The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Well for Windows 7 you can watch this tutorial on YouTuber. But don't let the title fool you, this can be used for Windows 8 and 10 as well.

    If you're using an earlier version of Windows like XP or Vista then... I don't know, get a new computer.

    how does one fix a calendar

  • PLEASE say it was on Judge Judy.

    Johro posted: »

    I get the privilege of going to court before work today/tomorrow. Joy. As a witness by the way. Stupid subpoena.

  • should've put it on Ellie

    Lol. Xactly

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Just got me a new avatar. Cropped it myself! Here's the full image if anyone's interested: Pretty weird, right? Just got the idea

  • edited June 2017

    Hey everyone! Little question here:
    How do you change the profile photo to one that belongs to you?
    please answer me

  • Old video, basic concept still applies:

    MegaXD posted: »

    Hey everyone! Little question here: How do you change the profile photo to one that belongs to you? please answer me

  • Thanks I really needed to know :)

    Old video, basic concept still applies:

  • No. My part was cancelled though. The fellow pleaded guilty.

    colbyjack posted: »

    PLEASE say it was on Judge Judy.

  • I don't think the line:

    "Every time it rains, I get wet"

    Has the double meaning the writer was going for.

    Joke 20 years too late.

  • So my dad showed me how to play poker tonight.

  • edited June 2017

    A whole bunch of new info on Assassin's Creed: Origins has been leaked! I got the info from here. There's a few things I didn't mention that weren't particularly worth mentioning regarding controls and some other minor changes.

    • Development started before Unity
    • There is a brand new fighting system
    • New A.I
    • No minimap, but an Elder Scrolls style compass at the top
    • You can crouch
    • Eagle vision subtlety highlights objects and not enemies
    • Takes place during the ascent and reign of Cleopatra
    • You can climb "everything" in the game
    • There will be large and small cities with landmarks including Memphis and Alexandria
    • There will be a controllable eagle
    • There is a day and night cycle and NPC's will have schedules including eating, sleeping, working and "the call of nature"
    • A.I no longer takes turns when attacking
    • The new combat system is more hitbox driven
    • There is treasure that you can find in the depths of the water
    • A new gear system that allows you to improve specific parts of gear by crafting materials
    • A leveling system that caps at 40
    • The main character is Bayek, the founder of the Brotherhood.
    • He will not be the only playable character
    • You can no longer one hit enemies who are more powerful than you with your hidden blade
    • Puzzles are back and are more challenging, they also have less switches
    • There are gladiator battles in arenas

    The release date will be October 27th.

    There's also this nice poster here.

  • so yesterday i finally got a job. one that'll be paying well, and shortly after getting that job i started having a panic attack realizing i had a job and i'm going to be an adult soon, meanwhile every possible thing that could go wrong did go wrong.

    but i got 8 hours of sleep for the first time in months so i'm pretty content tbh

  • Congrats on the job! You'll be less nervous once you get into the swing of things.

    so yesterday i finally got a job. one that'll be paying well, and shortly after getting that job i started having a panic attack realizing i

  • Excellent my friend. Now why don't you try and beat Claptrap in Poker Night 2™, the greatest poker game ever invented? This was totally not paid for by any company or anything.

    (Seriously it's really fun and funny, you should give it a try, I even have a clip)

    So my dad showed me how to play poker tonight.

  • please be for old consoles please be for old consoles please be for old consoles

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A whole bunch of new info on Assassin's Creed: Origins has been leaked! I got the info from here. There's a few things I didn't mention that

  • edited June 2017

    I liked the first one better. Just wish it had controller support as well.

    C'mon Telltale. People whom play poker like to use as little energy and effort as humanly possible!

    Excellent my friend. Now why don't you try and beat Claptrap in Poker Night 2™, the greatest poker game ever invented? This was totally not

  • edited June 2017

    Trying out Gears of War 4 finally, and its giving me Force Awakens vibes. Its that feeling of doing something for the first time in a while, making you feel like an old veteran with experience in a game that you enjoyed.


    (sigh) Just how I remember it...

  • Well, according to Unity and Syndicate, it pretty much will be for the new consoles. Too bad.

    please be for old consoles please be for old consoles please be for old consoles

  • So it takes place before the events of the original Assassin's Creed according to the title?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A whole bunch of new info on Assassin's Creed: Origins has been leaked! I got the info from here. There's a few things I didn't mention that

  • Since it takes place during the reign of Cleopatra, it's pretty obvious.

    AronDracula posted: »

    So it takes place before the events of the original Assassin's Creed according to the title?

