The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I love how the music in the background is the Imperial March, now this is definitely a person I can see becoming Darth Vader.

    Further into the series anakin gets very temperamental. Like for example the scene where he loses his patience and force chokes Poggle to find out how to defeat the brain worms. And this is just season 2.

  • edited July 2017

    Time to shoot up every government hidey whole and take over the UK, it will be a paradise.
    T'is a joke.

    The tories are fucking retards You can get married and have children at 16 but you cant watch a video of something you can legally do untill your 18? (wasn't it always for over 18s tho just not inforced online)

  • I have no idea what that is but I spent £30 on an eso plus membership because I kept forgetting to turn off the thing where it buys back memberships (such as ps+)


  • And I forgot I had my sling TV membership activated. Last I heard, I had to pay $50 for something I had completely forgotten I had. Whoops.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I have no idea what that is but I spent £30 on an eso plus membership because I kept forgetting to turn off the thing where it buys back memberships (such as ps+)

  • That moment when you put in some cash in a vender machine, nothing comes out, and it won't give you your money back when you press that eject money button thingy.
    enter image description here

    And I forgot I had my sling TV membership activated. Last I heard, I had to pay $50 for something I had completely forgotten I had. Whoops.

  • Damn you, machines! ಥ_ಥ

    Melton23 posted: »

    That moment when you put in some cash in a vender machine, nothing comes out, and it won't give you your money back when you press that eject money button thingy.

  • edited July 2017

    This certainly is interesting.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    . @MetallicaRules

    I'd assume you've probably seen this before but someone showed it to me and I thought you might get a kick out of it.

  • I have, and it's still hilarious. James "The Table" Hetfield is my hero.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    . @MetallicaRules I'd assume you've probably seen this before but someone showed it to me and I thought you might get a kick out of it.

  • edited July 2017

    GOD let there be spin-offs to this. I would listen to them all.

    Edit: Welp. In my searches for "I AM THE CHAIR"
    I found this

    People.... Just people, man.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    . @MetallicaRules I'd assume you've probably seen this before but someone showed it to me and I thought you might get a kick out of it.

  • One of the reasons why this show is better than the prequels.

    I love how the music in the background is the Imperial March, now this is definitely a person I can see becoming Darth Vader.

  • Truth to be told it was not meant for those younger than 18.

    How do they actually know you are underage?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Fml I wanna die so much rn ;_; porn is being banned in the uk for under 18's April 2018. There are gonna be riots...

  • edited July 2017

    It was saying stuff like you have to enter your credit card details and all that every time you enter a porn site. I'll just swipe my dad's.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Truth to be told it was not meant for those younger than 18. How do they actually know you are underage?

  • Can't wait for the Blake and then the Yang character shorts, somewhere between now and October. Battle animations certainly have gotten better after the downgrade in Volume 3 (probably because it was Monty who pushed Poser to its limits). Graphics wise, it's been an improvement every volume though.

    This certainly is interesting.

  • Graphics wise, it's been an improvement every volume though.

    Ehhhh, Volume 4 kinda sucked graphics wise. Volume 3 hit the tone pretty well imo.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Can't wait for the Blake and then the Yang character shorts, somewhere between now and October. Battle animations certainly have gotten bett

  • 6 seasons? Well, yes, but only technically.

    When Disney bought Lucasfilm, the show was in the middle of fantastic 5th season on Cartoon Network, and thankfully completed it. A few days after the season concluded, it was announced that production on the show was being cancelled due in part to the fact that Disney didn't really want it on Cartoon Network and they were starting up stuff for the new movies. However, Dave Filoni, the show's supervising director, did say that they had some completed but unaired episodes that would be released. The episodes, titled "The Lost Missions" came on Netflix in 2014 and had only 13 episodes of an originally 22 planned episode season, so Season 6 was never fully finished, and the remaining parts of the show I'll explain below. Some would have been in Season 6, others in Season 7 or 8.

    Four of the missing episodes would have dealt with Darth Maul, became the 4-part comic series, Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir. Two four-episode arcs, the Crystal Crisis on Utapau and the Bad Batch arcs (for Season 7, well, at least the Bad Batch), were partially complete, fully voiced but only partially animated, and left unfinished, but were released online for viewing and are considered canon (as all of what I am telling you about is). Another eight-episode arc became a book, Dark Disciple featuring Asaji Ventress and Quinlan Vos, that I'm pretty sure would have been split in two in the remaining seasons.

