The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Indeed, I am writing Forum of Thrones, the very long one Nolonius mentioned. It can be found here, if you're curious. I myself wouldn't really say that it is too difficult to join, though at first it might seem a bit overwhelming. I am very close to finishing the first of three "books" (basically my way of separating the story into three sections) and it took me two and a half years of very active writing to get there, so the story is indeed long and the collected chapters on google docs are surpassing a thousand pages by now. However, I try my best to make it more accessible to newcomers. In general, anyone is welcome to join without any requirements at all, they can read the story, create characters for me to use and vote on what choices the Point-of-View characters are going to make at the end of every part. It should be the same for the other interactive fanfictions here as well. Now, it is easy for me to say it as the guy who writes the story, but I don't think it is all that difficult to fully understand what is going on, after looking past the initially intimidating size. I have written a summary of most of Book 1 (though I have long since given up on calling it a short summary), accessible through the main post of the thread, which should suffice with bringing newcomers up-to-date, so that they understand the important stuff going on in newer parts. So far, I have been told that it's serving its purpose well enough. Having noticed that this summary might suffice for the time being, but probably won't be enough to make sure that newcomers won't feel excluded in the future, I am also currently building up a wiki on and a Tv Tropes page (the latter of which I even feel confident with sharing, given that it is nearly finished), both of which should make it a lot easier to join by making a lot of information readily accessible. Right now, there might be a bit of reading required if you want to fully understand just about every detail in the newer parts, but given that I am going to reach the end of Book 1 in the coming week, I think a lot of new stuff in the next book doesn't require much in term of previous knowledge, such as entirely new storylines in previously unseen locations. And of course, there is also me who never gets tired with explaining anything that might remain unclear, down to the details. All in all, I try my best to make it as easy to join as possible. I hope that answered your question at least somewhat, but if there is more you want to know, then ask.

    You currently run a story, right? do you know if it's pretty difficult to join?

  • I found the major difference between Wattpad and and why I prefer

    Wattpad has mostly cringy, love stories, the most popular being a love story between a character and the reader or an OC. Basically if your story doesn't involve any type of relationship, it's doomed. has mostly what-if stories, crossovers, and generally better stories. Very rarely do you see love stories. However, it's definitely in 2nd place when it comes to well-known reading sites.

  • I watched the very first Texas Chainsaw Massacre and unlike you guys, I didn't like the movie at all regardless if it's classic or not which I think is an unpopular opinion.

  • Decided it was time to learn to ride a bike, first day has been productive :D

  • Is it bad that the only thing I want to do anymore is play Crash Bandicoot?

  • If you read the story of how the movie was made and how it was advertised you'd probably have a lot more respect for it. The behind the scenes shit is really interesting.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I watched the very first Texas Chainsaw Massacre and unlike you guys, I didn't like the movie at all regardless if it's classic or not which I think is an unpopular opinion.

  • That was me in the 90's. Crash is life.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Is it bad that the only thing I want to do anymore is play Crash Bandicoot?

  • I know this is based on a real story, Ed Gein no less.

    If you read the story of how the movie was made and how it was advertised you'd probably have a lot more respect for it. The behind the scenes shit is really interesting.

  • I've been thinking that we should have some extra button telling us all the different symbol inputs for the emojis here. I find myself opening a new tab and going to this thread a whole bunch when I want to add some sort of reaction in a post of mine. Having that list easier to access would make things much faster when posting.

  • I know this is based on a real story

    No it's not, actually. That's the brilliant thing about it, the way they advertise it makes it 100% convincing that it's based on a true story and the atmosphere of the movie makes it feel as such, but the film is completely fictional. It's genuinely amazing how they pulled something like that off.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I know this is based on a real story, Ed Gein no less.

  • I second this.

    AChicken posted: »

    I've been thinking that we should have some extra button telling us all the different symbol inputs for the emojis here. I find myself openi

  • thank you :)

    Indeed, I am writing Forum of Thrones, the very long one Nolonius mentioned. It can be found here, if you're curious. I myself wouldn't real

  • boi this cowboy bebop LIT, that episode 5 was so good.

    ps; Faye Valentine bae as freak.

  • Ed Gein only killed a few people(only proven to have killed 2). Ed Gein was more of a grave robber whom played with the bodies.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I know this is based on a real story, Ed Gein no less.

  • Well, pretty much like Leatherface, he was using body parts to create furniture and the chainsaw was one of his tools to use on them. Also, he was delivering human meat to his neighbors, telling them it was just a "deer" meat.

    Johro posted: »

    Ed Gein only killed a few people(only proven to have killed 2). Ed Gein was more of a grave robber whom played with the bodies.

  • terrible day at the end of a terrible week. good times.

  • Let's not forget that you can easily identify what's a good writing based on the first few paragraphs in fanfiction. On Wattpad the title or the summary is enough to tell you that the fic is 500% full of clichés.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I found the major difference between Wattpad and and why I prefer Wattpad has mostly cringy, love stories, the mos

  • Well I ate a silkworm today. It tasted like chalk and it was absolutely horrible. I'd definitely recommend it just as a funny thing to do though!

