GOTG Episode 2 Waiting Thread - Rated by Aus, Releasing June 6th, New Key Art, Trailer Out Now



  • Now that wd is getting over, gotg is whats on plate

  • I personally thought it was a fun, bite sized little game, but maybe I'm biased as a Telltale fan that never really played the Layton games.

    AChicken posted: »

    If you want... but I'd need to see improvements. I want it to have real good effort put into it. Let there be more than a variation of 6 puz

  • edited May 2017

    Well, if ever you get a chance, I highly suggest you check them out! (The series gets better the further into it you get. Both in puzzles and story. I remember beating the second game before the first because there was just one puzzle I needed to progress into the end-game (of the first) that stumped me. I refused to look on the internet.) There are tons of puzzles. Puzz. Agent 1 only had about 37 I think? The first Layton game has over 130 in total (yes, many of those are optional.) And that number increases with each subsequent sequel!

    I personally thought it was a fun, bite sized little game, but maybe I'm biased as a Telltale fan that never really played the Layton games.

  • I'm more looking forward to the episodes with Gamora and Drax as the focus, since those characters seem to have more range.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    It's (hopefully) more focused on Rocket, it's gotta be better!

  • Yeah, the silence with Thrones has gone on for a while, even if this isn't the first game to have done so. I hope the wait for Game of Thrones Season 2 is worth it. :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Dude, just give me Game of Thrones and I'll be happy.

  • Funny way to spell "Wolf Among Us" ;)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Well, not exactly what I was thinking...

  • I'm gonna place bets on June 6th. It's obviously not gonna be this upcoming Tuesday (unless they surprise the hell out of us) and the Tuesday after is for Walking Dead New Frontier Episode 5.

  • enter image description here

    Funny way to spell "Wolf Among Us"

  • I'm most excited for Rocket and Gamora. I have a feeling episode 3 is going to be the best of the season (Like they tend to be for most Telltale games).

    I'm more looking forward to the episodes with Gamora and Drax as the focus, since those characters seem to have more range.

  • As much as I love The Wolf Among Us, I think I'd much prefer a second season to Tales. I enjoyed it way more and it's overall quality is better in my opinion. I mean, Tales never had a dip in quality, each episode got better and better. But with Wolf, once it reached it's highest point (episode 3) it just went downhill from there.

    That's how I see it, anyway...

    Funny way to spell "Wolf Among Us"

  • In some cases, I feel that belongs to Episodes 4 or 5 of a Season. I found Episode 4 of Tales and Episode 5 of Wolf to be the best episodes for their respective Seasons.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I'm most excited for Rocket and Gamora. I have a feeling episode 3 is going to be the best of the season (Like they tend to be for most Telltale games).

  • I can respect that, yeah. Tales seemed to feel more comfortable in it's skin whereas Wolf kinda dipped at times. I would say that I felt Episode 3 of Tales was a very slight drop from Episode 2, but only minimally in the sense that all episodes were pretty strong. I am speaking more from a place of having really enjoyed the atmosphere of Wolf, but Tales had some surprisingly strong writing quality. That game as a whole was so much better than most people thought it had any right to be.

    I remember back when it was announced and people had a similar reaction to Minecraft, thinking it was a weak IP for Telltale that would only attract kiddies to the forums.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    As much as I love The Wolf Among Us, I think I'd much prefer a second season to Tales. I enjoyed it way more and it's overall quality is bet

  • Guardians is neat, but I'm also curious what comes after. There's no sign of Thrones Season 2 or Super Show and they don't have much else that has been announced in terms of upcoming games.

    Back to Guardians, it's a nice change in pace to have something lighter-hearted after A New Frontier.

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    Now that wd is getting over, gotg is whats on plate

  • edited May 2017

    I quite liked it. I like Tales more, but Wolf didn't drop all that much to me. I only fear that if there ever comes a time there is a Season 2, TTG doesn't mess it up, or it doesn't live up to Season 1's standards. Season 1 had a mysterious plot, and huge twists and reveals at the end of every episode. That's hard to pull off consistently, but Telltale did it (at least for me) end-episode spoilers incoming
    EP1: Snow is Dead?! gasp (later in EP2 revealed not to be)
    EP2: Crane could be the killer?! gasp
    EP3: Bigby goes full werewolf! Bigby gets shot! Bloody Mary appears! The plot thickens! gasp
    EP4: Whoa! Huge secret society of villains! The Crooked Man, the mastermind behind it all... revealed! gasp
    EP5: Nerissa was Faith all along?! Or the other way around?! Wha?? gasp

    Those were genuinely shocking endings, so I don't know if Season 2 would offer that level of surprise... (or it could get more under-developed than its predecessor. see: TWD S2 and ANF) :/

    Acheive250 posted: »

    As much as I love The Wolf Among Us, I think I'd much prefer a second season to Tales. I enjoyed it way more and it's overall quality is bet

  • Don't you mean that this Tuesday is for ANF? The Tuesday after that is totally free.

