the image is from.
So a bit ago I decided I'd start drawing my favorite Dark Souls characters/boss fights in celebration of The Ringed City, and I've decided to start with Artorias. Little did I know the detail that was going to go into it, so I'm gonna stop with this WIP for the night.
So a bit ago I decided I'd start drawing my favorite Dark Souls characters/boss fights in celebration of The Ringed City, and I've decided t… moreo start with Artorias. Little did I know the detail that was going to go into it, so I'm gonna stop with this WIP for the night.
As for anything else I've doodled lately:
This is a redraw of one of Akairiot's works for practice. Here's a link to the original art (be warned though, he does some NSFW works): http://akairiot.deviantart.com/art/shing-610145705
Did this one pretty recently. Liked how it turned out, considering anatomy isn't exactly my strong point.
Thanks! I use Corel Painter Essentials 5 - it's the program that came with my tablet so I've just stuck with it This one is done mostly with oil colours, but I've also done some detailing with ink, and lastly I made it a bit sharper with adding contrast and brightness.
(This is a story I wrote a while back. I was in this old looking tavern and I got inspired. Thankfully, I had brought my notebook with me, and I just randomly improvised this while I was waiting for someone. It’s actually ended up better than I expected, but my expectations weren’t that high neither. My writing teacher thinks it’s really good, but I don’t know if she thinks it’s good for someone as inexperienced as me or if it’s truly as good as she said. Anyways, I wanted to share it with you, guys. Like many of you already know, my native language is Spanish, and thus, the original story is in Spanish. I had to translate it all to English. With the translation, a lot of the writing style was lost, but I managed to keep the essential. And of course, it probably has a lot of grammatical mistakes and shit, just ignore it and imagine it’s good. I hope you can get to understand something and my effort wasn’t worthless. Ignore any historical inconsistence [I’m sure there are a lot] and just enjoy this shit. Any similarity between the characters from this story and real life people is mere coincidence. Almost 2.000 words of three drunk man talking in a tavern in the London of the XVIII century. Enjoy it!)
“Come on, Hugh! When will you accept that old Harry was right? If it wasn’t for me, you would be dead in the bottom of the ocean! If it wasn’t for me and my bravery…” Harry vociferated at the top of his lungs, trying to make the whole tavern hear his story.
“If my memory does not fool me” I cut him “When the storm caught out ship, you were crying and calling out for your mother.”
“Bah! Lies! Nonsense! The fear caused you hallucinations!”
“Harry, Harry, old friend, what you say is the nonsense. Why do you try to fool someone who knows that you speak lies?” I tried to reason with him.
Harry took a deep and long sip from his mug of beer. He was my friend for as long as I could remember, and sometimes made my feeling get over my head, like when I decided to take him me and my crew to the Western Indies. He got jealous like nobody ever saw him before when he found out that the second in command in our ship, the Errand Albatross, wasn’t him, but the old Colt, a seafarer of considerable height and muscle, well experienced on the life in the sea.
He scratched his thick brown beard, and I took mental note of not letting him have another beer.
“What do you say, Colt?” Harry asked the sailor sitting next to him. “Who saved you from Neptune’s rage?”
Colt rubbed his short black hair. He has the look of a soldier.
“I’m not in mood for your nonsenses, Harry” He said in a serious tone. Colt was the only person I knew who was able to scare Harry, though the own Harry would hardly remember it, and even less when he was as drunk as he was now.
“Oh, Colt, my old friend Colt! I knew you would have my back!” Harry passed a grassy arm around the man’s shoulders; he was clearly annoyed.
Once the conversation was over, I looked at my surroundings. The Tavern was a joyful place, with the fast and sweet music of the violins, the warm light of the oil lamps and the wooden floor and walls, the seafarers and travelers like us felt safe from the wild snow that fell on the Londoner streets. The smell of wood and food filled my lungs, and the music filled my soul. It was nice to have my feet in the ground after so many months in the sea, though I kind of missed the soft sway of our ship and the murmuring of the ocean in my ears.
Suddenly, the tavern door swung open, and a blow of cold air hit me in the face. A young boy of black, messy hair and pale skin, with simple clothes entered the place.
He couldn’t be older than 14.
“Hey!” the innkeeper yelled “No kids in here! Go back home!”
“Leave him alone!” Harry intervened “All kids need their first beer some day! Come here, boy, sit with us” he motioned for the boy to sit next to him.
The young boy obeyed in silence, but stirred uneasily in his chair.
“Thank you, Sir” he murmured under his breath.
“You’re welcome, boy. Another beer here!” he called a bartender.
“No!” I stopped him. He had already drunk enough, and I wasn’t going to let a kid follow his steps. I turned to the bartender “It’s not necessary! We’re fine!” I turned around took a look of the boy. His hair had tiny snowflakes on it, melting slowly. “What is your name, young man? What is doing a kid like you at these hours in a place like this?”