  • I did some thinking after I said I would be taking some time off. The main reason I didn't feel like sticking around was because I was constantly feeling guilty over what had happened. After thinking more about what happened, I've decided that my now ex-friend didn't tell me that my anger issues were affecting her. She didn't let me know that there was a problem so I don't see what I could have done. I think it's clear that she never wanted to be friends with me and since she doesn't want to see me either way, I've decided I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life feeling guilty for what happened. Now that school's over for the next couple of weeks I've been feeling a lot better, and if it's ok with people here then I'd like to stick around.

  • edited July 2017

    Exactly. Don't get me wrong there are a few good love stories on Wattpad just not that many.

    But some of those cringy, love stories don't deserve to have as many views and votes as they do.

    Lazy_DC posted: »

    Let's not forget that you can easily identify what's a good writing based on the first few paragraphs in fanfiction. On Wattpad the title or the summary is enough to tell you that the fic is 500% full of clichés.

  • edited July 2017


  • I finally found out how to write in color!

  • show me how!!!

    Dan7Bip5 posted: »

    I finally found out how to write in color!

  • Yeah, just write her off and go on with your life.

    I don't think anybody thought you had to leave the Telltale Forums over this.

    I did some thinking after I said I would be taking some time off. The main reason I didn't feel like sticking around was because I was const

  • Teach me your ways master.

    Dan7Bip5 posted: »

    I finally found out how to write in color!

  • ...In who's opinion? :)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Is it bad that the only thing I want to do anymore is play Crash Bandicoot?

  • I third this.

    AChicken posted: »

    I've been thinking that we should have some extra button telling us all the different symbol inputs for the emojis here. I find myself openi

  • Good on you, man!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well I ate a silkworm today. It tasted like chalk and it was absolutely horrible. I'd definitely recommend it just as a funny thing to do though!

  • Why am I just learning about this? This is going to be the greatest movie of all time.


    Why am I just learning about this? This is going to be the greatest movie of all time.

  • Yo so after rewatching the OG Spider-Man trilogy over the weekend I genuinely can't see all the hate behind Spider-Man 3. Other than the casting of Venom and the Peter dance scenes it's like a genuinely good movie. In fact the entire Raimi trilogy is made of modern masterpieces.

  • edited July 2017

    Too many characters who have little to do in the story.

    Sandman being underdeveloped and muddy in characterization.

    Harry getting contrived amnesia just to get him out of the way so more plot can happen.

    Eddie Brock being underdeveloped and not making any sense.

    MJ's actions being heavily questionable.

    It's not the worst thing ever, it's just a mess.

    Yo so after rewatching the OG Spider-Man trilogy over the weekend I genuinely can't see all the hate behind Spider-Man 3. Other than the cas

  • It at least TRIED to be good, unlike Webb's second movie.

    Yo so after rewatching the OG Spider-Man trilogy over the weekend I genuinely can't see all the hate behind Spider-Man 3. Other than the cas

  • It's not the worst thing ever, it's just a mess.

    It is a mess, but there are fantastic things about the movie that are criminally overlooked

    J-Master posted: »

    Too many characters who have little to do in the story. Sandman being underdeveloped and muddy in characterization. Harry getting cont

  • edited July 2017

    Yeah. There's so much good stuff. The Black Spider-Man theme, the CGI, the fights, the design of Venom when Brock is ripped from the suit, the acting (amazing performance by Tobey Maguire specifically), how literally every important thing in the entire trilogy was reincorporated for the final act making everything feel more connected, Sandman's transformation scene, the first scene with Spidey in the black suit, just so many amazing things that people overlook because muh dancing peter

    EDIT: Before some fucker gets on my case again for "getting things wrong", I am well aware that there are bigger problems with the movie than Peter's dancing scenes and people have more issues with it. I was oversimplifying it for a joke. There are some issues with the film, I am well aware.

    It at least TRIED to be good, unlike Webb's second movie.

  • Personally, I was just, like, "whatever" at the dancing Peter part. I didn't laugh OR cringe at it; I just didn't give a shit lol.

    But yeah, the good stuff in Spider-Man 3 is FUCKING AMAZING. Sandman's backstory, the action, the music, etc.

    Yeah. There's so much good stuff. The Black Spider-Man theme, the CGI, the fights, the design of Venom when Brock is ripped from the suit, t

  • MrJavaMrJava Banned

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  • I think I'm one of the few who actually likes Wattpad.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I found the major difference between Wattpad and and why I prefer Wattpad has mostly cringy, love stories, the mos

  • Yeah, I thought the movie was good, but not the best of the trilogy. I just didn't like how Venom was underused, and only present for the last fourth of the movie. That was my main gripe with it at the time.
    I did love the trailer for it, when it first released. I remember downloading it off the internet to watch it whenever I wanted to. I think it was this trailer...

    Personally, Spider-Man 2 was the best. I loved the subway scene. I used to watch that scene over, and over, and over, and over again when I first got the movie on disc.

    I should watch the first one again. It's been years. Need to see some good Willem Dafoe Green Goblin...

    Yeah. There's so much good stuff. The Black Spider-Man theme, the CGI, the fights, the design of Venom when Brock is ripped from the suit, t

  • Oh... my.... god...

    This is amazing, holy shit

    Why am I just learning about this? This is going to be the greatest movie of all time.

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