The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited July 2017

    Yes, I once it hit the winter part, I HAD TO FINISH IT GODDAMNIT!!
    Should we PM to discuss to avoid spoilers for the unwary?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Wow, already!? It has the most perfect ending possible, right? What did you think of the winter section? I thought it was the best part o

  • Its been a while since I played tlou but isnt it more like 50gb or more, there is absolutely no way the full game is anywhere near 5gb.

    Either way it sounds like you need to free up some space on your ps4 go to settings, storage, then click the graph thing, then if you click applications you should be able to see how big tlou actually is and delete things you dont need from there, chances are your capture gallery is taking up a lot of space too.

    Aw man, so either way they're both gonna be over 5GB? But that's not far from how much the full game uses... It... doesn't... make... sense, isn't it a smaller story?

  • edited July 2017

    Actually I got the PS3 version, but thanks for your help thus far.
    I swear it was around 5.8GB or something to that effect. It was five-point-something!

    Its been a while since I played tlou but isnt it more like 50gb or more, there is absolutely no way the full game is anywhere near 5gb. E

  • Yeah, I'll PM you.

    The winter part is one of the most amazing, unexpected, exciting, most intense moment of any videogame I've ever played.

    Yes, I once it hit the winter part, I HAD TO FINISH IT GODDAMNIT!! Should we PM to discuss to avoid spoilers for the unwary?

  • :sweat_smile: I forgot it was on ps3 as well lol

    Actually I got the PS3 version, but thanks for your help thus far. I swear it was around 5.8GB or something to that effect. It was five-point-something!

  • No harm, no foul.

    I forgot it was on ps3 as well lol

  • inko's just sitting there like "why did it have to be autism"

  • hey guys guess what i got the day off because the store is dead on holidays so i'm home today. dunno why i'm announcing it here because i'm not hanging around you fuckos all day. i got games to play and anime to watch.

  • i didn't really think the last of us was as good as people say in any way, but boy if there aren't some fantastic things about the game. gameplay is pretty much flawless, game itself looks beautiful, the acting is amazing and the left behind DLC has one of my favorite written stories in any video game in the past 5 years. glad you had a good time playing it.

    So... I just finished The Last of Us and it is officially my all-time favorite game... ever. Something little that I noticed is that when

  • To be honest, when I was first playing it, I was thinking "It can't be as good as people make it out to be. There's gotta be something majorly flawed about it!"
    I'm not saying that there are no flaws, but I can't think of any at the moment!

    i didn't really think the last of us was as good as people say in any way, but boy if there aren't some fantastic things about the game. gam

  • Have fun!

    hey guys guess what i got the day off because the store is dead on holidays so i'm home today. dunno why i'm announcing it here because i'm not hanging around you fuckos all day. i got games to play and anime to watch.

  • I already explained this to @Acheive250.. I'll help you out here.

    Regarding the stand-alone version.. from the store description:

    IMPORTANT: The file that you are purchasing from PlayStation®Store is only the installer for The Last Of Us™. Once the installer is booted, the game itself will be downloaded onto your PlayStation®3 system. The 148 MB file size refers to size of the installer only. Your PS3 system must have at least 10GB of free space to install this game. If your PS3 system does not have sufficient free space, do not purchase this game. Purchases will not be refunded due to installation issues caused by space limitations. To check your PS3 system’s free space, please go to Settings System Settings System Information.

    So, either way, you'll need about 10 GB in total.
    The reason behind this is because for some odd reason, when downloading games, the Playstation requires double the space. The whole process goes like this:

    • Playstation downloads install file.
    • Playstation Installs file.
    • Playstation deletes the download file once completed.

    The reason it does this is because It keeps the download file while installing, so if anything wrong happens in the install process, it can always fall back on the original file.
    In the end, it'll only take up 5GB, as once it's done it deletes the 5GB download file and leaves you with just the 5GB install file... but when installing it, you'll need about 10GB.

    So... I just finished The Last of Us and it is officially my all-time favorite game... ever. Something little that I noticed is that when

  • Thank you very much for the info!

    AChicken posted: »

    I already explained this to @Acheive250.. I'll help you out here. Regarding the stand-alone version.. from the store description: I

  • Also, did ya like the game? Yes? Alright!!

    I do think it is one of my favourite if not my favourite game of all time. I've played, replayed, and re-replayed this game like 7 times in total. The gameplay is fantastic, the characters are believable, and the story does take some interesting turns (especially that ending.)

    Left Behind does not disappoint. It is a wonderful story expansion, and is also fun to play and replay 6 times over.

    Yeah... I'm a big fan of this game.

    So... I just finished The Last of Us and it is officially my all-time favorite game... ever. Something little that I noticed is that when

  • edited July 2017

    If you played it seven times, does that mean you've completed it on all, or most, of the difficulty levels?

    Also, did you notice the goof in the Spring part where Joel still has Ellie's backpack in his inventory? :P

    AChicken posted: »

    Also, did ya like the game? Yes? Alright!! I do think it is one of my favourite if not my favourite game of all time. I've played, replay

  • Yes, I have completed the game in (almost) all difficulties. I own both the PS3 and PS4 versions, and have achieved all trophies in the PS3 version of the game. So...

