Dude, you need to play the main Borderlands games. You have no idea what you're missing out on. I recommend skipping the first one because it's not that interesting.
Also, you should probably read the rest of TWD comics, things get really interesting later on. Or if you're lazy you can watch the TV show, that works too.
Hello, my name is [REDACTED], I am Australian and am [REDACTED] years old.
I enjoy writing stories (Thanks Telltale), playing videogames … more(duh), playing music (learning guitar) and occasionally drawing. I also love listening to people sing, but don't sing myself.
My favorite videogames would have to be:
* Portal 2,
* Crash Bandicoot (All of them),
* The Walking Dead,
* Bioshock (All of them. Haven't played Infinite yet),
* Tales from the Borderlands (Haven't played the main Borderlands games yet),
* The Last of Us,
* Uncharted,
I could go on for days...
I've played and love almost all (modern) Telltale games. TWD S1, TWD S2, TWD: M, TWD ANF, TWAU, TFTBL, MCSM... etc...
My favorite movie would have to be Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. I thought it was better than the original.
I also read up to issue #48 of the Walking Dead comics but haven't gotten back to it yet. One day...
Well, yeah. That's about it.
I still haven't played Back to the Future. I just have low expectations for it.
Not that I hate the game myself, but it's weird to see that someone genuinely likes Minecraft Story Mode on these forums.
My name's Taz. My friends call me "Mouth" or "The Mullet Man", I am also called "Randy Meisner" or "Martin Riggs". I am almost 18 years old … morefrom the mountains of the Inland Northwest of the United States. I play left-handed bass guitar and right-handed electric seven-string guitar in my band "Eagles" and am one of its several vocalists. I also make paintings and write stories. I am currently writing a book and movie that are both a sequel to the original "Goonies".
I first played Telltale's "Back To The Future" when it was first released years ago and finished the game in less than 3 hours. My favorite though is "Minecraft: Story Mode", completing each episode in a record less than an hour and a half and receiving inspiration from it directly for some artwork I've made as well as part of the aforementioned book and movie.
Holy shit, I can't even imagine how unlucky you had to be for the dresser to land on top of you and block the damn door. I have no idea how you stayed so chill even though there was a bloody dresser on top of you...
That sounds like something out of a comedy starring Adam Sandler, only a bit more fucked up.
My name's Gregory, I am 18 and was born and raised in Canada. I love playing video games and browsing the internet (pretty bland, … moreI know), but my favorite game series is Silent Hill (first 4 games). I usually listen to hard rock like Disturbed and System of a Down, but I've been enjoying video game soundtracks recently from The Witcher, the AVGN game, and Silent Hill. I graduated High School almost a year ago, and am earning money to go to college and pursue a degree in Finance. My favorite telltale character has to be Clem, and the only interesting thing about me would be a story from my childhood...
I was about two or three years old when I somehow climbed on top of my dresser, fell off, and the dresser landed on me. It was also blocking the door, so my Mom couldn't open it. After I stopped crying and stayed silent, my mom got worried and called 911. My Dad, who was a firefighter at the time, was shocked in horror to get a call… [view original content]
Honestly, I'd have to agree with you about TWD s1 not being my favorite. I played/watched it so many times that it just turned into a dead meme.
Recently, I started listening to TWD ANF soundtracks after I realized how awesome they are. My personal favorite is "I love you brother."
I'm also open to chat, so if you have any topics, go for it.
Okay then
I'm Connor Williams, I'm 15 I think (I seriously tend to forget) and I am from New Zealand. I used to be semi famous in New Zea… moreland as I was the "first toyologist" there. Basically all that was was I got played to play with toys.
I got into TWD around 2012, so naturally the first TT game I played was S1. I do have an unpopular opinion of TWD - although S1 was amazing and I love it to death, it is my least favourite WD purely because I replayed it too much lol. My favourite season is S2, currently.
I listen to 80s rock mostly and video game soundtracks. My favourite music from TWD would be all the OST from ANF, Two Sides from S2, and the Clementine Suite S2 edit. I'm always open to chat with you.
I'm Max, I'm from the Northeast US, now living in the south. i got to school part time for communications. I'm legally blind, which means I'm with @ClemmyClooAndBabyboo in the "not allowed to drive" club.
