You look older than I thought you did.
Waitaminute...isn't that Erin Yvette? I swear I saw that on her Instagram or something a while ago.
EDIT: Bruh. Lol. Cute dog.
You look older than I thought you did.
Waitaminute...isn't that Erin Yvette? I swear I saw that on her Instagram or something a while ago.
EDIT: Bruh. Lol. Cute dog.
No deal
Only post it here for a day just see the response
This thread full of brave people join them
I know deep down that voice is saying doet
So doet
I believe in u
Omg same, had to get this special salt shampoo cause of how oily my hair is XD Most of the time I look like a goblin, in rare cases such as this picture I actually look ok
it's because despite what other (coughwrongcough) opinions people have of my appearance, i'm genuinely ashamed of it and i hate myself so i don't like posting pictures of myself anywhere unless within very close friend groups or family.
I don't wanna blind you all with my ugliness
We're all ugly.
You look older than I thought you did.
Waitaminute...isn't that Erin Yvette? I swear I saw that on her Instagram or something a while ago.
EDIT: Bruh. Lol. Cute dog.
I'm cackling
I dunno man, there's a lot of good looking people on here
Awe you look like a teddy bear!!
Prove it
Even I posted selfie before
I believe in u
LMFAO HAHA someone finally realized
Ya'll actually thought I was Erin lmfao.
I haven't seen yours!!
I had up for months then linked expired
How about if you post a selfie I will do another selfie
I know of course I mean that nobody's perfect
I'm too chicken to post it here, lol. PM?
No deal
Only post it here for a day just see the response
This thread full of brave people join them
I know deep down that voice is saying doet
So doet
I believe in u
My trust in you is slowly declining...
And this is my mother in my uncles music studio
It's getting lower...I don't know what's real or not anymore...
I'm too scared to post my selfie, mainly because I don't look good in most of them.
I don't even smile in most of them. I smirk lmfao.
Okay but same??
Don't_Look_Back is secretly the daughter of Lily's VA.
I always use a Snapchat filter too. I never take regular pictures!
I always use the app Snow haha. It makes me looks 10000x cuter than I actually am.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Or maybe her sister...unless she's stalking her or something idk lmaoo.
I usually use the old dog filter one or the one that makes your eyes look a little bigger.
I also use regular picture filters if the lighting is good in the room lol.
I'm sorry, but every time I see this thread I remember this Studio C video: enter link description here
I kinda wanna post a selfie but at the same time I kinda don't lol
My most recent selfie where I don't look like a corpse
adorable ♥♥ i wish I had your confidence.
Omg Thank you! ❤
It's all a lie really, i have crippling low self esteem : )))))
Same, it's terrible.
Oh yeah, i forgot to mention, I have bangs too! I love them so far but for some reason they always look super greasy
Omg same, had to get this special salt shampoo cause of how oily my hair is XD Most of the time I look like a goblin, in rare cases such as this picture I actually look ok

Greetings !
Before you ask. Mine's coming.
Thank you ! I cant wait to see yours, too.
Hello, Everyone.

Since I finally built up the confidence to post photos of myself, would you guys like to see some embarrassing ones form when I was younger?
Edit: Well too bad. You're getting them anyways.
This is me when I was 13. You can tell, I don't really like to take photos.

Oh! My sis got me!

Quick! Evasive maneuvers!

I think she caught me off guard in this photo.

That more like it! My sister had this labled as my "Sexy Face"
Here's a day at the beach. You may want to look away, now. You may not be able to take what I'm about to show you.
For sticking through that. He're one with a pretty Farris Wheel in the background. And you don't have to see my monstrosity of a face.

Op, I spoke too soon.

You can thank my sis for all these photos. Without her, I would have nothing to share.
Present day.
What can I say? Old habits die hard.
So, are you glad you got to see all that?
i legitimately forgot i posted this picture here and i'm actually mad at myself lol
Why? you're adorable
it's because despite what other (coughwrongcough) opinions people have of my appearance, i'm genuinely ashamed of it and i hate myself so i don't like posting pictures of myself anywhere unless within very close friend groups or family.
thanks though, i suppose
This is me at the doctors
He told me my cholesterol was high