The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Wow look at the beta pussy over here playin' on hard. My second TLOU playthrough was on grounded :smirk:

    Jokes aside, I usually don't enjoy challenging games, but wanted to make an exception for this. I wonder how grounded mode compares to other hard games though, I'm scared of trying Dark Souls.

    My first playthrough was on hard mode, and I'm only playing on NG+ so I can record/stream some footage of it for future reference, so I set

  • I'm scared of trying Dark Souls.

    Who's the beta pussy now m8? Kek


    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Wow look at the beta pussy over here playin' on hard. My second TLOU playthrough was on grounded Jokes aside, I usually don't enjoy chal

  • Here's a video for everyone who claimed that ResE 7 isn't Resident Evil

    I think Caddy sums it up quite nicely.

  • edited February 2017

    I just got Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege from out of nowhere. It just randomly appeared in my ready to install. I never bought it and it wasn't given by gamesharing. Anyone else with an Xbox One get a game they didn't buy or that wasn't shared?

    Edit: I checked the store and online and it's most probably for free weekend.

  • Maybe it's a promotion or something?

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I just got Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege from out of nowhere. It just randomly appeared in my ready to install. I never bought it and it wa

  • I'm really not sure. No one I know on Xbox got the game for free which I find kinda odd.

    Maybe it's a promotion or something?

  • I've been so busy in school that I haven't had much time to visit the forums.

  • Eh, school's honestly better.

    I've been so busy in school that I haven't had much time to visit the forums.

  • Did something happen here while I was gone?

    Eh, school's honestly better.

  • Just the same thing that happens everyday on the forums: irrational arguments, boring politics, and just plain lameness.

    Did something happen here while I was gone?

  • Can somebody put a shock collar on my neck so next time I think "Hey! The MC:SM forums can't be that bad right now!" it fucking electrocutes me? I swear every time I go in there my head hurts. And it's not even that the kids in there are cringey either, they come from a good, well meaning place and really love that game and I can respect that. The issue is that the grammar is so, absolutely abysmal that... I just don't know what to do with myself. Please for the love of god just zap me next time I click on that section.

  • And a guy sending porn to everyone.

    Just the same thing that happens everyday on the forums: irrational arguments, boring politics, and just plain lameness.

  • Oh yeah, that too. Forgot.

    And a guy sending porn to everyone.

  • I'm glad you did, because I can't.

    enter image description here

    Oh yeah, that too. Forgot.

  • I am truly and deeply sorry for you, man.

    I'm glad you did, because I can't.


    (kidding, thanks for the concern)

    I am truly and deeply sorry for you, man.

  • Right, charging electric rod now.

    enter image description here

    Can somebody put a shock collar on my neck so next time I think "Hey! The MC:SM forums can't be that bad right now!" it fucking electrocutes

  • Ayyy

    AChicken posted: »

    Right, charging electric rod now.

  • edited February 2017

    Before I start, I would like to just say that before anyone says anything, these are not the ramblings of a depressed man. Rather they are the ramblings, if you want to use that phrase, of someone who is just wanting to give others the benefit of his experience.

    From what I've gathered in my time on this website, is that most of the users are in their teenage years, and therefore haven't really got to experience life.

    And I do know those some point if they haven't already gone through this, they will go through a very nasty break up, so I figured that just being older, that I would give them the benefit of my experience and some advice if at all possible.

    I have come to the conclusion that after a breakup, being friends with your ex normally doesn't work out. Its very rare when after a break up the the two individuals involved can still be just friends.

    Usually when a break-up occurs, one person wants it more than the other, and the one who is suggesting the breakup is usually the one who also suggests that the two of you can still be friends.

    What I have found, to personal experience, that the biggest reason why somebody want to still be friends with their ex is because they usually hope they can get back together.

    Not that there is anything wrong with that in and of itself, and that's not to say that it can't happen, but the problem is is in that case the friendship is really a fraud.

    And if they don't get back together, then the one person who still wants to be in a relationship with the other person will end up putting themselves through a whole bunch of heartache and disappointment, and that is not fair for anyone to do to themselves.

    Nor is it fair to the other person who just simply wants to be friends, because it puts pressure on them, and puts them in an awkward situation.

    And then what ends up happening is, that when your ex thinks about you, they will not remember you fondly, but they will remember you with distain and hostility, and I don't think anyone of you wants to be remembered that way, especially by someone that you cared about.

    So in my personal experience, I would recommend that if you go through a breakup, in particular if you are the one being dumped, I would recommend that you make a clean break from that person, and that you do not accept an offer of friendship if you are offered one.

    And that doesn't mean that you have to be rude when refusing their offer, all you have to say is say something like: "As much as I would like to, I do not think that at this time it would be a good idea, as I am interested in being in a romantic relationship with you, as opposed to a platonic one.

    I wish you the very best of everything that life has to offer, and I will never forget you."

    Now this does two things:

    *It gives you time and space to heal. Feelings like those don't get turned off right away. Therefore you need to step away from the situation and give yourself time to refocus.

    And secondly what it does is it gives your ex time to hopefully forget the bad times, and remember you in a more positive light.*

  • , I would recommend that you make a clean break from that person, and that you do not accept an offer of friendship if you are offered one.