For fun, I play video games, read about economics, politics and political theory, drink, shoot at the local gun range and learn about other things that interest me. For anti-fun I work and exercise. I've become somewhat disinterested in Telltale's games since GoT and TFTB, but I still occaisionally pop in at the walking dead section. Right now I'm mostly playing diplomacy and stardew valley.
I picked up a ukulele on the cheap last week and am learning how to play it. It's a fun little instrument.
If it wasn't for dank memes I'd be in an alleyway doing crack right now. I prefer dark humor though. The "you're weird and I don't want to talk to you ever again" kind of dark humor.
I don't just cry over character's deaths.
I cried when Javi and David started fighting in ANF. After being on David's side for the entire game, that shit hit me really hard.
I'm Ciara! (Pronounced Key-ra, for everyone that isn't Irish) I'm 19 years old and from Ireland. I'm an illustration student and I … morehope to study animation once I'm finished that. I've been on the forums on and off for 3 years. My favourite TT game is The wolf among us with the first walking dead season close behind.
I love films, tv shows, video games, anime, cartoons and comics. I like all versions of the Walking dead. If i had to pick a favorite i would say it is the TV show. Cuz Carol is amazing. Some of my favourite games are, The last of us, Silent hill 2 and 3, outlast, Twau, TWD, Tftbl, Borderlands 2 and a lot more tbh. I love music too, I like most genres but my favourite are synth and indie.
Also I cry over fictional characters way to often.
(PS Bigby is the husband™)
I do admit Kenny does give you the feels, I personally feel bad for him at the end of the second season. Like he even acknowledges that he's becoming more and more unstable.
Also anime film I watched recently called A silent voice made me cry three times through out it. If you want a feels train boi that film goes there.
I was in Ireland last summer, truly an amazing country. All the Irish people are very cordial!
Also I cry over fictional characters way to often.
You tell this to a person who was made to cry three times by Kenny?
I don't just cry over character's deaths.
I cried when Javi and David started fighting in ANF. After being on David's side for the entire game, that shit hit me really hard.
The monster designs are quite interesting in the third game. The one that stood out most to me was the Closer.
if only they didn't use him in literally everything else after
coughthe films you meancough Ok, to be fair. The first one was decent, like the score for it was done by Akira Yamaoka and I saw that the people that made the film ACTUALLY liked the game series, but OH BOI the sequel is the worst.
but tbh I love monsters so Pyramid head will always be one of my reasons why I like SH2 better.
Personally I think Silent Hill 3 has… more a lot better monster designs. Nothing comes close to Pyramid Head but the monsters are so fear invoking and disturbing compared to the grunts from SH2. In SH2 I think the normal enemies only really work in the dark, whereas with SH3 I'm scared of them regardless of lighting, but that's just my opinion, I've been wrong before lol.
I do think Pyramid Head has the greatest symbolism and design out of any monster in the series though, it's a pretty fantastic monster in every way.
if only they didn't use him in literally everything else after
Did you know the Closer is actually based off of the Silent Hill 2 monster "The Mandarin"? The monsters only show up twice and are hard to see but they're there. Pretty cool tbh.
coughthe films you meancough
And Silent Hill: Homecoming, referenced in Origins, a cutscene in Downpour, Book of Memories.
Ok, to be fair. The first one was decent, like the score for it was done by Akira Yamaoka and I saw that the people that made the film ACTUALLY liked the game series, but OH BOI the sequel is the worst.
I 100000000% agree with all of this. Christophe Gans (the director of the first film) is a great director who LOVED the series, and the first film was a somewhat faithful adaptation. Revelations might be the worst film I've ever seen though.
The monster designs are quite interesting in the third game. The one that stood out most to me was the Closer.
if only they didn't use… more him in literally everything else after
coughthe films you meancough Ok, to be fair. The first one was decent, like the score for it was done by Akira Yamaoka and I saw that the people that made the film ACTUALLY liked the game series, but OH BOI the sequel is the worst.
I'm Max, I'm from the Northeast US, now living in the south. i got to school part time for communications. I'm legally blind, which means … moreI'm with @ClemmyClooAndBabyboo in the "not allowed to drive" club.
