The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Does somebody know a site to upload images?

  • edited June 2017

    imgur is what most people (including myself) use

    joshua007 posted: »

    Does somebody know a site to upload images?

  • huh, that seems... interesting. maybe we'll have dialogue choices that make chloe less of an asshole.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Did a Life Is Strange prequel just get leaked? (seems like Chloe is the protagonist? also likely it could be Rachel): This isn't the LiS game Dontnod is working on though, this is supposedly developed by Deck Nine Games.

  • who invited donald trump's twitter account to join the forums?

    J-Master posted: »

    Well, it's official. The Walking Dead forums have become a complete breeding ground for sheep. Keep NOT trying Telltale! Your sheep TWD audience will continue to keep eating your garbage.

  • Opinions can be misinformed and very wrong.

    That is such an incorrect and dumbshit statement that I'm kind of shocked you can function in an online forum filled with other people.

    J-Master posted: »

    Do you honestly thank a car salesman for selling you $70 car that's okay for the first couple of hours but then completely breaks down and

  • hiya.

    Oh hey there! Welcome back!

  • Use; it's free, quick, and you don't need to bother making accounts or anything like that.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Does somebody know a site to upload images?

  • I hate Bob Dylan so much because the lyrics and instrumentals for his songs are amazing but his vocals are absolute garbage.


    enter image description here

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I only have one more assignment left for the semester. People of the Telltale Forums. LEND ME YOUR ENERGY!

  • Agreed

    I hate Bob Dylan so much because the lyrics and instrumentals for his songs are amazing but his vocals are absolute garbage.


    If I have to see Rolling Stone Magazine suck him off one more time.

    I hate Bob Dylan so much because the lyrics and instrumentals for his songs are amazing but his vocals are absolute garbage.

  • The world is a dick.

    That's all I have today.

  • edited June 2017

    A lot of people have said it. Bob Dylan is known as a musical and poetic genius, not as a performer. In fact, he's known as one of the worst live performers. When he was 30, he already had 11 studio and 2 Greatest Hits albums.

    I don't know about everyone else, but by the time my 30th birthday came around, I accomplished remarkably less.

    SOMEONE FINALLY SAYS IT. If I have to see Rolling Stone Magazine suck him off one more time.

  • I'm not denying his talent at all. But he's overrated as hell.

    Tom Petty and Dire Straits even use his style of singing better than he does.

    Johro posted: »

    A lot of people have said it. Bob Dylan is known as a musical and poetic genius, not as a performer. In fact, he's known as one of the wor

  • Tom Petty's a God.

    I'm not denying his talent at all. But he's overrated as hell. Tom Petty and Dire Straits even use his style of singing better than he does.

  • Also voices Lucky on King of the Hill, fun little fact.
    enter image description here

    Johro posted: »

    Tom Petty's a God.

  • edited June 2017

    Edit: I am gonna say out now this video is for fun ad this post

  • Yeah. My sole posted screenshot from that game was going down the slide. Why? Just why? Especially since Chris' campaign is the essence of what went wrong with the series(RE turning into CoD).

    joshua007 posted: »

    Edit: I am gonna say out now this video is for fun ad this post

  • Final assignment DEFEATED! Now I can relax :D

  • I never knew this about Poland, but hey, the more you know:

    "The one exception to the chorus of criticism on Thursday came from Poland, whose economy is heavily dependent on coal and whose conservative government has been a vocal critic of European climate policies.

    Grzegorz Tobiszowski, Poland’s deputy minister of energy, commended President Trump’s for his decision as he was signing an agreement on developing a new hard coal-fired power unit in Jaworzno, a city in southern Poland and one of the most polluted regions in Europe."

  • And how can some people prefer this game over RE7? RE7 is the Resident Evil I remember. I don't remember RE being a Call of Duty spin-off.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Edit: I am gonna say out now this video is for fun ad this post

  • Noice.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Final assignment DEFEATED! Now I can relax


    MichaelBP posted: »

    Did a Life Is Strange prequel just get leaked? (seems like Chloe is the protagonist? also likely it could be Rachel): This isn't the LiS game Dontnod is working on though, this is supposedly developed by Deck Nine Games.

  • edited June 2017

    Oh, the man has accomplished much more in his first 30 years than I probably will in my entire life, I'm not arguing against that. I'm saying that I dislike his music so much because I know they could be good if it just, well, sounded better. The lyrics and instrumentals are amazing, but his singing kills them for me.

    "Only a Pawn" and "God on Our Side" are songs I really want to like. I've tried to find covers of them, but for the life of me, I can't find one that I like because it seems like everyone tries to add the Bob Dylan Inflection to them, and it ruins them for me.

    Johro posted: »

    A lot of people have said it. Bob Dylan is known as a musical and poetic genius, not as a performer. In fact, he's known as one of the wor

  • edited June 2017



  • edited June 2017

    So far, the video games that disappointed me the most in this year are:
    enter image description hereenter image description here
    So much for excitement.

  • Telltale is huge fan of Michael Bay, I see.

  • Honestly preffered the other video. Much less depressing than thinking of what Prey 2 could've been. I'd even take whatever early, unfinished build of the game that exists somewhere out there (seeing as the game's achievements are on the Steam DB).

    papai46 posted: »

    @MichaelBP oops...

  • Sony has one of the WORST marketing teams I have ever seen.

    BTW I'm back to normal.

  • Welcome back!

    J-Master posted: »

    Sony has one of the WORST marketing teams I have ever seen. BTW I'm back to normal.

  • I have found my theme song.
    I have found my purpose.
    I have found my calling.

  • I am drunk beyond comprehension at the moment. It took me like almost two minutes just to write that alone.

  • It's really upsetting how bad Sony's marketing is because some of Sony's products are fantastic. The PSVita was amazing but because it was advertised so badly it fell on it's face.

    J-Master posted: »

    Sony has one of the WORST marketing teams I have ever seen. BTW I'm back to normal.

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