The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2017

    The shooter apparently stated on social media that Trump was a "traitor" and that "Trump and Co. needed to be destroyed."

    This post was a while ago but it's a fact and I'm not agreeing with it on any terms.

    It's a fact that's relevant to the discussion.

    When a person goes into a crowd of people with the intent to kill or cause serious harm or injury to them, to me, they loose all sense of hu

  • i can't tell you how many times people have come into this thread for the first time and said "whatever's on your mind, eh? okay. i want (insert food here)"

    The Whatever's on your mind Megathread? Okaaaayyyy....................... I want some ice cream. And more Lukesse scenes on MCSM Season 2!!!

  • From what I read, he was also homeless for a while, so I'm guessing it's more mental health issues and less of a hardcore regressive left-wing mentality that was fueling this guy.

    Even if I were a full on Democrat, it would sicken me. Apparently the shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter and even volunteered on his

  • When journalists compares the president of my country to a God, that this very president choose who can do report with him, when one of his justice minister threatens journalist because they released news about a new law about labor should I feel concern about it?

    'Cause I've got the feeling no ones gives a shit in my country. Journalists are almost all buying his shit.

  • I'm currently having a struggle whether to continue my academic career and spend another two years of my life getting my master degree, or to look for a job and earn money to travel to USA. However, the current political situation makes me think that it's gonna be harder and harder to travel and crossing borders may be not as easy as it is now, so it might me "now or never" thing.

    Instead of thinking it through, I'm browsing this forum and listen to yt. Chasing my dreams, am I.

  • What country are we talking about here?

    fallandir posted: »

    I'm currently having a struggle whether to continue my academic career and spend another two years of my life getting my master degree, or t

  • Plumbers' one. Poland.

    What country are we talking about here?

  • Ah the land of Poles.

    What job are we talking about here?

    fallandir posted: »

    Plumbers' one. Poland.

  • Any, really. I did my research and for now, I can apply for either a babysitter or a waitress. It's not really the job that concerns me, it's the decision. If I chose a job, that means I must focus on it and earn money, and therefore forget about my degree, at least for now. If I picked the degree, I wouldn't have to worry about getting a job.

    Ah the land of Poles. What job are we talking about here?

  • Today it's my Forum birthday! Yey!

  • Today it's my Forum birthday! Yey!

  • Happy forum birthday! Here, have some cake:

    enter image description here

    Today it's my Forum birthday! Yey!

  • The new intro for the Duck Tales reboot is fucking GREAT! But the "Woo oo" is missing that little extra oomph and the background music drowns out the vocals at points. Other than that it's really good!

  • Happy Forum Birthday!

    Today it's my Forum birthday! Yey!

  • Lately, I've been feeling pretty depressed and honestly don't see a single point to life. I mean, what is there?

    Life is just pain. That's the truth. You struggle to get through the hard parts in life, for what? To be faced with even more pain and suffering later on? You can try to make your life "happy" and "fulfilling", but what's that gonna change? Before you know it, the evil will come back into your life and your happiness will be over.
    And what do you get at the end of all this pain? Death. You die. You're gone. You can try to be happy, but what's the point? Your gonna die anyway, being "happy" isn't gonna change that, so why try?

    Sorry for all that. Sometimes I wish I would just fucking disappear.
    I'm getting angry now. I've got to stop.

    Again, sorry for all this depressing shit.

  • the cake is a lie

    But thank you!

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Happy forum birthday! Here, have some cake:

  • I know things are hard, but please don't hurt yourself. Life can't be son happiness all the time, son you can do la to treasure those p recious moments and try to make them last longer. I'm sorry, hoy probably heard this tons of times, but please don't hurt yourself.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Lately, I've been feeling pretty depressed and honestly don't see a single point to life. I mean, what is there? Life is just pain. That'

  • I'm sorry it sounded like that, I would never hurt myself. I'm just struggling to find a reason to be happy amongst all the darkness.
    I'm sorry if I worried you, I won't hurt myself.

    Thanks for the reply, though. I do have some things I enjoy doing and look forward to, so I guess I'll try to focus on that.

    I know things are hard, but please don't hurt yourself. Life can't be son happiness all the time, son you can do la to treasure those p reci

  • Philosophers have been pondering this sort of thing for thousands of years.

    What if you were immortal and didn't have to worry about this death thing? Would that fix it? It doesn't seem like that by itself would answer if life was worthwhile or had a point or not.

    What if happiness were the default, and all that pain and suffering is just temporary stuff that gets in the way? Can you kick it out and be happy again?

    Or maybe we're just bits of code running in an alien computer simulation. Then our point would be not messing up their experiment again.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Lately, I've been feeling pretty depressed and honestly don't see a single point to life. I mean, what is there? Life is just pain. That'

  • Its okay. I just worry a lot about eveyone. Suicide and self-harm is almost epidemic these days.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I'm sorry it sounded like that, I would never hurt myself. I'm just struggling to find a reason to be happy amongst all the darkness. I'm s

  • It was my Forum birthday 3 days ago.

    Today it's my Forum birthday! Yey!


    It was my Forum birthday 3 days ago.

