I'm Ciara! (Pronounced Key-ra, for everyone that isn't Irish) I'm 19 years old and from Ireland. I'm an illustration student and I … morehope to study animation once I'm finished that. I've been on the forums on and off for 3 years. My favourite TT game is The wolf among us with the first walking dead season close behind.
I love films, tv shows, video games, anime, cartoons and comics. I like all versions of the Walking dead. If i had to pick a favorite i would say it is the TV show. Cuz Carol is amazing. Some of my favourite games are, The last of us, Silent hill 2 and 3, outlast, Twau, TWD, Tftbl, Borderlands 2 and a lot more tbh. I love music too, I like most genres but my favourite are synth and indie.
Also I cry over fictional characters way to often.
(PS Bigby is the husband™)
I'm Ciara! (Pronounced Key-ra, for everyone that isn't Irish) I'm 19 years old and from Ireland. I'm an illustration student and I … morehope to study animation once I'm finished that. I've been on the forums on and off for 3 years. My favourite TT game is The wolf among us with the first walking dead season close behind.
I love films, tv shows, video games, anime, cartoons and comics. I like all versions of the Walking dead. If i had to pick a favorite i would say it is the TV show. Cuz Carol is amazing. Some of my favourite games are, The last of us, Silent hill 2 and 3, outlast, Twau, TWD, Tftbl, Borderlands 2 and a lot more tbh. I love music too, I like most genres but my favourite are synth and indie.
Also I cry over fictional characters way to often.
(PS Bigby is the husband™)
Yeah, I don't wanna spoil Wonder Woman, but that gave my the feels when I first saw it like two days ago and don't get me started on steven universe. I wouldn't be surprised if WW was going to be the only good DC film to come out.
I cry over fictional characters way to often.
I know the feeling. It's weird that some fictional character death or tragic situation would make me cry or feel bad for him/her...
I'm from the south! Close enough to Dublin, but i still live in the middle of back arse no where. So actually doing anything socializing is out of the question.
I'm sorry but I love the avatar btw XD Javi-wan Kenobi
I'm from the south! Close enough to Dublin, but i still live in the middle of back arse no where. So actually doing anything socializing is out of the question.
I'm sorry but I love the avatar btw XD Javi-wan Kenobi
Alright. I'm 33.
I'm from Western Canada.
My favourite films are 70s-80s horror
My favourite games are Action RPG(really any tha… moret aren't turn-based).
I play on PC. Steam and Origin.
My favourite bands are mostly 70s-80s Rock and Heavy Metal. There are some really odd exceptions though(I love women with great voices).
Some fun facts?
Uh. I didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 31.
I'm one of those people whom tends to play the same games, watch the same movies, and read the same books over and over again.
I really don't like Superhero movies.
I hate sitcoms. Mostly. I cannot stand awkward situations and generally, that's what sitcoms are a series of.
Alright. I'm 33.
I'm from Western Canada.
My favourite films are 70s-80s horror
My favourite games are Action RPG(really any tha… moret aren't turn-based).
I play on PC. Steam and Origin.
My favourite bands are mostly 70s-80s Rock and Heavy Metal. There are some really odd exceptions though(I love women with great voices).
Some fun facts?
Uh. I didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 31.
I'm one of those people whom tends to play the same games, watch the same movies, and read the same books over and over again.
I really don't like Superhero movies.
I hate sitcoms. Mostly. I cannot stand awkward situations and generally, that's what sitcoms are a series of.
I'm Ciara! (Pronounced Key-ra, for everyone that isn't Irish) I'm 19 years old and from Ireland. I'm an illustration student and I … morehope to study animation once I'm finished that. I've been on the forums on and off for 3 years. My favourite TT game is The wolf among us with the first walking dead season close behind.
I love films, tv shows, video games, anime, cartoons and comics. I like all versions of the Walking dead. If i had to pick a favorite i would say it is the TV show. Cuz Carol is amazing. Some of my favourite games are, The last of us, Silent hill 2 and 3, outlast, Twau, TWD, Tftbl, Borderlands 2 and a lot more tbh. I love music too, I like most genres but my favourite are synth and indie.
Also I cry over fictional characters way to often.
(PS Bigby is the husband™)
Hello everyone,
I am 18 years old and I come from Poland. Currently I live in Belgium so English is my third language, also I am learning some Spanish now in school.
