The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Eh, I see it as a phenomenon that has to be analyzed on a larger scale than the individual level. Individual greed and stupidity might explain why a couple people will stab each other over a discount blender, but it doesn't really explain the phenomenon as a whole. I see it as having more to do with economics than anything else.

    Brick and mortar retail has been dying slowly for decades, with the rate of profit falling pretty dramatically and most are one recession away from disaster. They stave off the falling rate of profit and get rid of surplus goods through Black Friday...for which they bombard us with advertisements up to two weeks in advance. Still, there used to be something of a truce between Thanksgiving and Black Friday, with retailer mostly sticking their allotted day. Then the Great Recession and Amazon hit and people stopped shopping. The retail chains that weren't killed outright started encroaching more and more on the actual Thanksgiving holiday and becoming more sensational with their advertisements. Now we have Black Friday deals starting at noon on Thursday and many families with at least one member who has to spend the day pulling a notoriously miserable shift instead of being with their family. Even worse in they're a manager and don't get overtime.

    tl;dr: Black Friday has a lot to do with capitalism because the whole grotesque spectacle was manufactured by big business to protect themselves from the falling rate of profit and periodic crises that are inherent to capitalism.

    I'd also go after George Gilder's platitude but that's neither here or there and I've already made this a big ol' wall of text.

    I would argue it more as people's own sense of materialism and consumerism more than it being a problem with capitalism. Now the argument ca

  • I finally watched wonder woman. It's a great movie indeed and gadot was awesome but the villain was so lame. If you include the god of war in your movie, please don't have him have a damn moustache.

  • Yeah, it's pretty much truth in television, lol. I've worked Black Friday and it's truly surreal.

    I'm not usually a "muh tradition" kinda guy and like you I don't even care that much about thanksgiving, but something about it swallowing up the whole holiday just rustles my jimmies something fierce.

    To be honest, I've never been a huge fan of Thanksgiving, so that's not the part about Black Friday that bothers me. The reason I hate it is

  • Only the God of Love gets a moustache.


    Tolispro posted: »

    I finally watched wonder woman. It's a great movie indeed and gadot was awesome but the villain was so lame. If you include the god of war in your movie, please don't have him have a damn moustache.

  • There's a friend of mine who can be quite the dick sometimes and really got under my skin tonight. Basically, I was joking around with him and he took it too seriously and ragged on something very important to me. I'm not usually the one to take things so heavy but he didn't even apologize for it. He deleted the message, but I still believe he believes what he said, and what he said was a straight up lie.

  • enter image description here

    Johro posted: »

    Only the God of Love gets a moustache.

  • Thankfully that hasn't caught on over here. Even during Boxing Day right after Christmas, I've never heard of anyone getting in brawls.

    By the way, why call it Black Friday? Whenever Australians talk about 'Black' anything they're talking about a bushfire. Just seems like an odd name.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeah, it's pretty much truth in television, lol. I've worked Black Friday and it's truly surreal. I'm not usually a "muh tradition" kind

  • yes

    AronDracula posted: »

    Now just something strange came into my mind. Both Uncharted The Lost Legacy and Life is Strange Before The Storm share very similar details

  • Okay then. I never planned on seeing/reading it or anything anyway.

    I meant The Hunger Games. It's terrible.

  • edited July 2017

    Because it is a dark day where you see what people are really capable of...

    Thankfully that hasn't caught on over here. Even during Boxing Day right after Christmas, I've never heard of anyone getting in brawls. B

  • I don't really tell this much to anyone because it'll make me look weird to some, but recently when I watch children's cartoons with my younger sibling (ex. Yo Gabba Gabba), I for some reason experience a feeling of being upset and or sad. Maybe because the cartoon is too happy and it just depresses me. Like how children basically live a lie believing the world is like the cartoon's they watch and its not.


  • I know what you mean, I used to be that way but I sorta conditioned myself to associate cartoons with happy times. I never really watched cartoons when I was little so I always felt sad watching them because I would think about my lack of childhood.

    It's nice to pretend that life really is like in those shows.