  • [removed]

    It was my Forum birthday 3 days ago.

  • Or maybe we're just bits of code running in an alien computer simulation.

    Someone watched doctor who lately, uh uh

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Philosophers have been pondering this sort of thing for thousands of years. What if you were immortal and didn't have to worry about this


  • edited June 2017

    EDIT: Fuck, I replied to the wrong comment, my bad.

    I know things are hard, but please don't hurt yourself. Life can't be son happiness all the time, son you can do la to treasure those p reci

  • "Life is pain in the ass and then we die."

    Best we can do is just spit right into the face of everything that's bad/painful in our lives and carry on heartily.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Lately, I've been feeling pretty depressed and honestly don't see a single point to life. I mean, what is there? Life is just pain. That'

  • I'm shook, this looks fucking good boy!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The new intro for the Duck Tales reboot is fucking GREAT! But the "Woo oo" is missing that little extra oomph and the background music drowns out the vocals at points. Other than that it's really good!

  • Existence is suffering. Best we can do is find meaning in it. :)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Lately, I've been feeling pretty depressed and honestly don't see a single point to life. I mean, what is there? Life is just pain. That'

  • BigBlindMax posted: »

    Existence is suffering. Best we can do is find meaning in it.

  • edited June 2017

    Cool!!! Also I'm wondering If we are going to get back political discussion thread again?I know people may not want it back but sometimes I want to discuss politics and I guess I can't post any politics on here in this thread,but still want to know.

  • Life is pain, but it's all about how we deal with it. We can become either a bitter person or a better person. Giving up isn't an option. You have to keep swimming, no matter how hard it gets. There will always be people there for you, no matter what.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Lately, I've been feeling pretty depressed and honestly don't see a single point to life. I mean, what is there? Life is just pain. That'

  • I was listening to some music and going deep into my own thoughts when I started thinking about what really makes The Walking Dead so special. Through the three seasons of the game I've seen this come up repeatedly. But it has never been addressed by the characters as being one of their main obstacles they've had to overcome this whole time. It's something I feel should be addressed in their next installment.

    Pain can be the best kind of medicine and it is given to you whether you want it or not. Pain can help you learn how to avoid the same situation next time and can teach you how to cope with it if it is unavoidable. It can also help you to become stronger, if you chose to fight through it. Pain is a part of life and everyone has to deal with it in one way or another. But, pain's redeeming quality is that it can make the good moments feel absolutely amazing in comparison and help you truly appreciate what you have ... or had. If you have too much pain at ounce it can change you drastically. Ounce kind and reasonable people can become desperate to find anything to make the pain stop or become broken, numb to everything. If a person is not given enough pain it can cause them to become ignorant and become disconnected from the world around them. (It makes me think of Sarah's situation) It is sort of a balancing act that can be teetered to one side or the other and there needs to be a healthy balance. The only way to help someone who have been through too much pain is to remind them of why their pain exists (meaning why does it hurt), relate their pain to yours, tell them how you handled it, let them know how it helped you move on, and let them decide how to handle it. (This is a perfect example of Clem's haircut scene with Javier. And what Clem tried to do for Sarah to get her out of the trailer.) To help people who have become disconnected from the world they have to be eased into it. It maybe tough, depending on your situation, but they can be easily overwhelmed due to a sudden exposure. But, isn't that what raising a child is all about? Exposing them to something new to their eyes in a controlled environment until they can handle it on their own? Unfortunately, there are people who were not given help in time and they and/or the people around them paid the ultimate price because of it. The only thing we can do is to help those who have been hurt and to save the people who have been going down this destructive path before it's too late. Who knows, maybe helping other people through their pain is a coping mechanism in itself, but don't take my word for it. I don't study Psychology.

    And this is coming from someone who has been planning to drown them self in a bathtub for two months, over flunking out of college with about $16,000 in loans to pay off.

    The most painful part is having to admit this to my family...

    But, because of this newest season of TWD and seeing them having to go through crippling amounts of pain and pushing through, I'm still alive now. And I'm hoping to be able to push through till the next installment. But, honestly, it's a losing battle.

    I have everything set up and all I'm doing is waiting for the right moment to execute, when I'm alone in the house for a few hours.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Lately, I've been feeling pretty depressed and honestly don't see a single point to life. I mean, what is there? Life is just pain. That'

  • That's some good advise. Thank you.

    I hope everything turns out alright for you.

    I was listening to some music and going deep into my own thoughts when I started thinking about what really makes The Walking Dead so specia

  • I want to have kids I cant stop thinking about it, whats wrong with me

  • Thanks.

    Glad to have been some help.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    That's some good advise. Thank you. I hope everything turns out alright for you.

  • splintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplintercellsplinterce--

  • Nothing's "wrong" with you. It's normal human instinct to want to settle down and start a family, in our society it's dream numerous people have growing up. Sometimes we just wanna be parents.

    I want to have kids I cant stop thinking about it, whats wrong with me

  • I don't usually do this but, I'm working on Tekken 7 models. My only issue is that the models are divided by parts, so you have to manually connect them, and that's a really tricky thing to do.

    enter image description here

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