The first Telltale's game I played was "The Walking Dead: Season 1" which is one of my favourite games and this game introduced me into the Walking Dead franchise. Then, I've been playing TWAU and TFTBL. Even though I joined the forum quite recently I've been reading and following this place since the release of Season 2. I play a lot of strategy games such as Civilization V, Hearts of Iron 4 etc,...
I like reading different comics, TWD especially. I enjoy drawing however my drawing skills are very poor. My biggest passion is music. I play guitar and listen to blues, different types of rock and metal but I stay very open to different music genres. My favorites bands are: Dream Theater, Tool, SOAD, Gojira, Depeche Mode and some Polish bands.
I watch quite a lot of TV series and different movies. My favourite movies are Inception and Star Wars movies. From the TV shows I especially enjoy watching Peaky Blinders, House M.D., The Office and TWD which I started not a very long time ago.
I also like travelling but unfortunately for now I don't have a lot of ocasions and discovering different new cultures.
Also, making memes is my purpose in life. Memes are love.
Only one of the best horror games out there, with one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard. I'm still not over Silent hills. I don't think I ever will be over it.
Only one of the best horror games out there, with one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard. I'm still not over Silent hills. I don't think I ever will be over it.
Hello everyone,
I am 18 years old and I come from Poland. Currently I live in Belgium so English is my third language, also I am learning s… moreome Spanish now in school.
The first Telltale's game I played was "The Walking Dead: Season 1" which is one of my favourite games and this game introduced me into the Walking Dead franchise. Then, I've been playing TWAU and TFTBL. Even though I joined the forum quite recently I've been reading and following this place since the release of Season 2. I play a lot of strategy games such as Civilization V, Hearts of Iron 4 etc,...
I like reading different comics, TWD especially. I enjoy drawing however my drawing skills are very poor. My biggest passion is music. I play guitar and listen to blues, different types of rock and metal but I stay very open to different music genres. My favorites bands are: Dream Theater, Tool, SOAD, Gojira, Depeche Mode and some Polish bands.
I watch quite a lot of TV … [view original content]
It could of been so great, like Junji ito was working on it to. It could of been so great
I do like Heather in SH3, she was an interesting character but tbh I love monsters so Pyramid head will always be one of my reasons why I like SH2 better.
Same here, Silent Hills being cancelled was truly a tragedy for the horror genre as a whole.
As for the quality of SH2, I completely agree. Although I personally prefer SH3 just a tad more.
Holy... I just got back home from school to find 73 notifications! Definitely didn't expect that many people on here. My day is definitely a lot better now!
but tbh I love monsters so Pyramid head will always be one of my reasons why I like SH2 better.
Personally I think Silent Hill 3 has a lot better monster designs. Nothing comes close to Pyramid Head but the monsters are so fear invoking and disturbing compared to the grunts from SH2. In SH2 I think the normal enemies only really work in the dark, whereas with SH3 I'm scared of them regardless of lighting, but that's just my opinion, I've been wrong before lol.
I do think Pyramid Head has the greatest symbolism and design out of any monster in the series though, it's a pretty fantastic monster in every way.
if only they didn't use him in literally everything else after
It could of been so great, like Junji ito was working on it to. It could of been so great
I do like Heather in SH3, she was an interesting character but tbh I love monsters so Pyramid head will always be one of my reasons why I like SH2 better.
Great advice, thanks dude. I'll do that next year. Most likely I'm gonna do stuff like web design and editing videos/images for people. I hope creativity is well paid or I'm fucked.
Thanks man.
I recommend checking out universities close to you and visiting them, maybe talking to people attending to classes you're interested into. Just don't force yourself into something you don't like.
This might sound weird, but I still haven't seen Harry Potter or Star Wars... I don't know which one to watch first, tbh.
Do you watch TV shows? I got plenty of those to recommend.
My name's Alexis, I'm 16, and I was born in Okinawa, Japan, though I grew up in the US.
I love Star Wars, TWDG, Borderlands, and Harry Potter, and also Hamilton and Moana and zombies.
Well, Matt congrats on being a WEEB! Just kidding, I'm thinking about watching a few of those Japanese cartoons myself, I just don't know which one to start with. I dont' want it to be weird.
I still haven't played any of those games except for Borderlands games. I guess this summer is gonna be fun for me and my wallet.
I'm Matthew or Matt or whatever and I'm from England, I'm 17.
I like games (I mean if that wasn't obvious), sarcasm, reading, pretty much… more the fact that Lin-Manuel Miranda exists, and I mean apart from that I just sit there, oh and some anime too (Even I'm ashamed about that.)
