Hello! I'm from Kansas (very boring) and I'm 20 years old.
My favorite show/book is the Game of Thrones series.
If I had to pick a favorit… moree character from TTG it would be between Mira Forrester or Clem
I LOVE all kinds of music, I don't have a favorite genre. In my spare time I love writing songs, playing video games, and reading.
I'm also pretty into memes and gifs, I think I'm funny but, I'm really not haha
How rude, I grew up in Kansas and I'll have you know the large fields of emptiness and endless road construction where I lived was QUITE exciting, thank you very much.
Hello! I'm from Kansas (very boring) and I'm 20 years old.
My favorite show/book is the Game of Thrones series.
If I had to pick a favorit… moree character from TTG it would be between Mira Forrester or Clem
I LOVE all kinds of music, I don't have a favorite genre. In my spare time I love writing songs, playing video games, and reading.
I'm also pretty into memes and gifs, I think I'm funny but, I'm really not haha
I know exactly how you feel. I used to feel like that ever since my dad passed away when I was thirteen until recently when I started being more optimistic. I wouldn't call myself the stereotypical "life is pain" emo or "gimme a moment to slit my wrists" emo. I just get a little existential from time to time while listening to music. School has been screwing me over for the last two years and I have the worst grades in my whole family (even though my average is 4.4/5.0). If it wasn't for dank memes and videogames I'd be really depressed right now.
I like your avatar. It's a nice style.
First, a bit of context: I am a self-acknowledged seventeen year old emo.
There’s a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal in one of my classrooms th… moreat never fails to give me a smile when I cast my eyes upon it. Despite his gorgeous presence, I tend to cry out of frustration in maybe three out of four of my Literature classes per week.
These are my favourite three songs: 1, 2, 3
I own too many empty notebooks and briefly-used art supplies, too many blank stacks of post-it notes, too many pens overfilling the drawers of my desk- one could liken this to being given countless opportunities for self-improvement and doing absolutely nothing with them. if one was an emo cunt like me
Being extremely socially inexperienced and withdrawn, I treasure the people who have made an effort to talk to me, even though it may not seem like it. Thank you, those people.
I have recently had one of those pivotal life moments, where time legitimately seems to … [view original content]
Hello! I'm from Kansas (very boring) .
How rude, I grew up in Kansas and I'll have you know the large fields of emptiness and endless road construction where I lived was QUITE exciting, thank you very much.
Game of Thrones really is good. It's pretty underrated in the community here.
I've been listening to game soundtracks for the last year or so. Now that TWD ANF E5 came out I can't get that bloody sad music out of my head.
I'm also not very good at keeping conversations going, as you can see in my previous comments lol.
My name Jeff.
For real, though, my name's Mario ("It's a me, Mario!"), I'm 15 and I'm from Greece. I mainly spend my time watching anime,… more listening to music (mainly jazz, cause goddamn, isn't it good), reading manga, playing games and being on social media. Sometimes, I sing to kill time, I guess.
My favorite game is Fallout: New Vegas while my favorite Telltale game is Game of Thrones. I also have been introduced into Telltale games in 2013 through the first season of The Walking Dead, which was also the first game that made me care about its story and also the first game that made me cry.
Oh, did I ever say that I also spend my time listening to game soundtrack, especially to the soundtrack of the NieR franchise? And how much I love it?
Yeah, I'm not really good at talking about myself.
Sadly, the quality of TTG has been dropping lately. I think they're just rushing to put as many games as possible on those shelves so they can get that sweet money. They don't listen to fans that much often, if they did the games would be ten times better. The only game people seem to quite enjoy shitting on that I don't particularly agree with is TWD ANF. In my opinion it was pretty fun to play as an adult again in a TWD game, it has some interesting choices and it had some cool characters in it.
For example, they throw in a determinant character (Conrad). He can die in multiple ways troughout the season. He can survive to the end of the game and people are still talking shit about Telltale. "They should concentrate on Clem more instead of having Conrad around!" is what they say.
Imagine if Conrad died in episode 3 if you decided not to kill him in episode 2. The forums would be covered in blood and shit from all the outrage.
Moral of the story Telltale, don't start working on new projects before finishing ongoing ones. You might not get as much money as you do, but you would make your fans happy, and happy fans stick around!
I'm a random guy on the internet who likes typing up forum posts, sending them, reading them and on the odd occasion, liking them! I … morelike playing stuff, watching stuff, reading stuff, eating, sleeping, breathing and constantly tagging people in terrible meme posts. I like having a nice cup of covfefe in the morning as I scroll through social media posts.
