The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • i guess you don't follow the meme economy

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Haha this pic scared me a bit in my feed because of That Guy ahem But this is cute-!! How haven't I seen this anywhere before?

  • Anyone else watch wrestling, primarily WWE? If so, what did you think of the PPV last night?

  • Why thank you for responding.

    I think the original X-Men was one of the best superhero films of all time.

    Yeah, I saw it theaters and that was that. It wasn't until it was on TV again that I was stoked, realizing I liked it more than I thought.

    To me the gems are X1, X2, First Class and Days of Future Past.

    Don't get me wrong I liked Logan but it seems mutant kind is doomed, despite Xavier's hope for both species working together.

    Sure, Apocalypse has a new cast lined up for another adventure, but it just won't feel the same.

    I was hoping James Marsden and Anna Paquin's characters would get a chance at redemption. Sadly it will not come to past. And with Jackman and Stewart retiring from their roles, it's now nothing more than a pipe dream.

    I still care.

    Why would any bother with X-Men when they have the MCU? That's an odd conclusion to come to. Everyone was like super hyped for Logan

  • This website should have some sort of 'save as draft' option for when we exit the page.

    I know there were a few times where either my computer crashed, or I accidentally closed the page while writing a pretty long post. It's really unfortunate sometimes.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I just wrote a review for the Back to the Future movies only to accidentally exit the page and lose it all. FUDGE IT ALL!!

  • That would be interesting.. Still unsure how it would all work but I'd be down for it. I love Memento and I love Arrival. Seems cool.

    Maaaan I got an idea for a game ahdfshksaFJ i dont care if u read it i just need to take this out of my chest So imagine an episodic game

  • edited July 2017

    I found out that the easiest way to get that trophy is to start at Chapter 8 where Emily has to escape from the mines after meeting The Stranger.

    Then kill Emily, Chris, Ashley, Josh, Jessica, Matt, Sam and Mike in that order.

    It's also important to remember that Chris is the only character that cannot die in Chapter 10, so if he is not killed in Chapter 8 or 9, then he counts as a survivor.

    I just finished going through a "Kill Everyone" run in UD, and I now have Platinum. Ohhhh booooyyy... Luckily, I was able to restart chapter 10 and speedrun back to how my canon playthrough went. But still, shit was hard.

  • Yep, my grandfather is Harrison Ford confirmed.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Harrison Ford clearly carries around a fake ID for these situations.

  • edited July 2017

    I restarted from chapter 6 because I didn't have the Fatal Grudge or Ashley SNAPS trophies. I just didn't have what it takes in me to kill Chris. :/

    And yeah, I know that. He's always the first one to run out of the lodge if he survives up to chapter 10.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I found out that the easiest way to get that trophy is to start at Chapter 8 where Emily has to escape from the mines after meeting The Stra

  • I'm not overly keen on killing off characters myself when I know that they can survive, even the characters who I don't like. I've only done so to get the rest of the trophies, just like you.

    I do like the idea of a survival horror game where there's a chance to save everyone's lives, since it's such a rare occurrence in such a setting.

  • Yeah, usually when it's like a teen vs killer setting in horror, usually only a final girl (Sam in this case) survives. Or maybe also a final guy (Mike in this case). But here, ALL of them can survive, which basically destroys the trend.

    Though, I'm not gonna lie. In my canon playthrough, I only saved two people. Would've gone for three if that person didn't suffer a fate worse than death.
    RichWalk23 posted: »

    I'm not overly keen on killing off characters myself when I know that they can survive, even the characters who I don't like. I've only done

  • Don't worry about it. I didn't bother to play this game at full price myself and willingly spoiled the entire game for myself, and at the time I didn't think the entire experience had warranted the full price tag.

    When I saw the game at around £15-20, I decided to play the game with the full knowledge of how to save everyone, and I thought it made for a fun experience to see a horror game where everyone (except for Josh, unfortunately) survives for a change.

    Yeah, usually when it's like a teen vs killer setting in horror, usually only a final girl (Sam in this case) survives. Or maybe also a fina

  • edited July 2017

    Actually, that's exactly what I did. I didn't have a PS4 yet so I saw multiple playthroughs on YouTube. But then I got a PS4 AND the game that same year on Christmas from my uncle. And then with knowledge of everything, BOOM. Saved everyone on the first try and got all the collectbles too.