The boy hugged himself, trying to get warm. I noticed his clothes were dirty, and too big for him.
“My name is Owen and… and I’m not a kid! I’m already sixteen!” he answered nervously.
Colt raised an eyebrow as an obvious sign of skepticism. Owen seemed to get smaller in his chair.
“Okay… I’m thirteen”
“Oh, you must be looking for a brothel! Don’t you worry, old Harry knows one with women like embers…!”
“Harry!” I exclaimed “Have you been frequenting brothels? I had forbidden you to do that!”
“Bah, who cares?” He took a sip of beer “You’re not my mother, Hugh!”
“She was the one to ask me to make sure you would stop!”
“Please, forgive my partners” Colt suddenly interrupted, with a softer and more polite voice tone that I had ever heard him using “. Please, let me introduce them: this is our captain, Hugh Lane.” he gestured towards me “And this indecent drunk man is Harry”.
Harry let go a strident laughter. Little Owen looked terrified.
“Lord, Colt, I didn’t know you had sense of humor!”
I glanced at Owen. The snowflakes in his head had melted completely, and now his hair was just wet.
“You didn’t answer my question” I said softly.
That startled him, as he almost jumped from his chair for a second.
“Uh… I was looking for a place to stay the night”
“And where is your mother?” Colt asked.
“Yeah, where is she? Is she pretty?”
“No!” he young boy was obviously uncomfortable “I mean, yes, but not in the way you’re suggesting… Can we talk about something else than me? What about you, guys? Who are you?”
His answer, half question, was frustrating to me. If there was something that really bothered me, was to have my questions avoided. But before I could tell this to Owen, Harry was ranting his drunken palaver again.
“Yeah… We’re part of the crew of the Errand Albatross. Nice ship, a lot of ropes to climb when nobody is looking… we just came from the Western Indies. Good place, you see, but too warm for my taste. And Lord, I missed alcohol so much!” He took another loud sip of beer. “How is your mother?”
Owen shot a glare at him. It only lasted a second before it turned into a softer one.
“Could we please avoid talking about me?” he begged.
“Boy, look, I’m sorry.” I said “But if you keep holding this aura of mystery, we will make our own conclusions. And you don’t want that.” I felt a little guilty for forcing him like this, but his behavior was concerning.
The boy took a few heavy breaths. It could have been just my imagination, but he looked like he was trying not to cry.
“My parents died when I was ten and now I live with my uncle and I don’t think he really cares about me leaving and… that’s none of your business! I shouldn’t be telling you this!” He ranted with no pauses, like he had forgotten about the existence of comas.
Harry’s wide smile was erased in the act. Colt looked as serious as before, but he had a more pained air. And me, I was speechless. I would lie if I said that I didn’t expect a similar response, but Owens’s reaction caused me a deep feeling of pity and guilt for forcing him to the edge. I even felt a little identified with him, since an illness had taken my mother when I was young.
“Oh, boy.” Harry said “I’m sorry”
“It’s… it’s fine” Owen whispered. But he wasn’t fine. He was on the edge of tears.
The four of us stayed in silence of a moment, until Colt commented:
“I lost my wife and daughter”
My eyes centered in him. Colt rarely talked about his life, and I had never heard him say anything about a wife or daughter. The sudden mention surprised me.
Colt seemed to take our expectant silence as a sign to continue.
“My little girl was only four years old. She got sick, very sick, and we couldn’t afford a doctor. When she left, my wife couldn’t take it. I found her hanging from a tree in our backyard the next day, a rope around her precious neck. I thought my life was over then, I almost followed her, but then Hugh offered me a place in his crew. He saved my life that day.”
I almost blushed at his words, and I wasn’t the kind get blushed easily. I never thought of it that way. When I found him, on a tavern similar to this one, he seemed so lost and needed I couldn’t help but offer him a second chance. And he never disappointed me. He didn’t only become the second in command in the Errand Albatross; he also became one of my best friends.
Harry cleared his throat, jealously trying to draw the attention towards him again.
“Yeah, I… uh… I had a dog once… he walked out one day and never came back. I know it’s not the same, but Lord, I miss my Bobby. Best goddamn dog ever.
“Thank you” Owen said in a whisper. “I’m sorry; I didn’t want to bother anybody. I should be going right now.”
“Are you sure?” I asked “It’s cold outside, and your clothes don’t look very warm.”
“It’s okay” he reassured. “My uncle is going to be very mad if he finds out I’m not there”
Harry took another sip of his beer and scratched his beard thoughtfully.
“Didn’t you say that he wouldn’t mind you being out?”
Owen’s body suddenly tensed up.
“Harry” Colt warned him on a serious tone. “You’re scaring the boy”
This boy stood up nervously and forced a hard smile as a form of goodbye.
