The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I need this here for just a second.


  • Ah, sadly I never played Majora's Mask, that's why I didn't get at all why there were aliens in Zelda aha

    MichaelBP posted: »

    The aliens from Majora's Mask were going to come to Hyrule.

  • edited March 2017

    Do you have to adopt the survivalist mindset in order to survive in today's world?

    To give an idea of exactly what this mindset is, allow me to quote an article that I read on the subject, on people who have the survivalist mindset and the traits they display.

    "Have you noticed people who live by the survival of the fittest theory? Irrespective of the demographics or socioeconomic background they come from, there are some commons traits and behaviors they seem to display which is not only remarkably consistent, but also clearly distinguishable. These are some I have noticed.

    They cant make meaningful friendships: Forget friendships, many cant even make meaningful relationships with siblings. Since people who live by this theory always have to be better than the crowd, anyone part of it is a competition. And because of this, no one can be a true a friend. Most people they know are only accomplices that can come in handy for the pursuit of goals.

    They are mostly comfortable, but highly stressed too: Again, this is a result of meaningless comparisons and pointless pursuits. Since the world can only take a “few” survivors, wanting to survive is a need that results in (mostly) pointless analysis.

    They don’t trust easily: Actually, this could have been the first point. In fact, it is this trait that results in point 1.

    They play their cards close to their chest: Since they hardly trust anyone, they have no choice but to play their cards close to their chest. Sometimes, it can be so apparent that even an innocuous, question like “when do you generally leave from work?” would be replied with a suspicious “why do you ask this?” question. But, at the far end, they would not mind taking favors from the same people though.

    They have an apparent scarcity mindset: Try asking them to part with something they own, and you will know this. Even if they know its hardly useful, they just can’t part with what is theirs.

    They just don’t mind passing the buck:Forget “not minding” passing the buck, some would have even mastered this art. In many cases, they might even take credit for what they don’t deserve, but not take responsibility for anything close to failure.

    What they live by is a substitute of what they live for: Everyone has ambitions which results from life goals and we make some compromises to achieve them, but people who have the survivor mindset actually don’t seem to have any true “no-no’s” for themselves. The only no-no would probably be not compromising on their goals.

    Whatever said and done, survival of the fittest mindset people also have their own moments and pursuits of happiness. But mostly, their happiness would be a derivative of what comforts they can possibly possess."

    Now I'm not saying not to look out for yourself, and not to pursue your goals. But what I am saying is is this the type of person you absolutely have to become in order to survive today?

    Do you have to be the type of person that deep down is only looking out for themself and who will heartlessly use other people, just to achieve what they want or need, and then kick them to the curb once they're done with them?

    It seems to me that is indeed the case, as seemingly everyone has this type of mindset nowadays. It seems like if you strive to be a good guy, that people will use the hell out of you.

    Once people know you have a big heart, they won't hesitate to exploit that to their own advantage.

    Seems like the only way to protect yourself and survive is to be cold and callous. To just look out for yourself, and the hell with anyone else.

    Yet that nature goes against the grain of who and what I am as a person, but of that's what it takes to survive, then that's what it takes.

  • Good point.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    10 doesn't mean "perfect". 10 means "incredible in a way few games are; one of the best games of all time".

  • To succeed in a Capitalist system? Yes.

    Money is money and there's only one "pie".
    To be successful and have your piece, you must take from somebody else's.
    Whether you know them or not, you are taking from somebody.
    The most successful are those which don't care whose pie it is.

    In a perfectly balanced capitalist system(adding this so I don't come off as a completely socialist Canadian), you provide a service in which people want it enough to give you their money happily and everything evens out because you, in turn, return your piece for others' services. In practice, it doesn't work that way. Too many people want more. Somebody always wants more.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Do you have to adopt the survivalist mindset in order to survive in today's world? To give an idea of exactly what this mindset is, allow

  • Howdy-diddly-doo neighbourino!

    How's things been?

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • You can't trust anything he says, boy! He's trying to keep himself discreet to ban us all! Don't trust him, not even.... Blind Sniper's house. >.>

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Woah, why does everyone want to be banned lately?

  • edited March 2017

    Been watching a lot of twitch for some reason, and boy is it actually satisfying to watch youtuber's vids you can't see in... well, youtube.

  • Took me long enough to actually get these posted but I hope you enjoy them. Here's sketches of some of the Resident Evil 7 cast! If you guys want sketches of the rest of the cast, just lemme know.

