The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Disney hates jewish people.

  • How?

    Disney hates jewish people.

  • I'm learning how to drive a car. I've been doing 5 tests and I've been doing good so far.

  • My sister failed 9 times :joy:

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm learning how to drive a car. I've been doing 5 tests and I've been doing good so far.

  • In what cause?

    My sister failed 9 times

  • edited July 2017

    They have this test to drive in the city and her mentor told her to go in a turn and she went in and he asked her if she saw the sign this one of many car stories that she either said to me or I was their to witness

    AronDracula posted: »

    In what cause?

  • My brother got a car stuck back, that was a horrible fail

    My sister failed 9 times

  • Yeah well few months ago we were at
    A mall nearby and well m sister isn't the best driver she got us stuck but then we got eventually bunch of guys we're standing near us and they started laughing at us so she stepped the gas pedal as hard as she can and we got stuck again

    My brother got a car stuck back, that was a horrible fail

  • edited July 2017

    I crashed an electric jeep into a swing set so I don't think I'll be getting my license any time soon. Lol jk that was years ago, I burned my dad at go karts. Probably.

    My brother got a car stuck back, that was a horrible fail

  • We'll that isn't big surprise after all Disney creator Walt was a Anti-semitic

    Disney hates jewish people.

  • I keep pressing the N key when I am trying to press the space bar and it is started to get on my nerves now -.-

  • Inthoughtnthatnwasnnormal

    Melton23 posted: »

    I keep pressing the N key when I am trying to press the space bar and it is started to get on my nerves now -.-

  • CinemaWins deserves a lot of subscribers.

  • yeah they do, they're really good unlike cinemasins because they actually take a critical look at the films they're working on, kind of like an actual youtube reviewer. i love cinemasins but they fuck up a LOT in their videos, nitpicking is fine but their videos are anything but criticism or satire, not to mention all the sinning mistakes that are never corrected.

    AronDracula posted: »

    CinemaWins deserves a lot of subscribers.

  • ...Oh! I forgot to mention, some of the older Telltale fans moved on to Double Fine's forums if you want to catch up with them as well.

    Icedhope posted: »

    Well thank you!

  • Music video sins are pretty cool too

    yeah they do, they're really good unlike cinemasins because they actually take a critical look at the films they're working on, kind of like

  • Okay you guys don't like the sins video

    Music video sins are pretty cool too

  • Forget that I was ever here

    Okay you guys don't like the sins video

  • weekend plans: cramps so bad I can't even stand up : )))))) why was I born a girl

  • edited July 2017

    People who Have a LDR are so so strong

  • I love you guys

    There are people going through nasty stuff here and my heart goes out to you guys. I send you all my love


  • Nothing but love <3

    I love you guys There are people going through nasty stuff here and my heart goes out to you guys. I send you all my love X

  • i wish it was that small scale, but its cartel scale. super fucked up..

    I can only imagine it being like a group of two people standing next to each other, around every other block with one of each pair saying..

  • You guys are honestly so sweet what the heck

    I love you guys There are people going through nasty stuff here and my heart goes out to you guys. I send you all my love X

  • well ive finished Cowboy Bebop. i really liked it, if i had to rate it rn, off the bat id say 9/10.

  • To be fair, CinemaSins is about being more comedic than actually critiquing films. Some of the films they've sinned are ones they admit are great.

    yeah they do, they're really good unlike cinemasins because they actually take a critical look at the films they're working on, kind of like

  • edited July 2017

    The jazz got me from the first episode. I had discovered this video recently after watching the movie Whiplash. It completely took me by surprise and the end of the video made me laugh, the trombone man.
    EDIT: If you haven't watched this movie by the way, its way better to see it first than watching the video.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    well ive finished Cowboy Bebop. i really liked it, if i had to rate it rn, off the bat id say 9/10.

  • Luv ya mor <333

    I love you guys There are people going through nasty stuff here and my heart goes out to you guys. I send you all my love X

  • John Heard, the actor of Peter McCallister from Home Alone, has passed away.

    He was reported to have died in his hotel room in Palo Alto, California, while he was recovering from a minor back surgery.

    May he rest in peace.

  • You guys ever feel excited but nervous about something at the same time?

    That's pretty much how I feel right now about a lot of things.

  • Sure do, especially after the recent TWD news

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    You guys ever feel excited but nervous about something at the same time? That's pretty much how I feel right now about a lot of things.

  • Same. I also felt the same way for the Justice League movie and Walking Dead Season 8. Not to mention I'm flying tomorrow to go to Texas and I'm afraid of both heights and planes.

    Sure do, especially after the recent TWD news

  • edited July 2017

    double post. Oops.

    Sure do, especially after the recent TWD news

  • I deadass thought you were replying to yourself because of your avatar.

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Same. I also felt the same way for the Justice League movie and Walking Dead Season 8. Not to mention I'm flying tomorrow to go to Texas and I'm afraid of both heights and planes.

  • edited July 2017

    Anyone else excited that we'll see this man wear the cape & cowl in the Flashpoint film?

    enter image description here

    Or this beauty play The Clown Prince(ss) of Crime?

    enter image description here

  • edited July 2017

    I honestly got confused for a split second.


    ...You from New York? Or were from? Because a lot of people in NY say that, including myself.

    I deadass thought you were replying to yourself because of your avatar.

  • Nah, Im just a copy cat

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    I honestly got confused for a split second. Deadass ...You from New York? Or were from? Because a lot of people in NY say that, including myself.

  • Ben Affleck is not Batman anymore?

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Anyone else excited that we'll see this man wear the cape & cowl in the Flashpoint film? Or this beauty play The Clown Prince(ss) of Crime?

  • He is, but there's a comic called Flashpoint that's about Flash going back in time and changing the universe by saving his Mom.

    In that universe, Bruce dies and his father becomes Batman. In BvS, Jeffery Dean Morgan plays his Dad so since they're making a Flashpoint movie, it's safe to say He'll play Batman.

    papai46 posted: »

    Ben Affleck is not Batman anymore?

  • Ah, okay lmaoo

    Nah, Im just a copy cat

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