The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Anyway, Telltale forums, how is your sex life?

    if by sex life you mean "longing to die" then my sex life pretty fucking massive and successful.

    This is going to be amazing. Anyway, Telltale forums, how is your sex life?

  • God, this movie is going to be amazing.

    This is going to be amazing. Anyway, Telltale forums, how is your sex life?

  • So Humble Bundle is doing Telltale again... Wait. WTF? When were they able to sell Bone again? I have to buy it now. I haven't played that game in so long(version I had struggled in win 7).

  • EA has ultimate control for where their resources go... so who knows.

    Casey is/was a dreamer. That could be good or bad. While I have no inside knowledge of this particular matter, it seems that EA reeling in the development and budget for ME3 was one of the reasons for his departure.

    Even his announcement blog post talks of the future and excitement of working with bigger and better technology. Flynn(old GM) wasn't a bad guy and wasn't the reason for most of the issues. He has been there for 17 years though and needed a change. With a fresh, experienced dreamer at the helm, I guess we'll see where they go... and what EA lets them do.

    actually i have no idea what i meant with this comment. i'm fucking retarded. move along.

  • Really? I thought it was a pretty nice improvement overall, especially when it came to environments and lighting/shading.

    Graphics wise, it's been an improvement every volume though. Ehhhh, Volume 4 kinda sucked graphics wise. Volume 3 hit the tone pretty well imo.

  • The shading and lighting is good, yeah. But a lot of the animation itself is pretty bad, clipping, designs, stilted movements and such, but namely the fighting animations. Ruby's fighting style has gone from elegant scythe play to her swinging the fucking thing like it's a heavy battleaxe.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Really? I thought it was a pretty nice improvement overall, especially when it came to environments and lighting/shading.

  • I hope this means we might get DLC for ME:Andromeda! I know in my heart that that article that could be Fake News and still no news about DLC from Bioware yet,I'm still hopeful and I think we might(I don't know yet). I mean if Casey Is back then maybe we will

    Johro posted: »

    EA has ultimate control for where their resources go... so who knows. Casey is/was a dreamer. That could be good or bad. While I have n

  • Wow, my sleep schedule is SO fucked right now. I stay up really late at night until, like, 4 or 6 AM and I wake up at 3 or 4 PM.

    In short, I'm almost nocturnal.

  • Is there a game you feel like you want to replay? I feel like I want to replay Alien Isolation.

  • Me and my oldest brother went to Virginia and then to Washington D.C. Spent, more or less, one day in both. I enjoyed myself. I'd post pictures, but I'm the one man in the universe that doesn't own a phone, so unless my brother puts his pictures of Facebook, I'm out of luck. Gas in Virginia is cheaper than in the Superior Virginia, but the random drinks and stuff cost more. $3 for a single can of Yoo-hoo? Settle down now, rebels.

  • Land of the free and home of the $3 Yoo-hoo cans~

    Me and my oldest brother went to Virginia and then to Washington D.C. Spent, more or less, one day in both. I enjoyed myself. I'd post pictu

  • I recently got this theme as my ringtone but I haven't watched Wonder Woman yet.

  • I didn't realise it was like harley untill the dye was on my hair. I dont want people to think im one of those everyday cosplayers.

    It came out quite nice :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Why not like Harley Quinn?

  • ME

    Wow, my sleep schedule is SO fucked right now. I stay up really late at night until, like, 4 or 6 AM and I wake up at 3 or 4 PM. In short, I'm almost nocturnal.

  • edited July 2017



  • I need a new book to read like maybe a realistic one but not very realistic like I don't know just name me some books I'm going on a book spree

  • Horizon: Zero Dawn is very quickly becoming one of my favorite games.

  • edited July 2017


    You know I love some of the boys(and at least one of the girls) and I never talk shit about the folks whom work on games. I know, more than most, how hard you work. I've had a few stiff drinks here and I know none of the higher-ups read this shit anymore(miss the Dan's thread days), but it's time to set your own identity. You can keep doing the sequels, you can keep doing the franchises, but you really need something of your own. Do something original. Let the creatives fly. I don't even care if I hate it.

    It's even more evident now that "the action RPG guys", Bioware have stepped out of their comfort zone. You can do it. Take the leap. Fly. Fly.

  • Well, they do have that "Super Show" coming up (TV/Telltale game hybrid) where the first Super Show will use an original IP.

    Johro posted: »

    Telltale: You know I love some of the boys(and at least one of the girls) and I never talk shit about the folks whom work on games. I kn

  • Coming... Like King's Quest was.

    I'm getting a bit concerned with how little they actually talked about it.

    Well, they do have that "Super Show" coming up (TV/Telltale game hybrid) where the first Super Show will use an original IP.

  • What genre do you like? I usually read young adult fiction and historical romance.

    I need a new book to read like maybe a realistic one but not very realistic like I don't know just name me some books I'm going on a book spree

  • Dragon Age Origins.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Is there a game you feel like you want to replay? I feel like I want to replay Alien Isolation.

  • Coming... Like King's Quest was.

    Johro posted: »

    Coming... Like King's Quest was. I'm getting a bit concerned with how little they actually talked about it.

