The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • arrested for being bisexual? tf

    AronDracula posted: »

    One of my step-father's friends was arrested for being bisexual and torturing 2 of his friends, he is american and was so nice to me. This i

  • I said he was torturing 2 of his friends because he was bisexual.

    arrested for being bisexual? tf

  • I do. But LIS made a lot of people proud. LIS at least isn't as bad as those shit indie game PS+ has been giving us.

    I thought you hated LiS my son

  • oh...

    AronDracula posted: »

    I said he was torturing 2 of his friends because he was bisexual.

  • Fair enough

    AronDracula posted: »

    I do. But LIS made a lot of people proud. LIS at least isn't as bad as those shit indie game PS+ has been giving us.

  • I doubt it's related.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I said he was torturing 2 of his friends because he was bisexual.

  • ...It's a crime in a lot of countries.

    papai46 posted: »

    I doubt it's related.

  • arrested for being bisexual

    Wait what, that's pretty du-

    and torturing 2 of his friends.


    AronDracula posted: »

    One of my step-father's friends was arrested for being bisexual and torturing 2 of his friends, he is american and was so nice to me. This i

  • what a turn of events

    lupinb0y posted: »

    arrested for being bisexual Wait what, that's pretty du- and torturing 2 of his friends. Oh...


    I've been waiting for almost 3 months now, but I finally got one (and it was good too). :D

  • Congrats!

    I FINALLY GOT A REVIEW OF MY FIRST FIC!!! I've been waiting for almost 3 months now, but I finally got one (and it was good too).

  • Thanks!


  • edited June 2017

    I'm just about finishing my first year doing a level 3 BTEC (Which is equivalent to 3 A levels), its honestly been one of the hardest things I've done in my life, not because I wasn't mentally capable or anything, but because the college system we used was extremely frustrating. We got pushed with this system only a few months before our final deadline date, and we were proceeded to receive multitudes more units to a bombarding level. All our work previous had been submitted via emails, and most of us by that time had a hard time finding all the work again to submit to this system. The assessment system was too frustrating for a multitude of reasons, I almost feel like I'll be talking in binary after looking at the weirdly re-named units over and over again. The whites of my eyes are now almost completely bloodshot, and spending time doing work late nights to early mornings are the thing of the norm. Sorry for the long text, I'm just so relieved its over.

    Baby Driver comes out today here in the UK. It will be so relieving to finally take a break and go to the cinema once more, finally enjoying all my hobbies again.

  • life comes at you fast

    lupinb0y posted: »

    arrested for being bisexual Wait what, that's pretty du- and torturing 2 of his friends. Oh...

  • ok, who has, or shit let me put it this way, who here thinks they eat healthy? im tryin to eat better, cause i eat like shit and i really have no fucking idea how to begin to make a decent "healthy" meal. like i can see people make shit with veggies but i suck and dont know how to make veggies without making it a salad and just pouring a shit ton of ranch and/or salad dressing. also im trying to lose weight and like i said i know shit about how to eat properly for that.

    so i try to find shit on the internet but its a bunch of fucking slideshows and that just pissed me off cause everything is slideshows... im just trying to find something that taste somewhat good that keep my fat ass from buying fast food.

  • edited June 2017

    I just found this out R.I.P Michael Nyqvist, he was so badass in John Wick and I enjoyed the Mission Impossible movie he was in (Ghost Protocol), as well as the Swedish Dragon Tattoo trilogy. I really liked the roles he played and I wanted to see him in more movies.

    "That 'fucking nobody' was John Wick".

    "Well John wasn't exactly the Boogieman, he was the one you send to KILL the fucking Boogieman".

    The delivery of some of these lines just send me chills. Definitely was my favourite scene in John Wick.

  • edited June 2017

    I got to say, I was extremely impressed at how good WWE's three main shows (RAW, Smackdown, and NXT) were this week. All three kept me entertained and there was only one segment I felt was bad (the Ball family segment, for obvious reasons.) And for the first time in WWE history, the women's division main-evented all three shows. Raw had the gauntlet match to determine who would face the Goddess of WWE Alexa Bliss for her rightful title, where Sasha got the win, and rightfully so. Smackdown had the women's Money in the Bank rematch, which was fun to watch and Carmella won yet again, earning her prize. And finally, NXT just ended off a couple of minutes ago with a fantastic Last Woman Standing match between Asuka and Nikki Cross, which was chaotic and exceptional, considering it was the first ever Last Woman Standing match.