    But on my second playthrough, I only had Sam and Chris (the only ones besides Josh that didn't participate in the prank that got Hannah and Beth killed) make it.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Don't worry about it. I didn't bother to play this game at full price myself and willingly spoiled the entire game for myself, and at the ti

  • I was planning to get a PS4 solely to get Until Dawn myself, but I decided to get a different game instead at the time.

    Still, I'm glad I got Until Dawn in the end, as I am thinking of creating a parody video series of the game in the distant future, but it's difficult to come up with a comedy series and make them funny enough to worth watching.

    The only thing I can come up with at the moment is turning Sam into a self-absorbed 'holier than thou' individual who brags to her 'friends' about having the moral high ground and how she knows she'll live to survive the story.

    There's also Chris' running gag of killing random animals in nearly every planned episode, which is a reference to how Chris can choose to kill a squirrel in Chapter 1. Emily and Matt's roles are also switched, with Emily being the butt of almost every joke, while Matt just won't give his girlfriend a break.

    Actually, that's exactly what I did. I didn't have a PS4 yet so I saw multiple playthroughs on YouTube. But then I got a PS4 AND the game th

  • I was talking about the blonde that talks to Liz at the end before Peter goes to her.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It wasn't Gwen it was Betty Brant. But they made her look like Gwen for some reason :P

  • I really liked it. The only thing I wasn't all that happy about was Lesnar winning.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Anyone else watch wrestling, primarily WWE? If so, what did you think of the PPV last night?

  • I wasn't all that happy about was Lesnar winning.

    Joe wasn't ready to defeat Lesnar...yet. He hasn't had that push yet, but maybe in the future.

    I really liked it. The only thing I wasn't all that happy about was Lesnar winning.

  • I was happy Lesnar won and hey Roman Reigns is my guy to face Block Lesnar for Universal Championship!!

    I really liked it. The only thing I wasn't all that happy about was Lesnar winning.

  • edited July 2017


    I really liked it. The only thing I wasn't all that happy about was Lesnar winning.

  • They're probably doing a triple threat at Summerslam: Roman vs Lesnar vs Braun.

    strwar3 posted: »

    I was happy Lesnar won and hey Roman Reigns is my guy to face Block Lesnar for Universal Championship!!

  • That's why I said some of :P

    If you're gonna blame something then blame Fox considering they've made some of the worst superhero movies of all time (The Last Stand, X-Me

  • Possibly I mean I'm for it if it happens

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    They're probably doing a triple threat at Summerslam: Roman vs Lesnar vs Braun.

  • fair point.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    That's why I said some of :P

  • edited July 2017

    All rise for the honorable Aaron Judge, the 2017 Home Run Derby Champion.

    enter image description here

    I fucking love this guy, he just keeps proving how amazing he is every day. Dude is in his rookie year and he's leading the league in home runs and is not only the top candidate for Rookie of the Year, but one of the top candidates for MVP.

  • So, the last 2 days are a blur. I was finally able to sleep last night(8hrs barely felt like a nap after being up for 2 days because of the heat).

    I'm too old to not-sleep. That's the lesson here. I felt dead the second day.

    Enjoy it while you can, kids.

  • I'm 20 and I feel dead when I sleep 8 hours

    Johro posted: »

    So, the last 2 days are a blur. I was finally able to sleep last night(8hrs barely felt like a nap after being up for 2 days because of the

  • yo i have returned my data has been restored and will probably run out again

  • enter image description here

    fallandir posted: »

    Have you been a little naughty around some innocent livestock, sir?

  • Welcome back! :D

    yo i have returned my data has been restored and will probably run out again

  • edited July 2017

    Completed few games over last few weeks

    Mafia 3

    One of those games speeding through city in nice car playing johnny cash on radio in game thinking this might one of best games ever why are reviews so bad

    Skip 30 hours later realising the whole game you do same 3 type missions whole game with same level of difficulty so annoying


    Add few more games later

  • So uhm, after forgetting a few times to call the doctors with irl distractions, I finally got to call them for an appointment and.... my appointment is in fucking September. :expressionless: All I want is a simple check up to know the how's and the do's.

