The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So...Valerian was a boring waste of two hours. Just 100% unengaging characters, dialogue, and story across the board.

    Visuals were nice but that doesn't mean anything when your two leads are about as charismatic and interesting as a wet blanket.

  • edited July 2017

    I just finished reading the graphic novel trilogy for Avatar TLA called The Promise. It was pretty good.

    I'm gonna start The Search tomorrow, which I'm more excited for. :p

  • so basically dc is going to pull a suicide squad again and make a shitty live action film for an amazing animated film we already have

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    He is, but there's a comic called Flashpoint that's about Flash going back in time and changing the universe by saving his Mom. In that u

  • well that bums me out, i was pretty hyped when i saw the trailer

    J-Master posted: »

    So...Valerian was a boring waste of two hours. Just 100% unengaging characters, dialogue, and story across the board. Visuals were nice but that doesn't mean anything when your two leads are about as charismatic and interesting as a wet blanket.

  • You might actually enjoy it, I don't know, it'll work for some and it won't work for some.

    well that bums me out, i was pretty hyped when i saw the trailer

  • honestly i wasn't expecting anything more from it than to be visually astounding.

    J-Master posted: »

    You might actually enjoy it, I don't know, it'll work for some and it won't work for some.

  • It's got a few problems, but overall, I thought it was a great start to the comic continuation. The Search is definitely the best trilogy, you're definitely going to love it.

    I just finished reading the graphic novel trilogy for Avatar TLA called The Promise. It was pretty good. I'm gonna start The Search tomorrow, which I'm more excited for.

  • I saw Dunkirk Friday. While it's definitely a great film, it's not exactly a popcorn flick though.

  • Don't doubt it. I really wanna find out what happened to Zuko's mom.

    It's got a few problems, but overall, I thought it was a great start to the comic continuation. The Search is definitely the best trilogy, you're definitely going to love it.

  • I can watch Kevin Hart all day. Seriously, I'm about to watch his stand-ups while on my flight later.

  • Check out my new video ^_^

    Please support my channel if you enjoyed it!

  • I still keep in contact with the older crew! GuruGuru214, Secret Fawful, Rather Dashing, and Alecoremortis still talk all the time. The only real reason I'm back, is, well I don't know, but I'm back. :) <-------Emoji's now? They spared no expense.

    ...Oh! I forgot to mention, some of the older Telltale fans moved on to Double Fine's forums if you want to catch up with them as well.

  • I wanted to see it, but being an adult gets in the way, so I have to wait for the Blu-Ray.

    I saw Dunkirk Friday. While it's definitely a great film, it's not exactly a popcorn flick though.

  • Writing is a hard career, being in customer service is a hard career. So, now I just sit here and do things. I'm never not away from a computer.

  • Time for a week of camping, meaning no Internet.

    I'll see you guys the 29th.

  • edited July 2017

    And @Squishy Cthulhu will be the new Harley Quinn this timeline will bé the best

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Anyone else excited that we'll see this man wear the cape & cowl in the Flashpoint film? Or this beauty play The Clown Prince(ss) of Crime?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Have fun :)

    Time for a week of camping, meaning no Internet. I'll see you guys the 29th.

  • I slept in the car when I went camping cos I can't stand tents :3

    Time for a week of camping, meaning no Internet. I'll see you guys the 29th.

  • edited July 2017

    Right now, I just finished pulling off an all-nighter, it's 10 AM, and I'm trying so hard not to fall asleep. I seriously need some caffeine.

    EDIT: Right now, I'm just bullshitting through the day with some Pepsi.

  • Well Valerian must had terrible writing and god the lead characters are soooo fuckin bad and there's no chemistry between the romance between them. I didn't like it

    J-Master posted: »

    So...Valerian was a boring waste of two hours. Just 100% unengaging characters, dialogue, and story across the board. Visuals were nice but that doesn't mean anything when your two leads are about as charismatic and interesting as a wet blanket.

  • power's completely out at my house and will remain so until tomorrow, so my only way of air conditioning and internet is at work.

    thanks KCPL.

  • KCPL? What's that?

    power's completely out at my house and will remain so until tomorrow, so my only way of air conditioning and internet is at work. thanks KCPL.

  • I feel ya

    Icedhope posted: »

    Writing is a hard career, being in customer service is a hard career. So, now I just sit here and do things. I'm never not away from a computer.

  • but-but who will be our mom? the forum will be a mess without you! What if people start having fun?


    Time for a week of camping, meaning no Internet. I'll see you guys the 29th.

  • Eh, I wasn't excited for the movie at all. The trailers looked all strange, cheesy, and clichéd.