For fun, I play video games, read about economics, politics and political theory, drink, shoot at the local gun range and learn about other things that interest me. For anti-fun I work and exercise. I've become somewhat disinterested in Telltale's games since GoT and TFTB, but I still occaisionally pop in at the walking dead section. Right now I'm mostly playing diplomacy and stardew valley.
I picked up a ukulele on the cheap last week and am learning how to play it. It's a fun little instrument.
I've tried to watch GOT, and honestly, it's just not my thing. I'm not saying it's bad show (overrated, sure, but not bad), it's just the genre (medieval fantasy) isn't my style. It's the same reason I haven't been able to sit through movies like Lord of the Rings or read novels like The Chronicles of Narnia.
I didn't do anything wrong in both of the accidents, it was always the other person. The first accident was when someone pulled out of a parking lot of a strip mall on a local highway and pulled right out in front of me, which he didn't need to do as he had a shoulder he could take. I tried to avoid it by getting into the next lane, but it wasn't enough, and the front right end of my car and the front left of his car hit. None of my airbags deployed, but the axle of my car and my right tire were so damaged, as well as the frame, that it couldn't be repaired. The police reports and insurance both said I wasn't at fault for the accident.
The second of which was last August. I was traveling on a road called Hamburg Tpke, and I'm approaching a small intersection. I'll give you an image:
I'm driving down and plan on continuing on Hamburg Tpke, which requires me to make a small left. While it's not required, I turn on my left directional to indicate that I plan on doing do. As I'm coming to the turn, another car starts pulling up from Wanaque Ave (on the side closest to the road marked Passaic). Now they have a yield sign (many people argue that it should be a stop sign) and I have the right of way, and me turning on my directional should indicate that I'm planning on making the turn and not go straight onto Wanaque. I make the turn and the person does not yield and pulls out of Wanaque and onto Hamburg Tpke. I have no second to react to try and get out of the way, all I could do was move my arms to cover my face. It was a straight up T-bone collision, my car spun around and stopped in the middle of the road, while the other car drove up onto the sidewalk and hit a telephone poll. My car's steering wheel airbag deployed and the front of my car was completely destroyed.
The driver of the other car was an elderly woman, probably in her late 70's, she survived, but they had to use the jaws of life to open her car door, put her on a gurney, and get her to a local hospital. Thankfully, I ended up with no injuries outside of a stiff neck and banged up knee. Again, the police reports and insurance said I was not at fault, and there were several eye witnesses that backed me up, but this woman is actually trying to sue me.
We both got introduced to TWD around the same time, only I first saw it randomly show up on Youtube. It was a random episode that Pewdiepie … moreuploaded. Who knew that a random recommended video on Youtube would pretty much change my life.
I used to listen to Metallica and other bands before but I just lost interest over time.
Glad to see another Breaking Bad fan around here, I don't know why but people don't mention it that often. This winter vacation, I ended up sitting in my room for 8 days straight, just watching Breaking Bad. I was pretty much obsessed with it. You should watch Game of Thrones if you haven't yet. You didn't mention it in your favorite TV shows. It's definitely #2 on my list of favorite TV shows, right after Breaking Bad.
Also, how the heck did you manage to screw up your car completely two times?
Hello, I am 15 years old, I'm from Virginia (Where I currently live aswell )and I am also in High school. I love food a lot, I have an amazing appetite yet I still remain pretty skinny.
I really don't do much with my life besides play video games and sometimes go outside and take a walk. One thing I would love to do in the future is to be a teacher ( and no I'm not lying or bullshitting) I love history, I find that to be an very interesting subject to learn. I'm also very awkward and shy in real life (especially around girls)
I've known about telltale since 2012, but I didn't really get into their games until about 2013 and my first game to ever play was The Walking Dead Season one, which is still by far one of my most favorite games ever.
(It's nice to know that there are other 15 year olds here, I'm not alone yay!)
Teaching can be fun, but from what I've heard (my sister is a teacher) people can start losing their shit after a while.
I'm also very awkward and shy in real life (especially around girls)
Don't worry, that'll go away after a while. I was one of the shyest people in my entire school, but once you make a couple of girl friends or girlfriends you'll see, it's not that scary.
