The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Tech companies need to figure this out, too.


  • Don't do a fanfic at all if it's going to take years to complete

    Dude that's the fun part

    you can probably use the same concepts with your own universe

    Not it this case...

    Thank you for your advice, anyways

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Don't do a fanfic at all if it's going to take years to complete. Fanfics are only for quick projects, where you need characters and a univ

  • I watched the Power Rangers movie and I liked it quite a bit. If you were/are a fan of the television series like I am, then you'll probably like it as well. It drags on a bit midway through but it goes all out when the fighting starts. Jason and Billy are the best and most characters in the movie and the suits and megazord look pretty good in motion, but Goldar looks awful though.

    As I had hoped, there were some good cheesy moments especially towards the end. If you're a big Power Rangers fan you'll love the mid-credits scene.It's not as serious as the initial trailers made it out to be, though whatever seriousness there is is actually pretty good.

    Overall, it's not a masterpiece of a movie and was never set up to be one, which some people seem to not realise. But it's definitely fun and you'll probably enjoy it especially if you're a fan. Either way it's at least way better than the previous two movies (however low of a bar that is).

  • Alright, I'll check these recommendations sometime later. Thanks!

    Also you might want to check out horror punk its fast its fun but dont take it seriously Frankenstein drag queens from planet 13 are good check youtube

  • For any fans of The Office here, Creed Bratton was actually in a psych rock band which made me love his existence even more. Here's a song by them. Creed is seen in the blue shirt playing guitar on the left.

  • edited March 2017

    A bit of a crosspost, but oh well. lol

    I have much more drawings with me today! One's a request, the rest are for my alternative version of the Walking Dead (This is artwork of my own S3 and S4). So I guess these are spoilers for my fanfic, but I dunno how long the series will take me since I'm not doing it every day. Also pardon if some are not of equal quality, some were taken by the Vita recently while others were scanned beforehand. Sawry. ;-;

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    As per request! Zoe! In the main game, I felt like they didn't do much with her which was disappointing. But then the Daughters DLC really help bring her character to life. Poor Baker family. :(


    Okay so the fanfic rewrite I'm doing of the Walking Dead S2 continues on with my own version of S3 (after the group finds Wellington) and a remix of New Frontier (I actually liked the idea NF had, and enjoyed the game in certain aspects.). This is me just planning way ahead of myself. I know I'm crazy to do this since it's only a fanfic. BUT NONETHELESS... Tis fun to do.

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    My loaction of Wellington based on searching google maps. This is actually in Michigan as it was suggested to be, not in Ohio for some random reason. The weird thing is though, the one lake with the incomplete house you can see on sketch somewhat (you can see more clearly on the Walking Dead google map) looks eerily similar to the lake in No Going Back. I chose a different area for Wellington not for geography wise but because the official surrounding area looked boring. Relevant for the whole season. Wellington does fall though.

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    First off, Clemmy! Yes, playable character. So yeah, she basically goes through even more shit as well. lol Throughout the season she gets shot in the stomach (was gonna go with shoulder until I did research, actually much of the clothing and stuff here was done with research to make it real as possible), a determinant tattoo (inspired by S3 Jane sequence), a scar on the upper right brow from an ambush, and yeah looking generally pissed off by the end of the season. Last pic was a recent one, wasn't satisfied with previous spring attire. Also, her hair thingies broke. Oh noooo!

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    Yes, he's alive in my story. Not dead in a lake. But for how long?! :O

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    Erm, I'm meant spring. Stupid me. I still gotta work on everyone else's spring attires.

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    He's determinant, so he may or may not be S3 since my fanfic is entirely choice driven.

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    Now comes the OCs! He's one of the main characters of the season. Originally a character I came up with in a S2 prequel fanfic years ago, couldn't pass up the character, to redefine him as well.

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    A bit of an interesting fella. Can't say too much, he's nice but he suffer mental issues too. Not to the extent of Sarah though, he can survive well.

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    Yes, there's a husky! He'll be fun to deal with (although Clem may be nervous around him at first), as well as his owner. Brooke deals with armory and artillery in Wellington. She knew somebody that trained her prior-outbreak and... she was a prostitute too. She's not really mean despite what the face may depict, she just gets stressed out easily when there's lots on her mind, or when someone she knows just complains all the time.

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    Think of him as sort of a Merle character. Everyone hates him, but he just does what he needs to do to survive. Not too bad, not too good. He's a huntsman, chef and butcher of Wellington. Many of the characters are of Wellington actually. BTW... I hated drawing that machine gun. >.>

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    The leader of Wellington, and a doctor/psychiatrist to boot. Originally it was guy named Vincent but I didn't want too many to worry about so I blended Del and Vincent together. I looked at Jack Black for reference. lol

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    Heeerrrrreee's Nate! (His hands look kinda funny to me though.)