I'm currently in my gap year trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, as I honestly don't know, I love writing, singing and engaging in arguments but am generally unmotivated and afraid to do them (except for the latter ). All I'm doing at the moment is working and socializing, it's not too bad but I feel unhappy on a daily basis :x
I'm planning to study History, Psychology, Philosophy and English in my first year of University next year, I'm hoping those will help me with my writing, my dream career is being an author and I've got a ton of story ideas but my biggest … [view original content]
My name is Jacob, but most folks call me "Banjo" which is partially where my username comes from. I live in southern West Virginia, USA. I turn 18 tomorrow and I'm a lazy bastard that completely lacks ambition. The question that I still struggle with is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" because I still don't know. I kind of want to be a World History teacher, but I don't think I could deal with the kids. I don't like to argue, so I'd probably be a pushover, and I considering that I just graduated a few weeks ago, I know how kids deal with pushover teachers.
In terms of music, I'd like to say, "I listen to a little bit of everything," but I'd be lying. I don't care for music with non-English lyrics, I think nightcore is dumb, and I can't stand Dubstep. My favorite video game is Halo 3, and my favorite movie, overrated as it may be, is Saving Private Ryan.
Teaching is painful from what I've heard. Definitely not recommended (my sister's been a teacher for the last 3 years).
Being from a non-English speaking country, I also dislike music that's not in English. People over here find me weird but I just think all languages sound stupid in songs except for English.
Also, happy birthday!
My name is Jacob, but most folks call me "Banjo" which is partially where my username comes from. I live in southern West Virginia, USA. I t… moreurn 18 tomorrow and I'm a lazy bastard that completely lacks ambition. The question that I still struggle with is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" because I still don't know. I kind of want to be a World History teacher, but I don't think I could deal with the kids. I don't like to argue, so I'd probably be a pushover, and I considering that I just graduated a few weeks ago, I know how kids deal with pushover teachers.
In terms of music, I'd like to say, "I listen to a little bit of everything," but I'd be lying. I don't care for music with non-English lyrics, I think nightcore is dumb, and I can't stand Dubstep. My favorite video game is Halo 3, and my favorite movie, overrated as it may be, is Saving Private Ryan.
My name is Jacob, but most folks call me "Banjo" which is partially where my username comes from. I live in southern West Virginia, USA. I t… moreurn 18 tomorrow and I'm a lazy bastard that completely lacks ambition. The question that I still struggle with is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" because I still don't know. I kind of want to be a World History teacher, but I don't think I could deal with the kids. I don't like to argue, so I'd probably be a pushover, and I considering that I just graduated a few weeks ago, I know how kids deal with pushover teachers.
In terms of music, I'd like to say, "I listen to a little bit of everything," but I'd be lying. I don't care for music with non-English lyrics, I think nightcore is dumb, and I can't stand Dubstep. My favorite video game is Halo 3, and my favorite movie, overrated as it may be, is Saving Private Ryan.
My name is Caner.
I am 21 years old.
I am living in Istanbul.
I have a sister she is 14.
I know basic Italian and German.
I am a computer engineering student. (If u have any questions about this department please ask me i would like to help)
I worked up on Java for 3 months and know I turned to C# since last month. I wanna work up on C# for my internship.
Coding is fun. You can create whatever you want and it is actually very good. It is upgrading your mental powers and your creativity. I definitely suggest you that you should work on programming languages.
I am an optimistic person. Some of the rigours in my childhood made me grown up and stronger. I tried to attemp to suicide twice but I couldnt force myself to do it. And now, I am glad that I didnt do it.
I love my family. They made so many sacrifices for these days. They did teach me the manners of life and they prepared me for the possible hard days. I am really glad that they are my family.
I dont believe in religions but I believe there is a God.
I am sincere and an amicable person. Friendships are so valuable for me. The person I called as a friend is different that the others. I have no toleration for betrayal and hypocrisy.
Half Life series are the best games I've played for me. I really love Half Life storyline. I found it so successfull. Despite those, I like CS series, CoD series, The Walking Dead series, The Wolf Among Us, GTA series, Need For Speed Series and Football Manager series.
I usually listen pop and electronic musics but I like rock music, too.
Nice to meet you all I hope I have a great company here.
I'm starting to think the road construction will never end, it haunts me in my sleep! I just seen chicken roaming around in a neighbors backyard the other day. Even though I wanted to act surprised because we live in the suburbs, it didn't phase me one bit.
Hello! I'm from Kansas (very boring) .
How rude, I grew up in Kansas and I'll have you know the large fields of emptiness and endless road construction where I lived was QUITE exciting, thank you very much.