    "Do I have your attention, boy? You're about to see something wonderful!"

    enter image description here

    Here's Ethan! My strangely dull yet annoyed guy. He always seemed to just be exasperated through the game more than anything so I wanted to capture that detail when sketching him. This is actually my second drawing of him, the other one didn't satisfy me so I didn't bother taking a picture of it.

    enter image description here

    Without spoiling too much, I felt she was a complicated character due to her circumstances, personality and role-- which is unique to most RE games in terms of her place with protagonists you play as. I think those who played it know what I mean by that. I'm pretty proud of how this came out too!

    enter image description here

    "I'm an old man, son! You can't take on an old man?"

    Boy, was this guy just absolutely fun and scary to face off with in the game. He has some great dialogue, great moments, a fantastic driver, but during the parts I can't beat him he was just terrifying and quick on his feet.

    Can't tell you how much of a pain that hand was to draw btw.

    enter image description here

    The last one of the bunch. She's an interesting character for me, I hated what she's done but I can't help but also feeling sorry for her as well. Her last moments were a bit disappointing though.

    This took the longest to draw btw, about an 1 hour initially but 3 hours max since I was also talking to a friend. lol

  • Finally, I beat the Real Survival mode of Resident Evil Remake. Looks like I didn't screw up that much, I only died once. And I unlocked the Invisible Enemies mode.

  • Got the platinum for bully earlier

  • I just replaced the idler pulley on my car. Hopefully, that stops the squeaking. Both my belts run parallel and share a couple other pulleys, so if it's my belt that's the issue, I don't think I can do that one myself. I would need some kind of tool.

  • 27? Huh.
    Y'know, I haven't really been following the new Zelda all that much since it's announcement. I never bothered to check gameplay videos from conventions, and only heard a few things of what it is; "An open world Zelda, featuring stealth, crafting, and a whole new look for the characters." I dismissed it all at first thinking that Zelda wasn't Zelda anymore, because it's just so different now than the other installments. But maybe it's just because I didn't even understand what I was talking about, and I knew just the basic concept of what it has. It's probably because of all the hype and good news, but now I feel that I want to play it; To get a Switch and pop it in.

    I need to do some research about this game now. [And then save up A Lot of money for the console and game]

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well Breath of the Wild currently has 40 perfect scores: * Edge - 10/10 (that's like an 12/10 on other outlets) * Famitsu - 40/40 *

  • Most of the people whose books were stolen had locks like the one you described, but some had little padlocks that they still managed to get into without cutting the lock. I think they picked them because I found my lock on the ground, open, but the numbers lined up was not my code.

    And now the school is blaming us for not having the locks that the school currently sell, which is bullshit because a) some people were still using their three-digit locks that the school supplied in Year 7, and b) they have never told us that we must specifically have combination locks (the round ones with the dial). I was already going to complain to the principal about the overall shitty treatment of the art department but I'll be sure to bring this up too.

    I doubt that a current student was responsible. The thieves may have had connections to the school/a student so that they know where the lockers are and everything, but many of the people in my year level trust each other not to even have a lock at all (which bugs me a little because a guy I know without a lock had less books stolen than I did).

    That's absolute shit, mate. My textbooks were pretty expensive too and I'd be pissed if someone pinched mine. What type of lockers are they?

  • That's really good. Nice job!

    Took me long enough to actually get these posted but I hope you enjoy them. Here's sketches of some of the Resident Evil 7 cast! If you guys

  • I got horizon zero dawn yeterday I love it im a sucker for post apocalyptic, dinosaurs and robots so this is a winner for me but I cant help but feel this is nothing more than far cry primal stripped back and rebuilt which is fine for me because I loved far cry primal but the trailors are implying this is a all new concept with all new gameplay well I haven't played that much yet so i cant speak for the whole game but so far the weapon wheel and map icons are identical and the overall feel is just pure primal.

    I think they were just banking on the fact primal was a flop so not many people will notice, I was actually hoping they would do a sequel so im happy I just think the promotion was misleading.

  • I beat the Invisible Enemies mode in Resident Evil Remake and I got a message at the end of the game which was from Shinji Mikami, the director of Resident Evil Original, Remake and 4 and the producer of Resident Evil 2 and 3. He praised me so much for playing his game. Man, I love that guy. Too bad he left Capcom after directing Resident Evil 4. That caused Resident Evil to turn into an action franchise. Fuck the directors of RE 5 & 6.

  • I seriously doubt that Horizon Zero Dawn copied anything from Primal considering it was in development since 2011 compared to Primals measly two years of development.

