The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Telltale, why you tease me like this?

    Website update mistake, or hint of something to come? (This is new, and it formerly displayed the correct 5 episodes) EDIT: It's a glitch, Jurassic Park has five episodes listed too. ...Dammit, I wanted Tales DLC.

  • edited May 2017

    Quite possibly the biggest sequence of various inside jokes that I've ever made.

    Johro posted: »

    Or Not! And JP has DLC where Jared woke up from that dream and got locked in his apartment!

  • Every dog Dino has its day...

    Johro posted: »

    Or Not! And JP has DLC where Jared woke up from that dream and got locked in his apartment!

  • Watching the first season of The X-Files again. Good ole four three TV.

  • I had my first experience buying a new vehicle yesterday. Our car wouldn't start, so we decided to upgrade rather than pouring a bunch of money into our 2003 that was on its last leg. My boyfriend, his parents and I spent about 11 hours looking at various cars at different car lots until we found the perfect one for us. :)
    & what made the experience even better was that the car salesman who sold us our car was an older Hispanic gentleman with the last name Garcia. Lol

  • Vaughn's training montage DLC

    pls Telltale

    Website update mistake, or hint of something to come? (This is new, and it formerly displayed the correct 5 episodes) EDIT: It's a glitch, Jurassic Park has five episodes listed too. ...Dammit, I wanted Tales DLC.

  • Second from the left at 2:30, is that Keemstar?

  • What thread?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yup you're exactly right. It was that thread. He wants to stay banned now.

  • @MichaelBP here's, what i found:

  • Okay.. So I bought Injustice 2 [for my Ps4] a few days ago. Finished the story mode and all the character tutorials.
    I'm going to maybe dive into the Multiverse Mode soon, or just try out some multiplayer matches. I'm kind of a noob at fighting games (can't chain large combos together), and there's this guild system to get more coins to buy things and open up more loot boxes. Anyone know of a good guild? Should I make one for this community? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Prey and Mirror's Edge deserved sequels, who the fuck asked for reboots?

    papai46 posted: »

    @MichaelBP here's, what i found:

  • I still remember watching this trailer 5 years ago, and then later the demo. I was so hyped for it ;__;

    Fucking Bethesda and Zenimax. Trying to drive Human Head bankrupt by withholding payments, so as to buy them for pennies.

    papai46 posted: »

    @MichaelBP here's, what i found:

  • Manchester attack thread.

    papai46 posted: »

    What thread?

  • BigBlindMax posted: »

    Manchester attack thread.

  • Pouring one out for Harambe

  • Let it go. Meme or not, people have been talking about this ape more than actual family members.

  • When you did an owner's change on the DMV and then at the moment they hand you your new plates: the design is ugly as f*ck and every 2 - idk how many years they change the freaking design and you need to change your plate (sadly where I am, right now, you can't even keep the same Rego number) and it's so fucking annoying

  • tfw there's still people thinking harambe is relevant
    enter image description here

    normie meme man, normie meme

    Pouring one out for Harambe

  • That's kinda what meme is all about.

    Johro posted: »

    Let it go. Meme or not, people have been talking about this ape more than actual family members.

  • For almost 2 years, I've been stuck at one notification, and now I'm up to two. I've checked every single thread I'm following, clicked on every single reply in my feed, but it won't go down and it's driving me insane. It's such a non-issue and completely unimportant, but it's still driving me fucking insane. Why is such a trivial matter doing this to me!?

  • tfw there's still people who think normie spongebob memes are relevant

    tfw there's still people thinking harambe is relevant normie meme man, normie meme

  • I hate this meme as much as you, believe me, but let 'em have this today.

    It's the anniversary lol

    Johro posted: »

    Let it go. Meme or not, people have been talking about this ape more than actual family members.

  • I'm stuck at 3, but I have accepted my fate by now. I do my math, when the bell says "6", I know I've got 3 replies waiting for me, and so on. If that suddenly changed to "O" I would flip my shit.

    For almost 2 years, I've been stuck at one notification, and now I'm up to two. I've checked every single thread I'm following, clicked on e

  • edited May 2017

    This popped up in my recommended somehow, but it's pretty good, and pretty catchy!:

    This kid's vocal range is insane! (as in: really good.. though the beginning verse is a bit strange.)

  • At this point I'd probably feel naked without my constant 1, or more

    For almost 2 years, I've been stuck at one notification, and now I'm up to two. I've checked every single thread I'm following, clicked on e

  • Actually, you don't need to click on any reply for the notification to go away... just by looking at in in your feed the notification disappears.
    May the Gods save you from this trivial plight....

    For almost 2 years, I've been stuck at one notification, and now I'm up to two. I've checked every single thread I'm following, clicked on e

  • tfW thEre'S stIll peOplE whO thInk noRmiE spOngEboB meMes arE reLevAnt
    enter image description here

    tfw there's still people who think normie spongebob memes are relevant

  • In some places, you can get a prettier designed license plate, for extra $$$$$, of course.

    When you did an owner's change on the DMV and then at the moment they hand you your new plates: the design is ugly as f*ck and every 2 - idk

  • holy shit i can't believe how funny you are xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

    tfW thEre'S stIll peOplE whO thInk noRmiE spOngEboB meMes arE reLevAnt

  • Been stuck at all kinds of numbers, right now it's 20, which is a pretty neat number.

    For almost 2 years, I've been stuck at one notification, and now I'm up to two. I've checked every single thread I'm following, clicked on e

  • it was an all in good fun btw, i laughed at your reply and thought it would be fitting to reply with a spongebob meme

    holy shit i can't believe how funny you are xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  • yeah i know. i didn't take i seriously. i did laugh quite a lot at your response i'll be honest.

    it was an all in good fun btw, i laughed at your reply and thought it would be fitting to reply with a spongebob meme

  • I'd usually post this in the music thread, but I think I can make an exception for this one based on it's quality.

    I came across some neat audio clips of Pink Floyd's rehearsal for The Wall live tour in 1980.

    This right here is my favorite band butchering my favorite song. The fuckery starts during my favorite mechanic of the whole song: when the synthesizer tape starts to thunder throughout the arena. Not even mad, its pretty interesting.

    Roger's count is so hilariously off in this video and everyone else in the band has no clue what's going on so they just play like absolute shit.


  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2017

    I'm stuck at 7... does that make me lucky??

    EDIT: I lied, I'm actually stuck at 6. I'm not lucky afterall. :(

    For almost 2 years, I've been stuck at one notification, and now I'm up to two. I've checked every single thread I'm following, clicked on e

  • Already?!


    I hate this meme as much as you, believe me, but let 'em have this today. It's the anniversary lol

  • I have 99+.

    I can never lower it. :(

    For almost 2 years, I've been stuck at one notification, and now I'm up to two. I've checked every single thread I'm following, clicked on e

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited May 2017

    Since the Political Thread is dead (RIP), I'll just share a brief thought here:
    enter image description here

    I am shocked and frankly kind of appalled at these numbers. While I am definitely 100% in favor of NATO, stuff like this is really discouraging, especially with Germany. I do wish Trump would formally endorse Article 5 though, but it is certainly frustrating as an American to know that we spend the most and are the most willing to help when there are other countries that not only don't meet the 2% mark but also have majorities not willing to help out.

    Of course, there's other reasons why this is the case. Not every country can make it work. I suppose that's just the way the world is.

  • I know, right? Time only gets faster.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Already?! Whoa.

  • What happened to that thread anyway?

    Since the Political Thread is dead (RIP), I'll just share a brief thought here:

  • got nuked

    What happened to that thread anyway?

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