    PS3: Normal, Normal+ .. Hard, Hard+ .. Survivor, Survivor+
    PS4: Hard.

    And no, I did not notice that goof. Cool! But are you sure it's not a glitch? Maybe Ellie changed backpacks between Winter and Spring? Eh... interesting detail either way.

    If you played it seven times, does that mean you've completed it on all, or most, of the difficulty levels? Also, did you notice the goof in the Spring part where Joel still has Ellie's backpack in his inventory? :P

  • thanks my dude

    Have fun!

  • I ain't your dude nor anybody else's dude 'cause I ain't no dude, dude.
    I'm a girl, yo.

    thanks my dude

  • Dude, that's trippin!

    I ain't your dude nor anybody else's dude 'cause I ain't no dude, dude. I'm a girl, yo.

  • i call everyone dude. lol.

    I ain't your dude nor anybody else's dude 'cause I ain't no dude, dude. I'm a girl, yo.

  • heh

    Dan7Bip5 posted: »

    I finally found out how to write in color!

  • edited July 2017

    Happy 4th Of July!!!!!!

    enter image description here

  • Always great to see more people playing that game, how hyped are you for part II now?

    So... I just finished The Last of Us and it is officially my all-time favorite game... ever. Something little that I noticed is that when

  • So... apparently, I got this as a gift and I couldn't be more happy.

    enter image description here

    I know that it's not as good as the other Fallout games, but I still have been waiting for so long to try it out.

  • edited July 2017

    Noice my dude.

    Now, here's my gift to you:

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So... apparently, I got this as a gift and I couldn't be more happy. I know that it's not as good as the other Fallout games, but I still have been waiting for so long to try it out.

  • Calm down bro

    I ain't your dude nor anybody else's dude 'cause I ain't no dude, dude. I'm a girl, yo.

  • one more day and i'm off work for 4 days. just one more...

  • First day at work out of training was a hella huge success!

  • edited July 2017

    EDIT: Nvm, false alarm

  • edited July 2017

    EDIT: Fuck you, double post.

  • Happy Fourth of July!

    I've seen a lot of fireworks.

  • Duuuude, it's alright!

    i call everyone dude. lol.

  • playing fallout 4 with mods is for pussies. why would you wanna turn a shitty game good?

    enter image description here

    papai46 posted: »

    Noice my dude. Now, here's my gift to you:

  • i'm not hanging around you fuckos all day.


    enter image description here

    hey guys guess what i got the day off because the store is dead on holidays so i'm home today. dunno why i'm announcing it here because i'm not hanging around you fuckos all day. i got games to play and anime to watch.

  • well i decided to finally finish that bloodborne and i got to say I'm a bit disappointed. Not on the overall game, the game is a damn master piece, could be a 10/10 but them last two, main game boss fights were wack as hell. German took me 2 tries, the 1st i just couldnt match his speed on the second phase and i wanted to parry him too much to get visceral attks to get my health back as i knew i was going to fight the moon presence right after, so i wanted to conserve vials. but then in my 2nd try, I went in a bit more aggressive and beat him. He got me down to 9 vials, and then came the MP.

    BOI, I was a bit scared but not too much as I knew I would get 24 back again as soon as I died, but lol this sucka was weak as freak. I killed him 9 vials on me, I used them all and killed him with 10% of my health left LMFAO. I didnt even knew if what happened was real, shit was so wack. i mean of all the bosses that i beat on the first try, this bitch took me the least amount of time. Yes, faster than the wack of Hemwick, faster that the Boring Spider Rom, faster than those lil alien things in uppper catheral ward, faster than them Living Failures lol, faster Ebrias the wack daughter and faster than this cleric beast on this NG+ rn.

    seriously it was a bit of a let down. i guess i powered up too much at the end? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ great game though.

  • I better stay away from mods this time, though, considering I'll download over 50 mods like for Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

    papai46 posted: »

    Noice my dude. Now, here's my gift to you:

  • Congrats!

    CooCooCole posted: »

    First day at work out of training was a hella huge success!

  • fight me yo i dare you i'll lose

    i'm not hanging around you fuckos all day. hmpf

  • Well happy fucking Fourth of July! I don't know about any of you on this website, but I'm spending it alone. Everyone else I know is out partying, and I'm spending it here at home.

    Even my own fucking cousin, when I talk to her about possibly hanging out on the 4th of July, she said that she would let me know, but now the 4th of July is rolled around, she didn't even bother to say that either come over, or tonight's not good, or whatever.

    I ended up having to text her, and I played it cool by just saying that I wished her a happy Fourth of July and all that shit, but still to not even be invited to celebrate the Fourth of July by your own cousin, that kind of hurts.

    So right now, I'm up drinking, the only company I have is my two dogs, and that's it. You know I'm starting to think that maybe people like me or just rejects, or that we're "God's mistake."

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