The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I thought you were getting better though? :(

    joshua007 posted: »

    I told her about my depression and something according to her must have happened to be so bad and we don't know what but I am not going with the police they will have to catch me

  • edited March 2017

    Still have to see the new Logan movie, really excited for it.

    And hi there. Keeping busy?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Watching first two episodes of stranger things as my class say how awesome it is love the supernatural elements But then show spends half


    "DOES IT, JAY?!"


  • Hopefully you stay for another 3 as well. :)

    joshua007 posted: »

    It has been more than three years since I joined the forum

  • I have learned in life that school is useless so yeah

    Really sick of school and the people who I thought were friends but really just don't want me around.

  • I do feel better but I told her what was going on in my mind

    I thought you were getting better though?

  • Remember when the TWD forum section was fun... Yeah that was long ago

  • so i played watch_dogs2 today i must say its actually pretty good

  • Walking on the street and the place is locked by the cop for one hour because of a bag on it, awe-so-me.

  • edited March 2017

    He tobi a must watch

  • How ironic. This video was released in the same day.

    joshua007 posted: »

    He tobi a must watch

  • edited March 2017

    Resident Evil Revelations 1 is coming to PS4/XBOX1. I'm so fucking excited because I get to play my favourite RE character of all time again. Jill Valentine.

  • Remember when TWD forum used to look good... Yeah, thought so.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Remember when the TWD forum section was fun... Yeah that was long ago

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It's no coincidence with the live action Beauty and the Beast coming out.

    AronDracula posted: »

    How ironic. This video was released in the same day.

  • Attention Attention! If y'all remember a while back @Green613 challenged me to play Smash Bros 4 and loser would need to be perma banned. Well...

    enter image description here
    After the constant shit talk from Green, I couldn't take it anymore. Today we fought 3 battles. Green put up a good fight, but alas... he couldn't manage to kill me once, or to even get me pass 100% It was nice knowing you Green :(

  • We got an update bois.

    Green begged me to play just ONE LAST GAME, and if he won this one, all the past ones wouldnt count. Well... he did manage to kill me once this time.

    enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Attention Attention! If y'all remember a while back @Green613 challenged me to play Smash Bros 4 and loser would need to be perma banned. We

  • Let it be known that @Poogers555 is a crook and unholy member of Rhyiona. In this post I will lay out the details as to why he is not a true member and follower of Rhyiona, and why he baited me into a scheme that he could only win in, and steal the most SUCCESSFUL thread on the forum from it's true founder (me) and most integritous member on the forum (me). It all started when poogs riled me up one day and beat me in a like war in the forum, then I challenged him to a Sm4sh duel (a game which I haven't played in 2 years, but since I can't play my actual game, Melee, it would have to do).

    After weeks of dodging me and creating excuses not to play me, he finally gets ready to play me and we duke it out. Now, he won, but only because he INTENTIONALLY screwed with Nintendo's servers and DDOS'd me, he was able to beat me 3 games in a row without me taking a stock. Will I admit that I suck at Sm4sh? Yes, cause I haven't played it in 2 years. Will I admit this was a FLUKE and poogs is actually trash at that game, and probably would lose to me if we played locally? YES!

    All of this is infuriating as a usual forum reader right? Well, that's not all. Not only did Poogs cheat his way to victory, BUT also tried to steal my most prized possesion from me, by tricking the Rhyionan's into believing his lies. I have proof.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Of course, being as loyal to my thread and Rhyionan's as humanly possible, I declined his scummy offer. Poogers, you are a disgusting person, I hope you rot. One day, I will make you pay for this.

  • enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's no coincidence with the live action Beauty and the Beast coming out.

  • No platform levels, and super laggy. See me IRL you scum

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Attention Attention! If y'all remember a while back @Green613 challenged me to play Smash Bros 4 and loser would need to be perma banned. We

  • tfw green gets so salty he starts making up LIES

    enter image description here

    Now Green, either you stick to the original bet and get perma banned, or go to the Rhyiona thread, leave a comment AND have the original post EDITED so It says that I POOGERS555 IS THE TRUE FOUNDER OF THE GODLY SHIP RHYIONA.