Hello, I am 15 years old, I'm from Virginia (Where I currently live aswell )and I am also in High school. I love food a lot, I have an amazi… moreng appetite yet I still remain pretty skinny.
I really don't do much with my life besides play video games and sometimes go outside and take a walk. One thing I would love to do in the future is to be a teacher ( and no I'm not lying or bullshitting) I love history, I find that to be an very interesting subject to learn. I'm also very awkward and shy in real life (especially around girls)
I've known about telltale since 2012, but I didn't really get into their games until about 2013 and my first game to ever play was The Walking Dead Season one, which is still by far one of my most favorite games ever.
(It's nice to know that there are other 15 year olds here, I'm not alone yay!)
Teaching can be fun, but from what I've heard (my sister is a teacher) people can start losing their shit after a while.
I'm also very… more awkward and shy in real life (especially around girls)
Don't worry, that'll go away after a while. I was one of the shyest people in my entire school, but once you make a couple of girl friends or girlfriends you'll see, it's not that scary.
Yeah and I was one of those people who were kinda pissed that some "no name company" was making a point and click adventure of The Walking Dead instead of a first person shooter :P
It's nice to see this many people interested in the same thing as I am. I'm sure you'll get there one day.
It sounds a little weird bu… moret Telltale is what actually made me more interested in stories in video games. Before that I never really cared about stories and just played games for fun.
I know, right? I used to play games just to go around and kill stuff. Ever since I played the first Walking Dead, story is the only thing I look for in games!
Hmm... Well, Harry Potter will take you a while to get through if you read it. And Star Wars is highly debated because of the order of the movies plus the Clone Wars and Rebels shows.
I watch some TV, mostly The Fosters and Law and Order: SVU.
This might sound weird, but I still haven't seen Harry Potter or Star Wars... I don't know which one to watch first, tbh.
Do you watch TV shows? I got plenty of those to recommend.
I agree, "I love you brother" was awesome and fitted perfectly with one of the hardest decisions I've ever made in TT history. What did your ending end up being?
Honestly, I'd have to agree with you about TWD s1 not being my favorite. I played/watched it so many times that it just turned into a dead m… moreeme.
Recently, I started listening to TWD ANF soundtracks after I realized how awesome they are. My personal favorite is "I love you brother."
I'm also open to chat, so if you have any topics, go for it.
That's pretty nice. It sucks that you don't like living there, but still. Keep on working on your English. Nothing wrong with having a few m… moreistakes here and there, but it helps you learn further. English is also my second language but with the help of school and videogames I got to this point. I might have some mistakes myself sometimes, but I couldn't care less right now.
I also like Viking culture, I've seen plenty of movies and TV shows about them. I heard the festival in Wolin is pretty fun. I'd go there myself if I was old enough. In 8 months I'll be 18, then we can party together!
Dude, you need to play the main Borderlands games. You have no idea what you're missing out on. I recommend skipping the first one because i… moret's not that interesting.
Also, you should probably read the rest of TWD comics, things get really interesting later on. Or if you're lazy you can watch the TV show, that works too.
I'm a random guy on the internet who likes typing up forum posts, sending them, reading them and on the odd occasion, liking them! I like playing stuff, watching stuff, reading stuff, eating, sleeping, breathing and constantly tagging people in terrible meme posts. I like having a nice cup of covfefe in the morning as I scroll through social media posts.
I'm currently in my gap year trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, as I honestly don't know, I love writing, singing and engaging in arguments but am generally unmotivated and afraid to do them (except for the latter ). All I'm doing at the moment is working and socializing, it's not too bad but I feel unhappy on a daily basis :x
I'm planning to study History, Psychology, Philosophy and English in my first year of University next year, I'm hoping those will help me with my writing, my dream career is being an author and I've got a ton of story ideas but my biggest and most cliche dream is to help make the world a better place any way I can, and I know to many that is an unrealistic dream but I think everyone has the potential to do so, including myself
As for my opinion on TTG's games, I loved them when I first discovered The Walking Dead Game, it was the game that peaked my interest at more story orientated games, and I've enjoyed each game thus far, although, I feel like some of their games have been getting worse and worse in several areas but are still enjoyable, I hope they can bring out a game that will make all their fans applaud them.