    Now these are drawings of Season 4 (basically a remix of New Frontier storyline). Enjoy the last of them! : 3

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    Yup still has the tattoo. I think I will have her get into a fight with somebody (maybe Eli) and her sleeve gets torn, revealing the tattoo. Also missing a finger (inspired by alone ending of ANF). Also when Clem meets Javi, she's with Paul the husky. She's also has a big role as well. ;)

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    He also has a Capricorn tattoo as well, on his shoulder blade area. So it's not just Clem who's in deep shit! He remains at Prescott, hiding like Clementine.

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    Was curious to see Jane with long hair, plus I feel she has great potential as a character so that's why she's alive so long here. She gets found by Javi and his family when she was wandering alone after Wellington's fall.

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    And finally, best for last. The Dead King. I had this guy thought up in the back of my head for years, finally got around to making him (although before he was too anime-like in my head... facepalm). This guy took the most research out of anyone here to design. The face is based on Michael Shannon, I always loved his facial expressions, it conveys so much emotion. He's slimmer than I wanted originally, too focused on the outfit lol. He's got a walker heart and intestines around his neck, and guck all over his outfit. Including a walker's rib cage, some forearm bones and part of a skull on either shoulder too. He's kinda like a shaman when you look at him. A very unnerving one at that. Essentially like the Whisperers, but I went crazy on this guy. He's more violent than the other antagonists, more sadistic and creepy (Clem gets nightmares sometimes. One example is that he looks at her as she sleeps, when she awakens he restrains her by the mouth, barbed wires holding her down, him shushing her before gutting her open.... Yeah. Oh and did I mentioned he's a cannibal to boot?) His home is the slaughterhouse, he stores many walkers and supplies the New Frontier with them for raids. I originally wanted to draw a walker-bone-made scythe but couldn't figure it out how to make it seem legit, so there's the sledgehammer with a walker-bone at the end to infect. Another weapon of his is like a mace with broken walker bones and blood. He was so fun to create all-in-all. He's the final antagonist and I plan on Clem fighting him alone in the slaughterhouse.

    That's all I got! Hope you enjoyed these!

  • Okay, that's enough crossposting. .____.

  • Good job at the drawings and make a post that takes over the hole page:)

    Okay, that's enough crossposting. .____.

  • I'm sorry for your loss. And I want to pray for her daughters for what they have gone through. No one, especially someone as young as them, should go through that.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Dateline NBC is airing the story of my friend's murder by her own husband. I certainly can't watch it, but it's good that this is getting n

  • I just found out that there are fourteen girls missing in DC. Why isn't this on national news? This is horrifying!

  • I played Resident Evil Revelations 2 The Struggle DLC, it was ok, it was more like a challenge than a story-telling.

  • Thats probably not even half of the true number

    I just found out that there are fourteen girls missing in DC. Why isn't this on national news? This is horrifying!

  • Easy Street - The Collapsable Hearts Club ft. Jim Biano & Petra Haden

    What would you say arethe most fitting genres of music/songs for The Walking Dead? Been trying to find songs that sounds like it would fit t

  • edited March 2017


  • Ordered a 100ml pot of cosmetics waited over a month and a half for delivery got a 10ml pot :rage:

  • OK, if you're convinced, I would suggest writing down your ideas so they don't escape, finish your small project so that you can say it's done and it won't be a distraction, and then decide if you want to work on your fanfic, or your book, or both at once.

    Don't do a fanfic at all if it's going to take years to complete Dude that's the fun part you can probably use the same concepts with your own universe Not it this case... Thank you for your advice, anyways

  • National news is currently dominated by politicians doing silly things, and there's already so much of that that they can't cover it all. Congress just went on break, so maybe they can slow it down and report on something else? (Probably not.)

    I just found out that there are fourteen girls missing in DC. Why isn't this on national news? This is horrifying!

  • So do you want to write a book or a fanfic for some fandom?

    Coming up with ideas for your own book is pretty tough and tiring, especially since it's your first time. I'd recommend you writing smaller anecdotes or novellas which require 1 main character and 1 event. You can write for each character you have in mind (your OCs) so you get to shape them better and get to know them too! Because you really really have to know them first, before your readers do. I've done that too and I am pretty satisfied with the results as I have less pressure.

    I also remember one useful tip when writing your own characters -- write a list of 10 traits the character(s) possesses BUT without telling your readers/audience so. As if it's some kind of a secret. It's really fun too, because instead of just writing "John was lazy." you get to tell that through his actions or/and thoughts!

    P.S. It's project and not proyect.

    Hey, guys. I need advice. I got a great idea for a fanfic, and I have this pressure in my throat and chest you have when you HAVE to do a

  • Apparently it's 18+ in Russia because LGBT character or something.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I watched the Power Rangers movie and I liked it quite a bit. If you were/are a fan of the television series like I am, then you'll probably

  • Thank you.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    OK, if you're convinced, I would suggest writing down your ideas so they don't escape, finish your small project so that you can say it's do

  • I'm already working on a book, I was wondering if I should wait longer before starting with the fanfic or if I could write both at the same time... because I really want to write this fic, but maybe one thing at time is better. Thank you anyways.