  • I literally cannot stay up late anymore. I used to be able to pull two allnighters all the time in high school but now I'm constantly sleeping. I can sleep 13 hours and still be tired in the middle of the day :(

    try having your favorite breakfast ready for you in the mornings, that way you'll be excited to wake up and eat it :)

    Wow, my sleep schedule is SO fucked right now. I stay up really late at night until, like, 4 or 6 AM and I wake up at 3 or 4 PM. In short, I'm almost nocturnal.

  • I'd love to see pictures!! I've been thinking about dyeing my hair for quite some time now but I have really dark hair so light colors don't show up very well without a crap ton of bleach.

    Is it like half and half, Melanie Martinez style?

    Im split dyeing my hair pink and blue! And no, I dont like harley quinn and im not trying to be like her.

  • I'm asking seriously though, since I've been out of touch with the timing of announcements and updates:

    Has there been anything regarding the Super Show since Dan's been back in the hot seat?

    I know it's not feasible to go back to the inmates running the asylum when you're tackling multiple games, but let someone run with their own project once in a while. One new project every 3 games or so.

    Johro posted: »

    Coming... Like King's Quest was. I'm getting a bit concerned with how little they actually talked about it.

  • I'd handsomely settle for Poker Night 3, but in the long run, I do agree. It'd be nice to see them diversify their gameplay beyond dialogue selection and QTEs. Part of what I love about old school Telltale games is how, even though they all (generally speaking) had the same lite-Lucas-Arts point and click adventure gameplay, they still managed to each have their own unique touches in the gameplay.

    Johro posted: »

    I'm asking seriously though, since I've been out of touch with the timing of announcements and updates: Has there been anything regarding

  • I like fantasy and action books ;) sometimes sci-fi and horror.

    What genre do you like? I usually read young adult fiction and historical romance.

  • edited July 2017

    I'm not even thinking about what I want at this point. I could be totally wrong, but I think that this must be so stifling to developer creativity. Thinking back to the LucasArts days. Isn't this why Telltale Games exists? Not wanting to be handed projects and rather do your own thing?

    People should watch that Tim Schafer self-doc. Remember how invigorated he felt when he was able to handle his own project that he wanted to do?

    I know that I'm not privy to the boardroom aspect, but video games are a gamble the way they are. I would hope that the folks whom sign the cheques(checks) could allow for 1 real crap shoot every 3 games.

    I've been employed by 2 large corporations and I know how complex business can be. Sometimes you don't have the luxury of what most people call common sense or easy decisions. Maybe that room is thinking long term, maybe that room is thinking of tomorrow. We don't know.

    I'd handsomely settle for Poker Night 3, but in the long run, I do agree. It'd be nice to see them diversify their gameplay beyond dialogue

  • edited July 2017

    Even tho I'm far from young adult I think I'm mature enough for it I'm more of a John green vibe

    Melton23 posted: »

    I like fantasy and action books sometimes sci-fi and horror.

  • this is a genuinely good theme

    AronDracula posted: »

    I recently got this theme as my ringtone but I haven't watched Wonder Woman yet.

  • Oh? I've never heard of him :/

    Even tho I'm far from young adult I think I'm mature enough for it I'm more of a John green vibe

  • I kind of want Volition to make an adventure game. Sniper's post in another thread(the one in lucidia console) made me think of their text adventure parody in Saint's Row The Third. That was comedy GOLD for us older PC game fans.

  • Fault in our stars?
    Looking for Alaska ?
    Paper town?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Oh? I've never heard of him

  • Most kids my age really hate books especially books with sad endings like looking for Alaska made me cry no spoiler tho

    Fault in our stars? Looking for Alaska ? Paper town?

  • Nope XD

    Fault in our stars? Looking for Alaska ? Paper town?

  • Fun fact of the day: when I got into secondary school I was the first person to join this reading club they had. In my last year though we changed it into a study club. In my 2nd to last year we wrote stories and plays. Jesus I only left about 5 weeks ago and I already miss it ;_;

    Most kids my age really hate books especially books with sad endings like looking for Alaska made me cry no spoiler tho

  • I mean when I was younger very young like 7 years old my sister went to university and her room was filled with books of all kinds I just remember sneaking up to her room taking a few books and there was this little forest nearby and I sat there everyday expect for weekends since she came back on weekends

    Melton23 posted: »

    Fun fact of the day: when I got into secondary school I was the first person to join this reading club they had. In my last year though we c

  • edited July 2017

    Last post of the night. I promise.

    I knew this would happen and I would like to nip it in the butt before it officially has to.

    The usual players, Kotaku and Polygon, have insinuated that Aaryn Flynn's stepping out as Bioware's GM had to do with Andromeda's reception.
    This is not the case. He has had the urge to step down for a while, but did not want the company to just hire someone off the street with no stake in the company or promote someone whom isn't ready. He actively sought out Casey Hudson and he was up for it and everything just fell into place(you try not to switch management while a game is being released). I think the dual core studio experiment was an obvious miss-step to everyone in charge and they will be moving on from that regardless of whom is calling the shots.

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