I think they'd make more money because more people will enjoy playing a more fleshed out game of theirs, it is nice that they treated Conrad great but personally, I don't think it's enough to justify how they treated all the other determinants - Ava, Kenny, Jane, Edith (if we can class her as one?), etc. To me it just shows that they can treat characters right when we see them develop, when their actions and dialogues differ depending on how we treat them and when we save them, they can actually survive (or if they have to die for the sake of the plot, at least make the time they're alive meaningful and add some effects to the story and characters). We've seen telltale being able to do the things we like to see but they seem to decide against it half the time.
Sadly, the quality of TTG has been dropping lately. I think they're just rushing to put as many games as possible on those shelves so they c… morean get that sweet money. They don't listen to fans that much often, if they did the games would be ten times better. The only game people seem to quite enjoy shitting on that I don't particularly agree with is TWD ANF. In my opinion it was pretty fun to play as an adult again in a TWD game, it has some interesting choices and it had some cool characters in it.
For example, they throw in a determinant character (Conrad). He can die in multiple ways troughout the season. He can survive to the end of the game and people are still talking shit about Telltale. "They should concentrate on Clem more instead of having Conrad around!" is what they say.
Imagine if Conrad died in episode 3 if you decided not to kill him in episode 2. The forums would be covered in blood and shit from all the outrage.
Moral of … [view original content]
First, a bit of context: I am a self-acknowledged seventeen year old emo.
There’s a picture of Jake Gyllenhaal in one of my classrooms th… moreat never fails to give me a smile when I cast my eyes upon it. Despite his gorgeous presence, I tend to cry out of frustration in maybe three out of four of my Literature classes per week.
These are my favourite three songs: 1, 2, 3
I own too many empty notebooks and briefly-used art supplies, too many blank stacks of post-it notes, too many pens overfilling the drawers of my desk- one could liken this to being given countless opportunities for self-improvement and doing absolutely nothing with them. if one was an emo cunt like me
Being extremely socially inexperienced and withdrawn, I treasure the people who have made an effort to talk to me, even though it may not seem like it. Thank you, those people.
I have recently had one of those pivotal life moments, where time legitimately seems to … [view original content]
I completely agree with you. Just look at the Carley/Doug situation from S1. It was sooo well done. The characters had a lot of screen time, Carley would become a love interest and Doug would become a good friend. They both die three episodes later in a meaningful way, their deaths actually affect the story. That's why season 1 was awesome.
I think they'd make more money because more people will enjoy playing a more fleshed out game of theirs, it is nice that they treated Conrad… more great but personally, I don't think it's enough to justify how they treated all the other determinants - Ava, Kenny, Jane, Edith (if we can class her as one?), etc. To me it just shows that they can treat characters right when we see them develop, when their actions and dialogues differ depending on how we treat them and when we save them, they can actually survive (or if they have to die for the sake of the plot, at least make the time they're alive meaningful and add some effects to the story and characters). We've seen telltale being able to do the things we like to see but they seem to decide against it half the time.
Agreed! Although I do feel like Doug got the shorter end of the stick, at least he still had a substantial role and despite the two playing out the same role, they did it very differently in a way that was true to their characters and their deaths weren't the same. I also feel like season one was awesome thanks to a bit of puzzle solving game-play, the little side quests you could do that would have small effects, dynamic relationships - Kenny and Lilly for example don't talk to Lee the same way or act the same way around him depending on how he treated them and others would notice his relationships with the group, plus a hub we could explore and get used to for a bit where we could chat with the characters, get to know them and hear their opinion on what happened etc. was very nice. One last thing, the variations of scenes depending on choices was rather amazing - such as how Lee could handle the Kenny train scenario.
In all honesty, telltale has the ability to give us these things we're asking for, they've done it before and they have the ability to do it again. I mean, all their games have hubs and character conversations, they just have to extend them, they can just add one sequence of puzzle solving each episode, they could record a few new lines and make a few new animations to portray dynamic relationships, they don't even have to add variety to all scenes, just to the important ones that players and critics will focus on and the character development problem can be easily fixed through additional dialogue and animations for each character, they just have to make them a bit consistent now and then. As for determinants, every game they've made so far (post TWD) has a determinant that can survive the entire season (except Batman, I think?) that has a minimal effect, they just need to extend the effect and tie those determinants to the plot, like they did with Carley, Doug and Ben.
Sadly, I'm not sure if they can ever match the quality of their first TWD, but I hope they try in the future. Sorry for the length of the post xD
I completely agree with you. Just look at the Carley/Doug situation from S1. It was sooo well done. The characters had a lot of screen time,… more Carley would become a love interest and Doug would become a good friend. They both die three episodes later in a meaningful way, their deaths actually affect the story. That's why season 1 was awesome.