    I got horizon zero dawn yeterday I love it im a sucker for post apocalyptic, dinosaurs and robots so this is a winner for me but I cant help

  • Watched Logan today. What a fantastic sendoff to Wolverine and Xavier! Amazing acting by Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart, glorious fight scenes (the best out of all the X-Men movies), beautifully shot, and above all absolutely heartbreaking. To me it is by far the best X-Men movie and one of the best superhero movies of all time.

    I couldn't help but tear up at a couple scenes. I really do hope that they choose not to recast Wolverine and just push X-23 as his successor.

    Absolutely loved it.

  • Thanks!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    That's really good. Nice job!

  • Yesterday I went up to a pawnshop and got a whole bunch of games for under 40 bucks. I got myself Spiderman 3, (my friend's gonna like this) Beyond Good and Evil, FEAR 2 Project Origin (there was number 3 as well but I had to save the rest of my money for other stuff n' thangs), Dragon's Age Origins, and Dead Space 1 and 2. Most of these I just heard about from strangers or friends, except Spiderman 3 was one of those games I played before and I remembered liking it.

    I just started playing Dead Space last night, expecting to shit my pants, but so far it's not as scary as I thought. Well except when those freaks swarm you and that hallway going pitch black for a second after hearing something crawl about. lol Still in the first chapter but so far not bad. :smirk:

  • Beyond Good and Evil

    Good my student in the darkside, remember in the beginning it can be hard but when you learn your way you will have fun

    Yesterday I went up to a pawnshop and got a whole bunch of games for under 40 bucks. I got myself Spiderman 3, (my friend's gonna like this)

  • edited March 2017

    Got a new avatar to match my new favorite game.

    enter image description here

  • Awesome.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Got a new avatar to match my new favorite game.

  • OMG, you're making me feel more hyped.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Watched Logan today. What a fantastic sendoff to Wolverine and Xavier! Amazing acting by Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart, glorious fight sc

  • I'm watching "Dangerous to go alone" youtube channel playing Resident Evil 6. From what I've seen so far of this game, it looks bad.

  • edited March 2017

    Rhys actually isn't my favorite character in the game though, just thought his expression on this picture suited me.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • Spiderman 3

    People found it pretty shit due to the web slinging being way worse than the second one and the other glaring problems it had, but I personally loved that game to bits, though that may just be the nostalgia glasses.

    Yesterday I went up to a pawnshop and got a whole bunch of games for under 40 bucks. I got myself Spiderman 3, (my friend's gonna like this)

  • Nice, I knew you'd love this game! Give us all your thoughts on it in the Tales section!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Got a new avatar to match my new favorite game.

  • edited March 2017

    The first Alien movie. I seriously hope Dallas was dead when eggs were being pumped into his stomach. Otherwise it's some sanity shattering shit going on.

    Edit: No wait. It's Kane that's got the face hugger. I always get names confused in movies.

  • enter image description here

    You can't trust anything he says, boy! He's trying to keep himself discreet to ban us all! Don't trust him, not even.... Blind Sniper's house. >.>

  • What should I do on Fallout 4?

    so far I have done half the Shaun story ( just defeated Kellog and nothing more ) I don't want to do the rest, I want to ear as much caps as possible to build an awesome settlement, then after that I wanna take o0ver nukatown. So whats the best things for caps?

  • I made an entire playthrough of Resident Evil Remake without using any Ink Ribbons to save the game. Inks are for squids, losers.

  • Deadpool 2 Teaser Trailer.

  • Having played both I can say it is very similar

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I seriously doubt that Horizon Zero Dawn copied anything from Primal considering it was in development since 2011 compared to Primals measly two years of development.

  • Sure. I haven't played episode 4 or 5 yet, so I'll do that then.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    Nice, I knew you'd love this game! Give us all your thoughts on it in the Tales section!

  • I drank a bottle of wine and while I'm not very inebriated, I have nothing appropriate to say.


  • Purified water racket. Build a bunch of industrial purifiers in sanctuary and collect the water that ends up in the Workbench.

    What should I do on Fallout 4? so far I have done half the Shaun story ( just defeated Kellog and nothing more ) I don't want to do the r

  • Tried crocodile and kangaroo meat today. Very interesting but also kinda odd.

    The crocodile tasted like fish but its texture was like chicken but really tough. The kangaroo looked like and had the texture of beef but tasted like lamb.

    Both were pretty alright but I wouldn't go out of my way to try them again.

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