    I don't really tell this much to anyone because it'll make me look weird to some, but recently when I watch children's cartoons with my youn

  • edited July 2017

    just testing something, don't mind me

    edit: Alright, I can post comments here, but why the hell this happened: "Your comment will appear after it has been approved by a moderator." Are we under the mind police?

  • Long live the King!

    MRSHYGUY45 posted: »

    Who else relates more to villains rather than the heroes?

  • Oh what did you do, @fallandir, to get the moderators up your butt?

    fallandir posted: »

    just testing something, don't mind me edit: Alright, I can post comments here, but why the hell this happened: "Your comment will appear after it has been approved by a moderator." Are we under the mind police?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    People where spamming the Bonnie ice meme too often so it got filtered, i approved your comment.

    fallandir posted: »

    just testing something, don't mind me edit: Alright, I can post comments here, but why the hell this happened: "Your comment will appear after it has been approved by a moderator." Are we under the mind police?

  • It's probably because of my face, i'm alarmingly handsome.

    Oh what did you do, @fallandir, to get the moderators up your butt?

  • ...Meme police always on duty? Thanks for the answer, I thought some serious shit was going down.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    People where spamming the Bonnie ice meme too often so it got filtered, i approved your comment.

  • Un-fucking-believable. Playstation Plus is getting better over and over. I don't care for this games but since they're free, I'll definitely give them a try.

  • It's based on the idea of "being in the black" which means to be profitable, as opposed to "being in the red" which would mean you're losing money. Black Friday is the day that otherwise struggling companies can break even and make a profit, hence the name.

    Thankfully that hasn't caught on over here. Even during Boxing Day right after Christmas, I've never heard of anyone getting in brawls. B

  • I think NOT!!!!

    Dan7Bip5 posted: »


  • Is this for real? Uuuuugggghhh and I bought just cause 3.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Un-fucking-believable. Playstation Plus is getting better over and over. I don't care for this games but since they're free, I'll definitely give them a try.

  • Too bad.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Is this for real? Uuuuugggghhh and I bought just cause 3.

  • I had Key Lime Pie, so joke's on you lol

    AronDracula posted: »

    Happy Birthday but your cake will be a lie.

  • Thanks all of you!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Happy birthday

  • I think you could do it. The pastry is the hardest part of this but it's not that difficult. You can buy it alternatively.

    I can translate you the recipe if you want :p

    bruzdaa posted: »

    The pie sounds pretty good actually. Do you think that this would be easy to make for an amateur like me?

  • That would be great! If that's not a problem of course.

    Euron posted: »

    I think you could do it. The pastry is the hardest part of this but it's not that difficult. You can buy it alternatively. I can translate you the recipe if you want

  • Fuck waiting for you to get it own your own, he delivered to ya.

  • All I want to say to you is na na na na unspeakable.

  • Shoot, hope you're okay.

  • G'day mate! (Is this a monthly thing?)

    Hi people

  • Before I go to bed I just need you all to know this exists.

  • Basically, I was joking around with him and he took it too seriously

    Its not really a joke if its going to hurt someones feelings. It sounds less like a joke and more of a "just a joke, brah" type thing.

    You clearly said something that hurt his feelings and he wanted to hurt you back its only a joke if you can all laugh, and I think judging by your wording it was more piss taking than anything else.

    BroKenny posted: »

    There's a friend of mine who can be quite the dick sometimes and really got under my skin tonight. Basically, I was joking around with him a

  • edited July 2017

    Jesus Christ is the biggest MC in the game.


    lupinb0y posted: »

    Before I go to bed I just need you all to know this exists.

  • Its because you'll never get to tame foofa's strange

    I don't really tell this much to anyone because it'll make me look weird to some, but recently when I watch children's cartoons with my youn

  • Has Youtube gone too far?

  • Well I can understand if you feel that way about Yo Gabba Gabba. That show is frikkin' weird!!

    When I was a little kid, I used to think that cartoons were real but from another world/universe/reality and people couldn't go there but they could film it. That was a loooong time ago and I learnt pretty quick that that was not the case...

    I don't really tell this much to anyone because it'll make me look weird to some, but recently when I watch children's cartoons with my youn

  • Watch as the mods delete this comment because the song has the word n**ga.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Before I go to bed I just need you all to know this exists.

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