Personal favourite game series are:
Kingdom Hearts
The Witcher
Honestly I could go on but I don't want this post to take up a full page.
So, yeah.
* Matt
That's pretty nice. It sucks that you don't like living there, but still. Keep on working on your English. Nothing wrong with having a few mistakes here and there, but it helps you learn further. English is also my second language but with the help of school and videogames I got to this point. I might have some mistakes myself sometimes, but I couldn't care less right now.
I also like Viking culture, I've seen plenty of movies and TV shows about them. I heard the festival in Wolin is pretty fun. I'd go there myself if I was old enough. In 8 months I'll be 18, then we can party together!
Hello there.
I'm 18 and i'm from Poland. I'm on this forum since the release of third episode of the first season of TT The Walking Dead. U… morentil March 2017 I was only reading all discussions and checking out the news about TT games. For three years I'm polishing my English but it still sucks. Temporary I live in Germany where I'm learning as carpenter. My main goal right now is to finish my School and move to another Country because I hate living in Germany. Thanks to The Witcher books and games series I've become a very big fan of Slavic and Viking cultures and in August I'm going on my first Festival of Slavs and Vikings in Wolin. In the future I want to learn both how to use guns and sword-fighting.
I apologize in advance for my English but like I said I'm still polishing it.
We both got introduced to TWD around the same time, only I first saw it randomly show up on Youtube. It was a random episode that Pewdiepie uploaded. Who knew that a random recommended video on Youtube would pretty much change my life.
I used to listen to Metallica and other bands before but I just lost interest over time.
Glad to see another Breaking Bad fan around here, I don't know why but people don't mention it that often. This winter vacation, I ended up sitting in my room for 8 days straight, just watching Breaking Bad. I was pretty much obsessed with it. You should watch Game of Thrones if you haven't yet. You didn't mention it in your favorite TV shows. It's definitely #2 on my list of favorite TV shows, right after Breaking Bad.
Also, how the heck did you manage to screw up your car completely two times?
My name's Jack, I'm 19 years old (20 in August) and I was born and have lived my entire life in the US.
I was first introduced to Telltal… moree thanks to their TWD video games. Me being a huge fan of the TWD series in general, I first learned about the games by watching a commercial for the (then) unreleased Season 2 during the show. I went out and got Season 1 and fell in love with it, same for Season 2. Ever since I have picked up every single Telltale game that they have released since Season 1, and enjoyed most of them. However, I have noticed that things are not well within the company and the quality has been dropping, but I stick around because of some of the great people here.
As my username indicates, I am a huge fan of the heavy metal band Metallica. I generally listen to rock and metal and have an appreciation for most things music related (key word their being most, I don't really consider pressing a few buttons on your MacBook a… [view original content]
You have been honored to carry the same name as our lord Lee Everett? I was also around here since early 2013 but made an account sometime in 2015.
What kind of things do you like? Any TV shows to recommend me for the summer vacation?
Hello. I'm Lee and I'm in my late teens. I've been lurking the forums since 2012 (TWD) but made an account couple years ago. I like a lot of things. Something I'm obsessing over now: Hamilton.
It's nice to see this many people interested in the same thing as I am. I'm sure you'll get there one day.
It sounds a little weird but Telltale is what actually made me more interested in stories in video games. Before that I never really cared about stories and just played games for fun.
I know, right? I used to play games just to go around and kill stuff. Ever since I played the first Walking Dead, story is the only thing I look for in games!
My name is Kingsley (21) and I'm from Malaysia but I'm currently studying in Melbourne, Australia. I hope to get into the television and mov… moreie industry and just help make content.
I got into Telltale from The Walking Dead Season 1 in 2012 but only really became a regular on here in 2015.
It sounds a little weird but Telltale is what actually made me more interested in stories in video games. Before that I never really cared about stories and just played games for fun.
I like drawing, reading, writing, watching cartoons and playing video games.
Damn, it's rare to see someone around here older than 25.
I also dislike turn-based RPG's. It sucks the fun out of them.
I didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 31.
Bruh, I'm nearly 18 and I can't ride a bike.
I'm one of those people whom tends to play the same games, watch the same movies, and read the same books over and over again.
I finished Resident Evil 4 around 20 times, GTA San Andreas about 10, Borderlands 2 probably like 30 times... I could go on but that would take a lot of space lol.
I hate Superheroes as well. My friend forced me to go watch Civil War with him at the cinema. Let's just say those are the most painful 3 hours of my life.
