The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Hiya, boss man, how've you been?

    Hey there, long time no see!

  • That'd be rad actually.

    Randomly thinking out loud - would you guys like us lifting some of the restrictions in Whatever's On Your Mind and allowing meme-only posts to be shared both here and in Whatever Makes You Laugh (as long as we didn't go overboard in posting memes)?

  • edited May 2017

    Wussied out on asking out a girl I liked.

    Best part is that my idiot friend kept following us around while we were talking and then when he finally left we were only got to talk for a couple more minutes before her bus came. Then I just got cold feet and said bye. And it's the last week of the semester so I won't be seeing her for a couple months :/

  • edited May 2017

    The Walking Dead sequel seasons and The Walking Dead forum has turned me into a bitter old man and I hate it.

  • I've been alright. It's the last week of the my first trimester in uni so I'll be able to see my family again soon.

    Dying inside, same as usual. Just a little less every now and again. How bout you?

  • Taking a breather from the forums to get away from negativity and focus on other things sometimes helps people clear their heads.

    J-Master posted: »

    The Walking Dead sequel seasons and The Walking Dead forum has turned me into a bitter old man and I hate it.

  • good to hear it, dude. i'm rooting for you

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I've been alright. It's the last week of the my first trimester in uni so I'll be able to see my family again soon.

  • I managed to get salt wedged under my finger nail. I don't recommend it. It's not a good feeling.

  • edited May 2017

    More randomness:

    A while back, like 15 years, my friends and I sat around and made up the songs that Type O Negative would produce instead, if they were called Type A Positive, a christian metal band.

    There's some gems like: Everyone I Love is Great. Everything's Fine. October Hugs. We Love Everyone.

    If the joke wasn't obvious, those titles are knock-offs of real songs: Everyone I love is Dead. Everything Dies. October Rust. We Hate Everyone...

  • We'd need specific rules though.

    No replying to memes with memes?

    No posting more than one in a row?

    Just because a particular person isn't here anymore, doesn't mean that chaos won't happen again and it wouldn't be right to punish someone over a vague rule. When does it become spam?

    I'm okay with a few popping up in here a day. As another suggestion, I think the forums should have a reasonable picture size limit too. Some of those pictures are way too damn big.

    Randomly thinking out loud - would you guys like us lifting some of the restrictions in Whatever's On Your Mind and allowing meme-only posts to be shared both here and in Whatever Makes You Laugh (as long as we didn't go overboard in posting memes)?

  • How do you know they're islamic?

    There's been an explosion at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, at least 19 people are confirmed dead and about 50 others have been inj

  • So I was gonna bitch and moan about the power going off when I was about to do homework but now thankfully the power came back on hours earlier than expected so now I don't have to get up early to finish my homework

  • ISIS is claiming responsibility

    How do you know they're islamic?

  • oh.

    ISIS is claiming responsibility

  • I think we're doing pretty well as is for now, where someone will occasionally post something that should be in the other thread, and it's OK, but we have the other thread to direct to when someone wants to post mass quantities of them.

    Randomly thinking out loud - would you guys like us lifting some of the restrictions in Whatever's On Your Mind and allowing meme-only posts to be shared both here and in Whatever Makes You Laugh (as long as we didn't go overboard in posting memes)?

  • "Hey, the realization is sinking in that I won't see you for a couple of months, and I already miss you. Would you like to get together and do something sometime?"

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wussied out on asking out a girl I liked. Best part is that my idiot friend kept following us around while we were talking and then when

  • Do you want to make a pact where I give you shit every day until you finally ask her out as motivation?

    That's a really shitty way of saying I'm rooting for you man

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wussied out on asking out a girl I liked. Best part is that my idiot friend kept following us around while we were talking and then when

  • Hmm, and one readon Sony might not want tolaunch TLOU 2 next year is also Days Gone. Bend Studios has already said Days Gone will have a big presence at E3, so TLOU 2 would only overshadow it at E3. Plus, it's supposedly very early in development still

    AronDracula posted: »

    I wasn't around that much for Rockstar games. Red Dead Redemption 2 and The Last of Us 2 are the ones that I'm looking forward the most afte

  • There are 2 days left until the 40th Year Anniversary of Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope.

  • Alrighty then, cause next year is my last grade of high school and I don't want to be distracted.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Hmm, and one readon Sony might not want tolaunch TLOU 2 next year is also Days Gone. Bend Studios has already said Days Gone will have a big

  • Here's the experience I had last night with those $1 Burrito packets you buy at the grocery store.