    Hats off to you, WWE. Not only were all three shows entertaining, but you also made history for women's wrestling in WWE. It wasn't that long ago when WWE treated their women's matches as bathroom breaks and treated their women wrestlers as nothing more than pretty faces to look at. Good job WWE. This was a good week for you.

  • edited June 2017

    Bioware news... because it's about all I can provide:

    Bioware Austin, their former tertiary studio(now secondary), is expanding. While it looked like the multiplayer game Anthem would spell the end of the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic, maybe not. Bioware Austin is doing a mass hiring of senior development positions and looks like it is gearing up to try and handle both games while Bioware Edmonton moves on. I previously mentioned that it seemed like the Dragon Age franchise would be getting another installment next, and that's probably the case.

    I have heard good things about The Old Republic's DLC, so that bodes well for Anthem's future. It does kind of worry me in regards to the staff at Bioware Austin. How long do people want to work on other people's creations? It could very well lead to the end of SW: TOR as people may leave to pursue other opportunities(The culture at Bioware has been supportive of each other when their time comes).

    EA may still be regarded as a monster, but the people are good. I've seen lead developers and programmers post stuff like "hey, look at what my pal at Budgie is working on".

    If people would like a better timeline estimate: If Dragon Age rumours(and writer leak) are true, they are well into pre-production already. Bioware tends to provide roughly two months of support from the developing studio before the game is handed off to a support studio. So if that holds true, we'd be looking at a Christmas, possibly new year, date of an all-hands-on approach to Dragon Age(with a release of probably 2 years following). This will likely be the starting point of Mass Effect pre-production as well(As reviews have pretty much dictated that the series will once again be handled in Edmonton).

    Edit: The timeframe I just mentioned was Christmas 2018/New Year 2019... So I wouldn't expect Dragon Age before the Holiday 2020 season. Unless EA/Bioware severely switched up their model again and this hiring is for Austin to take the reins on Dragon Age... which could bump this a year earlier. I don't know if I would be comfortable with that after how Montreal handled Andromeda. My vote would go for the status quo.

  • update on the mormon girl:

    i'm like 97.3% convinced she's a closeted gay

  • it seemed like the Dragon Age franchise would be getting another installment next

    I am so stoked

    Johro posted: »

    Bioware news... because it's about all I can provide: Bioware Austin, their former tertiary studio(now secondary), is expanding. While i

  • Just some advice from a gay to gay:
    Once upon a time I thought someone was gay. Like 100% all the way. So I asked him if he was, and he told me to go fuck myself. No biggie. I'm used to it. Then, the next day, he and some of his friends trailed me to my work and once I got off they beat me up not far from my car. It was a rough night.

    So if there's anything I can tell you, make sure your gaydar is clear. I'm sure nothing like what happened to me will happen to you, but I just thought I would share.

    update on the mormon girl: i'm like 97.3% convinced she's a closeted gay

  • I went into work today wearing something fancier than my usual ensemble - a long flowy skirt and a flower headband, i also did my makeup because I may be depressed but never too depressed to look good, y'know - and she was like "You're a pretty sight on this dreary day" so like...she also complimented my boobs? idk.

    girls are weird. Also sorry about what happened to u :(

    colbyjack posted: »

    Just some advice from a gay to gay: Once upon a time I thought someone was gay. Like 100% all the way. So I asked him if he was, and he tol

  • OMFG YES I found Lord of the Rings conquest
    enter image description here
    It was one of my favorite childhood games to play with friends when they came sleeping over!!
    enter image description here
    Gonna get this classic game again for PS2 to play with my friends.
    enter image description here
    Damn nostalgic

  • Somebody has send me porn and told me he was Blindsniper but Snipers IQ is way to high to make such a decision as a moderator SOMEBODY PLEASE SEND ME CAT IMAGES

  • edited June 2017

    Conquest was legendary

    joshua007 posted: »

    OMFG YES I found Lord of the Rings conquest It was one of my favorite childhood games to play with friends when they came sleeping over!! Gonna get this classic game again for PS2 to play with my friends. Damn nostalgic

  • joshua007 posted: »