    I'm gonna place bets on June 6th. It's obviously not gonna be this upcoming Tuesday (unless they surprise the hell out of us) and the Tuesday after is for Walking Dead New Frontier Episode 5.

  • No; I meant this upcoming Tuesday was too soon for Guardians Ep 2 since we have little in the way of news besides Job's tweet, and the next Tuesday after is for ANF Ep 5 so Guardians might come June 6th.

    AChicken posted: »

    Don't you mean that this Tuesday is for ANF? The Tuesday after that is totally free.

  • edited May 2017

    Blind, you okay, buddy? I think you're living one week in the past or something. This upcoming Tuesday is already 30th, which is the release date for ANF.

    No; I meant this upcoming Tuesday was too soon for Guardians Ep 2 since we have little in the way of news besides Job's tweet, and the next Tuesday after is for ANF Ep 5 so Guardians might come June 6th.

  • ...oh, er... yeah, I was a week behind for some reason. 0.0

    Yeah, you are right.

    Pipas posted: »

    Blind, you okay, buddy? I think you're living one week in the past or something. This upcoming Tuesday is already 30th, which is the release date for ANF.

  • Time loops are weird.

    ...oh, er... yeah, I was a week behind for some reason. 0.0 Yeah, you are right.

  • Yeah, like that time loop from shortly ago where I made a post from tomorrow.

    AChicken posted: »

    Time loops are weird.

  • I can't believe I didn't notice that after you did it before tomorrow!
    enter image description here

    Okay, this is probably getting too off topic. Let's end it here.

    Yeah, like that time loop from shortly ago where I made a post from tomorrow.

  • edited May 2017

    Yes it will come out last tuesday of June. We know you telltale. You guys love to say: "Very Soon" without knowing what the word means. xD

  • Heh, I knew it.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Episode 2 is coming June 6th.

  • This is awesome!! I'm so excited for this series to start to unravel all of its relationships, conflicts, backstories, and juicy plot.

    Judging from the Key Art, seems we may play as Rocket escaping from the asylum on Halfworld (which does seem kind of likely, because A: his jacket shows he is Subject 89P13, who he was called at first when he was being outfitted with cybernetics, and B: it can introduce us a bit more to his backstory.) << so interested in this.
    ...Yeah, I'm not really a comic nerd. I just know that about Rocket because I was so intrigued to find out who or what he is, after affirming so many times in the movie:
    "I'm not a Racoon!"
    You can just search up "Rocket Racoon" on Google and find tons of stuff, but here's a quick link to some of his backstory:

    Again: Really excited for this series to continue!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Episode 2 is coming June 6th.

  • edited May 2017

    Sweet! Two Telltale episodes in two weeks!

    Episode description

    In "Under Pressure," the Guardians just can't seem to outrun the past (or their tab), but if they figure out how to control the untold power of their mysterious new relic, they might not have to. With help from dubious old friends and unwilling new allies, Star-Lord and company scour the galaxy for answers. But how long can they elude the genocidal maniac hunting them? And will simmering tensions finally tear the team apart? And get ready to delve into a certain Rocket Raccoon's past...

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Episode 2 is coming June 6th.

  • Yes June 6th can't wait for this! I really wonder what telltale is going to do with this episode. If you go to the news section it seems we won't be playing as Rocket the whole time maybe it's the same way we play as Clem in ANF which isn't bad. Looks like I have my schedule all set for the next two Tuesday's.

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    So glad you like it <3

    This was the third time I've seen the second ep

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    enter image description here

    I can't wait until other people can play it so we can talk more about it!

    So glad you like it

  • Yep, we'll probably play as Rocket only in a flashback.

    Creeper1846 posted: »

    Yes June 6th can't wait for this! I really wonder what telltale is going to do with this episode. If you go to the news section it seems we

  • Ooh yeah. I am ready.

    Sweet! Two Telltale episodes in two weeks! Episode description In "Under Pressure," the Guardians just can't seem to outrun the pas

  • enter image description here

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    They finally said something! I'm confident it'll be even better than the first one.

  • The best games they had made so far tales from the borderlands and it is nothing as compared to it

  • Nice! Can't wait till hear Rocket's likely tragic backstory and laugh at it.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Episode 2 is coming June 6th.

  • Look at Rocket taking the spotlight! I am okay with this.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Episode 2 is coming June 6th.

  • Hehe, Laugh? Why?

    Nice! Can't wait till hear Rocket's likely tragic backstory and laugh at it.

  • I got a feeling that it will probably be distrubing but hilarious at the same time. At the very least, I think so.

    I just love Rocket I can't see everything being dark with his backstory.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hehe, Laugh? Why?

  • It would be nice if the episode focused primarily on Rocket rather than brief flashback scenes.

  • Ok then. Here's hoping not all of it is dark.

    I got a feeling that it will probably be distrubing but hilarious at the same time. At the very least, I think so. I just love Rocket I can't see everything being dark with his backstory.

  • I'm so excited for more funky music and atmospheric flashbacks and everything. And hopefully there will be more room for discussion after the second episode.
    It's just so odd to see only 5 pages on the waiting thread.

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