First, a bit of context: I am a self-acknowledged seventeen year old emo.
There’s a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal in one of my classrooms that never fails to give me a smile when I cast my eyes upon it. Despite his gorgeous presence, I tend to cry out of frustration in maybe three out of four of my Literature classes per week.
I own too many empty notebooks and briefly-used art supplies, too many blank stacks of post-it notes, too many pens overfilling the drawers of my desk- one could liken this to being given countless opportunities for self-improvement and doing absolutely nothing with them. if one was an emo cunt like me
Being extremely socially inexperienced and withdrawn, I treasure the people who have made an effort to talk to me, even though it may not seem like it. Thank you, those people.
I have recently had one of those pivotal life moments, where time legitimately seems to slow, where you know that a single decision could make you or break you. I chose silence, and I regret it to this day. The words that could have changed the past eight months of my life for the better?
Hello! I'm from Kansas (very boring) and I'm 20 years old.
My favorite show/book is the Game of Thrones series.
If I had to pick a favorite character from TTG it would be between Mira Forrester or Clem
I LOVE all kinds of music, I don't have a favorite genre. In my spare time I love writing songs, playing video games, and reading.
I'm also pretty into memes and gifs, I think I'm funny but, I'm really not haha
For real, though, my name's Mario ("It's a me, Mario!"), I'm 15 and I'm from Greece. I mainly spend my time watching anime, listening to music (mainly jazz, cause goddamn, isn't it good), reading manga, playing games and being on social media. Sometimes, I sing to kill time, I guess.
My favorite game is Fallout: New Vegas while my favorite Telltale game is Game of Thrones. I also have been introduced into Telltale games in 2013 through the first season of The Walking Dead, which was also the first game that made me care about its story and also the first game that made me cry.
Oh, did I ever say that I also spend my time listening to game soundtrack, especially to the soundtrack of the NieR franchise? And how much I love it?
Yeah, I'm not really good at talking about myself.
Marry me
So many people here are from Eastern Europe, it's just great!
Dude, you need to play the main Borderlands games. You have no idea what you're missing out on. I recommend skipping the first one because it's not that interesting.
Also, you should probably read the rest of TWD comics, things get really interesting later on. Or if you're lazy you can watch the TV show, that works too.
I still haven't played Back to the Future. I just have low expectations for it.
Not that I hate the game myself, but it's weird to see that someone genuinely likes Minecraft Story Mode on these forums.
Holy shit, I can't even imagine how unlucky you had to be for the dresser to land on top of you and block the damn door. I have no idea how you stayed so chill even though there was a bloody dresser on top of you...
That sounds like something out of a comedy starring Adam Sandler, only a bit more fucked up.
Honestly, I'd have to agree with you about TWD s1 not being my favorite. I played/watched it so many times that it just turned into a dead meme.
Recently, I started listening to TWD ANF soundtracks after I realized how awesome they are. My personal favorite is "I love you brother."
I'm also open to chat, so if you have any topics, go for it.
Poor memes.
I'm Max, I'm from the Northeast US, now living in the south. i got to school part time for communications. I'm legally blind, which means I'm with @ClemmyClooAndBabyboo in the "not allowed to drive" club.
For fun, I play video games, read about economics, politics and political theory, drink, shoot at the local gun range and learn about other things that interest me. For anti-fun I work and exercise. I've become somewhat disinterested in Telltale's games since GoT and TFTB, but I still occaisionally pop in at the walking dead section. Right now I'm mostly playing diplomacy and stardew valley.
I picked up a ukulele on the cheap last week and am learning how to play it. It's a fun little instrument.
If it wasn't for dank memes I'd be in an alleyway doing crack right now. I prefer dark humor though. The "you're weird and I don't want to talk to you ever again" kind of dark humor.
I don't just cry over character's deaths.
I cried when Javi and David started fighting in ANF. After being on David's side for the entire game, that shit hit me really hard.
I know, right? Plenty of neighbors around here. It's kinda surprising.
Same here friend, same here...
Ah it's ok here! The weather could be better.
I do admit Kenny does give you the feels, I personally feel bad for him at the end of the second season. Like he even acknowledges that he's becoming more and more unstable.