I get why you dislike sitcoms, I don't like many of them myself, but there are still some good ones out there that aren't that awkward.
Alright. I'm 33.
I'm from Western Canada.
My favourite films are 70s-80s horror
My favourite games are Action RPG(really any tha… moret aren't turn-based).
I play on PC. Steam and Origin.
My favourite bands are mostly 70s-80s Rock and Heavy Metal. There are some really odd exceptions though(I love women with great voices).
Some fun facts?
Uh. I didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 31.
I'm one of those people whom tends to play the same games, watch the same movies, and read the same books over and over again.
I really don't like Superhero movies.
I hate sitcoms. Mostly. I cannot stand awkward situations and generally, that's what sitcoms are a series of.
I know what it's like to live without a strong PC or console. It might take time, but you'll get there eventually.
I don't keep my save files, because when a new game comes out, I like to play the previous one in it's entirety.
I'm Ayush, an Indian student with a passion for gaming but unfortunately I do not own a badass pc or a console. So i play on mobile, … moremobile games are progressing at a great speed, so thats enough to keep me hanging and not getting me distracted from studies. Anyways,
I'm in high school now, 15yrs of age. I'll turn 16 in a couple of months.
I played my first ttg game in 2014, obviously, WD1 and then WD2. Then i playwd wau, then all the games that were released. And i have kept the saves of all 5-6 games in many different drives so that i dont lose them. Hehe
And yeah, i'm from team never-hurt-clem
I'm Ciara! (Pronounced Key-ra, for everyone that isn't Irish) I'm 19 years old and from Ireland. I'm an illustration student and I … morehope to study animation once I'm finished that. I've been on the forums on and off for 3 years. My favourite TT game is The wolf among us with the first walking dead season close behind.
I love films, tv shows, video games, anime, cartoons and comics. I like all versions of the Walking dead. If i had to pick a favorite i would say it is the TV show. Cuz Carol is amazing. Some of my favourite games are, The last of us, Silent hill 2 and 3, outlast, Twau, TWD, Tftbl, Borderlands 2 and a lot more tbh. I love music too, I like most genres but my favourite are synth and indie.
Also I cry over fictional characters way to often.
(PS Bigby is the husband™)
I know the feeling. It's weird that some fictional character death or tragic situation would make me cry or feel bad for him/her...
Good to see a fellow Irish person on these forums.
Where abouts are you from, down south or perhaps up north like I am?
Yeah, I don't wanna spoil Wonder Woman, but that gave my the feels when I first saw it like two days ago and don't get me started on steven universe. I wouldn't be surprised if WW was going to be the only good DC film to come out.
I'm from the south! Close enough to Dublin, but i still live in the middle of back arse no where. So actually doing anything socializing is out of the question.
I'm sorry but I love the avatar btw XD Javi-wan Kenobi
I'm tall, tan, young and handsome. I'm a down to earth guy who loves romantics and long walks on the beach and deep conversation
Haha, thank you.
I'm from Northern Ireland, in Belfast so socialising is a viable option for me...not that I ever want to do it anyways.
This comment gave me an existential crisis.
Oh sorry
Hello, my name is Tom Riddle.
I'm genuinely shocked that anybody on these forums are over the age of 22.
Ah, I see you are a person of culture as well.
this isn't christian mingle.
don't need to worry about developing an existential crisis if your entire life is already an unending existential crisis.
Hello everyone,
I am 18 years old and I come from Poland. Currently I live in Belgium so English is my third language, also I am learning some Spanish now in school.
The first Telltale's game I played was "The Walking Dead: Season 1" which is one of my favourite games and this game introduced me into the Walking Dead franchise. Then, I've been playing TWAU and TFTBL. Even though I joined the forum quite recently I've been reading and following this place since the release of Season 2. I play a lot of strategy games such as Civilization V, Hearts of Iron 4 etc,...
I like reading different comics, TWD especially. I enjoy drawing however my drawing skills are very poor. My biggest passion is music. I play guitar and listen to blues, different types of rock and metal but I stay very open to different music genres. My favorites bands are: Dream Theater, Tool, SOAD, Gojira, Depeche Mode and some Polish bands.
I watch quite a lot of TV series and different movies. My favourite movies are Inception and Star Wars movies. From the TV shows I especially enjoy watching Peaky Blinders, House M.D., The Office and TWD which I started not a very long time ago.
I also like travelling but unfortunately for now I don't have a lot of ocasions and discovering different new cultures.
Also, making memes is my purpose in life. Memes are love.
