The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • The Wolf Among Us 2, where are you?
    Telltale got some work to do now

    Tales From The Borderlands 2, where are you?
    Telltale needs some help from you now


    captainivy1 posted: »

    Woow. Job really did some hinting on that stream. 'Things you asked for a very long time is getting closer' or something like that. Wolf, Borderlands, pre-TWD games... What do you guys think?

  • atta boy

    Deltino posted: »

    As per request: @Ironwoodlover is a giant butt sucker you suck do you hear me YOU SUCK

  • "Some of the things you have been asking for a LONG time is coming closer"

    -expects Poker Night 3-

    -gets SpongeBob: The Telltale Series-

    This is what Job said (approximately): "Some of the things you have been asking for a LONG time is coming closer" "This year you'll be very happy" "Mostly fans of mature rated Telltale games" "this year will be a good year"

  • cheeto

    "Some of the things you have been asking for a LONG time is coming closer" -expects Poker Night 3- -gets SpongeBob: The Telltale Series-

  • cute.

    papai46 posted: »

    Projecting much?

  • is it against forum guidelines to abandon this account and make a new one? i wouldn't be hiding my identity, i'm just sick of my notifcations being stuck at 1 and i don't like my username.

  • yo. don't talk shit about geoff keighley

    AronDracula posted: »

    Because you have that douchebag (I forgot his name) from The Game Awards as your profile pic.

  • I don't like your username either.

    is it against forum guidelines to abandon this account and make a new one? i wouldn't be hiding my identity, i'm just sick of my notifcations being stuck at 1 and i don't like my username.

  • glad we finally agree on something

    papai46 posted: »

    I don't like your username either.

  • So maybe Anthem won't just be an online multiplayer game?

    enter image description here

    The lead designer posted this. Right when he posted the reply, the GM of Bioware told him to be careful what he says. This was the only question he has answered so far.

    Okay. Maybe I haven't completely written it off...until I get more info(you can technically play The Old Republic solo...but don't bother).

  • 3 majorly disappointing conferences in a row.

    sony, steam and nintendo need to save this shit show.

  • So fucking excited for Metro: Exodus! Absolutely loved the first two!

    Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and Evil Within 2 look pretty good as well :D

  • edited June 2017

    The PC Gaming show is never good(and I'm a PC gamer. I've regretted sitting through the last two years of it).

    Devolver's comedy skit conference was good. Even if it was just a massive troll. I need to find out who that woman was. She sold that.

    3 majorly disappointing conferences in a row. sony, steam and nintendo need to save this shit show.

  • Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

    I flipped out when I saw the trailer. I absolutely loved The New Order but I still need to play The Old Blood DLC. Also, I KNEW HE WAS ALIVE!!!!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So fucking excited for Metro: Exodus! Absolutely loved the first two! Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and Evil Within 2 look pretty good as well

  • edited June 2017


    lupinb0y posted: »

    So fucking excited for Metro: Exodus! Absolutely loved the first two! Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and Evil Within 2 look pretty good as well

  • Daily dose of megu

  • With a random added bonus of anta baka

    Megumin posted: »

    Daily dose of megu

  • I swear, the people playing TLoU multiplayer are some of the most immature brats I have ever encountered.

    Here's a tale: I was playing earlier and got called a "dirty fucking c**t" by someone I killed because I guess you aren't supposed to do that? Guess I've been playing wrong for years.

    If it makes them feel better, I wasn't planning on killing them; I was trying to create a diversion so I could run and unintentionally killed them in the process.

    I love people.

  • i respect your opinion despite heavily disagreeing with it in every way, and i am very happy you're exciting for a new release.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I feel like I'm the only one who is excited for this game. Don't flip out, please. I know, I know. Kojima is not involved in this game

  • these forums don't have a kappa emoji or a passive aggressive think emoji. what the fuck. blind, i demand satisfaction

  • edited June 2017

    Wolfenstein II gave me a pretty strong Fallout vibe, even though I haven't played the Fallout games, I really like their visuals. Wolfenstein The New Order was phenomenal, so hopefully this will be great as well, and I really like the Metro games.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So fucking excited for Metro: Exodus! Absolutely loved the first two! Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and Evil Within 2 look pretty good as well

  • [SIGH....]
    Those are the worst. I hate them, but I take pleasure in the fact that to me, those are basically empty threats and insults. They don't know me, and if they don't like the way I play, or respect that some players have differing skill levels that others too bad for them.

