If I can post something like this and no one has said a bad thing about it, I think you're in the clear.
Don't worry, looking at this… more gives me a urge to throw up, too.
Sorry. I'm not really helping arn't I? I just like to beat up on myself. But so far, everyone else's has looked WAY better in comparison.
If I can post something like this and no one has said a bad thing about it, I think you're in the clear.
Don't worry, looking at this… more gives me a urge to throw up, too.
Sorry. I'm not really helping arn't I? I just like to beat up on myself. But so far, everyone else's has looked WAY better in comparison.
Gonna start being active again after a few week hiatus
Oh, and beard selfie for lulz
...I'm not full of myself but CAITT told … moreme I should watermark them and I know people that have had things like that happen before. Just being overly cautious.
No one is gonna kill you or underestimate you if you even ugly. No point to be afraid.
Guess you're right. But that little, annoying voice in my head would still scream the opposite and drag me down.
If I can post something like this and no one has said a bad thing about it, I think you're in the clear.
Don't worry, looking at this gives me a urge to throw up, too.

Sorry. I'm not really helping arn't I? I just like to beat up on myself. But so far, everyone else's has looked WAY better in comparison.
You cant beat that voice unless you prove it that it is wrong. So many decent people in here so you wont have any issues afterward.
You looking good, buddy. Thats why no trouble after all.
Well thanks for your kind words.
I don't even know what you are talking about, man. You look good
I'd like to believe that. Hmm maybe someday I can get the courage to do It and post something here. But right now I don't feel like it... ^^'
I would love to post pictures of myself nah too much of a pussy.
Thank you
Okay I'll stop saying things like that.
just joined the forums, here's a decent recent-ish selfie
Good one!
thanks! :>
You could just post it and delete it after a few hours like I did
That's good idea I might post one soon
Sorry, I couldn't resist! D:The first thing I thought when I saw your pic was a cat!
Il think about it.
Me trying to take a selfie for this thread
I'm actually laughing
Y'know I'd legit pass that off as a joke if it didn't already happen to one one my friends.
Thanks, man.
Damn you're cute!
After getting to know you a little, I'm pretty curious. If you want we can do it at the same time.
you're a little late, I unfortunately already did it but removed it after a few hours.
Is it boneless?
The fuck you mean, B?
You don't have to if you don't want to.
You shouldn't do something that your not 100% comfortable with.
I know that sounds cheesy but it's so true.
...That doesn't mean it's gone forever.
Even though I missed it, the other comments have said enough.
Trust me, you didn't miss much lol
My selfie might put it up again for few hours or idk just pm if wanna see it
I'll pm!
I love this tread!
yeah me too. I am gonna post a few more.
Time for some selfies in crowded buses with random old people in the background!