    Sure the visuals may be good, but that's not really what I go see a movie for.

    J-Master posted: »

    So...Valerian was a boring waste of two hours. Just 100% unengaging characters, dialogue, and story across the board. Visuals were nice but that doesn't mean anything when your two leads are about as charismatic and interesting as a wet blanket.

  • my city's shitty power company

    strwar3 posted: »

    KCPL? What's that?

  • I may be way out of the age range, but I'm really enjoying the Little Witch Academia short films on Netflix. It's pretty cute. [and I have a real big soft spot for cuteness]

    I'm watching the second short film now and should be going on to the series soon.
    And I love the art style! So smooth, so unique!

  • Keep Calm and Play Lara Croft

    da vinci's code has been cracked i'm so smart

    strwar3 posted: »

    KCPL? What's that?

  • edited July 2017

    Anybody thoughts on the Game Of Thrones Co-creators creating a new TV series called Confederate? I mean it's alternate history about what The Man In The High Tower did and i think I will watch it and I like to see new things on TV and I think it's gonna be good! You guys gonna watch it?

  • Netflix has been doing some amazing anime shows on there network and I'm happy about it!

    AChicken posted: »

    I may be way out of the age range, but I'm really enjoying the Little Witch Academia short films on Netflix. It's pretty cute. [and I have a

  • If I could afford HBO, I would. It sounds pretty neat.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Anybody thoughts on the Game Of Thrones Co-creators creating a new TV series called Confederate? I mean it's alternate history about what Th

  • Just curious, why does support kill community discussion threads for issues they haven't fixed?

  • Yup the concept is very interesting and I can't wait and I have HBO

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    If I could afford HBO, I would. It sounds pretty neat.

  • what is that may I ask?

    AChicken posted: »

    I may be way out of the age range, but I'm really enjoying the Little Witch Academia short films on Netflix. It's pretty cute. [and I have a

  • I wore my hair down today and I'm not liking it, no sir :triumph:

    enter image description here

  • edited July 2017

    Well, Little Witch Academia (which has no relation to the series "My Hero Academia" I've been hearing a lot of lately) is a series of two short films and a new series promoted by Netflix.
    It follows the story of a young girl named Akko who wants to become a famous witch like her idol Shiny Chariot, [someone who is frowned upon in the magical community because she mostly puts on big performances with flashy lights and fireworks...] anyway, the first short film (2013) is mostly like your average tv episode (you could even say this was the "pilot" for the show.) It establishes characters and their motives, but kind of leaves you wanting more (it is about 30 minutes). It has a big Ghibli vibe to it.
    The second film, using the subtitle The Enchanted Parade expands upon the world established in the last movie and introduces some good characters. It feels more like a bigger movie and experience, as it is about 50 minutes. I won't reveal the plot for this, as who knows if you'll even like the first movie.
    as for the series, I have nothing to say because I haven't reached that part yet.
    But the order (if there even is one) is *Movie 1 - Movie 2 - TV series.
    Ehh.. I probably didn't make much sense. Here's a trailer for it entirely in Japanese with no subtitles because that's all I can find and watch the glorious animation! It looks really good.

    what is that may I ask?

  • edited July 2017

    enter image description here

    If could date any person in the world supermodels etc.

    ...But they will be as jealous and controlling as this

    Would you?

  • So I'm a bit conflicted on whether I should see The Dark Tower. I read the series and loved it but certainly cast and production choices have already got me reconsidering. The main thing is that I've always had a bit of a disposition against Steven King books being made into movies because of all the detail he puts into them and I think the books he writes would better work as an HBO series or something like that. I recently watched The Stand , which was made into a miniseries and that was awesome. Also some casting issues, some people are complaining Hollywood has tried to change mainstream movies and sagas such as (Star Wars) tries to make all the main characters ethnic minorities for some reason. It's slightly weird and inexplicable but I don't really care about that Roland is black, what I do have an issue with is why the hell is Matthew McConaughey playing Randall Flagg? I don't see what made the director think he was the man for the role. He doesn't have the charisma or scary sadistic side Jamey Sheridan had and is a MAJOR miscast. Any opinions on this?

  • I had an experience like this with my first serious girlfriend when I was 15. I had dated a few girls but it never really got that serious so this was a big deal for me. She would check my phone everyday to make sure I wasn't talking to anyone or watching anything she didn't want me to. She also accused me at looking at other women in public when I wasn't. She was extremely jealous and controlling and it would often cause problems. They often say your first love is going to be a learning experience. In this case that was true. Short answer is no I wouldn't.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    If could date any person in the world supermodels etc. ...But they will be as jealous and controlling as this Would you?

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