Ah it's ok here! The weather could be better.
I do admit Kenny does give you the feels, I personally feel bad for him at the end of the s… moreecond season. Like he even acknowledges that he's becoming more and more unstable.
Also anime film I watched recently called A silent voice made me cry three times through out it. If you want a feels train boi that film goes there.
Hello, I am 15 years old, I'm from Virginia (Where I currently live aswell )and I am also in High school. I love food a lot, I have an amazi… moreng appetite yet I still remain pretty skinny.
I really don't do much with my life besides play video games and sometimes go outside and take a walk. One thing I would love to do in the future is to be a teacher ( and no I'm not lying or bullshitting) I love history, I find that to be an very interesting subject to learn. I'm also very awkward and shy in real life (especially around girls)
I've known about telltale since 2012, but I didn't really get into their games until about 2013 and my first game to ever play was The Walking Dead Season one, which is still by far one of my most favorite games ever.
(It's nice to know that there are other 15 year olds here, I'm not alone yay!)
My name's Vlad, but it's better to call me Aron, I'm 18 Years old (10th January) and I'm from Romania.
The game that introduced me to Telltale was Jurassic Park, never played but I did watch it on youtube. After this game, I watched Back to the Future game well. I was first introduced to their TWD series thanks to a classmate of mine who was playing Season 1 on IOS. I bought the game on PS3 (Disc version) and since then, I played every single Telltale's latest installment. Telltale's TWD is also the one which introduced me to the show.
My first game console was Playstation 2. My favourite PS2 games were Bully and Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith (Game).
The Video Game Genres I like the most are with great stories and horror. My favourite story-driven game is Uncharted 2 Among Thieves and my favourite horror game is Resident Evil (Remake). My favourite Video Game characters of all time are Nathan Drake, Jill Valentine and Clementine.
My favourite movie of all time is Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, which is such an unpopular opinion. My favourite superhero movie is Spider-Man 2. My favourite horror movie is A Nightmare on Elm Street.
First off, I like reading longer posts. That's what this discussion is about.
I have to agree, season 1 is unbeatable in my opinion. That' why, in a weird way, I'm happy they won't make a TWAU s2 because they might just ruin the story by adding another (probably shittier) chapter to it. Same goes with TFTB, except they most likely will make a sequel to that one (if you've been following other discussions recently you'd know).
I still haven't played Batman or GotG since I'm not a huge fan of superheroes, I still haven't seen any Batman movies...
Agreed! Although I do feel like Doug got the shorter end of the stick, at least he still had a substantial role and despite the two playing … moreout the same role, they did it very differently in a way that was true to their characters and their deaths weren't the same. I also feel like season one was awesome thanks to a bit of puzzle solving game-play, the little side quests you could do that would have small effects, dynamic relationships - Kenny and Lilly for example don't talk to Lee the same way or act the same way around him depending on how he treated them and others would notice his relationships with the group, plus a hub we could explore and get used to for a bit where we could chat with the characters, get to know them and hear their opinion on what happened etc. was very nice. One last thing, the variations of scenes depending on choices was rather amazing - such as how Lee could handle the Kenny train scenario.
In all honesty, tell… [view original content]
Since you're into coding, maybe you could tell me something about that stuff. Next year I will start learning many programming languages including HTML and C++. I just want to know, is it easy? I'm really interested in that stuff and one of my biggest dreams is to make a video game one day.
Also, if you play CSGO, maybe we could team up. Feel free to add me, my steam nickname is dorky squidword, and on the profile picture is (you guessed it) Squidward from Spongebob.
My name is Caner.
I am 21 years old.
I am living in Istanbul.
I have a sister she is 14.
I know basic Italian and German.
I am a comput… moreer engineering student. (If u have any questions about this department please ask me i would like to help)
I worked up on Java for 3 months and know I turned to C# since last month. I wanna work up on C# for my internship.
Coding is fun. You can create whatever you want and it is actually very good. It is upgrading your mental powers and your creativity. I definitely suggest you that you should work on programming languages.
I am an optimistic person. Some of the rigours in my childhood made me grown up and stronger. I tried to attemp to suicide twice but I couldnt force myself to do it. And now, I am glad that I didnt do it.
I love my family. They made so many sacrifices for these days. They did teach me the manners of life and they prepared me for the possible hard days. I am really glad tha… [view original content]
I've been seeing you on these forums for a looooooong time. It's nice to learn something about you.