    I really want to figure out how to properly heal my arm as soon as possible before it can get worse, so I ended up looking up online for things I can possibly do to help my arm. So far some of it has helped a bit. Ice packs, certain muscle massages, and surprisingly celery are things I've found to help my arm. Two of which already work, I'm gonna get some celery today and maybe some arm braces through the dozens of spare coins I've scrapped up.

  • thanks

    Welcome back!

  • has anyone else here played pocket mortys its a rick and morty pokemon game theyve bought back multiplayer it pretty good

  • edited July 2017

    So Yoko Taro, the director and mind behind behind the Drakengard-NieR series, decided to talk about his favourite PS4 games:

    enter image description here

    A crazy developer who throws in a side-scrolling shooter at the PS4 launch window, and a monster born in Finland… that is Housemarque senpai. I thought about listing one of their more recent titles, Alienation, but I will recommend RESOGUN here instead as that was memorable for me. I always keep an eye out on the games that senpai creates, but the playability of their game that hits the spot as a shooting game, and the way the graphical effects are flashy but not gaudy is striking. I’m very much looking forward to their next title, Matterfall.

    Final Fantasy XV
    I was creating a title called NIER Gestalt/Replicant when this title was called Versus XIII but because it was very likely that our games would release around the same time, I was thinking “oh man, Versus is an action RPG right? It would suck if the release dates were close to each other.” NIER ended up releasing without having to worry about Versus XIII but then, when I was creating Drakengard 3 I thought “it would suck if they release close to our release,” and it was the same again when we were creating NieR: Automata this time too. Looking back, I feel like I was trapped by the curse of Versus for about 10 years. This game and its content created over the course of 10 years is unparalleled and unique, and I enjoyed it a lot. The one thing that surprised me the most is their incomprehensible passion towards food and beverage. FF is amazing.

    Even Yoko Taro was affected by Versus XIII/XV's development lol.

    Gravity Rush / Gravity Rush 2
    This game was released for Vita, but occupies a slightly weird place as it is made in Japan, with unique controls and in a toon art style, but it is not a “moe” game. I feel like recent Western titles are polarized into super AAA titles and indie games, but the Gravity Rush series is a game right around the middle of the two. By the way, I go out to drink with the director Keiichiro Toyama once in a while but the only image I have of him is him being drunk, and I can’t help but think “how can a title like this come from a person like him?”

    The Last Guardian
    I’ve waited seven years. Seven. I love Fumito Ueda’s creations but I didn’t think that I would play after waiting seven years since it was announced. The finished game was beautiful to the very last detail and the content was like a gem. This is a game that I ended up feeling happy to have been able to play while I was still alive.

    And I know this game is universally loved here ;)

    Life is Strange
    There is a game called Remember Me that was released for the PS3. It has great artistic taste and I have awarded it my personal “most visually beautiful game on PS3 award” and the company that created that game is DONTNOD Entertainment in France. And as a new title from that studio, I just can’t help but pay attention to… wait, what is this graphic! The direction is completely different! This surprise was how I met Life is Strange. In sharp contrast to Remember Me, this title is about life in school in a quiet city. This title is great with many small youthful moments scattered around the game within the boundaries of restricted expression. By the way, Remember Me is still not localized into Japanese, when is it going to be localized?

    More at the link. And Taro with that good taste.

    These are his most "memorable" games:
    enter image description here

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Danganronpa is a great series BTW.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So Yoko Taro, the director and mind behind behind the Drakengard-NieR series, decided to talk about his favourite PS4 games: https://blog.u

  • Aren't there walk in clinics where you live?

    So uhm, after forgetting a few times to call the doctors with irl distractions, I finally got to call them for an appointment and.... my app

  • :o

    How could you???? Economy is my field brother ;-; and so are dank memes.

    i guess you don't follow the meme economy

  • no mention of bloodborne? no respect for yoko taro anymore. shit taste.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So Yoko Taro, the director and mind behind behind the Drakengard-NieR series, decided to talk about his favourite PS4 games: https://blog.u

  • I said I wasn't going to do it, I said it was a bit too expensive, I said it would serve no purpose owning one. Today, I said, "Fuck it," and ended up buying Corvo's mask from Dishonored, and I should hopefully get it by next Wednesday.

    enter image description here

    I regret nothing

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