Also anime film I watched recently called A silent voice made me cry three times through out it. If you want a feels train boi that film goes there.
Same man, Javi saying 'I love you' no matter what. Like it has me like

Also, the music... The damn music!

The monster designs are quite interesting in the third game. The one that stood out most to me was the Closer.
coughthe films you meancough Ok, to be fair. The first one was decent, like the score for it was done by Akira Yamaoka and I saw that the people that made the film ACTUALLY liked the game series, but OH BOI the sequel is the worst.
Did you know the Closer is actually based off of the Silent Hill 2 monster "The Mandarin"? The monsters only show up twice and are hard to see but they're there. Pretty cool tbh.
And Silent Hill: Homecoming, referenced in Origins, a cutscene in Downpour, Book of Memories.
I 100000000% agree with all of this. Christophe Gans (the director of the first film) is a great director who LOVED the series, and the first film was a somewhat faithful adaptation. Revelations might be the worst film I've ever seen though.
Well at least our grammar and capitalization are on point, if anything.
I've tried to watch GOT, and honestly, it's just not my thing. I'm not saying it's bad show (overrated, sure, but not bad), it's just the genre (medieval fantasy) isn't my style. It's the same reason I haven't been able to sit through movies like Lord of the Rings or read novels like The Chronicles of Narnia.
I didn't do anything wrong in both of the accidents, it was always the other person. The first accident was when someone pulled out of a parking lot of a strip mall on a local highway and pulled right out in front of me, which he didn't need to do as he had a shoulder he could take. I tried to avoid it by getting into the next lane, but it wasn't enough, and the front right end of my car and the front left of his car hit. None of my airbags deployed, but the axle of my car and my right tire were so damaged, as well as the frame, that it couldn't be repaired. The police reports and insurance both said I wasn't at fault for the accident.
The second of which was last August. I was traveling on a road called Hamburg Tpke, and I'm approaching a small intersection. I'll give you an image:
I'm driving down and plan on continuing on Hamburg Tpke, which requires me to make a small left. While it's not required, I turn on my left directional to indicate that I plan on doing do. As I'm coming to the turn, another car starts pulling up from Wanaque Ave (on the side closest to the road marked Passaic). Now they have a yield sign (many people argue that it should be a stop sign) and I have the right of way, and me turning on my directional should indicate that I'm planning on making the turn and not go straight onto Wanaque. I make the turn and the person does not yield and pulls out of Wanaque and onto Hamburg Tpke. I have no second to react to try and get out of the way, all I could do was move my arms to cover my face. It was a straight up T-bone collision, my car spun around and stopped in the middle of the road, while the other car drove up onto the sidewalk and hit a telephone poll. My car's steering wheel airbag deployed and the front of my car was completely destroyed.
The driver of the other car was an elderly woman, probably in her late 70's, she survived, but they had to use the jaws of life to open her car door, put her on a gurney, and get her to a local hospital. Thankfully, I ended up with no injuries outside of a stiff neck and banged up knee. Again, the police reports and insurance said I was not at fault, and there were several eye witnesses that backed me up, but this woman is actually trying to sue me.
Hello, I am 15 years old, I'm from Virginia (Where I currently live aswell )and I am also in High school. I love food a lot, I have an amazing appetite yet I still remain pretty skinny.
I really don't do much with my life besides play video games and sometimes go outside and take a walk. One thing I would love to do in the future is to be a teacher ( and no I'm not lying or bullshitting) I love history, I find that to be an very interesting subject to learn. I'm also very awkward and shy in real life (especially around girls)
I've known about telltale since 2012, but I didn't really get into their games until about 2013 and my first game to ever play was The Walking Dead Season one, which is still by far one of my most favorite games ever.
(It's nice to know that there are other 15 year olds here, I'm not alone yay!)
Teaching can be fun, but from what I've heard (my sister is a teacher) people can start losing their shit after a while.
Don't worry, that'll go away after a while. I was one of the shyest people in my entire school, but once you make a couple of girl friends or girlfriends you'll see, it's not that scary.
Haha thanks my dude!