    You know, for the first time I was really in agreement with you up until this. This isn't exactly factual advice, some people CAN still be friends after a break up, I know many people who have maintained that friendship and wound up being each other's closest friends. You can still be in a friendship regardless, you just have to get past the first few weeks or months of awkwardness and uncomfortableness and you'll be alright.

    And at the beginning of the comment I'd also like to mention that it's not exactly rare either. A lot of people I know have extremely close relationships with their ex partners without even feeling romantic feelings towards each other. Really it's only a matter of willpower. One thing's for sure though, do not go after the girl/boy after it's been broken off. Accept it and hope to still be friends, unless the ex was abusive or the relationship ended on a bad note.

    As for everything else, I pretty much agree. Despite it not being 80% of the time, it is still common to still want a relationship from the other party and it can screw things up. Yes you can work past that, but it is an issue. And if you go chasing after that person even after it's done, it will indeed leave disdain. I'm glad you figured these things out for yourself.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Before I start, I would like to just say that before anyone says anything, these are not the ramblings of a depressed man. Rather they are t

  • I still havent done episode 2 of ANF, I want to but I also can't be bothered.

  • Pretty good advice.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Before I start, I would like to just say that before anyone says anything, these are not the ramblings of a depressed man. Rather they are t

  • I still havent done episode 2 of ANF, I want to but I also can't be bothered.

  • Telltale would you goddamn please update my profile I have to refresh the page everytime to post a comment and don't get a error sometimes I had to type again a wall of text because of this of interesting posts

  • Jesus motherfucking Christ I hope everything gets better and he isn't scared to go outside

    AronDracula posted: »

    OMG, this was such a bad day. My step-father was walking on the streets and he got himself in trouble and was beaten up by an angry motherfu

  • My parents: "Eat a healthy, balanced breakfast."

    Me: "Okay."

    Also me: eats Stevia-laced oatmeal, drinks black coffee, and sneaks out to the garage to get a Diet Coke can.

    :_: I do not function well left to my own devices.

  • Yep that's me too. At least I've made it a habit to go for half-hour walks everyday if I can (the exception being really hot weather), but my diet is still fucked.

    My parents: "Eat a healthy, balanced breakfast." Me: "Okay." Also me: eats Stevia-laced oatmeal, drinks black coffee, and sneaks out to the garage to get a Diet Coke can. :_: I do not function well left to my own devices.

  • bbbbbb baka subaru-kyun kyun kyun kyun

  • It's fine

    joshua007 posted: »

    Jesus motherfucking Christ I hope everything gets better and he isn't scared to go outside

  • enter image description here

    bbbbbb baka subaru-kyun kyun kyun kyun

  • I almost puked once while drinking black coffee .

    My parents: "Eat a healthy, balanced breakfast." Me: "Okay." Also me: eats Stevia-laced oatmeal, drinks black coffee, and sneaks out to the garage to get a Diet Coke can. :_: I do not function well left to my own devices.

  • I agree that you shouldn't break up expecting to get back together again some day. Yes, it's possible, but it's so unlikely that you should go in assuming it won't happen.

    That doesn't mean you have to shut out the other person completely, though. You just have to realize that that person, not being with you anymore, is going to start going out with someone else, and you'll have to be OK with that. And maybe that relationship has problems, too, but that can't mean you'll swoop back in to the rescue. Just remember that there's a reason your own relationship didn't work out, and it's for the best that you stay this way. If you can handle that, then you can remain in contact, and even be "friends."

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Before I start, I would like to just say that before anyone says anything, these are not the ramblings of a depressed man. Rather they are t

  • Can anybody give me a link to the thread about the achievements of TWD SE2EP5? I remember that there was some interesting symbolism there and smth about Emily Dickinson's poetry.

  • edited February 2017

    I unfortunately don't remember where it is myself. ;-;

    Season 2 had a lot of great threads and theories, it was so fun.

    Can anybody give me a link to the thread about the achievements of TWD SE2EP5? I remember that there was some interesting symbolism there and smth about Emily Dickinson's poetry.

  • The son was using a fucking hatchet on him.

    enter image description here

    This is just... dear god. May your dad have a speedy recovery.

    AronDracula posted: »

    A cunt who just doesn't know how to pay attention on the road and was blaming my father for just walking on pedestrian crossing. There was a

  • I've been an uncle since October.

    Weird to think about.

  • Of all 5 characters that I have noticed recently across movies and games that have had a scar on an eyebrow, wether they live or die depends on what side the scar is. The following post contains spoilers for The Last of Us, TFTB, TWD ANF, Spec Ops: The Line and The Deer Hunter.

    Have any of you noticed this, or have examples of the opposite?

  • Left side and dead:
    TWD ANF, Mariana
    Spec Ops: The Line, Adams

    Right side and alive:
    TLOU, Ellie
    TFTB, Fiona
    The Deer Hunter, Michael

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Of all 5 characters that I have noticed recently across movies and games that have had a scar on an eyebrow, wether they live or die depends

  • Determinantly, Clementine can have a scar above her right eye brow.

  • Knights of the old dicks keeps crashing

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