Telltale is the one who introduced me to TWD and GoT, since I wasn't into tv shows back then.
I feel like shit now because I still haven't seen any Star Wars or superhero movies. I'm completely unrelatable when it comes to that.
I did like Nightmare on Elm Street though, Freddy was one of my biggest childhood fears.
My name's Vlad, but it's better to call me Aron, I'm 18 Years old (10th January) and I'm from Romania.
The game that introduced me to Tel… moreltale was Jurassic Park, never played but I did watch it on youtube. After this game, I watched Back to the Future game well. I was first introduced to their TWD series thanks to a classmate of mine who was playing Season 1 on IOS. I bought the game on PS3 (Disc version) and since then, I played every single Telltale's latest installment. Telltale's TWD is also the one which introduced me to the show.
My first game console was Playstation 2. My favourite PS2 games were Bully and Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith (Game).
The Video Game Genres I like the most are with great stories and horror. My favourite story-driven game is Uncharted 2 Among Thieves and my favourite horror game is Resident Evil (Remake). My favourite Video Game characters of all time are Nathan Drake, Jill Valentine and Cleme… [view original content]
You're really just going to have to try coding and see if you like it. Some people are really good at it, and some, not so much. It's sort of like writing instructions for someone else to do, but that someone else isn't very smart, so you have to write everything in the right order without assuming they should know what you meant.
Since you're into coding, maybe you could tell me something about that stuff. Next year I will start learning many programming languages inc… moreluding HTML and C++. I just want to know, is it easy? I'm really interested in that stuff and one of my biggest dreams is to make a video game one day.
Also, if you play CSGO, maybe we could team up. Feel free to add me, my steam nickname is dorky squidword, and on the profile picture is (you guessed it) Squidward from Spongebob.
To be honest, I think Batman was very good, probably the best of the 2016 group, as for Game of Thrones, I don't think I want another season to be honest, it's the game that truly shows they can make important characters that are also determinant live to the very end, it actually made me feel like my choices mattered and a surprising amount of variety based on choices throughout (mostly later on though), but I think it suffers from the same thing TWDGS2 did - multiple outcomes, so Telltale will likely butcher the endings of GoT like they did ANF, and it's possible that Season Two is getting a silent cancellation, almost two years since GoTS1 finished and the last bit of news was back in May 2016 I believe and it looks like they've decided to focus on Minecraft: Story Mode again although, to be honest, the later episodes of that were pretty decent.
First off, I like reading longer posts. That's what this discussion is about.
I have to agree, season 1 is unbeatable in my opinion. That'… more why, in a weird way, I'm happy they won't make a TWAU s2 because they might just ruin the story by adding another (probably shittier) chapter to it. Same goes with TFTB, except they most likely will make a sequel to that one (if you've been following other discussions recently you'd know).
I still haven't played Batman or GotG since I'm not a huge fan of superheroes, I still haven't seen any Batman movies...
I worked up on C++ 3 years ago. Since you want to be game programmer, C++ seems like best option so you can work on Unreal Engine. It is not so hard but you gotta pay attention. If you want to be a programmer, you have to make so many practices, write everything you can. You will realize that you will begin to became a master after 1-2 years. And also I suggest you that dont wait next year, start from today.
Last thing : Programming is not about having an ability when you born. Everyone can be a programmer. What makes you good at it is that you gotta do practices and you will be more familiar with methods, objects and other stuff. For example my friend is studying on International Trade but he is learning C# and PHP.
I dont work up on HTML because I am more like interested in application developing and softwares. But I heard that it is easy. It will be a good opportunity to work on it if you want to be a web programmer.
I will add you but I gotta say I am silver elite master I was nova 2 but when I played alone, my some teammates were hackers and my victories deleted cause of that and I played with some stupid Russians who just constantly go alone to B side or long and ended up dead eventually. I will add you know and we can hit some CS:GO My nickname is Corporal Shephard.
Since you're into coding, maybe you could tell me something about that stuff. Next year I will start learning many programming languages inc… moreluding HTML and C++. I just want to know, is it easy? I'm really interested in that stuff and one of my biggest dreams is to make a video game one day.
Also, if you play CSGO, maybe we could team up. Feel free to add me, my steam nickname is dorky squidword, and on the profile picture is (you guessed it) Squidward from Spongebob.
Hi, I'm Matthew. I'm 17 and I live in Los Angeles. I'm originally from Pennsylvania. I have been a fan of Telltale since the first episode of TWD. I love writing, playing games and watching TV/movies.
Well, I've heard that if you're genuinely interested in coding that it can be really easy and I am really interested. I will listen to your advice and I'll start as soon as this semester ends in a few days.