Who needs social interaction and friends when you can have video games. Not me any way
I'm a huge geek who is an emotional wreck and has self-esteem issues.
Only one of the best horror games out there, with one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard. I'm still not over Silent hills. I don't think I ever will be over it.
Same here, Silent Hills being cancelled was truly a tragedy for the horror genre as a whole.
As for the quality of SH2, I completely agree. Although I personally prefer SH3 just a tad more.
So many Polish people around here, for years I've been thinking I was the only one.
It could of been so great, like Junji ito was working on it to. It could of been so great

I do like Heather in SH3, she was an interesting character but tbh I love monsters so Pyramid head will always be one of my reasons why I like SH2 better.
Holy... I just got back home from school to find 73 notifications! Definitely didn't expect that many people on here. My day is definitely a lot better now!
Personally I think Silent Hill 3 has a lot better monster designs. Nothing comes close to Pyramid Head but the monsters are so fear invoking and disturbing compared to the grunts from SH2. In SH2 I think the normal enemies only really work in the dark, whereas with SH3 I'm scared of them regardless of lighting, but that's just my opinion, I've been wrong before lol.
I do think Pyramid Head has the greatest symbolism and design out of any monster in the series though, it's a pretty fantastic monster in every way.
if only they didn't use him in literally everything else after
That's deeping shit as fuck.
I want that engraved on my tombstone.
Great advice, thanks dude. I'll do that next year. Most likely I'm gonna do stuff like web design and editing videos/images for people. I hope creativity is well paid or I'm fucked.
This might sound weird, but I still haven't seen Harry Potter or Star Wars... I don't know which one to watch first, tbh.
Do you watch TV shows? I got plenty of those to recommend.
Well, Matt congrats on being a WEEB! Just kidding, I'm thinking about watching a few of those Japanese cartoons myself, I just don't know which one to start with. I dont' want it to be weird.
I still haven't played any of those games except for Borderlands games. I guess this summer is gonna be fun for me and my wallet.
That's pretty nice. It sucks that you don't like living there, but still. Keep on working on your English. Nothing wrong with having a few mistakes here and there, but it helps you learn further. English is also my second language but with the help of school and videogames I got to this point. I might have some mistakes myself sometimes, but I couldn't care less right now.
I also like Viking culture, I've seen plenty of movies and TV shows about them. I heard the festival in Wolin is pretty fun. I'd go there myself if I was old enough. In 8 months I'll be 18, then we can party together!
We both got introduced to TWD around the same time, only I first saw it randomly show up on Youtube. It was a random episode that Pewdiepie uploaded. Who knew that a random recommended video on Youtube would pretty much change my life.
I used to listen to Metallica and other bands before but I just lost interest over time.
Glad to see another Breaking Bad fan around here, I don't know why but people don't mention it that often. This winter vacation, I ended up sitting in my room for 8 days straight, just watching Breaking Bad. I was pretty much obsessed with it. You should watch Game of Thrones if you haven't yet. You didn't mention it in your favorite TV shows. It's definitely #2 on my list of favorite TV shows, right after Breaking Bad.
Also, how the heck did you manage to screw up your car completely two times?
You have been honored to carry the same name as our lord Lee Everett? I was also around here since early 2013 but made an account sometime in 2015.
What kind of things do you like? Any TV shows to recommend me for the summer vacation?
It's nice to see this many people interested in the same thing as I am. I'm sure you'll get there one day.
I know, right? I used to play games just to go around and kill stuff. Ever since I played the first Walking Dead, story is the only thing I look for in games!
Damn, it's rare to see someone around here older than 25.
I also dislike turn-based RPG's. It sucks the fun out of them.
Bruh, I'm nearly 18 and I can't ride a bike.
I finished Resident Evil 4 around 20 times, GTA San Andreas about 10, Borderlands 2 probably like 30 times... I could go on but that would take a lot of space lol.
I hate Superheroes as well. My friend forced me to go watch Civil War with him at the cinema. Let's just say those are the most painful 3 hours of my life.
I get why you dislike sitcoms, I don't like many of them myself, but there are still some good ones out there that aren't that awkward.
In Russia, Sonya is diminutive for Sofia
Lmao, I was wondering the same thing, too.
I know what it's like to live without a strong PC or console. It might take time, but you'll get there eventually.
I don't keep my save files, because when a new game comes out, I like to play the previous one in it's entirety.
I was in Ireland last summer, truly an amazing country. All the Irish people are very cordial!
You tell this to a person who was made to cry three times by Kenny?