    P.S. It's project and not proyect.

    Wups, sorry. Thanks for pointing it out. Hehe, guess I'm not as good at english as I thought.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    So do you want to write a book or a fanfic for some fandom? Coming up with ideas for your own book is pretty tough and tiring, especially

  • edited March 2017

    Oh, that's what you meant. Well, it certainly is complicated but maybe writing 2 different things could be good because you can easily switch between the two when you get a writer's block on one of them.

    Your English is good, one mistake is, well, just one tiny mistake.

    I'm already working on a book, I was wondering if I should wait longer before starting with the fanfic or if I could write both at the same

  • edited March 2017

    I watched the last movie of the Saw franchise. I don't understand why people think Saw 7 was trash because I REALLY liked and enjoyed it.

    I loved the whole Saw saga.

  • Thank you.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Oh, that's what you meant. Well, it certainly is complicated but maybe writing 2 different things could be good because you can easily switc

  • Playing Pictionary with my family is an experience and a half haha they tryhard so much

  • It's literally nothing. It's implied a character is gay/bi for a couple seconds and it's never mentioned again. It's just Russia being Russia.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Apparently it's 18+ in Russia because LGBT character or something.

  • Did it mention where in DC these disappearances have been occurring? While I'm a guy, I do go to school in DC and this is gravely disturbing.

    I just found out that there are fourteen girls missing in DC. Why isn't this on national news? This is horrifying!

  • Damn that last character is too edgy, in my opinion you should tone that down a bit.

  • If someone were to ask me what is the key ingredient to being able to have a successful life is self-control.

    Self-control plays a part in every aspect of life. It's what enables us to make choices and decisions, it enables us to deal successfully with other people, and etc.

    And a good place to start developing self-control is your temper. Do you erupt over the little things? Do you find yourself having angry outbursts over the smallest things that when you looked back on them you thought to yourself: "Why did I get so upset over that?"

    Learn to get control of that. Because when you lose your cool like that, not only does it do you harm, but it also makes you very unpleasant to be around.

    Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY wants to be around someone who has what really amounts to a temper tantrum all the time.

    In fact, a person that has very little self-control on their temper, you can bet does not have good self-control any aspect of their life.

  • I found somewhat good news: Majority of the girls went back home and the rest are girls that are always running away from home and they usually go back home.

    Did it mention where in DC these disappearances have been occurring? While I'm a guy, I do go to school in DC and this is gravely disturbing.

  • School is becoming more and more stressful as the year is ending. I have 19 days left of school, and I have all this work I have to do.

  • Thanks!

    And yeah... I didn't realize how much of the page I taken there until I scrolled down to check this morning. lol I'll spoiler tag it for here I guess.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Good job at the drawings and make a post that takes over the hole page:)

  • I did went crazy on him, yeah. I should mention he's not fully developed personality and character arc wise, I'm still planning it. Not sure if I'll be changing it but care to elaborate so I keep something in mind?

    papai46 posted: »

    Damn that last character is too edgy, in my opinion you should tone that down a bit.

  • They typically dump loads of crap on you by the end.

    School is becoming more and more stressful as the year is ending. I have 19 days left of school, and I have all this work I have to do.

  • edited March 2017

    I thought it would just be a typical evening last night, a chance to just sit back and watch Mini Ladd's videos. Click on one of the latest ones then there I am finding out he's playing H1Z1 with Carl Poppa! It's like the Walking Dead broke my door down off season and handed me a smoothie!

    I can never escape The Walking Dead! @_@

  • I dunno man, but this:

    NOBODY wants to be around someone who has what really amounts to a temper tantrum all the time

    kinda sounds like you.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    If someone were to ask me what is the key ingredient to being able to have a successful life is self-control. Self-control plays a part i

  • R.I.P. Youtube Notifications. I can't reply my notifications anymore unless someone can help me.

  • Hang in there!

    School is becoming more and more stressful as the year is ending. I have 19 days left of school, and I have all this work I have to do.

  • I dunno, all those bones and Jason mask is too grimdark, and if you don't mind me saying that scar is random and dumb and unnecessary, i mean what does it add to the character's physical personality beside making him look like Sasuke?

    I did went crazy on him, yeah. I should mention he's not fully developed personality and character arc wise, I'm still planning it. Not sure if I'll be changing it but care to elaborate so I keep something in mind?


    This is fucking absurd, there are people actually attacking United and the clerk for this, instead of the pass holders who refused to follow company policy. News flash people, if you don't follow the rules, you get in trouble, that's typically how this shit works.

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