Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • You can't kill that which has no life in the first place! :p

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You people are still alive?!

  • No, Rhyiona is a dumb ship and anybody who supports this is a dumb, dumb. RHYSHA is lit

    You know in your heart that Rhyiona is LIT, try to find it please, for your own sanity.

  • What is dead may never die,

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You people are still alive?!

  • Lee you came to the Rhyiona thread, if you want to preach that Rhysha thing, then you can go to the Rhysha thread, thanks.

    No, Rhyiona is a dumb ship and anybody who supports this is a dumb, dumb. RHYSHA is lit

  • To be fair, he is doing so as a joke because I left a joke post myself in the Rhysha thread first. Frankly, I probably started this, even if only as a light hearted joke. ;)

    Lee you came to the Rhyiona thread, if you want to preach that Rhysha thing, then you can go to the Rhysha thread, thanks.

  • Any activity in these threads are good though.

    To be fair, he is doing so as a joke because I left a joke post myself in the Rhysha thread first. Frankly, I probably started this, even if only as a light hearted joke.

  • Oh, thanks for the clarification Blind. I know that he is doing this as a joke and I'm being a litle sarcastic here to be honest, so don't worry even if you started this. :)

    To be fair, he is doing so as a joke because I left a joke post myself in the Rhysha thread first. Frankly, I probably started this, even if only as a light hearted joke.

  • Yep. :D

    What is dead may never die,

  • Only barely breathing. ;)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You people are still alive?!

  • I sometimes like to come back here, look back and remember the good times when we were younger and innocent.

    Ah...Such great times...

  • Hey bruh

    I haven't even started ANF yet, but I'm not hearing good things about it...

    What's the issue?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    The TWD section is absolute garbage lately so I'm back in the safety of our home thread. How's everyone doing?

  • Goodbye my friend

    Dracu98 posted: »

    Signing Off Ok guys, I think it's time I say this before I just vanish into thin air without a final goodbye. Many people of this thread

  • 2 months and I make a return at last :P

    Breath of the Wild has been stealing my nights recently (and my writing time) Man that game is solid gold :D

    So how is everyone? Did I miss anything good?????

  • Found this and thought of Rhyiona and then you guys

    enter image description here

  • Let it be known that @Poogers555 is a crook and unholy member of Rhyiona. In this post I will lay out the details as to why he is not a true member and follower of Rhyiona, and why he baited me into a scheme that he could only win in, and steal the most SUCCESSFUL thread on the forum from it's true founder (me) and most integritous member on the forum (me). It all started when poogs riled me up one day and beat me in a like war in the forum, then I challenged him to a Sm4sh duel (a game which I haven't played in 2 years, but since I can't play my actual game, Melee, it would have to do).

    After weeks of dodging me and creating excuses not to play me, he finally gets ready to play me and we duke it out. Now, he won, but only because he INTENTIONALLY screwed with Nintendo's servers and DDOS'd me, he was able to beat me 3 games in a row without me taking a stock. Will I admit that I suck at Sm4sh? Yes, cause I haven't played it in 2 years. Will I admit this was a FLUKE and poogs is actually trash at that game, and probably would lose to me if we played locally? YES!

    All of this is infuriating as a usual forum reader right? Well, that's not all. Not only did Poogs cheat his way to victory, BUT also tried to steal my most prized possesion from me, by tricking the Rhyionan's into believing his lies. I have proof.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Of course, being as loyal to my thread and Rhyionan's as humanly possible, I declined his scummy offer. Poogers, you are a disgusting person, I hope you rot. One day, I will make you pay for this.

  • Everyone, let it be known Green behind the scenes is a no good-rhyiona stealing-good for nothin shit talker who knows that I am the true founder of Rhyiona. Either he needs to admit it, or be banned. It was HIS idea and HIS bet to start with too smh

    Green613 posted: »

    Let it be known that @Poogers555 is a crook and unholy member of Rhyiona. In this post I will lay out the details as to why he is not a true

  • edited March 2017


  • Yo yo yo, its the newest and coolest, the new and rightful leader of Rhyiona!

    Together, we will make this thread great again!

    Praise Rhyiona!

  • edited March 2017

    Jack is 5'11 not exactly very very tall just a bit above average

    Linsepins posted: »

    Oooh I like that. It also occurred to me that Rhys is one of the tallest guys. Taller than Vasquez and easily matching Jack. Maybe even August

  • Hey fellas, New Leader of Rhyiona here, just wantin to wish y'all a happy 2 year anniversary of this thread <3

  • no one even shows up to celebrate

    enter image description here


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hey fellas, New Leader of Rhyiona here, just wantin to wish y'all a happy 2 year anniversary of this thread

  • Shit I'm late... 2 year anniversary FTW!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hey fellas, New Leader of Rhyiona here, just wantin to wish y'all a happy 2 year anniversary of this thread

  • Don't worry, they'll show up... eventually...

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    no one even shows up to celebrate feelsbadman

  • I think you scared everyone away with your new leadership announcement. Either that, or it's your ugly Fiona avatar.

    Anyways, yeah, happy birthday thread n' all that good stuff!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hey fellas, New Leader of Rhyiona here, just wantin to wish y'all a happy 2 year anniversary of this thread

  • Wassup, Ray! Long time no see!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    no one even shows up to celebrate feelsbadman

  • Happy 2 year anniversary to you, Poogs! :D

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hey fellas, New Leader of Rhyiona here, just wantin to wish y'all a happy 2 year anniversary of this thread

  • eyy Elliot, how you doing? :)

    Wassup, Ray! Long time no see!

  • Doing all excellent.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    eyy Elliot, how you doing?

  • edited March 2017

    enter image description here

    It's been half a year since I hadn't done any Gmod work since...

    So... Happy 2 Year Anniversary, Rhyiona shippers! I might like to make a review about this ship.

    Inspired by this.

  • Green gets banned and Poogs is the new leader of the ship?

    Da fuq did I just walk into?!

  • Ya just walked into a bunch of chaos and anarchy.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Green gets banned and Poogs is the new leader of the ship? Da fuq did I just walk into?!

  • ... Why is Green banned? I doubt the Mods would ban him because he asked them to for losing a bet against Poogs :/

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Ya just walked into a bunch of chaos and anarchy.

  • edited March 2017

    From my understanding it was. He's banned for a month because he lost against Poogs in Smash U. Thankfully the rematch will only be for the title of thread owner, and not something more drastic.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    ... Why is Green banned? I doubt the Mods would ban him because he asked them to for losing a bet against Poogs

  • enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Green gets banned and Poogs is the new leader of the ship? Da fuq did I just walk into?!

  • HazzatheMan said:
    I doubt the Mods would ban him because he asked them to for losing a bet against Poogs

    You doubt wrong! :p

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    ... Why is Green banned? I doubt the Mods would ban him because he asked them to for losing a bet against Poogs

  • ...

    I feel like I'm in an Orwellian world :I

    HazzatheMan said: I doubt the Mods would ban him because he asked them to for losing a bet against Poogs You doubt wrong!


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