I added you on Steam just now, I'm LE in csgo but we can play some casual from time to time if you want.
I worked up on C++ 3 years ago. Since you want to be game programmer, C++ seems like best option so you can work on Unreal Engine. It is not… more so hard but you gotta pay attention. If you want to be a programmer, you have to make so many practices, write everything you can. You will realize that you will begin to became a master after 1-2 years. And also I suggest you that dont wait next year, start from today.
Last thing : Programming is not about having an ability when you born. Everyone can be a programmer. What makes you good at it is that you gotta do practices and you will be more familiar with methods, objects and other stuff. For example my friend is studying on International Trade but he is learning C# and PHP.
I dont work up on HTML because I am more like interested in application developing and softwares. But I heard that it is easy. It will be a good opportunity to work on it if you want to be a web programmer.
I will add yo… [view original content]
From what I've heard, coding is like puzzles. If you're good at those, coding shouldn't be hard. We had a bit of coding this year in school but not much. It was HTML and I made the best looking website in my class. It looks like it was made in the 90's but shit, I gotta start somewhere.
You're really just going to have to try coding and see if you like it. Some people are really good at it, and some, not so much. It's sort… more of like writing instructions for someone else to do, but that someone else isn't very smart, so you have to write everything in the right order without assuming they should know what you meant.
You and I are gonna be great friends.
How rude, I grew up in Kansas and I'll have you know the large fields of emptiness and endless road construction where I lived was QUITE exciting, thank you very much.
I like waffles.
Merle is such a dick but I love him too lmao
Who doesn't like waffles?
I come from a house too, are we twins or something?
Especially blue waffles, those are my favorite.
I know exactly how you feel. I used to feel like that ever since my dad passed away when I was thirteen until recently when I started being more optimistic. I wouldn't call myself the stereotypical "life is pain" emo or "gimme a moment to slit my wrists" emo. I just get a little existential from time to time while listening to music. School has been screwing me over for the last two years and I have the worst grades in my whole family (even though my average is 4.4/5.0). If it wasn't for dank memes and videogames I'd be really depressed right now.
I like your avatar. It's a nice style.
lmao, I bet it's pretty damn exciting. First place I'm going to after I visit Murica!
Game of Thrones really is good. It's pretty underrated in the community here.
I've been listening to game soundtracks for the last year or so. Now that TWD ANF E5 came out I can't get that bloody sad music out of my head.
I'm also not very good at keeping conversations going, as you can see in my previous comments lol.
tsk tsk tsk
Sadly, the quality of TTG has been dropping lately. I think they're just rushing to put as many games as possible on those shelves so they can get that sweet money. They don't listen to fans that much often, if they did the games would be ten times better. The only game people seem to quite enjoy shitting on that I don't particularly agree with is TWD ANF. In my opinion it was pretty fun to play as an adult again in a TWD game, it has some interesting choices and it had some cool characters in it.
For example, they throw in a determinant character (Conrad). He can die in multiple ways troughout the season. He can survive to the end of the game and people are still talking shit about Telltale. "They should concentrate on Clem more instead of having Conrad around!" is what they say.
Imagine if Conrad died in episode 3 if you decided not to kill him in episode 2. The forums would be covered in blood and shit from all the outrage.
Moral of the story Telltale, don't start working on new projects before finishing ongoing ones. You might not get as much money as you do, but you would make your fans happy, and happy fans stick around!
My name is Jacob, but most folks call me "Banjo" which is partially where my username comes from. I live in southern West Virginia, USA. I turn 18 tomorrow and I'm a lazy bastard that completely lacks ambition. The question that I still struggle with is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" because I still don't know. I kind of want to be a World History teacher, but I don't think I could deal with the kids. I don't like to argue, so I'd probably be a pushover, and I considering that I just graduated a few weeks ago, I know how kids deal with pushover teachers.
In terms of music, I'd like to say, "I listen to a little bit of everything," but I'd be lying. I don't care for music with non-English lyrics, I think nightcore is dumb, and I can't stand Dubstep. My favorite video game is Halo 3, and my favorite movie, overrated as it may be, is Saving Private Ryan.
Teaching is painful from what I've heard. Definitely not recommended (my sister's been a teacher for the last 3 years).
Being from a non-English speaking country, I also dislike music that's not in English. People over here find me weird but I just think all languages sound stupid in songs except for English.
Also, happy birthday!
Same here man, same here...
My name is Caner.
I am 21 years old.
I am living in Istanbul.
I have a sister she is 14.
I know basic Italian and German.
