The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You could use birth control to make your periods more regular. However, good luck suggesting that to your parents!

    Meanwhile, just jump up and down and see if that encourages anything.

    TLDR: Hellie rants about periods. So my sister's friend is having a birthday party at our local Great Wolf Lodge next week and we're stay

  • I played Warframe for like 3 hours and I think I need new eyes. The colours on that game gave me an insane headache.

  • Happy (belated) Birthday!

    It's my birthday.

  • Thinking about the lack of laughter in McDonalds while I was applying. Been there twice without hearing any. That's not a good sign for the kind of environment it is.

  • Ooh thank God I can eat in peace now

    Spiegel1 posted: »

    Thinking about the lack of laughter in McDonalds while I was applying. Been there twice without hearing any. That's not a good sign for the kind of environment it is.

  • edited January 2017

    Don't you always feel awkward to... When your friends are sexing over the place at your age or had at your age and you feel alone because you don't -__-

  • Well I'm currently at school, doing nothing because I'm exempt from my final exams

    enter image description here

  • edited January 2017

    Lack of laughter from the employees is not a good thing when you're working there. But thank you for your understanding.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Ooh thank God I can eat in peace now

  • Not much of a step forward if you ask me.

  • Ooh employees I didn't knew that

    Spiegel1 posted: »

    Lack of laughter from the employees is not a good thing when you're working there. But thank you for your understanding.

  • To be fair, this is a universe with horrifying alien creatures, robotic humans who have yellow goo inside of them and giant space stations. Cloning isn't exactly far off from their universe, especially considering this shit is like 100-200 years in the future from the OG Alien movie.

    AronDracula posted: »

    An unrealistic way to bring back the hero of this franchise.

  • My library forces you to bring the DVD up there to check it out again. Considering that rule isn't in place for anything else means it's pointless and arbitrary.

  • School starts today. Someone please assassinate me.

  • You're paying the hitman's fees though.

    School starts today. Someone please assassinate me.

  • enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    School starts today. Someone please assassinate me.

  • enter image description here

    Me in the political thread

  • edited January 2017

    Damn. I just heard that Miguel Ferrer died a week and a half ago.

    That sucks. I loved his performance as Vandal Savage in Young Justice.

    I wonder who'll play him when season 3 starts.

  • I went there once and a manager was screaming at the employees. I'm standing in line thinking: a; Dude, they're being paid to flip burgers and b; You're not being paid enough to be that upset about anything.

    Spiegel1 posted: »

    Thinking about the lack of laughter in McDonalds while I was applying. Been there twice without hearing any. That's not a good sign for the kind of environment it is.

  • edited January 2017

    So, I've been playing the Wolf Among Us recently, and I finished episode 3 not long ago and I was wondering...

    Am I meant to know who "The Crooked Man" is at this point? Because they keep saying the name but I don't know who it is.

    If I'm not meant to know at this point, please just say so and please don't spoil anything!

    Thank you.

  • I think Episode 4 will give you the answer.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    So, I've been playing the Wolf Among Us recently, and I finished episode 3 not long ago and I was wondering... Am I meant to know who "Th

  • edited January 2017

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

  • So in the past 3 days, I got horribly sick, the project I've been working on for 2 months got finished and then was completely scrapped by my PC, and now my PC is completely fucked up and for whatever reason I'm gradually losing storage space for no reason. And despite multiple scans, google searches and file deletions, it's still fucked. And to add to all of that, my meds are no longer helping me for whatever reason. Yaaaay.

  • edited January 2017

    Currently replaying S1 to remind myself TWD wasn't always disappointing My god, will I tell you how good it feels.

  • So ben Affleck WONT direct the batman movie? Get your fucking shit together warner bros

  • I'm not sure why I decided to return to this forum.

    Nostalgia maybe.

  • Holy Hell it's been a while

    I'm not sure why I decided to return to this forum. Nostalgia maybe.

  • edited February 2017

    I just beat the Last of Us remastered.

    Now I'm trying to figure out whether or not I wanna do new game plus so I can get some trophies I missed.

    EDIT: I just started new game plus.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited January 2017

    I'm starting to play through Telltale's old games

    So far, I've completed Jurassic Park, and played the first episode of the first season of Sam & Max

    S&M is pretty neat

    Jurassic Park, on the other hand, not so neat. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't all that memorable or engaging, honestly. Of all the Telltale games I've played so far, JP is unfortunately my new least favorite. Although I really gotta give them credit for all the overdone and unintentionally hilarious death scenes in it. And Oscar, undoubtedly the game's best character... and Yoder, too

  • Sam and Max gets really good around Devil's Playhouse; I assume you are starting off with Season 1, which most people say gets good by Episode 4.