    Somebody has send me porn and told me he was Blindsniper but Snipers IQ is way to high to make such a decision as a moderator SOMEBODY PLEASE SEND ME CAT IMAGES

  • joshua007 posted: »

    Somebody has send me porn and told me he was Blindsniper but Snipers IQ is way to high to make such a decision as a moderator SOMEBODY PLEASE SEND ME CAT IMAGES

  • joshua007 posted: »

    Somebody has send me porn and told me he was Blindsniper but Snipers IQ is way to high to make such a decision as a moderator SOMEBODY PLEASE SEND ME CAT IMAGES


    I went into work today wearing something fancier than my usual ensemble - a long flowy skirt and a flower headband, i also did my makeup bec

  • My average breakfast is avocado on toast with some leafy greens finely chopped on top or a fruit and fibre cereal.

    Roasted vegies with couscous is tastey quick and easy. Chop your favorite veg into one inch chunks I usually use red onion, sweet potato, bell peppers but you can use what ever you have available roast with a little olive oil and garlic for about 20 mins on a medium high heat, on a high shelf in the oven untill the vegies have a little char check every 5 mins just in case. Prepair the coucous by using 1 part couscous to 1.5 parts of boiling water with a stock cube you only need about 1/2 a cup of couscous for a couple of servings(I use a veg stock cube) and mix together in a bowl and cover you only need to leave the coucous for about 5 minutes then stir if the liquid hasnt been absorbed cover again and wait 3-5 mins more. Mix the veggies and couscous together and stir in some hot sauce if you like(I mean chilli oil or chilli sauce not something full of sugar) or some herbs. serve with something on the side I usually have vegetarian sausage or bean burger but a skinless chicken breast might be a good option for you.

    Chilli can be relatively healthy too just use beans instead of meat because even the lean stuff has a high calorie content and serve with fresh salad a small amount of rice or baked potato with minimal cheese. Beans are high energy low calorie and slow release energy so you should feel fuller for longer.

    Soups and stews are good ways to get veg but they are usually eaten with lots of bread and if you dont make your own they could be full if salt, fat, butter and cream but its fine because they are pretty easy to make yourself and can last days in the fridge put a little bit of lentils in your soups and stews for protien and slow release energy. My favorite soup is leek and potato.

    Make as much yourself as you can even if it isn't a healthy food like dont buy takeaway fries try making your own oven chips instead (british style) or buy a frozen plain pizza and top with your own choice of vegetables its not healthy but it should get you used to using veg in a creative way you can experiment with different combos that way and its cheaper.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    ok, who has, or shit let me put it this way, who here thinks they eat healthy? im tryin to eat better, cause i eat like shit and i really ha

  • I think she was just being nice and there is alot of boob envy between girls she might just be jelly

    I went into work today wearing something fancier than my usual ensemble - a long flowy skirt and a flower headband, i also did my makeup bec

  • So what? Don't give a crap why it was invented. I'm not using it to degrade black people I'm just using it because it's a fun to use word. How is using a word non offensively offensive?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    However, it really doesn't change the fact that it's offensive no matter what, considering it's a word which has been invented for the sole

  • Going to watch Logan tonight, 100% sure I'm gonna cry my eyes out and not sleep for a month (it's not been spoiled for me but I'm pretty sure I know what's going to happen)

  • Who do you guys love more: Clementine or Lee? It's hard for me to choose myself lol

  • I don't think I quite follow, how did being bisexual cause him to torture people?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I said he was torturing 2 of his friends because he was bisexual.

  • I dunno

    MattB626 posted: »

    Who do you guys love more: Clementine or Lee? It's hard for me to choose myself lol

  • He was torturing them for how bisexual he was. His friends probably provoked him.

    Ekelund21 posted: »

    I don't think I quite follow, how did being bisexual cause him to torture people?

  • Guys, I have a question. In the Walking Dead: New Frontier, there's a part in the last episode where you have to decide between following David (your brother) or following Kate (his wife). For some players, Clementine goes with you. For other players, Clementine separates from you and goes after whichever person you didn't choose. So my question is...what in the game determines whether Clementine goes with you or goes by herself? Is it a certain choice or choices you made beforehand, or is it random? This is the one thing I couldn't figure out on my own. Thanks!

  • edited June 2017


  • He makes multiple alt accounts.

    But like I said, I haven't gotten any porn...yet.
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