I am a computer engineering student. (If u have any questions about this department please ask me i would like to help)
I worked up on Java for 3 months and know I turned to C# since last month. I wanna work up on C# for my internship.
Coding is fun. You can create whatever you want and it is actually very good. It is upgrading your mental powers and your creativity. I definitely suggest you that you should work on programming languages.
I am an optimistic person. Some of the rigours in my childhood made me grown up and stronger. I tried to attemp to suicide twice but I couldnt force myself to do it. And now, I am glad that I didnt do it.
I love my family. They made so many sacrifices for these days. They did teach me the manners of life and they prepared me for the possible hard days. I am really glad that they are my family.
I dont believe in religions but I believe there is a God.
I am sincere and an amicable person. Friendships are so valuable for me. The person I called as a friend is different that the others. I have no toleration for betrayal and hypocrisy.
Half Life series are the best games I've played for me. I really love Half Life storyline. I found it so successfull. Despite those, I like CS series, CoD series, The Walking Dead series, The Wolf Among Us, GTA series, Need For Speed Series and Football Manager series.
I usually listen pop and electronic musics but I like rock music, too.
Nice to meet you all
I hope I have a great company here.
Yes! can't wait to start this awesome friendship
I'm starting to think the road construction will never end, it haunts me in my sleep! I just seen chicken roaming around in a neighbors backyard the other day. Even though I wanted to act surprised because we live in the suburbs, it didn't phase me one bit.
NO!!! AVOID IT AT ALL COST!!! haha go somewhere cool!
I think they'd make more money because more people will enjoy playing a more fleshed out game of theirs, it is nice that they treated Conrad great but personally, I don't think it's enough to justify how they treated all the other determinants - Ava, Kenny, Jane, Edith (if we can class her as one?), etc. To me it just shows that they can treat characters right when we see them develop, when their actions and dialogues differ depending on how we treat them and when we save them, they can actually survive (or if they have to die for the sake of the plot, at least make the time they're alive meaningful and add some effects to the story and characters). We've seen telltale being able to do the things we like to see but they seem to decide against it half the time.
I am Megumin, user of the finest magic crimson demons possess! My lethal magic demolishes mountains, smashes boulders...
People are over-rated. Get a pet. Nothing wrong with that.
Unless you choose fish.
No sane person lives with just fish.
I completely agree with you. Just look at the Carley/Doug situation from S1. It was sooo well done. The characters had a lot of screen time, Carley would become a love interest and Doug would become a good friend. They both die three episodes later in a meaningful way, their deaths actually affect the story. That's why season 1 was awesome.
Agreed! Although I do feel like Doug got the shorter end of the stick, at least he still had a substantial role and despite the two playing out the same role, they did it very differently in a way that was true to their characters and their deaths weren't the same. I also feel like season one was awesome thanks to a bit of puzzle solving game-play, the little side quests you could do that would have small effects, dynamic relationships - Kenny and Lilly for example don't talk to Lee the same way or act the same way around him depending on how he treated them and others would notice his relationships with the group, plus a hub we could explore and get used to for a bit where we could chat with the characters, get to know them and hear their opinion on what happened etc. was very nice. One last thing, the variations of scenes depending on choices was rather amazing - such as how Lee could handle the Kenny train scenario.
In all honesty, telltale has the ability to give us these things we're asking for, they've done it before and they have the ability to do it again. I mean, all their games have hubs and character conversations, they just have to extend them, they can just add one sequence of puzzle solving each episode, they could record a few new lines and make a few new animations to portray dynamic relationships, they don't even have to add variety to all scenes, just to the important ones that players and critics will focus on and the character development problem can be easily fixed through additional dialogue and animations for each character, they just have to make them a bit consistent now and then. As for determinants, every game they've made so far (post TWD) has a determinant that can survive the entire season (except Batman, I think?) that has a minimal effect, they just need to extend the effect and tie those determinants to the plot, like they did with Carley, Doug and Ben.
Sadly, I'm not sure if they can ever match the quality of their first TWD, but I hope they try in the future. Sorry for the length of the post xD
i don't. i prefer pancakes.
Yeah, the rains were horrible. But I was kinda glad to get away from hotness for a while.
Thanks, I might as well check it out. I belong to that kind of people who apparently enjoy going through feel trains even if it hurts so much.
The music at David's death scene was also heartwrenching ;_;
Nice to see more Russian people here
My name's Vlad, but it's better to call me Aron, I'm 18 Years old (10th January) and I'm from Romania.