    Deltino posted: »

    I'm starting to play through Telltale's old games So far, I've completed Jurassic Park, and played the first episode of the first season

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited January 2017

    Yeah, I was planning on going through S&M chronologically

    As for their other series, I'm just sort of playing whichever looks the most interesting first, because I am an adult that still has the attention span of a young child

    Sam and Max gets really good around Devil's Playhouse; I assume you are starting off with Season 1, which most people say gets good by Episode 4.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited January 2017

    Finally somebody to talk about Jurassic Park with. You cannot escape!

    enter image description here

    Oscar was pretty badass. Really badass. So very badass. I loved him. Good stuff, good stuff (anytime someone can body slam a velociraptor and not die you know it is getting good). I enjoyed him and Billy Yoder, the guy. Thick as thieves.

    overdone and unintentionally hilarious death scenes in it

    I'm a huge Jurassic Park fan (hey, now you should know if you didn't already why InGen is my username), so I really enjoyed the game obviously. The characters are actually pretty good and so is the story after the gameplay. I also enjoyed that Telltale made new uses out of old dinosaurs and introduced new ones that fit in pretty well. What episode did you enjoy the most? For me it is either Episode 3 or 4.

    Deltino posted: »

    I'm starting to play through Telltale's old games So far, I've completed Jurassic Park, and played the first episode of the first season

  • I'm sorry that knife fight killed me.... Like what is she doing stab him he's defenseless XD

    She has the range and the weapon.

    Finally somebody to talk about Jurassic Park with. You cannot escape! Oscar was pretty badass. Really badass. So very badass. I loved

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited January 2017

    Favorite episode? Yeah, it's between episode 3 and 4 for me, too. Tough choice.

    And like I said, while I'm not the biggest fan of it, I don't hate it. It's not that bad, and I think most of the reviews are a little bit too harsh on it. I wasn't expecting too much going in, but it still went above my expectations, for what it's worth. It just feels a bit like... I don't know, like Telltale was playing it safe, if that makes sense? In comparison to, let's say, TWD or Batman, where they took liberties and really tried to made the story their own, JP feels a bit more... restrained. I don't know how to really describe it, but it just feels like they weren't really pushing themselves, or even the IP itself, which they seem to do in most of their other games. Usually they try to push the boundaries on the source material of whatever they're adapting; they really double down on carving out their own little corner of that respective universe. TWD is based in the same universe as the comics, but the game feels very unique; even if it shares the universe, this story is Telltale's, through and through. Even Kirkman has said as much, that they've "taken the ball and ran with it". But JP feels a bit sterile in this regard. As a result, the story (and characters, to some degree) just feels a bit generic. Telltale just doesn't seem to have taken the risks I'm used to seeing them take in Jurassic Park.

    But hey, I can't be too harsh; JP clearly paved the way for the games to come. I remember someone from Telltale saying that TWD wouldn't really exist if JP never happened. And I think I can agree after playing it for myself. I see a lot of TWD in JP. Granted, in a more prototypical state, but still. So in that sense, I can respect the game for the role it played in helping them get where they are now. Quality aside, JP was an important step in Telltale's growth as both a company and as storytellers.

    Of course, I imagine that my feelings might be due to the fact that I started playing their games with TWD, so maybe I have some skewered expectations for their older games. But even the first episode of Sam & Max feels more like Telltale than JP did.

    Also, in that video? 4:00

    That fucking death is the best. Everything turns into a clusterfuck so fast. And Gerry gets completely destroyed.

    Finally somebody to talk about Jurassic Park with. You cannot escape! Oscar was pretty badass. Really badass. So very badass. I loved

  • edited January 2017

    The beginning part gives me shivers.

    BTW, I have looked up Unit 731.

  • What?! That was literally the only reason why I was still giving the DCEU a chance. They just continue to make bad decision after bad decision.

    Tolispro posted: »

    So ben Affleck WONT direct the batman movie? Get your fucking shit together warner bros

  • I finally got my copy of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations in the mail today, didn't realize how big it truly was (1,208 pages). It's considered one of the most important and influential economic pieces of literature in history and helped shape the modern idea of capitalism.

  • Thought during first sentence: "Wow, that's quite a metal anthem!"

    Thought during second sentence: "Oh, it's a book!"

    I finally got my copy of Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations in the mail today, didn't realize how big it truly was (1,208 pages). It's consi

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