“Have a good night, gentlemen.”
And just like that, he turned on his heels towards the door and disappeared in the snowstorm.
I exchanged a worrying glance with my partners, and with a nod, we got to a silent agreement.
I got up with a jump and got out of the tavern. Outside, it was so cold that the water on the streets had frozen, and the ice almost made me slip on it. The snow would get stuck in my hair and eyelash, blinding me for a moment. I glanced at the streets, looking for the young boy. I spotted his almost invisible figure turning around the corner, and I had to fasten up the pace to reach him.
When I reached him, I tapped his shoulder. Owen turned around. He had his whole body covered in snow again, the cold making him shiver.
“Sir?” He asked, confused.
“Just call me Hugh” I panted. “Damn, boy, I’m tired. Running in ice is hard.”
He stared at me for a moment, while I recovered. After a few seconds, he asked:
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, just… nothing. Me and my partners have an offer for you”. I said, as fast as I could. I didn’t want him to walk away when I was still panting in the streets.
“I’m not interested” He coldly cut me.
“Let me tell you what it is about, okay?” I took a deep breath. Damn cold. “I can’t take you away from your family, not legally, okay?” I made a short pause. “But I think one can make an exception when your uncle beats on you”
He took his hand to his check, where a little dark bruise marked his skin.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“What are you apologizing for?” I asked “Look, my crew and I are leaving port in a week, and the life in the sea isn’t that horrible, actually.”
Owen blinked, confused.
“Do you want me to go with you and your crew?”
I nodded.
“That’s it. If you want to, of course.”
The boy smiled. It was a wide, genuine smile. I offered him my hand.
“What do you think?”
“Count with me, Si-- Hugh!” he shook my hand with enthusiasm. He was happy, truly happy, I could tell.
Yeah, that could definitely use a better English translation, and it's easy to tell that it's improvised, but then, the characters seem to be the type who live without a plan, so the style works well for them. It's good for what it is.
The Tavern
(This is a story I wrote a while back. I was in this old looking tavern and I got inspired. Thankfully, I had brought my noteb… moreook with me, and I just randomly improvised this while I was waiting for someone. It’s actually ended up better than I expected, but my expectations weren’t that high neither. My writing teacher thinks it’s really good, but I don’t know if she thinks it’s good for someone as inexperienced as me or if it’s truly as good as she said. Anyways, I wanted to share it with you, guys. Like many of you already know, my native language is Spanish, and thus, the original story is in Spanish. I had to translate it all to English. With the translation, a lot of the writing style was lost, but I managed to keep the essential. And of course, it probably has a lot of grammatical mistakes and shit, just ignore it and imagine it’s good. I hope you can get to understand something and my effort wasn’t worthless. Ignore any h… [view original content]
I'm beginning construction of my original work. My story. I wrote it last year.
It was originally done as a school assignment but I want to revamp it and revise it and hopefully have it published.
I have a lore page I can share which has a lot of the lore but beyond that I am keeping it to myself. I have the original prologue posted on Deviant Art.
The Tavern
(This is a story I wrote a while back. I was in this old looking tavern and I got inspired. Thankfully, I had brought my noteb… moreook with me, and I just randomly improvised this while I was waiting for someone. It’s actually ended up better than I expected, but my expectations weren’t that high neither. My writing teacher thinks it’s really good, but I don’t know if she thinks it’s good for someone as inexperienced as me or if it’s truly as good as she said. Anyways, I wanted to share it with you, guys. Like many of you already know, my native language is Spanish, and thus, the original story is in Spanish. I had to translate it all to English. With the translation, a lot of the writing style was lost, but I managed to keep the essential. And of course, it probably has a lot of grammatical mistakes and shit, just ignore it and imagine it’s good. I hope you can get to understand something and my effort wasn’t worthless. Ignore any h… [view original content]
This thread is really more for creations than ideas, but there are several other threads where you can post your ideas. (Just remember that you cannot copyright an idea, so don't get mad if someone else runs with it.)
Great job as usual! I was just wondering, have you tried drawing something in your own art style or something original that you've come up with? Everyone has a different kind of art style and I kinda want to see what yours would look like.
Nah im not good at that stuff, I'll admit it I need to copy stuff or I have no idea. Ive come up with idea for tattoos and im gunna draw one soon but thats it really. Pretty boring if im honest
Great job as usual! I was just wondering, have you tried drawing something in your own art style or something original that you've come up with? Everyone has a different kind of art style and I kinda want to see what yours would look like.
