The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • This is not a politics thread, but is rather meant to be a laid back casual chat thread. Let's save the depressing stories/touchy political subjects/etc for another thread.

  • edited June 2017

    OK but it was a foiled attack just wanted to share that,sorry

    This is not a politics thread, but is rather meant to be a laid back casual chat thread. Let's save the depressing stories/touchy political subjects/etc for another thread.

  • It's fine, you aren't in trouble or anything; I just meant that Whatever's On Your Mind is supposed to be more of a casual kind of thread and that some people might want to focus on things besides terrorist attacks/political controversies/etc here in this particular thread.

    strwar3 posted: »

    OK but it was a foiled attack just wanted to share that,sorry

  • Anyone got a good tv show they're watching? Got lots of free time on my hands

  • edited June 2017

    Oh god... The Last of Us has gotten really... Intense... I mean, even more intense than it was before.

    I don't know if I can play it anymore. :(

    Maybe I'll just crawl back to Bioshock...

  • Imagine if the creators of Last of Us were able to make a Walking Dead game with Clementine?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Oh god... The Last of Us has gotten really... Intense... I mean, even more intense than it was before. I don't know if I can play it anymore. Maybe I'll just crawl back to Bioshock...

  • Oh boy...the Han Solo film just lost its two directors.

  • Apparently, the new Michael Bay Transformers movie is a giant pile of shit.

  • edited June 2017

    The shit they've put Ellie through in just the last 3 hours... I'd be really afraid of what they'd do to Clementine...

    (Also, haven't finished the game yet, so no spoilers please)

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Imagine if the creators of Last of Us were able to make a Walking Dead game with Clementine?

  • China will love it.

    They always do...

    Apparently, the new Michael Bay Transformers movie is a giant pile of shit.

  • You better keep playing it. I've played the game full through at least 7 times. Fuckin' great game.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Oh god... The Last of Us has gotten really... Intense... I mean, even more intense than it was before. I don't know if I can play it anymore. Maybe I'll just crawl back to Bioshock...

  • Only 1hr 30mins

    I would, but I would probably end up forgetting to finish it. xD It's been happening a lot lately. And he has a switchblade comb, if thats not cool I don't know what is That ain't cool.... That's smooth af.

  • god damn chinamen...

    oh fuck was that racist

    J-Master posted: »

    China will love it. They always do...

  • ...And I was gonna start playing it today or tomorrow... '_'

  • enter image description here

    god damn chinamen... oh fuck was that racist

  • The support staff is coming for me

  • I don't think so

    god damn chinamen... oh fuck was that racist

  • Oh it's a movie, that's convenient then xD

    Megumin posted: »

    Only 1hr 30mins

  • I did say in the original post XD

    Oh it's a movie, that's convenient then xD

  • I went trophy hunting but still havent done it on hard, rip.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Just started playing the Last of Us again after taking a bit of a break. Was about halfway through and oh my god. I've fallen in love with i

  • edited June 2017

    It gets good. The second half of the game I find is the best half.
    Winter is the best section.

    I've completed the game about 7 times in total across Ps3 and Ps4. I love it so much. The gameplay is satisfying, the story is satisfying, the characters are top notch, and the world-building collectibles are great.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Just started playing the Last of Us again after taking a bit of a break. Was about halfway through and oh my god. I've fallen in love with i

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Any dog lovers here?

    There is a twitter account dedicated to all the dogs who "work" at Telltale =)

  • enter image description here

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Any dog lovers here? There is a twitter account dedicated to all the dogs who "work" at Telltale

  • edited June 2017

    There are no political thread left to talk about it though.

    This is not a politics thread, but is rather meant to be a laid back casual chat thread. Let's save the depressing stories/touchy political subjects/etc for another thread.

  • I don't know though. I'd like that to happen but the propaganda of the media is terrible.

    Just for example: Bayrou minister of justice is charged of giving salaries to people who don't work (like Fillon and his wife). He resigned today. Until now média remained quiet.

    Or it was known since a long time. Medias talked about it only today because legislative election is over and Macron doesn't need him anymore.

    Last week there were the elections, it reached almost 60% of abstention, it's a first in french history.