    Anyway, there are a lot of unfinished but planned episodes, stuff involving Wookies, Bounty Hunters, Top Gun, etc. The show was going to end with Season 8, and specifically, the series finale would have been the Siege of Mandalore, where Darth Maul was at, from which Obi-Wan and Anakin would be recalled to rescue the Chancellor, and Ahsoka would taken clones including Rex with the help of some Mandalorians against Maul and his forces. It would be cool. The novel Ahsoka has some of this stuff in it.

    Wow I've been typing for a while. Anyway, Star Wars Rebels, especially after the first season, is basically the sequel to the Clone Wars, and has got a load of connections (and like the Clone Wars, is a lot better after its first season). The later seasons of the Clone Wars, particularly 4 and 5 are amazing. I am currently rewatching the series, and I'm about to start the Battle of Umbara quadrilogy, which in my opinion is the best arc in the entire series, also, it's really, really gritty (it also features Dave Fennoy as a four-armed dual wielding double-bladed lightsaber Jedi).

    did you guys know there are 6 fucking seasons of star wars: the clone wars? i sure as fuck didn't. i stopped watching like 3 episodes into s

  • All of the new stuff is canon now, but the Clone Wars has always been (since Lucas was so involved in it).

    I mean, Anakin does do a lot of morally questionable things, especially later in the show, which is probably a result of the show getting darker as it went on. I would recommend rewatching, since after the early episodes, you get consistently decent stuff (plus Jar Jar shows up a lot less).

    I used to love that show. I only watched the first 2 season but now that it's on Netflix I'm tempted to watch it for the nostalgia. Apparent

  • Speaking of dark Anakin moments...this is one of my favorite ones.

    Further into the series anakin gets very temperamental. Like for example the scene where he loses his patience and force chokes Poggle to find out how to defeat the brain worms. And this is just season 2.

  • It doesn't as i said, it's an unconscious decision.

    That denotes a bit of ignorance though, thin/fat don't always equal to unhealthiness.

  • Tell me about I inserted 8 dollars in the god damn animals stuffed toy machine To find out that it doesn't work didn't even get my change back

    Melton23 posted: »

    That moment when you put in some cash in a vender machine, nothing comes out, and it won't give you your money back when you press that eject money button thingy.

  • Here's a DAB for anybody who is down in any way

  • edited July 2017

  • Good to see you again.

  • Thanks!!!!

    AronDracula posted: »

    Good to see you again.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2017

    Random topic, but it seems Chik Fil A might dabble in "family meals" too

    Chick-fil-A is rolling out family-style meals and two new sides — mac and cheese and bacon baked beans — in three cities starting Monday.

    The new meals start at $29.99 and include one entree, two sides, and eight mini rolls to serve four people. If rolled out nationwide, they will be a direct threat to KFC's popular "bucket" meals, which are also meant for large groups.

    Chick-fil-A's new meals are meant to draw more customers during dinner, which is the least busy meal for Chick-fil-A restaurants after lunch and breakfast, according to Matt Abercrombie, Chick-fil-A's menu development manager.

    Seems pretty odd, but for a fast-food joint, their food is pretty good, so I wonder how that will turn out.

  • Wait, what? Where are you going?


  • You okay, homie?


  • I'm not going anywhere, LOL.

    Someone was banned.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Wait, what? Where are you going?

  • I am okay, homie.

    You okay, homie?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Remember me as I am, because I'm not dead.


  • Ah... Okay...

    I'm not going anywhere, LOL. Someone was banned.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It's because the UK goverment has made a rule that all ISPs should enable a porn filter by default to "protect children" or something along thise lines.

    Depending on the ISP you can turn this filter off with your online account, alternatly you will need to make the slightly embarrassing phone call to the ISP company to ask them to turn it off.

    Thankfully i could do mine online.

    Wait wait is this net neutrality or some shit like that

  • Omfg

    Melton23 posted: »

    Time to shoot up every government hidey whole and take over the UK, it will be a paradise. T'is a joke.

  • So do you like pay to watch it?

    Melton23 posted: »

    It was saying stuff like you have to enter your credit card details and all that every time you enter a porn site. I'll just swipe my dad's.

  • Can U please close my discussion about Running Away it getting kind of annoying

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It's because the UK goverment has made a rule that all ISPs should enable a porn filter by default to "protect children" or something along

  • No, it's just an identification thing. Little do they know, though you can just download it onto your computer or use google images so I'm not that bothered.

    So do you like pay to watch it?



  • It's so so sad she didn't deserve to die she was a very good person I just im so done with this shitworld


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