Bump! I'm having my birthday today and I'm the happiest person in the world now. On this occasion, I decided to do my first attempt at free verse. Currently I'm learning how to write poetry in English and I think I'm doing pretty well. I've done the free verse before in Russian but never did that in another language. Sooo.... Any thoughts?
hey, it's about time
for spring to knock on my door,
but yet it's February,
my favorite month,
and I'm turning fifteen already;
a few more years and I'll grow incredibly old,
find a job and torture myself with coffee
whenever I'll curse the being
(which is gonna happen everyday).
but yet it's February
and I'm turning fifteen already.
each year I want my hair to be shorter,
my mind to be wider;
dear god, give me enough space,
not the one above us and maybe above you,
but the one that treads on my soul
and walks around with a coy smile,
teasing me "miss-who-dreams-too-much".
my city, my country, my planet
are becoming too narrow.
where can I put my height?
(oh, as if you're gonna be higher, you dwarf)
no, I'm the Atlas, call me this way
and my shoulders will prove you that.
look, I know I'm not the unique kind,
(seven billions of you, to be fair)
but have you ever turned fifteen too?
(no, spare me that)
well, you've lost a lot you dummy
because now I'm freer than you;
only teens can poke the sky without punishment,
take out the stars and hide them somewhere inside
and that's what I'm gonna do
(that's impossible).
whatever you say I'll miss it on purpose
because those are my very last years
when I can only listen to myself,
my own rhythm going "dun-dun" and knocking my skull -
it's the birdie trying the break out of the egg.
one day my skull will crack and the bird will leave,
yet now it's February
and I'm turning fifteen already.
One single War of Pandora (a Borderlands series story)
It's a very normal day up on Helios, and so a normal day for an employee named Rhys, in the middle of his shift, he starts having flashbacks about one of the wars on Pandora, and in the middle of those flashbacks, a loud crash can be heard on Pandora's surface, another one of the employees (Jack) has a Holy sh*t expression, and tells Rhys to get out of his office, then he expresses a Here we go again look, and then Jack asks Rhys if he knows who or what that is, there was no answer
"That is Judgement. Pandora's Guardian"
And then Rhys felt that what's gonna be the 2nd Pandorian War was coming, and then the mysterious creature was a darn robot that grabbed the moonbase as it's pilot entered the base, the pilot walked into Rhys's office
-"I come with a warning...Hyperion is on the brink of War, Talk over Pandora is coming" the pilot said "if you notice, the locals are preparing"
-"And?" Rhys asked
-"War is coming...You see, the universe is beginning to warn you about the enemy you will face are known as the 'Corrupts', they are corrupted souls and take the form of warriors...We guardians sealed them away but a few broke loose, releasing them all"
-"Alright" Rhys said to the pilot, but then another flashback goes through his eyes, and when he snaps out of the flashback, he sees that the war has started
-"No way this war has started" He said, and then he sees that Pandora had become a battlefield, and the robot's commander was bringing down ordinance supply drops while firing some giant missiles at the 'Corrupts' when suddenly Rhys realizes he's inside that robot
-"Finally Awake" The Pilot said, He puts the robot into supply mode as it takes control
Rhys later asked "Wh-Why am I in this robot?
-"So you wouldn't die, this robot is controlled by Motion and thought, it it linked to me: like it has for the past three million years...If you want I can send you into the front line, just arm yourself, I will be sending you down in an ordinance drop" the Pilot said
Rhys agreed and started to arm himself up
and then the pilot asked him if he was ready, Rhys now that he was almost high on defying death had a heck yeah look on his face
Some drawings and rough sketches of my OCs, some Sim creations that I've come to love and some Overwatch as well. Bottom one is of Nari, who is the offspring of Dva & Junkrat and she received a present from her godfather Hanzo. He thought it didn't work...XD
"Wanted more of this story about what happened next, didn't you? No? Too bad, I'm telling you anyway"
After Rhys was almost high on defying death, he was sent down to the front-line in an ordinance drop, after he hops out of the drop and starts firing at the entire army of darkness, a giant missile hits them (not all) but they just kept coming back, sounding almost like a non-stopping war, and then Rhys gets a flashback of his old Drill Sergeant during one of the hours "This is unbelievable" he said, and then everything started to explode "Holy shit!" he exclaimed, then the robot (Judgement) fired a barrage of missiles, and then it shrank to a human size "Damn it...This is even more unbelievable" he said, then shooting one bullet to someone behind him.
A few days later, the war seems that has ended for now, and then Rhys enters back to his office to find a Pistol with the engraving "Hyperion's Warrior", and after that moment, he still hopes for another war to happen, not just to kill more people, but to do for what's in Helios' defense
One single War of Pandora (a Borderlands series story)
It's a very normal day up on Helios, and so a normal day for an employee named Rhy… mores, in the middle of his shift, he starts having flashbacks about one of the wars on Pandora, and in the middle of those flashbacks, a loud crash can be heard on Pandora's surface, another one of the employees (Jack) has a Holy sh*t expression, and tells Rhys to get out of his office, then he expresses a Here we go again look, and then Jack asks Rhys if he knows who or what that is, there was no answer
"That is Judgement. Pandora's Guardian"
And then Rhys felt that what's gonna be the 2nd Pandorian War was coming, and then the mysterious creature was a darn robot that grabbed the moonbase as it's pilot entered the base, the pilot walked into Rhys's office
-"I come with a warning...Hyperion is on the brink of War, Talk over Pandora is coming" the pilot said "if you notice, the locals are preparing"
-"… [view original content]
Ears are probably the most difficult thing to draw among artists, and if I'm being honest, I got lazy with them. It was midnight and I wanted to get done with it already.