Yeah and I was one of those people who were kinda pissed that some "no name company" was making a point and click adventure of The Walking Dead instead of a first person shooter :P
Hmm... Well, Harry Potter will take you a while to get through if you read it. And Star Wars is highly debated because of the order of the movies plus the Clone Wars and Rebels shows.
I watch some TV, mostly The Fosters and Law and Order: SVU.
I agree, "I love you brother" was awesome and fitted perfectly with one of the hardest decisions I've ever made in TT history. What did your ending end up being?
Thank you for the kind words. I guess all I need right now is time to master my English skills.
Who knows, maybe in next year we're gonna see each other at Wolin : )
holy shit that post is so fucking cringe-worthy.
but i guess you do have proof. gg.
Ah, okay. Sorry about that.
I do own Borderlands 2, but I just haven't played it yet. I will.... After I finish the Bioshock series....
...and I'm not the oldest. One member, a newer TTG generation member(2012+), is in their 40's.
Hasn't it always been?
I'm a random guy on the internet who likes typing up forum posts, sending them, reading them and on the odd occasion, liking them! I like playing stuff, watching stuff, reading stuff, eating, sleeping, breathing and constantly tagging people in terrible meme posts. I like having a nice cup of covfefe in the morning as I scroll through social media posts.
I'm currently in my gap year trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, as I honestly don't know, I love writing, singing and engaging in arguments but am generally unmotivated and afraid to do them (except for the latter
). All I'm doing at the moment is working and socializing, it's not too bad but I feel unhappy on a daily basis :x
I'm planning to study History, Psychology, Philosophy and English in my first year of University next year, I'm hoping those will help me with my writing, my dream career is being an author and I've got a ton of story ideas but my biggest and most cliche dream is to help make the world a better place any way I can, and I know to many that is an unrealistic dream but I think everyone has the potential to do so, including myself
As for my opinion on TTG's games, I loved them when I first discovered The Walking Dead Game, it was the game that peaked my interest at more story orientated games, and I've enjoyed each game thus far, although, I feel like some of their games have been getting worse and worse in several areas but are still enjoyable, I hope they can bring out a game that will make all their fans applaud them.
Well, you aren't alone anymore!
I'm Bob. I come from house.
First, a bit of context: I am a self-acknowledged seventeen year old emo.
There’s a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal in one of my classrooms that never fails to give me a smile when I cast my eyes upon it. Despite his gorgeous presence, I tend to cry out of frustration in maybe three out of four of my Literature classes per week.
These are my favourite three songs: 1, 2, 3
I own too many empty notebooks and briefly-used art supplies, too many blank stacks of post-it notes, too many pens overfilling the drawers of my desk- one could liken this to being given countless opportunities for self-improvement and doing absolutely nothing with them. if one was an emo cunt like me
Being extremely socially inexperienced and withdrawn, I treasure the people who have made an effort to talk to me, even though it may not seem like it. Thank you, those people.
I have recently had one of those pivotal life moments, where time legitimately seems to slow, where you know that a single decision could make you or break you. I chose silence, and I regret it to this day. The words that could have changed the past eight months of my life for the better?
“Isn’t it ‘Big Smoke’?”
Hello! I'm from Kansas (very boring) and I'm 20 years old.
My favorite show/book is the Game of Thrones series.
If I had to pick a favorite character from TTG it would be between Mira Forrester or Clem
I LOVE all kinds of music, I don't have a favorite genre. In my spare time I love writing songs, playing video games, and reading.
I'm also pretty into memes and gifs, I think I'm funny but, I'm really not haha
My name Jeff.
For real, though, my name's Mario ("It's a me, Mario!"), I'm 15 and I'm from Greece. I mainly spend my time watching anime, listening to music (mainly jazz, cause goddamn, isn't it good), reading manga, playing games and being on social media. Sometimes, I sing to kill time, I guess.
My favorite game is Fallout: New Vegas while my favorite Telltale game is Game of Thrones. I also have been introduced into Telltale games in 2013 through the first season of The Walking Dead, which was also the first game that made me care about its story and also the first game that made me cry.
Oh, did I ever say that I also spend my time listening to game soundtrack, especially to the soundtrack of the NieR franchise? And how much I love it?
Yeah, I'm not really good at talking about myself.