The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • man did you guys know leon s kennedy turned 40 this year? crazy stuff.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2017

    Job did hint it was something fans have waited a "LONG" time for, so maybe it's the Thrones sequel that was announced ages back. I'm hoping so, at least, as we've waited so long. :weary:

    strwar3 posted: »

    I hope when Telltale is at Comic con next week. They reveal GOT Season 2 and The Wolf Among Us Season 2!!! Come on they said mature games co

  • oh you
    Johro posted: »

    I love you. I'm terrible with public affection, but... yeah wink

  • Sandwiches gain "Gourmet" status when you think of buying and putting on lettuce.

    Perhaps I'm a bit too "easy".

  • There might be. The one I knew/used to go to ended up closing. I'll have to take a look around.

    Aren't there walk in clinics where you live?

  • As a non-American, I'm not sure what I can do. But I hope we win this. I have a bad feeling. :(

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Today is the National Day of Action to save net neutrality! Our access to the Internet is largely controlled by a cartel of huge cable pr

  • Still havin' the same hair cut since 1998.

    man did you guys know leon s kennedy turned 40 this year? crazy stuff.

  • "Gourmet" is a spook, my friend.

    Johro posted: »

    Sandwiches gain "Gourmet" status when you think of buying and putting on lettuce. Perhaps I'm a bit too "easy".

  • Or Poker Night 3....please?

    Job did hint it was something fans have waited a "LONG" time for, so maybe it's the Thrones sequel that was announced ages back. I'm hoping so, at least, as we've waited so long.

  • edited July 2017

    Why is DabigRG banned? Just need an answer and I'll shut up.

  • Be patient. Then you can ask all your questions away.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why is DabigRG banned? Just need an answer and I'll shut up.

  • So he's coming back? yey!

    Be patient. Then you can ask all your questions away.

  • edited July 2017

    Just realized Telltale has a Mr. Robot game in the App Store. Is there something I like that Telltale hasn't made a franchise? :D
    (Also if this is a way of hinting at a supershow I'm all for it).

  • When someone tells you that today is their birthday and you tell them "good job."

  • Holy shit dude, you're canadian, this doesn't affect you in anyway.

    As a non-American, I'm not sure what I can do. But I hope we win this. I have a bad feeling.

  • You know that's not what we truly want...

    Job did hint it was something fans have waited a "LONG" time for, so maybe it's the Thrones sequel that was announced ages back. I'm hoping so, at least, as we've waited so long.

  • You Made It!!!

    When someone tells you that today is their birthday and you tell them "good job."

  • I hope he comes back soon!

    So he's coming back? yey!

  • I finished playing Resident Evil Code Veronica X. It was really good but DarkSouls-lish at the same time. What impressed me the most is that it has very similar story with Revelations 2.

    • Both games begin with Claire waking up in a cell on an island.
    • Both feature antagonists with the name "Alex".-------Alexia Ashford (RE CV) and Alex Wesker (RE RV2).
    • In both games, one of Claire's alies turned into a B.O.W.--------Steve (RE CV) and Pedro (RE RV2).
    • Both games feature a protagonist from the original Resident Evil who are coming to rescue their family relatives.----------- Chris Redfield (RE CV) and Barry Burton (RE RV2).

    The worst parts about it are the fucking boss fights, in this case is the Tyrant Plane Boss Fight and the Final Boss. Those are the reasons I restarted the game 2 times.

    Overall, it was good. 8/10. Here is my rank of RE games I've played so far:

    1. Resident Evil Remake
    2. Resident Evil 7
    3. Resident Evil 4
    4. Resident Evil Code Veronica X
    5. Resident Evil Revelations 2
    6. Resident Evil 0
  • he's an interesting guy

    Be patient. Then you can ask all your questions away.

  • I dunno, but I saw one of his posts and he was calling someone else an asshole.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why is DabigRG banned? Just need an answer and I'll shut up.