    One such story of mine is: I was having a very bad game. I wasn't getting downs or kills, and was being sniped about 70% of the time by a master sharpshooter.[along with others on my team]. One guy on my team (who was doing really well) had his mic on and was complaining the entire time whenever someone died. "Check behind you!!" "Don't save him, shoot the other guys!" things like that.
    We were at the end of our lives, me and him vs. A respawn count of 6 on the enemy team. We spawn in, and he immediately throws two bombs at his feet and kills himself, leaving me alone... He won't even try to win anymore (which I think he could have, if he stayed!)
    What a coward.

    But don't worry, for every 3 of those people, you get one of me! I'm at least pretty competent in the game and respect others' playstyles..

    I swear, the people playing TLoU multiplayer are some of the most immature brats I have ever encountered. Here's a tale: I was playi

  • enter image description here

    these forums don't have a kappa emoji or a passive aggressive think emoji. what the fuck. blind, i demand satisfaction

  • If I was in charge of that, I would help you out there. I'd also go all out and add a lot of other custom ones.

    and don't forget the peach emoji

    these forums don't have a kappa emoji or a passive aggressive think emoji. what the fuck. blind, i demand satisfaction


  • It's for Mario and Rabbids though >__>


  • The gameplay for Spider-Man PS4 looked SO FUCKING GOOD!

    Goddammit why does it have to be an exclusive!?

  • sony's conference was trash lol


  • Man, nothing these developers do will ever make you happy will it? :P

    So what did you not like about it? Was it just that none of the games really interested you?

    sony's conference was trash lol

  • Oh a lot of things in E3 this year impressed me. But like all of the conferences sucked.

    Also it was VERY underwhelming compared to last year. Last year it was amazing but this year it sucked. I'm also very disappointed in how Spiderman looks.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Man, nothing these developers do will ever make you happy will it? :P So what did you not like about it? Was it just that none of the games really interested you?

  • edited June 2017

    double post hype

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Man, nothing these developers do will ever make you happy will it? :P So what did you not like about it? Was it just that none of the games really interested you?

  • I guess that's fair. I really liked Ubisoft and Sony's conferences though honestly.

    And I LOVED the Spider-Man gameplay. My only qualm with it was that there were too many QTE's.

    Oh a lot of things in E3 this year impressed me. But like all of the conferences sucked. Also it was VERY underwhelming compared to last year. Last year it was amazing but this year it sucked. I'm also very disappointed in how Spiderman looks.

  • Better for them to take more time developing than them releasing it and it being trash.

    Silver linings, man.


  • edited June 2017

    So, I went to see the Playstation E3 experience (where you go and watch the conference in a theater, with a whole bunch of other fans) It was my first time; And it was incredible. The amount of hype I felt with all those people cheering alongside me was awesome.
    The ticket said the event would go from 8:00 till 11:00 here, but it only went until about 10:10pm. I feel like we missed something, but the conference did end around 10:00.. So it might have just been a time mixup.

    First of all, my theater did have some issues in the start of the conference. First, we had the Pre-show. That was fine. Then, when the actual presentation started, they took a while to dim the lights in the theater. Also, the first two trailers (Horizon and Uncharted) both had extremely low sound. So, I kind of had to look those up later, to understand what was being said and all that.

    Secondly, the game reveals. Wow. It wasn't as good as last year, (WE MISSED TLOU2, SONY. WHERE IS IT?) but what we were offered here was still great.