To start with the bad, the ear looks a bit weird. (sorry, I couldn't help myself)
But beyond the "huge problem" I have with the ear I love it.
The shading's great and I especially love the beard.
Great work!
Either I'm not part of 'everyone' or you don't realize how shit my art is m8. Lol. But yeah, I'm sure you're great at art! And even if you're not, you can get there with a little hard work and practice!
I used to be really into drawing but I abandoned it a while ago. Not because I thought I sucked or anything like that, but because I really lacked the patience for it.
Shamelessly crossposts
TWD Season 2 Ep1 All That Remains Fanfic Rewrite
This is something I did a long time ago. It is too long to post it on here directly so I used Google Docs (second time actually doing it, first time was a failed upload months ago lol). I also dunno how to use coloured text here which was crucial for me so yeah.
It's a long one so uh... try not to be overwhelmed and take your time. xD This one is a soft rewrite of the original (I liked the official version, so yeah. Credit goes to Nick Breckon for creating the official one, obviously), where I changed some of the interactions Clem has (she does more body language when silent but not a lot) and there was some things I added I felt was missing and the episode needed. It focuses more on choice like S1 did, and the ending is slightly different. Lastly Clem has a little bit wider range of emotions.
Took me 3 months to type this years ago with like a week of prior research with multiple playthroughs of Episode 1. So yeah, hope you enjoy.
An important note I should tell y'all is that Major Choices tells the impacts it'll have in future moments so it'll be kinda spoilery too. I left it there to show that it becomes wildly different than how the official one became as I write further.
I've been doing edits recently. If anyone has any suggestions or wants me to try something let me know. If you do tell me colours that fit the character, like how I used green for Eto (her hair) and dark colours for Sasuke and Kaneki due to their natures at the period where the image is from.
So a bit ago I decided I'd start drawing my favorite Dark Souls characters/boss fights in celebration of The Ringed City, and I've decided to start with Artorias. Little did I know the detail that was going to go into it, so I'm gonna stop with this WIP for the night.
As for anything else I've doodled lately:
This is a redraw of one of Akairiot's works for practice. Here's a link to the original art (be warned though, he does some NSFW works): http://akairiot.deviantart.com/art/shing-610145705
Did this one pretty recently. Liked how it turned out, considering anatomy isn't exactly my strong point.
My guy!
Newest piece. It's hard to get a good photo, each angle makes the colours seem different.
That's sick. what did you do this on? and how
I use Corel Painter Essentials 5 - it's the program that came with my tablet so I've just stuck with it
This one is done mostly with oil colours, but I've also done some detailing with ink, and lastly I made it a bit sharper with adding contrast and brightness.
Hello, everyone! This is one of the tracks I've composed for an un upcoming adventure videogame. Let me know what you think!
The Tavern
(This is a story I wrote a while back. I was in this old looking tavern and I got inspired. Thankfully, I had brought my notebook with me, and I just randomly improvised this while I was waiting for someone. It’s actually ended up better than I expected, but my expectations weren’t that high neither. My writing teacher thinks it’s really good, but I don’t know if she thinks it’s good for someone as inexperienced as me or if it’s truly as good as she said. Anyways, I wanted to share it with you, guys. Like many of you already know, my native language is Spanish, and thus, the original story is in Spanish. I had to translate it all to English. With the translation, a lot of the writing style was lost, but I managed to keep the essential. And of course, it probably has a lot of grammatical mistakes and shit, just ignore it and imagine it’s good. I hope you can get to understand something and my effort wasn’t worthless. Ignore any historical inconsistence [I’m sure there are a lot] and just enjoy this shit. Any similarity between the characters from this story and real life people is mere coincidence. Almost 2.000 words of three drunk man talking in a tavern in the London of the XVIII century. Enjoy it!)
“Come on, Hugh! When will you accept that old Harry was right? If it wasn’t for me, you would be dead in the bottom of the ocean! If it wasn’t for me and my bravery…” Harry vociferated at the top of his lungs, trying to make the whole tavern hear his story.
“If my memory does not fool me” I cut him “When the storm caught out ship, you were crying and calling out for your mother.”
“Bah! Lies! Nonsense! The fear caused you hallucinations!”
“Harry, Harry, old friend, what you say is the nonsense. Why do you try to fool someone who knows that you speak lies?” I tried to reason with him.