The game that introduced me to Telltale was Jurassic Park, never played but I did watch it on youtube. After this game, I watched Back to the Future game well. I was first introduced to their TWD series thanks to a classmate of mine who was playing Season 1 on IOS. I bought the game on PS3 (Disc version) and since then, I played every single Telltale's latest installment. Telltale's TWD is also the one which introduced me to the show.
My first game console was Playstation 2. My favourite PS2 games were Bully and Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith (Game).
The Video Game Genres I like the most are with great stories and horror. My favourite story-driven game is Uncharted 2 Among Thieves and my favourite horror game is Resident Evil (Remake). My favourite Video Game characters of all time are Nathan Drake, Jill Valentine and Clementine.
My favourite movie of all time is Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, which is such an unpopular opinion. My favourite superhero movie is Spider-Man 2. My favourite horror movie is A Nightmare on Elm Street.
First off, I like reading longer posts. That's what this discussion is about.
I have to agree, season 1 is unbeatable in my opinion. That' why, in a weird way, I'm happy they won't make a TWAU s2 because they might just ruin the story by adding another (probably shittier) chapter to it. Same goes with TFTB, except they most likely will make a sequel to that one (if you've been following other discussions recently you'd know).
I still haven't played Batman or GotG since I'm not a huge fan of superheroes, I still haven't seen any Batman movies...
Since you're into coding, maybe you could tell me something about that stuff. Next year I will start learning many programming languages including HTML and C++. I just want to know, is it easy? I'm really interested in that stuff and one of my biggest dreams is to make a video game one day.
Also, if you play CSGO, maybe we could team up. Feel free to add me, my steam nickname is dorky squidword, and on the profile picture is (you guessed it) Squidward from Spongebob.
I've been seeing you on these forums for a looooooong time. It's nice to learn something about you.
Telltale is the one who introduced me to TWD and GoT, since I wasn't into tv shows back then.
I feel like shit now because I still haven't seen any Star Wars or superhero movies. I'm completely unrelatable when it comes to that.
I did like Nightmare on Elm Street though, Freddy was one of my biggest childhood fears.
You're really just going to have to try coding and see if you like it. Some people are really good at it, and some, not so much. It's sort of like writing instructions for someone else to do, but that someone else isn't very smart, so you have to write everything in the right order without assuming they should know what you meant.
To be honest, I think Batman was very good, probably the best of the 2016 group, as for Game of Thrones, I don't think I want another season to be honest, it's the game that truly shows they can make important characters that are also determinant live to the very end, it actually made me feel like my choices mattered and a surprising amount of variety based on choices throughout (mostly later on though), but I think it suffers from the same thing TWDGS2 did - multiple outcomes, so Telltale will likely butcher the endings of GoT like they did ANF, and it's possible that Season Two is getting a silent cancellation, almost two years since GoTS1 finished and the last bit of news was back in May 2016 I believe and it looks like they've decided to focus on Minecraft: Story Mode again
although, to be honest, the later episodes of that were pretty decent.
I worked up on C++ 3 years ago. Since you want to be game programmer, C++ seems like best option so you can work on Unreal Engine. It is not so hard but you gotta pay attention. If you want to be a programmer, you have to make so many practices, write everything you can. You will realize that you will begin to became a master after 1-2 years. And also I suggest you that dont wait next year, start from today.
Last thing : Programming is not about having an ability when you born. Everyone can be a programmer. What makes you good at it is that you gotta do practices and you will be more familiar with methods, objects and other stuff. For example my friend is studying on International Trade but he is learning C# and PHP.
I dont work up on HTML because I am more like interested in application developing and softwares. But I heard that it is easy. It will be a good opportunity to work on it if you want to be a web programmer.
I will add you but I gotta say I am silver elite master
I was nova 2 but when I played alone, my some teammates were hackers and my victories deleted cause of that and I played with some stupid Russians who just constantly go alone to B side or long and ended up dead eventually. I will add you know and we can hit some CS:GO
My nickname is Corporal Shephard.
Hi, I'm Matthew. I'm 17 and I live in Los Angeles. I'm originally from Pennsylvania. I have been a fan of Telltale since the first episode of TWD. I love writing, playing games and watching TV/movies.
Well, I've heard that if you're genuinely interested in coding that it can be really easy and I am really interested. I will listen to your advice and I'll start as soon as this semester ends in a few days.
I added you on Steam just now, I'm LE in csgo but we can play some casual from time to time if you want.
From what I've heard, coding is like puzzles. If you're good at those, coding shouldn't be hard. We had a bit of coding this year in school but not much. It was HTML and I made the best looking website in my class. It looks like it was made in the 90's but shit, I gotta start somewhere.