    You will not believe what I had went through. This fucking thing literally shit all inside the microwave like it had ate a fucking truck-load of Taco Bell. (The burrito is Beans&Meat, just pointing that out there).
    Reason why? Because the back of it said to cook at 1 Min when thawed, or 3 Mins while frozen. I took the liberty of doing 2 Mins since it had been out of the deli for about 15 minutes until I got home. I guess it was considered thawed, but either way, the damn thing left a huge circle of its innards. Hold your shit in, bro.

    Then it had the audacity to burn my fucking mouth after I let it sit for about 10 whole minutes because I had to clean the microwave. This burrito was the biggest troll, I swear to God. Didn't even taste good, either. All of the "good stuff" went inside the microwave.

    So yeah, I guess you get what you pay for. Fuck that burrito. I oughta throw his brothers and sisters I got in the freezer STRAIGHT into the trash, but I'll give them a chance to prove themselves.

    4/10, would potentially eat again if it didn't shit everywhere.

  • fantastic review

    Twistee posted: »

    Here's the experience I had last night with those $1 Burrito packets you buy at the grocery store. You will not believe what I had went t

  • If only I was as smooth as you :(

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    "Hey, the realization is sinking in that I won't see you for a couple of months, and I already miss you. Would you like to get together and do something sometime?"

  • Lol thanks :p

    Do you want to make a pact where I give you shit every day until you finally ask her out as motivation? That's a really shitty way of saying I'm rooting for you man

  • So I scrolled through this thread's previous pages to see what I've been missing and BOOOOOOOOOY has this place only gotten more fucked. The community is still great but that one douche is still sending porn every now and again, the pessimism towards Telltale and their games have only gotten stronger, the site's layout is still... this, and Papai is still here (joking, obviously). This place needs some serious Gordan Ramsay-ing up. You know that show "Kitchen Nightmares"? Well how about "Website Nightmares" for this? I mean, not that this site is particularly a nightmare or anything, but things need to be fixed a tad imo. This site needs more shitposts and less pain, or maybe that'd do it worse.

    Also I know I'm late but congrats on being an Uncle, @lupinb0y ! Just saw that while scrolling through, sorry that I was too busy being, well, banned, to congratulate you.

  • wooooohooohooooo welcome back Noah!

    So I scrolled through this thread's previous pages to see what I've been missing and BOOOOOOOOOY has this place only gotten more fucked. The

  • ayyyy

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    wooooohooohooooo welcome back Noah!

  • Meh, I've always been more of a Jon Taffer fan, more so than Gordon Ramsay. Nothing against him, I just like Jon Taffer more.

    So I scrolled through this thread's previous pages to see what I've been missing and BOOOOOOOOOY has this place only gotten more fucked. The

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2017

    Plz no. I like being able to browse this thread without crashing on mobile.

    Randomly thinking out loud - would you guys like us lifting some of the restrictions in Whatever's On Your Mind and allowing meme-only posts to be shared both here and in Whatever Makes You Laugh (as long as we didn't go overboard in posting memes)?

  • enter image description here

    So I scrolled through this thread's previous pages to see what I've been missing and BOOOOOOOOOY has this place only gotten more fucked. The

  • ayy
    Missed ya! Good to have you back!

    enter image description here

    So I scrolled through this thread's previous pages to see what I've been missing and BOOOOOOOOOY has this place only gotten more fucked. The

  • Oh.... So it is happening.

    I'll need to see what it has to offer before I decide how I feel on this.
    Maybe it's just Mario Party but with Rabbids instead? Wut?

    MichaelBP posted: »


  • Nope, it's supposed to be an rpg (uses the same engine as The Division and South Park The Fractured But Whole too)

    enter image description here

    AChicken posted: »

    Oh.... So it is happening. I'll need to see what it has to offer before I decide how I feel on this. Maybe it's just Mario Party but with Rabbids instead? Wut?

  • Yeah, I'll need time to decide on this. I need to see it in motion!

    I say all this, yet I don't have a Switch! I'm just interested in it!
    MichaelBP posted: »

    Nope, it's supposed to be an rpg (uses the same engine as The Division and South Park The Fractured But Whole too)

  • So, the Uncharted movie is still possibly, maybe being made. The movie will be a prequel to the Uncharted games (yes, probably before Golden Abyss, too) and they've cast Tom Holland (the new Spider-Man) as Nathan Drake. Hmmm... :|
    From IGN:

  • i'm going to fucking hang myself

    MichaelBP posted: »


  • Thanks my dude, appreciate the welcome wagon

    AChicken posted: »

    ayy Missed ya! Good to have you back!

  • edited May 2017

    Just until wait Smash Switch. Here's leaked footage ;^]

    enter image description here

    i'm going to fucking hang myself

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