The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Damn, register workers are well paid in the USA?

    working the register.

  • [removed]

    joshua007 posted: »

    So I really don't like my NEW therapist

  • I lost my finger today. But it's fine, I'm fine. It's not like it hurt or anything but it's cool.

  • not sure yet, haven't started the job. i'd be doing more than working the register though. i'm also cleanup.

    papai46 posted: »

    Damn, register workers are well paid in the USA?

  • ... Wait what? What happened?

    colbyjack posted: »

    I lost my finger today. But it's fine, I'm fine. It's not like it hurt or anything but it's cool.

  • What the fuck? Which finger? Are you really alright?

    colbyjack posted: »

    I lost my finger today. But it's fine, I'm fine. It's not like it hurt or anything but it's cool.

  • I need information

    colbyjack posted: »

    I lost my finger today. But it's fine, I'm fine. It's not like it hurt or anything but it's cool.

  • Leave this for the other thread, please.

    papai46 posted: »

    For old consoles it's 2017 my dude, get with the times.

  • That's one of the things that put me off getting a job last year (still currently unemployed). Judging from your post I'd guess you're pretty young, so I'd imagine that they'd give you some training and let you ease into things.

    so yesterday i finally got a job. one that'll be paying well, and shortly after getting that job i started having a panic attack realizing i

  • i'm 17 and a half so yeah i'm pretty young.

    it's a family business so they're obviously giving me training, but it's still terrifying. i'm horrible at talking to people, trying to be kind and speak to complete strangers for the sake of sales fucks with my anxiety so bad.

    That's one of the things that put me off getting a job last year (still currently unemployed). Judging from your post I'd guess you're pretty young, so I'd imagine that they'd give you some training and let you ease into things.

  • whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • I was trying to fix a blade on my tractor, and as I tested the turn of the blades, my finger was too close and my right index finger was completely ripped off. No saving it. I didn't even feel it until I saw all the blood. I've been to the hospital and such; it's all bandaged. Advice: always make sure someone is there to help you when you work on machinery. It could have been so much worse.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    ... Wait what? What happened?

  • My right index. Yes, I'm fine now, thank you for your concern. :) I just learned a valuable lesson. It was very scary though.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What the fuck? Which finger? Are you really alright?

  • Basically, it was caused by lack of attention when tending to a blade on a mower. I didn't feel it, but as soon as I saw it it hurt like hell. I tried to find the finger, but it was mush. I had to do some makeshift bandaging then ran to the hospital. I learned a very important lesson today.

    I need information

  • Jesus that's some shit right there. RIP your finger. You alright now?

    colbyjack posted: »

    I was trying to fix a blade on my tractor, and as I tested the turn of the blades, my finger was too close and my right index finger was com

  • @TheAutisticGamer every day spidey strays further from god's light.

  • what the fuck
    this meme is becoming more and more true
    enter image description here

    @TheAutisticGamer every day spidey strays further from god's light.

  • Spider-Man is getting worse every movie
    Flash is the best superhero

    what the fuck this meme is becoming more and more true

  • I've got an issue with a friend at school and I was hoping some people here can help me (posting here because there's no help or advice thread.

    So I'm in Year 11 now (school year starts in February in Australia) and I have a friend who I've known for a couple years, but never really talked to much until last year since we shared a class together. We got along well but drifted apart during last year, and since then there have been phases of getting along well and then not talking.

    Things got a lot worse when I snapped at her over Facebook. I'd had a fight with my dad earlier and I just got sick of wondering if this girl actually wanted me around or not so I sent her a message saying that she should have said if she didn't want to talk to me. I apologized to her later and thought that things were fine but every time I tried to talk to her afterwards it seemed like she didn't want to talk to me. In March this year she said she didn't want to talk to me because it scares her when I get angry and she doesn't want to be in those situations anymore. We haven't spoken since then. I've had some issues with anxiety and stress since last year which I never told her about, and lately I've been wondering if her opinion would change if I told her the truth. I have another close friend who thinks I should try to talk to her, but I'm worried that she'll reject me and that I'll make things worse at school (most of my friends are closer to her than they are to me and if they had to ditch one of us then they'd probably ditch me).

    Basically I want to talk to her even if it is just so that we can respect each other. I'm worried though that she'll just get angry at me and that it'll cause drama at school.

