The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Another tidbit about Anthem and Bioware.

    A couple of the developers have been fairly vocal on social media(one of which was the quote I posted). As with previous games, they are being held very tight-lipped, so most of the information is just rehash of what's already out there.

    "The SP(single player) experience is very important to us"

    He could not say whether the game could be played offline though. That worries me a little.

    The executive producer of the Dragon Age franchise is back to work and just messaged that he is NOT working on Anthem, Mass Effect nor Jade Empire 2. Gee, I wonder what that means... We'll see in 4-5 years.

  • i was willing to give origins a chance until that link

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Skull and Bones looks fuckin' awesome. That Kraken bit at the end was so good (along with the giant snake in AC: Origins)! We need more big dumb monsters in video games. Now if only they'd stop pulling of THIS shit.

  • RIP

    i was willing to give origins a chance until that link

  • And exactly how did you learn of this porn star?

    Today I learned of Alexis Texas, a porn star. My name is Alexis. My elementary school librarian used to call me Alexis Texas, even though I was born in fucking Japan and grew up in Virginia. WTF

  • Mind if I... Ask who that is...?

  • Whats wrong with a limited edition?

    That's something I wish Crash Bandicoot had...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Skull and Bones looks fuckin' awesome. That Kraken bit at the end was so good (along with the giant snake in AC: Origins)! We need more big dumb monsters in video games. Now if only they'd stop pulling of THIS shit.

  • So we've started doing the Cold War in history class and our first lesson was spent looking at the ideas of capitalism and communism, but I was a little annoyed when the lesson talked about Marx's theory and nothing else. Is there anyone on here who's willing to answer some questions about communism? I'm interested in talking about things like the difference between socialism and communism, what makes capitalism so bad that a new system is preferred, how nations such as the Soviet Union have affected the way people see communism, and some common misconceptions about communism.

  • Why do the Splicers in Bioshock 2 look so much more... Deformed...?

    They look like mosters now. They didn't in the first game, you could tell they used to be human. They went through many design phases and models before they finally settled on the "Human" Splicer design, but now in B2, they look like monsters again. I'm pretty sure the Brute Splicer is just a reused model from a more monster-y design back when B1 was in development.

    The Spider Splicers also look like some sort of freak-zombie-monster now too.

    What's up with that?

  • edited June 2017

    Limited editions are totally fine. As long as they don't cost a thousand dollars.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Whats wrong with a limited edition? That's something I wish Crash Bandicoot had...

  • He was the composer for several of Rare(ware)'s games back in the 90's and early to late 2000's.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Mind if I... Ask who that is...?

  • edited June 2017

    I'm also very disappointed in how Spiderman looks.

    Oh come on, it doesn't look that bad. The only issue about this game is that it features QTEs, but there are good games with terrible QTEs. Cough Cough Resident Evil 4 Cough Cough

    EDIT: The best thing about it is that it won't have Resident Evil 4 camera angle, it's one of the reasons why Amazing Spider-Man games sucked.

    Oh a lot of things in E3 this year impressed me. But like all of the conferences sucked. Also it was VERY underwhelming compared to last year. Last year it was amazing but this year it sucked. I'm also very disappointed in how Spiderman looks.

  • Because Activision gave up their Spider-Man license to Sony. SCE is now owning Spider-Man.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The gameplay for Spider-Man PS4 looked SO FUCKING GOOD! Goddammit why does it have to be an exclusive!?

  • edited June 2017

    So far, E3 was trash in this year. The only things that interested me the most are:

    EDIT: I now watched Shadow of the Collossus Remaster. I heard a lot of good things about it, that it's one of the best PS2 games of all time. I'll definitely give it a chance. It's remastered by Bluepoint Games who also remastered the Uncharted Trilogy.


    I just watched Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 for the second time in cinemas. I tried to make the most of every second Yondu was onscreen. :(
    Also just got stung by a bee for the first time, so yay.

  • My problem is that the game looks way too automated, it's like a theme park ride. Nothing about it feels open world or natural despite it supposedly being so, and it's more than just QTEs, the swinging doesn't feel natural, the combat doesn't feel like Spider-Man, it just doesn't seem like a Spidey game to me. That's just me though

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm also very disappointed in how Spiderman looks. Oh come on, it doesn't look that bad. The only issue about this game is that it f

  • And I LOVED the Spider-Man gameplay. My only qualm with it was that there were too many QTE's.

    Spider-Man Web of Shadows did have QTEs as well and it was still an awesome game. Insomniac confirmed that they're fans of Spider-Man 2 game and Spider-Man Web of Shadows, which is what they're trying to do with this new Spider-Man game.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I guess that's fair. I really liked Ubisoft and Sony's conferences though honestly. And I LOVED the Spider-Man gameplay. My only qualm with it was that there were too many QTE's.