    • In the pre-show, everything was forgettable except for Undertale on PS4. That was an amazing treat to see. Mind Blown.
    • Days Gone looks really interesting. Cool Last Of Us-y, open world, stealth action zombie game. (I really like those huge hordes they have!) I am excited for that, as the previous trailer last year was too much of a hype-building chase scene for me. Too much running, not enough of showing what the game can do, and what you do in it.
    • new Monster Hunter was revealed. I don't know the series, but I guess it must be pretty popular, as everyone in the theater exploded with cries of excitement, in the first 10 seconds of the trailer. They immediately recognised the huge sword, I guess. Is Monster Hunter a Nintendo exclusive game, as of yet? I've heard of it before, but this iteration seemed like a really, really big deal.
    • Shadow of the Colossus looks stunning. I think I was one of the first few in the theater to notice what the trailer was based on that opening shot of the castle and bridge. I screamed out "Shadow of the Colossus!!" the moment I understood what that landscape was. Two guys behind me actually congratulated me after the trailer for my prediction. But yeah, Colossus! Full-on Remaster! Looks so good!
    • Call of Duty... looks interesting. But, I don't play that series. I don't have many comments about it. Also, it just seems to be trying to catch up to Battlefield 1's hype horse.
    • Huge reveal of VR games. Not all stunning, but they were intriguing. Final Fantasy fishing (lol AW YEAH!), Bravo Team (some fps like Farpoint) were kind of lackluster, but Skyrim VR (I don't, and have never played Skyrim... I don't even have a VR machine) was still very interesting. Lots of people were pleased about that. This creepy Mental Asylum game "Inpatient". I swear this is some sort of Until Dawn prequel. The outside of that "Sanatorium" looks just like the dilapidated one in Until Dawn... For other VR games, you have Star Child-- some Robo-futuristic sidescroller in VR (I assume you an lean in and out to look at things more closely.. not much VR-ness was shown in the trailer, honestly.) and also Moss: some Stuart Little Tomb Raider thing, where you control a mouse in third person, you solve puzzles, and venture into dungeons.
    • I'm not into the God of War series, but what I saw looked cool. Interesting, grounded premise for the series so far.
    • Detroit Become Human was.... pretty interesting. We had a reveal of a new character who wants lo lead a robot uprising, some nice story details and cool world building (techno-hologram graffiti!) Looks to be better than Beyond:TS, that's for sure.
    • Aaaand the man of the hour: Spider-Man. It looks promising. Fnally some good gameplay with stealth, cool Spidey-gadgets, and combat. Yes, it is very Arkham-y, but it has that Spider-Man flair. Spidey Sense, cool webshooting takedowns in combat (sticking enemies to walls, for instance) and acrobatics that we all love. Lots of QTE's, but I'm okay with them. (C'mon. I play Telltale Games! I'm used to these things!) Plus, while it may have been a few too many, they did look really cinematic and fluid. The one strong gripe I have with the gameplay is the possible return of "Sky-Swinging". This is where Spidey's webs do not connect to buildings when he swings, rather an invisible ceiling. I haven't seen a Spider-Man game do true, real web-swinging for a long time, and it really gives some authenticity to things. It's not really confirmed, but it did look like that in some points, there should have been nothing to connect to. One more thing: Miles Morales.. I don't read the comics, but I do know he is the current Spidey. So... either that extra shot was after Spidey saved the day (meaning he would have time to change out of the costume- Miles=Spider-Man), or during it, while the chopper was being suspended between the buildings, and he was an onlooker (meaning he was just a random bystander who is in the same universe as Peter Parker- Miles=not Spider-Man). Ehhh...

    We were supposed to be told what our prizes were in our special vouchers we got, but they never said anything at the end of the stream, there was not special message after for us. Well, if it was anything like other years, it should still be good prizes.

    This PS E3 was a bit more underwhelming than I expected, and while it was more of the same, I really liked it. It gave us even more insight into titles we know we want, and didn't know we should get. Too bad many of those titles are releasing in 2018... rip wallet.

    I would go again next year. We got some good goodies (poster, collectible card, some sort of fold-up character to make, and a voucher with secret prizes) and the atmosphere of being in a theater, cheering for games with people who enjoy and understand the same things you do, was great.

  • That's awesome that you got to go, if it didn't cost me a whole bunch of money to fly over I would definitely go! Did you check out any of the previous conferences and are going to any of the next ones?

    AChicken posted: »

    So, I went to see the Playstation E3 experience (where you go and watch the conference in a theater, with a whole bunch of other fans) It wa

  • I really liked Ubisoft and Sony's conferences though honestly.

    fuckin ubisoft man. just when you think they're irredeemable they pull some great shit

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I guess that's fair. I really liked Ubisoft and Sony's conferences though honestly. And I LOVED the Spider-Man gameplay. My only qualm with it was that there were too many QTE's.

  • i think i'm the only one who doesn't think the new spidey game looks very good

  • edited June 2017

    Skull and Bones looks fuckin' awesome. That Kraken bit at the end was so good (along with the giant snake in AC: Origins)! We need more big dumb monsters in video games.

    Now if only they'd stop pulling of THIS shit.

    I really liked Ubisoft and Sony's conferences though honestly. fuckin ubisoft man. just when you think they're irredeemable they pull some great shit

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