  • edited July 2017


    I think you meant to say "Crash Bandicoot" ;)
    Also, wut?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I finished playing Resident Evil Code Veronica X. It was really good but DarkSouls-lish at the same time. What impressed me the most is that

  • I'm hungry and I think I emptied every cupboard and most of the refrigerator >_<

  • enter image description here

    So hyped and on the mcgregor train to knock out Mayweather his trash talk on point his confidence amazing he seems invincible

    Then saw video him sparring in boxing

    Reality felt like slap across the face

    I'm boxer I sparred lots of times I know good boxers. I faced few MMA dudes in boxing there skills never translated well into boxing

    With.mcgregor everything was off the guard, movement even punching some amateur spar partner was killing him.

    Facing Mayweather one of all time greats

    Turned from a maybe to a miracle for me for a Mcgregor win

    But luckily I believe in miracles....:;/

  • I remember a post on tumblr where a teen girl who hadn't had her period asked what it's like, and somebody responded with that gif.

    I honestly felt sorry for that teen.

  • Telltale only distributes that one. They didn't actually make it.

    (I haven't played it so don't have an opinion of if it's good or not.)

    Just realized Telltale has a Mr. Robot game in the App Store. Is there something I like that Telltale hasn't made a franchise? (Also if this is a way of hinting at a supershow I'm all for it).

  • Fair enough. I don't know a lot of games that Telltale distributes apart from another zombie game.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Telltale only distributes that one. They didn't actually make it. (I haven't played it so don't have an opinion of if it's good or not.)

  • You shouldn't have to wait two months for a checkup, that's ridiculous.

    There might be. The one I knew/used to go to ended up closing. I'll have to take a look around.

  • Oh! Which thread was that in?

    I dunno, but I saw one of his posts and he was calling someone else an asshole.

  • That's hardly the worst thing someone could do on here tbh

    I dunno, but I saw one of his posts and he was calling someone else an asshole.

  • I love you too!

    Johro posted: »

    I love you. I'm terrible with public affection, but... yeah wink

  • edited July 2017
    Melton23 posted: »

    I'm hungry and I think I emptied every cupboard and most of the refrigerator >_<

  • edited July 2017

    The comment's gone now.

    But I remember VengefulKenny asking something like where the link to a Forrest Gump Kenny gif is and DabigRG replied something like, "Look for it yourself, asshole."

    It was in the general TWD questions thread.

    Oh! Which thread was that in?

  • Yeah but it's still something.

    That's hardly the worst thing someone could do on here tbh

  • No one really thinks he has a chance. That's why this whole publicity tour resembles something out of 90's WWF. It's about selling the tickets.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So hyped and on the mcgregor train to knock out Mayweather his trash talk on point his confidence amazing he seems invincible Then saw vi

  • I see. That explains the description in one of VengefulKenny's recent threads saying for DabigRG to not reply. Seems like all my questions have been answered. Thanks!

    The comment's gone now. But I remember VengefulKenny asking something like where the link to a Forrest Gump Kenny gif is and DabigRG replied something like, "Look for it yourself, asshole." It was in the general TWD questions thread.

  • No problem, happy to help.

    I see. That explains the description in one of VengefulKenny's recent threads saying for DabigRG to not reply. Seems like all my questions have been answered. Thanks!

  • OMG! @DabigRG is back! We missed you!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why is DabigRG banned? Just need an answer and I'll shut up.

  • I think fighting sports are kinda dumb for the most part, but this one in particular has GENIUS marketing.

    Put two of sport's biggest shit talkers against each other and watch the fuckery commence.

    Johro posted: »

    No one really thinks he has a chance. That's why this whole publicity tour resembles something out of 90's WWF. It's about selling the tickets.

  • I personally think the Emmy's are becoming a joke. They're trying to add weird categories that go along with the trends. I also think they snubbed a lot of talented people this year too.

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