  • edited June 2017

    I'm sorry you see that way

    EDIT: But why do you think that TASM games aren't bad?

    My problem is that the game looks way too automated, it's like a theme park ride. Nothing about it feels open world or natural despite it su

  • edited June 2017

    Oh, I think you misunderstand.
    What this "Playstation E3 Experience" is, is this big event across the U.S, Canada, and a bit of Mexico, where you can go to a movie theater and watch the Sony conference livestream with a whole bunch of people. I didn't actually go to E3. If I could I'd go in a heartbeat.
    Either way, it was very fun. Being with all those people, cheering for those new games that you like, being in awe of seeing new footage of things.... It was nice.
    So, it's just "the poor man's E3 conference". It's the closest thing to actually being there... I think.

    It's totally free, and PlayStation has put this event on for the past 2 years, I think. (It's my first year doing this.) And, you get some free stuff out of the deal: A poster, exclusive collector's trading card, and a special code that can give you special goodies that I don't know what they are.... someone forgot to announce that at the end of the stream.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    That's awesome that you got to go, if it didn't cost me a whole bunch of money to fly over I would definitely go! Did you check out any of the previous conferences and are going to any of the next ones?

  • Welp. I don't live anywhere near the U.S so I had no idea this was a thing :P

    Either way that's pretty cool even if it is a poor mans E3.

    AChicken posted: »

    Oh, I think you misunderstand. What this "Playstation E3 Experience" is, is this big event across the U.S, Canada, and a bit of Mexico, wh

  • edited June 2017

    I don't think the FIRST one is bad. It's competent and can be quite fun at times. There are quite a few things I despise about the game (mostly how it feels automated) but it still does a lot right.

    Amazing Spider-Man 2 is the polar opposite. Instead of being average, it decides to stick to the roots of the shitty film it's (VERY LOOSELY) based on and becomes complete and total shit.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm sorry you see that way EDIT: But why do you think that TASM games aren't bad?

  • Things didn't work out with my ex-friend. Sorry guys. I appreciate all the advice I got here. I think I'm gonna have to leave the forum, at least for a little while. I don't really have much to say or contribute after three years of being here, and I think it would be better if I just left. Thank you for making me feel like a welcome part of the community.

  • how nations such as the Soviet Union have affected the way people see communism

    I'm not as well versed on different "isms" of Communism other than the fact they're named after the people that helped create them (Marxism, Leninism, Maoism), but I can answer this simple enough.

    The Soviet Union is basically the "go to" Communist state because of the Cold War and because it was the first Communist state (well technically it was Russia, but you get the idea). Russia became Communist from the results of the Russian Revolution and has to consolidate that power through the Russian Civil War. This sparked the "Red Scare" as the governments of many countries feared something similiar happening at home, which wasn't a completly unfounded fear. Obviously if a government especially doesn't like something, they actively try to make it out as absolutely awful, and in some cases "motivate" people not partake in it. For example, in the United States, if you were a Communist, you ran the risk of being blacklisted from job oppurtunities.

    The next big thing in the Saga of Communism Influence was World War II. When the war started, the Soviet Union wasn't a "good guy." They invaded the baltics (Livonia, Estonia, Lithuania), and helped partition Poland. The baltic states wasn't really all that crazy about Communism as it was, and being forced into the Soviet Union didn't really help. Then, of course, after the war, the Soviet Union was more than to happy to install communist governments for all the countries they liberated, casting the "Iron Curtain," and creating the Easter Bloc. The Soviet Sattelite States. These governments, for the most part, were oppressive, and in the long run, didn't do as well as western Europe economically. Many freedoms, including free speech, was repressed, and this obviouslly turned a lot of people off on the idea of Communism. On top of that, the Cold War started. Capitalism, with its main representative (America) clashed with Communism and her #1 (Soviet Union). As you probably figured, the countries on the "Anti-Communism" side of things produced propaganda to make sure people knew Communism was created by Satan.

    The numerous revolutions, insurgencies, and wars fought over the duration of the Cold War furthered the divide between the East and West. The bloodier and more brutal a conflict was, the more the people hated the idea the other side fought for. The United States and the Soviet Union was to blame for a lot of the wars being as bloody as they were due to their proxy and direct wars during the period. If someone hated the United States, they were a lot more willing to listen to a Soviet preach about the wiles of Communism. The more a country disliked the Soviet Union, the slower they were to adop communist ideals.