    Blind Sniper, you know what to do babe! xoxo

    Green613 posted: »

    Let it be known that @Poogers555 is a crook and unholy member of Rhyiona. In this post I will lay out the details as to why he is not a true

  • You are a scumbag Poogers, I guarantee you if you weren't scared to play me in Melee I would toss your salad in an instant

    Poogers555 posted: »

    tfw green gets so salty he starts making up LIES Now Green, either you stick to the original bet and get perma banned, or go to the R

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    . @poogers555 @green613

    So what you're both saying is that I should ban both of you?

  • Ban me, but once I train hard and demolish poogers, I was promised my forum life back.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    . @poogers555 @green613 So what you're both saying is that I should ban both of you?

  • It is the Holy Trinity of making fun of movies on YouTube: Cinemasins, Honest Trailer, and HISHE.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It's no coincidence with the live action Beauty and the Beast coming out.

  • Gentlemen, gentlemen...there is only one responsible and mature way of resolving this predicament:


    This way, not only will the winner establish themselves as the founder of Rhyiona, but we will also have one less Rhyiona shipper in the world. That's a win/win in my book.

    Green613 posted: »

    You are a scumbag Poogers, I guarantee you if you weren't scared to play me in Melee I would toss your salad in an instant

  • I, Green, one of the most legendary forum members (of all time) hearby, proclaim, Poogers the one true owner of the Rhyiona thread (the greatest thread of all time). I also give myself a 1 month ban, but if I beat Poogers555 in a heated rematch of Sm4sh, my ban will be lifted and I will regain true ownership of my thread. I will train hard everyday until that fated rematch where I will stop Poogers once and for all and reclaim everything that is mine. Until then, shoutouts to my Rhyiona squad, I'll save you from this crook soon enough.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2017

    You may also want to copy/paste this message in the Rhyiona thread in case people ask.

    Green613 posted: »

    I, Green, one of the most legendary forum members (of all time) hearby, proclaim, Poogers the one true owner of the Rhyiona thread (the grea

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2017

    In the power invested in me and Crowd Control, I hereby end your posting life for one month, unless you are able to beat @Poogers555 (aka the TRUE FOUNDER OF RHYIONA) in a Smash Brothers rematch.

    Green613 posted: »

    I, Green, one of the most legendary forum members (of all time) hearby, proclaim, Poogers the one true owner of the Rhyiona thread (the grea

  • Well Green, lets not forget that if you fail to beat me during that month I stay the true founder of Rhyiona forever. You better train well.

    You took the spotlight for Rhyiona back in its PRIME when I was the truest of them all in the end. Just let what should be, be.

    Green613 posted: »

    I, Green, one of the most legendary forum members (of all time) hearby, proclaim, Poogers the one true owner of the Rhyiona thread (the grea

  • "When you try your best and you don't succeed..."

    RIP in Pepperoni @Green513

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well Green, lets not forget that if you fail to beat me during that month I stay the true founder of Rhyiona forever. You better train well.

  • edited March 2017

    enter image description here

    RIP in pieces Green. Thank you for the Rhyiona thread. You shall not be forgotten. salutes

    Green613 posted: »

    I, Green, one of the most legendary forum members (of all time) hearby, proclaim, Poogers the one true owner of the Rhyiona thread (the grea

  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    Let it be known that @Poogers555 is a crook and unholy member of Rhyiona. In this post I will lay out the details as to why he is not a true

  • I wish you good luck!

    Green613 posted: »

    I, Green, one of the most legendary forum members (of all time) hearby, proclaim, Poogers the one true owner of the Rhyiona thread (the grea

  • @Poogers555 come here, come here, I got a special surprise for you.

  • uh...

    what is it baby?

    @Poogers555 come here, come here, I got a special surprise for you.

  • Riddle me this, what begins with a 'v' and doesn't rhyme with forgiveness?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    uh... what is it baby?

  • V-v-v-VENGEANCE????

    Riddle me this, what begins with a 'v' and doesn't rhyme with forgiveness?

  • seems you are too smart for your own good. Let me fix that...

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • i am repertin u 2 teltal staf 4 mod abus seems you are too smart for your own good. Let me fix that...

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