Harry took a deep and long sip from his mug of beer. He was my friend for as long as I could remember, and sometimes made my feeling get over my head, like when I decided to take him me and my crew to the Western Indies. He got jealous like nobody ever saw him before when he found out that the second in command in our ship, the Errand Albatross, wasn’t him, but the old Colt, a seafarer of considerable height and muscle, well experienced on the life in the sea.
He scratched his thick brown beard, and I took mental note of not letting him have another beer.
“What do you say, Colt?” Harry asked the sailor sitting next to him. “Who saved you from Neptune’s rage?”
Colt rubbed his short black hair. He has the look of a soldier.
“I’m not in mood for your nonsenses, Harry” He said in a serious tone. Colt was the only person I knew who was able to scare Harry, though the own Harry would hardly remember it, and even less when he was as drunk as he was now.
“Oh, Colt, my old friend Colt! I knew you would have my back!” Harry passed a grassy arm around the man’s shoulders; he was clearly annoyed.
Once the conversation was over, I looked at my surroundings. The Tavern was a joyful place, with the fast and sweet music of the violins, the warm light of the oil lamps and the wooden floor and walls, the seafarers and travelers like us felt safe from the wild snow that fell on the Londoner streets. The smell of wood and food filled my lungs, and the music filled my soul. It was nice to have my feet in the ground after so many months in the sea, though I kind of missed the soft sway of our ship and the murmuring of the ocean in my ears.
Suddenly, the tavern door swung open, and a blow of cold air hit me in the face. A young boy of black, messy hair and pale skin, with simple clothes entered the place.
He couldn’t be older than 14.
“Hey!” the innkeeper yelled “No kids in here! Go back home!”
“Leave him alone!” Harry intervened “All kids need their first beer some day! Come here, boy, sit with us” he motioned for the boy to sit next to him.
The young boy obeyed in silence, but stirred uneasily in his chair.
“Thank you, Sir” he murmured under his breath.
“You’re welcome, boy. Another beer here!” he called a bartender.
“No!” I stopped him. He had already drunk enough, and I wasn’t going to let a kid follow his steps. I turned to the bartender “It’s not necessary! We’re fine!” I turned around took a look of the boy. His hair had tiny snowflakes on it, melting slowly. “What is your name, young man? What is doing a kid like you at these hours in a place like this?”
The boy hugged himself, trying to get warm. I noticed his clothes were dirty, and too big for him.
“My name is Owen and… and I’m not a kid! I’m already sixteen!” he answered nervously.
Colt raised an eyebrow as an obvious sign of skepticism. Owen seemed to get smaller in his chair.
“Okay… I’m thirteen”
“Oh, you must be looking for a brothel! Don’t you worry, old Harry knows one with women like embers…!”
“Harry!” I exclaimed “Have you been frequenting brothels? I had forbidden you to do that!”
“Bah, who cares?” He took a sip of beer “You’re not my mother, Hugh!”
“She was the one to ask me to make sure you would stop!”
“Please, forgive my partners” Colt suddenly interrupted, with a softer and more polite voice tone that I had ever heard him using “. Please, let me introduce them: this is our captain, Hugh Lane.” he gestured towards me “And this indecent drunk man is Harry”.
Harry let go a strident laughter. Little Owen looked terrified.
“Lord, Colt, I didn’t know you had sense of humor!”
I glanced at Owen. The snowflakes in his head had melted completely, and now his hair was just wet.
“You didn’t answer my question” I said softly.
That startled him, as he almost jumped from his chair for a second.
“Uh… I was looking for a place to stay the night”
“And where is your mother?” Colt asked.
“Yeah, where is she? Is she pretty?”
“No!” he young boy was obviously uncomfortable “I mean, yes, but not in the way you’re suggesting… Can we talk about something else than me? What about you, guys? Who are you?”
His answer, half question, was frustrating to me. If there was something that really bothered me, was to have my questions avoided. But before I could tell this to Owen, Harry was ranting his drunken palaver again.
“Yeah… We’re part of the crew of the Errand Albatross. Nice ship, a lot of ropes to climb when nobody is looking… we just came from the Western Indies. Good place, you see, but too warm for my taste. And Lord, I missed alcohol so much!” He took another loud sip of beer. “How is your mother?”
Owen shot a glare at him. It only lasted a second before it turned into a softer one.
“Could we please avoid talking about me?” he begged.
“Boy, look, I’m sorry.” I said “But if you keep holding this aura of mystery, we will make our own conclusions. And you don’t want that.” I felt a little guilty for forcing him like this, but his behavior was concerning.
The boy took a few heavy breaths. It could have been just my imagination, but he looked like he was trying not to cry.
“My parents died when I was ten and now I live with my uncle and I don’t think he really cares about me leaving and… that’s none of your business! I shouldn’t be telling you this!” He ranted with no pauses, like he had forgotten about the existence of comas.