    The Eastern Bloc generally didn't take to kind to folks that disagreed with the government. When the Eastern Bloc started the fall apart, many of the communist states among it with pathetic economies, and then the dissolution of the Soviet Union seemed to prove to many people that communism is a failed ideology.

    The Soviet Union was used as my "go to" communist nation, but most of what I said could be attributed to the Warsaw Pact as a whole, Cuba, and China, but the soviets are the easiest to use. Cuba becoming communist sparked many communist insurgents to look to them as a model for communism, and they fought in wars in Africa to spread Communism (Angolan Civil War and the South African Border War). Cuban refugee's tales of government opression furthered disdain for the ideal. The communist force' tactic useds during the Chinese Civil War were replicated by many communist rebel groups in hopes of similiar results. China has a similiar affect on Communism that the Soviets had on how open to communism they were. Maosim was founded in China, which introduced a new type of Communism to people, meaning that some people were a more appealed to communism, but others were futher ostricized by it. Vietnam helped establish all of the communist countries in Indochina. Laos remembers communism fondly. Cambodia? Not so much. I'm not sure what affect Yugoslavia had on it besides the beofre mentioned "opression of peoples,"'s kind of obvious what affect North Korea has had on it.

    TL;DR Version: Russian Revolution makes governments scared commies might try to overthrow them. Russian Revolution makes some commies try to overthrow their government. Soviet's agressive and opressive nature during and following World War II makes a lot of people hate communism, but emboldens commies elsewhere. Cold War causes bigger rift because of propaganda, wars, and generally bad shit caused by nations that support conflicting ideals. Poor economics and collapse of many communist states prove that it's better to be dead than red. Other countires did other stuff too, I guess.

    Longest fucking post I've ever writted. I hope I answered at least one thing you was curious about.

    So we've started doing the Cold War in history class and our first lesson was spent looking at the ideas of capitalism and communism, but I

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I thought "A Way Out" looked interesting.

    AronDracula posted: »

    So far, E3 was trash in this year. The only things that interested me the most are: EDIT: I now watched Shadow of the Collossus

  • No I'm with you on that. The whole Sony conference was a bit of a let down, God of War didn't really feel like it did last year, and I got less interested in Detroit: Become Human as well. I still look forward to Days Gone and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, but was disappointed they didn't show more of The Last of Us part II, which only leaves me to reminisce about PSX last year. I still get the feels every time I watch the reveal trailer.

    i think i'm the only one who doesn't think the new spidey game looks very good

  • Later man, best of luck! It's been good having you around.

    Things didn't work out with my ex-friend. Sorry guys. I appreciate all the advice I got here. I think I'm gonna have to leave the forum, at

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2017

    Definitely, if you're still around. I'm no Marxist, but I'm familiar with his work and somewhat influenced by his critique of capitalism.

    So we've started doing the Cold War in history class and our first lesson was spent looking at the ideas of capitalism and communism, but I

  • You got a good head on your shoulders. Please, come back anytime.

    Things didn't work out with my ex-friend. Sorry guys. I appreciate all the advice I got here. I think I'm gonna have to leave the forum, at

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited June 2017

    Interesting post. I might add a bit to this and make a few clarification laters if you don't mind.

    I'm not as well versed on different "isms" of Communism other than the fact they're named after the people that helped create them (Marxism, Leninism, Maoism), but I can answer this simple enough.

    the main ism you've got to worry about here is Marxism-Leninism, which Stalin's expansion on the thought of Marx and Lenin (hence why it's perjoratively referred to as Stalinism). Just about every self-proclaimed communist country or party has followed some form of Marxism-Leninism. There are other kinds of socialism, like anarchism and left-communism, but they've not been implemented on a wide scale. It's also important to note that "communist" is more aspirational than descriptive. The Communist Party had the ultimate goal of establishing communism, but they never claimed to be establishing it right then and their.

    Obviously if a government especially doesn't like something, they actively try to make it out as absolutely awful, and in some cases "motivate" people not partake in it. For example, in the United States, if you were a Communist, you ran the risk of being blacklisted from job oppurtunities.

    To some extent, though the American state's opposition to Socialism started well before the Russian Revolutiom. Just look up the Haymarket Affair or Palmer Raids. Same in countries like Germany. Bismarck pioneered the first modern welfare state in the 1870's, specifically to prevent the spread of Communism.

    The next big thing in the Saga of Communism Influence was World War II. When the war started, the Soviet Union wasn't a "good guy." They invaded the baltics (Livonia, Estonia, Lithuania), and helped partition Poland. The baltic states wasn't really all that crazy about Communism as it was, and being forced into the Soviet Union didn't really help.