  • What I mean is that if it takes place before the events of Desmond's story, outside the Animus.

    Pipas posted: »

    Since it takes place during the reign of Cleopatra, it's pretty obvious.

  • enter image description here

    AronDracula posted: »

    Well, according to Unity and Syndicate, it pretty much will be for the new consoles. Too bad.

  • so EA's conference unsurprisingly sucks dick. although this game did catch my eye

  • when EA's conference ended I was just thinking "was that it??" like we get it star wars is cool and all but can you show us something that isn't star wars for more than 5 minutes?

  • I don't give two shits about EA but this trailer caught my attention. That's because I'm a Star Wars fan. I didn't like the first EA Battlefront but it seems they learned from their mistakes.

    Kind of amazing how a lot of people hate the Prequel Trilogy, they just forget it's one of the reasons why the old Battlefront games are awesome and why the Battlefront Reboot sucked.

    They also confirmed that it will have free DLC, no Season Pass at all. I'll definitely buy it but I have to wait for the reviews.

  • edited June 2017

    It looks really good. The graphics are a bit eh but I don't give a shit as long as the story and gameplay end up worth it.

    so EA's conference unsurprisingly sucks dick. although this game did catch my eye

  • edited June 2017

    The prequels is the reason why one of my friends hates star wars

    Edit: And I am not a prequel hater btw

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't give two shits about EA but this trailer caught my attention. That's because I'm a Star Wars fan. I didn't like the first EA Battlef

  • Well, too bad

    joshua007 posted: »

    The prequels is the reason why one of my friends hates star wars Edit: And I am not a prequel hater btw

  • Just shh, hang on. Take a deep breath. Give it time. Don't fall for EA's bullshit, man. Wait for those reviews like you said.

    I won't deny that the game looks good but just remember the company behind it, and the EA bullshit they usually pull.

    They can typically slip through the cracks at E3, but sooner or later, the EA bullshit is gonna rear it's ugly head, even if its on launch day. SOMETHING will go wrong.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't give two shits about EA but this trailer caught my attention. That's because I'm a Star Wars fan. I didn't like the first EA Battlef

  • edited June 2017

    There will be a controllable eagle

    The flying fuck how does that even work!? I call bullshit this is the Animus or Helix whatever it's called this week, the rules are simple and made. Reliving the life of your ancestor not placing your mind in a Eagle. (Remember I know the expanded universe)

    He will not be the only playable character

    I hope they do that better than Syndicate this time around

    The main character is Bayek, the founder of the Brotherhood.

    This is really interesting for a lord nerd as me but I don't see the point without the Modern Arc ooh well still will be interesting.

    Everything else sounds good

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A whole bunch of new info on Assassin's Creed: Origins has been leaked! I got the info from here. There's a few things I didn't mention that

  • Well, Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 were successful which means it's still a chance. First Battlefront game's major issues were the lack of content and being forced to pay much more. Like I said, they did confirm Season Pass won't be included. And yes, I will buy it if only it gets great reviews.

    Just shh, hang on. Take a deep breath. Give it time. Don't fall for EA's bullshit, man. Wait for those reviews like you said. I won't den

  • Oke I think about making a Assassin's Creed 2 review because AC2 is a topic here people can argue over so I will sacrifice my soul and feed for it and I grew up with this series so I am sure I can do this

  • edited June 2017

    So I really don't like my NEW therapist

  • I had a lot of the same worries about fucking up, especially since I can't see well. You'll do fine. Treat your coworkers well and they'll cut you plenty of slack if things go wrong.

    so yesterday i finally got a job. one that'll be paying well, and shortly after getting that job i started having a panic attack realizing i

  • EA Originals

    Prison Break: The Game.

    so EA's conference unsurprisingly sucks dick. although this game did catch my eye

  • basically. silly ea.

    papai46 posted: »

    EA Originals Prison Break: The Game.

  • Cool! What'll you be working as?

    so yesterday i finally got a job. one that'll be paying well, and shortly after getting that job i started having a panic attack realizing i

  • working the register.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Cool! What'll you be working as?

  • Lol I still have hardly any idea what I'm doing. It was mostly luck that I won two hands lol

    Excellent my friend. Now why don't you try and beat Claptrap in Poker Night 2™, the greatest poker game ever invented? This was totally not

  • For old consoles

    it's 2017 my dude, get with the times.

    please be for old consoles please be for old consoles please be for old consoles

  • Why would it? The Animus can simulate any place in time.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What I mean is that if it takes place before the events of Desmond's story, outside the Animus.

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