    People are tired of this shit, let's see if they act next.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Does he want a sequel to May 68? Because that's how you get a sequel to May 68.

  • Like always. Can any of the sequels ever beat the original?

    Apparently, the new Michael Bay Transformers movie is a giant pile of shit.

  • Resident Evil 7 has just become one of my favourite video games of all time. I played all the Banned Footage DLCs, my favourite one was either Bedroom or Daughters, Bedroom had the hardest puzzle of the entire game and Daughters told a great story of how the Bakers' happy life fell down.

  • Everything's SOOO cute!!
    enter image description here

    Wherever you are, Thank you Caroline, for making this.
    Do people's dogs come in everyday, I wonder?

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Any dog lovers here? There is a twitter account dedicated to all the dogs who "work" at Telltale

  • so the next saw movie (titled "jigsaw") is being written and directed by 6 of the most terrible, godawful incompetent horror writers in all of hollywood, and james wan.

    this is going to be the best movie of 2017 and i'm so genuinely excited to see it and laugh at it.

  • Yes, you've gotta play it!

    ...And I was gonna start playing it today or tomorrow... '_'

  • I kept playing and I've gotten past the Winter part, which was amazing.

    If it keeps going like this, I think it's going to beat Portal 2 as my all-time favorite game...

    You better keep playing it. I've played the game full through at least 7 times. Fuckin' great game.

  • Here are some suggestions of stuff to watch:

    • Bojack Horseman
    • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
    • Breaking Bad
    Timcanpy posted: »

    Anyone got a good tv show they're watching? Got lots of free time on my hands

  • Oh goodness just wait till the end.

    Trust me, it will be your all time favorite. The ending is just too meaningful.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I kept playing and I've gotten past the Winter part, which was amazing. If it keeps going like this, I think it's going to beat Portal 2 as my all-time favorite game...

  • it's really easy to beat the original if the original sucked shit. if none of the sequels beat the original then it's because literally nobody making the films gave any sort of semblance of a damn about the product

    AronDracula posted: »

    Like always. Can any of the sequels ever beat the original?

  • Fun Fact: Did you know that Nolan North was the voice actor for David?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I kept playing and I've gotten past the Winter part, which was amazing. If it keeps going like this, I think it's going to beat Portal 2 as my all-time favorite game...

  • hmm *sigh.... i've been wanting to do my naruto series review, as if now finished it (its been a while now, ive rewatched some episodes and well i cant get over it completely yet) but idk if i want to do such a long ass post since i feel like it'll be super long and probably very thorough (as much as i could possibly be).. still gathering all my thoughts and trying to come up with a way that i'd like to do it but idk...

    oh also, who here loves, well just likes, shojos? or some romantic (sort of) comedies for anime/manga? if so i recommend yall tonari no kaibutsu kun (My Little Monster). its a nice like anime and manga that's imo very cool. check it out. the anime is like 13 eps, it never got continued, :,( , but the story continues and ends in the manga which is also pretty good. just little caution, it ends very shitty. like not in a, omg thats fucked up, more like "wtf was the creator thinking?!" but then again i see that supposedly the creator, or whomever, died before they could finished it so i guess thats way the ending sucks.

    speaking of romantic, cute anime, Kimi No na Wa is pretty good. 8/10 do recommended. beautiful looking film imo.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Do people's dogs come in everyday, I wonder?

    I think they do, on their company page they state that 53 dogs visit each month and that it's a "Dog-friendly Office".

    @mostlypoptarts I guess you enjoy seeing all those dogs :D

    AChicken posted: »

    Everything's SOOO cute!! Wherever you are, Thank you Caroline, for making this. Do people's dogs come in everyday, I wonder?

  • I only recently got it and I've done it 4 times in like 3 weeks

    You better keep playing it. I've played the game full through at least 7 times. Fuckin' great game.

  • edited June 2017

    Absolutely loving the Bakemonogatari Light Novel, so engaging, so beautiful and amazing translation

  • mostlypoptartsmostlypoptarts ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff


    OzzyUK posted: »

    Do people's dogs come in everyday, I wonder? I think they do, on their company page they state that 53 dogs visit each month and that it's a "Dog-friendly Office". @mostlypoptarts I guess you enjoy seeing all those dogs

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