Harry’s wide smile was erased in the act. Colt looked as serious as before, but he had a more pained air. And me, I was speechless. I would lie if I said that I didn’t expect a similar response, but Owens’s reaction caused me a deep feeling of pity and guilt for forcing him to the edge. I even felt a little identified with him, since an illness had taken my mother when I was young.
“Oh, boy.” Harry said “I’m sorry”
“It’s… it’s fine” Owen whispered. But he wasn’t fine. He was on the edge of tears.
The four of us stayed in silence of a moment, until Colt commented:
“I lost my wife and daughter”
My eyes centered in him. Colt rarely talked about his life, and I had never heard him say anything about a wife or daughter. The sudden mention surprised me.
Colt seemed to take our expectant silence as a sign to continue.
“My little girl was only four years old. She got sick, very sick, and we couldn’t afford a doctor. When she left, my wife couldn’t take it. I found her hanging from a tree in our backyard the next day, a rope around her precious neck. I thought my life was over then, I almost followed her, but then Hugh offered me a place in his crew. He saved my life that day.”
I almost blushed at his words, and I wasn’t the kind get blushed easily. I never thought of it that way. When I found him, on a tavern similar to this one, he seemed so lost and needed I couldn’t help but offer him a second chance. And he never disappointed me. He didn’t only become the second in command in the Errand Albatross; he also became one of my best friends.
Harry cleared his throat, jealously trying to draw the attention towards him again.
“Yeah, I… uh… I had a dog once… he walked out one day and never came back. I know it’s not the same, but Lord, I miss my Bobby. Best goddamn dog ever.
“Thank you” Owen said in a whisper. “I’m sorry; I didn’t want to bother anybody. I should be going right now.”
“Are you sure?” I asked “It’s cold outside, and your clothes don’t look very warm.”
“It’s okay” he reassured. “My uncle is going to be very mad if he finds out I’m not there”
Harry took another sip of his beer and scratched his beard thoughtfully.
“Didn’t you say that he wouldn’t mind you being out?”
Owen’s body suddenly tensed up.
“Harry” Colt warned him on a serious tone. “You’re scaring the boy”
This boy stood up nervously and forced a hard smile as a form of goodbye.
“Have a good night, gentlemen.”
And just like that, he turned on his heels towards the door and disappeared in the snowstorm.
I exchanged a worrying glance with my partners, and with a nod, we got to a silent agreement.
I got up with a jump and got out of the tavern. Outside, it was so cold that the water on the streets had frozen, and the ice almost made me slip on it. The snow would get stuck in my hair and eyelash, blinding me for a moment. I glanced at the streets, looking for the young boy. I spotted his almost invisible figure turning around the corner, and I had to fasten up the pace to reach him.
When I reached him, I tapped his shoulder. Owen turned around. He had his whole body covered in snow again, the cold making him shiver.
“Sir?” He asked, confused.
“Just call me Hugh” I panted. “Damn, boy, I’m tired. Running in ice is hard.”
He stared at me for a moment, while I recovered. After a few seconds, he asked:
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, just… nothing. Me and my partners have an offer for you”. I said, as fast as I could. I didn’t want him to walk away when I was still panting in the streets.
“I’m not interested” He coldly cut me.
“Let me tell you what it is about, okay?” I took a deep breath. Damn cold. “I can’t take you away from your family, not legally, okay?” I made a short pause. “But I think one can make an exception when your uncle beats on you”
He took his hand to his check, where a little dark bruise marked his skin.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“What are you apologizing for?” I asked “Look, my crew and I are leaving port in a week, and the life in the sea isn’t that horrible, actually.”
Owen blinked, confused.
“Do you want me to go with you and your crew?”
I nodded.
“That’s it. If you want to, of course.”
The boy smiled. It was a wide, genuine smile. I offered him my hand.
“What do you think?”
“Count with me, Si-- Hugh!” he shook my hand with enthusiasm. He was happy, truly happy, I could tell.
And that’s how the pirate Hugh Lane had his son.
Sounds awesome! I mean, as long as it fits the mood of the game.
Yeah, that could definitely use a better English translation, and it's easy to tell that it's improvised, but then, the characters seem to be the type who live without a plan, so the style works well for them. It's good for what it is.
I'm beginning construction of my original work. My story. I wrote it last year.
It was originally done as a school assignment but I want to revamp it and revise it and hopefully have it published.
I have a lore page I can share which has a lot of the lore but beyond that I am keeping it to myself. I have the original prologue posted on Deviant Art.
Nice little easteregg
Can I post concepts and ideas for stories?
This thread is really more for creations than ideas, but there are several other threads where you can post your ideas. (Just remember that you cannot copyright an idea, so don't get mad if someone else runs with it.)