  • There actually is a help thread if you wanna ask there, but posting this here is okay too.

    Here is the link to the Rant/Help thread I mentioned if you are interested:

    I've got an issue with a friend at school and I was hoping some people here can help me (posting here because there's no help or advice thre

  • Thanks. Wasn't sure if it belonged in the Vent thread.

    There actually is a help thread if you wanna ask there, but posting this here is okay too. Here is the link to the Rant/Help thread I mentioned if you are interested:

  • Tell her the truth. About your anxiety and stress, that you want to talk to her again and explain everything to her the way you explained here, she will hopefully understand. :)
    Hope I have helped with something

    I've got an issue with a friend at school and I was hoping some people here can help me (posting here because there's no help or advice thre

  • Thanks. I've written her a letter which I plan on sending to her over Facebook (not gonna approach her in person because I don't want to make her uncomfortable).

    MegaXD posted: »

    Tell her the truth. About your anxiety and stress, that you want to talk to her again and explain everything to her the way you explained here, she will hopefully understand. Hope I have helped with something

  • I would tell the truth... but I'm also miles away from the High School situation.
    If you want to keep talking, if you want to be friends... Tell her that.
    Tell her you were dealing with some issues. Tell her you know that doesn't excuse yourself. Tell her you regret it. Tell her it's eating at you.

    It might not fix things. She will probably still need time to digest it. Just say what you need to say, thank her for hearing you out, then give her space.

    Give her all the information and how you're feeling. Let the situation reside in her hands after that. You did what you could and if she doesn't want to be friends after, then that's how it is. No regrets.

    Keep in mind that I'm the guy whom could never figure out, nor understand, the whole "girls like assholes" thing. So maybe I don't know best.

    I've got an issue with a friend at school and I was hoping some people here can help me (posting here because there's no help or advice thre

  • Today I learned of Alexis Texas, a porn star.

    My name is Alexis. My elementary school librarian used to call me Alexis Texas, even though I was born in fucking Japan and grew up in Virginia.


  • The single player campaign in this and the game A Way Out is what I'll keep my eyes on from what was shown at EA's conference.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I don't give two shits about EA but this trailer caught my attention. That's because I'm a Star Wars fan. I didn't like the first EA Battlef

  • But still, that's some fucked up shit. It wouldn't have been a big deal if you lost the ring finger instead, cause it's the most useless finger in my point of view.

    colbyjack posted: »

    My right index. Yes, I'm fine now, thank you for your concern. I just learned a valuable lesson. It was very scary though.

  • So, you're secretly a porn star?

    Today I learned of Alexis Texas, a porn star. My name is Alexis. My elementary school librarian used to call me Alexis Texas, even though I was born in fucking Japan and grew up in Virginia. WTF

  • Holy shit. Glad you're gonna be ok.

    colbyjack posted: »

    I lost my finger today. But it's fine, I'm fine. It's not like it hurt or anything but it's cool.

  • My condolences.

    I hope things will work out in the future.

    colbyjack posted: »

    I lost my finger today. But it's fine, I'm fine. It's not like it hurt or anything but it's cool.

  • Yes, there's little to no pain at the ruptured area.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Jesus that's some shit right there. RIP your finger. You alright now?

  • Thanks fam <3

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Holy shit. Glad you're gonna be ok.

  • Me too. Thank you :)

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    My condolences. I hope things will work out in the future.

  • Apparently so.

    So, you're secretly a porn star?

  • So there I was eating dinner, and while chewing I felt something hard in my mouth and spit to find a centimeter of one of the prongs from the plastic fork I was using.

    But when I looked to inspect my fork I found that two pieces of prong were missing. So it seems that I have swallowed about a couple millimeters of plastic fork.

    I should probably chew my food properly from now.

  • I wouldn't be too worried. It'll pass through a bowel movement. I just wouldn't do it all the time XD

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So there I was eating dinner, and while chewing I felt something hard in my mouth and spit to find a centimeter of one of the prongs from th

  • Maybe your elementary school librarian decided to go into porn and used her nickname for you as inspiration.

    Today I learned of Alexis Texas, a porn star. My name is Alexis. My elementary school librarian used to call me Alexis Texas, even though I was born in fucking Japan and grew up in Virginia. WTF

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