Hey guys, i just completed episode 1 of GOTG and i must say it was so much epic story,fun,character,graphic in one word AWESOMEEPICCNES cannot wait on other episodes...
But after i completed that episode i was thinking about ANF. To complete GOTG it was about 2hrs long. And ANF have only 70 minutes which is 1h and almost 20mins. I'am big fans of TWD and TWD from Telltale but when i comparing GOTG to ANF it have big differences in optimalization,NPC looks and everything. ANF now looking to me like scuffle thing. I played Episode 1 on maxed out without any lags. And ANF i'm playing on maxed out and in some place in little lagging... so where is problem telltale?
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For whatever reason this always happens with walking dead opposed to other telltale games.
I sort of agree, I love ANF but guardians has a lot of features I would love in a new frontier especially something as simple as putting music in the credits. I still like ANF though but it could be better.
If we are just comparing the premiere episodes, I liked ANF's premiere a little better; new/better graphics, interesting main protagonist, Clementine being a badass, nice pacing, etc. I'm more of fan of TWD than Gotg in general.
Makes me more upset about ANF tbh.
Barely 10 minutes in and it felt like it was clear more effort went into Guardians than ANF. Completing the episode confirmed that for me.
It's almost as like The Walking Dead Game didn't bring them success & recognition in the first place and attracted a lot of casual gamers or something.
You do know they had two years to work on GOTG right? I somehow suspect less was made on ANF.
That is no valid reason to constantly shit on everything Telltale puts out.
I believe they worked on ANF for around 2 years with numerous rewrites and and redesigns. Jobs played a scrapped version last summer which indicates they had the game finished in a year's time.
Just because Job played something it doesn't mean the game was finished, people like Job and other staff members play test scenes all the time while he game is in development.
I could be wrong, but it seemed like he was playing a finished episode of the scrapped version.
Telltale: "ANF is the biggest season yet!"
proceeds to make ANF the shortest season yet and focus on a Marvel cash-in instead
Don't forget about the DC cash-in.
Telltale is constantly changing and trying to improve their engine and graphics. Unless there is a big change, the next game usually looks and handles better than the previous.
ANF actually took things from Batman, which, if you remember, wasn’t exactly lag-free, to say the least. And once TT starts with a series it is complicated to change things in the middle (again, as an example, I would point out to the Batman one).
But I don’t really have problems playing ANF and my PC isn’t a top one.
Well then what about that GoT cash-in?
Or Minecraft cash-in?
Or even that Walking Dead-related cash-in?
Just my opinion,but budget is the problem here. TTG TWD is the step child of the TWD games. Its sad but true.
No it's not, but it's hard not comparing the treatment of a new game series and a old game series and not expect the "shit".
Am I the only one who has no idea what the actual **** is ANF?
Someone explain pls?
A New Frontier's models may be a tad shiny for the forum's like—but at least they're not made out of Play-Doh™.
A new frontier is the recent walking dead installment in the telltale series.
Drax is a prime example.
Leaked screenshot confirms episode 2 will take place on an ice planet

I think Guardians of the Galaxy is the PERFECT choice for TT. It's a lot like Borderlands, which was one of their best games ever. A New Frontier feels like it's going by too fast and the emotional connections aren't nearly as high as they were in previous seasons. I'm still not sure where they're taking it other than the presumed disasters we already keyed into during trailers and such... and there's only one episode left.
I think there's a lot more to work with for GOTG. NF is kind of like beating a dead horse at this point. It didn't have to be, but that's what it's becoming.
ANF is just the initials for A New Frontier, which is the third season of The Walking Dead.
Honestly, I was pretty disappointed with the premiere of Telltale's GotG.
I did enjoy it though, it had a lot of awesome new features, but I think I like ANF better, especially since episode 4 came out. Which is easily one of the best episodes Telltale has ever made.