If the idea is for Telltale: https://www.telltale.com/community/discussion/50940/telltale-should-make-a-series-post-your-ideas-for-a-new-telltale-series-here-unofficial
General story idea thread (but it hasn't had traffic in a while): https://telltale.com/community/discussion/96458/so-tell-me-about-your-story-ideas
Or mention in passing on the "Whatever" thread: https://www.telltale.com/community/discussion/101503/the-whatevers-on-your-mind-megathread
I need to get a scanner.
Great job as usual! I was just wondering, have you tried drawing something in your own art style or something original that you've come up with? Everyone has a different kind of art style and I kinda want to see what yours would look like.
Nah im not good at that stuff, I'll admit it I need to copy stuff or I have no idea. Ive come up with idea for tattoos and im gunna draw one soon but thats it really. Pretty boring if im honest
Bump! I'm having my birthday today and I'm the happiest person in the world now. On this occasion, I decided to do my first attempt at free verse. Currently I'm learning how to write poetry in English and I think I'm doing pretty well. I've done the free verse before in Russian but never did that in another language. Sooo.... Any thoughts?
The cover art isn't that great, but the first episode's mostly figured out (it's playable, at least).
I drew this guy today. Honestly I haven't seen ANY Javier fanart so I went ahead and made one.
Nice work!
You haven't seen any Javier fan art because no one cares about him.
If only Telltale would realise that...
One single War of Pandora (a Borderlands series story)
It's a very normal day up on Helios, and so a normal day for an employee named Rhys, in the middle of his shift, he starts having flashbacks about one of the wars on Pandora, and in the middle of those flashbacks, a loud crash can be heard on Pandora's surface, another one of the employees (Jack) has a Holy sh*t expression, and tells Rhys to get out of his office, then he expresses a Here we go again look, and then Jack asks Rhys if he knows who or what that is, there was no answer
"That is Judgement. Pandora's Guardian"
And then Rhys felt that what's gonna be the 2nd Pandorian War was coming, and then the mysterious creature was a darn robot that grabbed the moonbase as it's pilot entered the base, the pilot walked into Rhys's office
-"I come with a warning...Hyperion is on the brink of War, Talk over Pandora is coming" the pilot said "if you notice, the locals are preparing"
-"And?" Rhys asked
-"War is coming...You see, the universe is beginning to warn you about the enemy you will face are known as the 'Corrupts', they are corrupted souls and take the form of warriors...We guardians sealed them away but a few broke loose, releasing them all"
-"Alright" Rhys said to the pilot, but then another flashback goes through his eyes, and when he snaps out of the flashback, he sees that the war has started
-"No way this war has started" He said, and then he sees that Pandora had become a battlefield, and the robot's commander was bringing down ordinance supply drops while firing some giant missiles at the 'Corrupts' when suddenly Rhys realizes he's inside that robot
-"Finally Awake" The Pilot said, He puts the robot into supply mode as it takes control
Rhys later asked "Wh-Why am I in this robot?
-"So you wouldn't die, this robot is controlled by Motion and thought, it it linked to me: like it has for the past three million years...If you want I can send you into the front line, just arm yourself, I will be sending you down in an ordinance drop" the Pilot said
Rhys agreed and started to arm himself up
and then the pilot asked him if he was ready, Rhys now that he was almost high on defying death had a heck yeah look on his face
... I care.
I care about Javi...
Some drawings and rough sketches of my OCs, some Sim creations that I've come to love and some Overwatch as well.
Bottom one is of Nari, who is the offspring of Dva & Junkrat and she received a present from her godfather Hanzo. He thought it didn't work...XD
To start with the bad, the ear looks a bit weird. (sorry, I couldn't help myself)
But beyond the "huge problem" I have with the ear I love it.
The shading's great and I especially love the beard.
Great work!
Part 2
"Wanted more of this story about what happened next, didn't you? No? Too bad, I'm telling you anyway"
After Rhys was almost high on defying death, he was sent down to the front-line in an ordinance drop, after he hops out of the drop and starts firing at the entire army of darkness, a giant missile hits them (not all) but they just kept coming back, sounding almost like a non-stopping war, and then Rhys gets a flashback of his old Drill Sergeant during one of the hours "This is unbelievable" he said, and then everything started to explode "Holy shit!" he exclaimed, then the robot (Judgement) fired a barrage of missiles, and then it shrank to a human size "Damn it...This is even more unbelievable" he said, then shooting one bullet to someone behind him.
A few days later, the war seems that has ended for now, and then Rhys enters back to his office to find a Pistol with the engraving "Hyperion's Warrior", and after that moment, he still hopes for another war to happen, not just to kill more people, but to do for what's in Helios' defense
The End
Ears are probably the most difficult thing to draw among artists, and if I'm being honest, I got lazy with them. It was midnight and I wanted to get done with it already.