ENglish, mainly. I'm in San-Diego now, practicing my language. Visited some nice places in California also hopefully I'll be ably to see something tomorriw on comic-con.
Yes, it has! I'm glad people still remember me as a mod. I feel that I needed to come back amidst the exciting news. I remember us having a few conversations and such.
While I can't say I was a huge fan of Linkin Park's newest material, their first 3 albums were all fantastic. This news is shocking, for lack of a better term. My thoughts and prayers go to his family, friends, and bandmates.
Yes, it has! I'm glad people still remember me as a mod. I feel that I needed to come back amidst the exciting news. I remember us having a few conversations and such.
had an interesting goodnight/morning message to my server these past 12 hours
ENglish, mainly. I'm in San-Diego now, practicing my language. Visited some nice places in California
also hopefully I'll be ably to see something tomorriw on comic-con.
Long time, no see. Well, actually, we didn't talk, but I did lurk the forums back when you were a mod I believe.
Yes, it has! I'm glad people still remember me as a mod. I feel that I needed to come back amidst the exciting news. I remember us having a few conversations and such.
the lead singer of linkin park hung himself today.
jesus fucking christ.
Rip. He couldn't handle the things crawling in his skin.
Chester Bennington man..
While I can't say I was a huge fan of Linkin Park's newest material, their first 3 albums were all fantastic. This news is shocking, for lack of a better term. My thoughts and prayers go to his family, friends, and bandmates.
but did it even matter?
But in the end, it doesn't even matter.
Chester Bennington
Him and Chris Cornell were friends. It was Cornell's birthday today.
Can't say I've heard of him.
That is either a very huge coincidence, or he planned it.
There's no way of knowing now unfortunately.
j e s u s
c h r i s t
quality meme, bad timing
This song fits his death soo well
A terrible tragedy. Rest in peace.
Great news! Glad to hear it. Did he turn out to be pretty close by?
I don't know you, but hey, welcome back man! We got emojis now
Well thank you!
So OJ is getting parole. Cool I guess.
All sorts of things can happen when you have a TV show about you.
Can't say I've heard of him, but it's sad to hear. Rest in peace.
I'm sorry for you, Season Pass consumers.
yeah, he was actually sleeping inside one of my shoes! My cat sniffed him out
it's unbelievable, it feels so weird, but knowing what he's been going through I shouldn't be surprised
Linkin Park's singer.
I grew up listening to Linkin Park.. that's so sad
rip Chester, thanks for the great music.
holy fuck... my home town went full breaking bad, but like 100x worst..
I can only imagine it being like a group of two people standing next to each other, around every other block with one of each pair saying..
Finally got my Corvo Attano mask in the mail yesterday, put it right next to my autographed Clementine hat and poster.
May I ask what is written on the autographed Clementine poster?
It looks like she wrote a lot of stuff for you, that's pretty cool.
"Jack! Team Kenny all the way! It was great meeting you at WSC NY/NJ! Keep Clem safe