    To be fair, this wasn't done on a whim. Russia was taking back territory they lost in the Brest-Litvorsk Treaty. That doesn't excuse it of course, but it had more to do with Russian Nationalism than Socialism.

    If someone hated the United States, they were a lot more willing to listen to a Soviet preach about the wiles of Communism.

    And they had a very legitimate grievance in my opinion. Beyond proxy wars, the USA also had a bad habit of sponsoring coups against even the pinkest left-wing governments, including democratically -elected reform socialists like Allende. They also sponsored murderous dictators like Suharto and Agha Khan. The Soviet Union did this less, though that was likely due more to lack of ability than moral objections.

    As for why the economy was so bad, there are a few key reasons.

    1.) The Soviet-style planned economy was a failure. As it turns out, people in a government bureau in Moscow weren't qualified to understand and meet the needs of a village thousands of miles away. The lack of price signals only made this worse. The distribution of goods ended up being based more on politics than supply and demand.

    2.) America industrialized long before America and so the Soviet Union was constantly playing catch-up when it came to military production. It was unsustainable.

    Poor economics and collapse of many communist states prove that it's better to be dead than red. Other countires did other stuff too, I guess.

    We'll have to see about that. :P Things like the Nuit Debout protests in France, ongoing Social Crisis in Grrece and the ongoing Libertarian Socialist revolution in Rojava (not to mention the unprecedented crisis of over-accumulation and under-consumption in the west) would indicate that red might not be dead quite yet.

    how nations such as the Soviet Union have affected the way people see communism I'm not as well versed on different "isms" of Commun

  • Yes but they confirmed it's REALLY necesary to play it with a friend, no single player mode at all. The problem is that I don't have many friends. This game is gonna be like Resident Evil 5 which has a terrible A.I. partner, forcing you to play with a friend.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I thought "A Way Out" looked interesting.

  • edited June 2017

    My wallet TwT

    (I'll throw this trailer in, since I'm really looking forward to Splatoon 2)

  • edited June 2017

    Any thoughts on this new Spider-Man game? Looks similar to Arkham if you ask me, but seems pretty good.

    [If you go to the comment section, Ctrl + F then type: telltale] lol

  • i was a little disappointed but pokemon for switch is confirmed

  • The gameplay looks pretty Arkham-ysh which is a good thing. The only issue is that it features QTEs but they look better than the QTEs from Spider-Man Web of Shadows. And thank God it's not a "Over the shoulder" view which is one of the reasons why Amazing Spider-Man games sucked, it pretty much has the focus view like the old Spidey games.

    SaZ-7 posted: »

    Any thoughts on this new Spider-Man game? Looks similar to Arkham if you ask me, but seems pretty good. [If you go to the comment section, Ctrl + F then type: telltale] lol

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Actually there aren't any AI's at all for the game, it's either with someone or with an online person. I guess that's the perks to having two brothers.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yes but they confirmed it's REALLY necesary to play it with a friend, no single player mode at all. The problem is that I don't have many fr

  • edited June 2017

    Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons handled the A.I. pretty good from what I heard, it's even made by the same devs. Why couldn't they do the same for this game?

    Actually there aren't any AI's at all for the game

    No kidding, I even said that there is no singleplayer mode.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Actually there aren't any AI's at all for the game, it's either with someone or with an online person. I guess that's the perks to having two brothers.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2017

    No kidding, I even said that there is no singleplayer mode.

    Sorry, I noticed you said that but then you said "this game is gonna be like Resident Evil 5 which has a terrible A.I. partner" which seemed a bit odd.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons handled the A.I. pretty good from what I heard, it's even made by the same devs. Why couldn't they do the same

  • edited June 2017

    I just said that Resident Evil 5 is 100% better played on Co-op than singleplayer due to the A.I. partner which does nothing but slow you down.

    EDIT: Both Resident Evil 5 and A Way Out are obligated to play with friends for good reasons. That's the point.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    No kidding, I even said that there is no singleplayer mode. Sorry, I noticed you said that but then you said "this game is gonna be like Resident Evil 5 which has a terrible A.I. partner" which seemed a bit odd.

  • No seriously, why is this game getting so much attention? It was remastered for the current consoles, then for Nintendo Switch and now Playstation VR? Why are people still playing this 6 year old game? It's not bad but it's so goddamn overrated.

  • Bioshock 2 is a few years after the first one. They got worse.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Why do the Splicers in Bioshock 2 look so much more... Deformed...? They look like mosters now. They didn't in the first game, you could

  • Meh.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    My wallet TwT (I'll throw this trailer in, since I'm really looking forward to Splatoon 2)

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